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Hi everyone, uncle Spider here ;)

How have you been? Here was a shitty week. Monday starts with forecast possible rain in Thursday-Friday, then the next day the forecast is for a Hurricane aka Medi-Cane cuz it's in the Mediterranean. If you search for "Ianos" (as they named it) + Greece you will some places really got fucked up. Fortunately we have no damages here although it made not one but two passes from this area, so we were extremely lucky. 

Due to all that there wasn't any time to draw really, but I slapped a Helga from Atlantis movie real quick. Nothing special, just to say I did something. I at least am not satisfied, but anyway. Patron will be able to see that filth in the following post.

So basically that's it. Waiting more of your ideas in the following post or patrons. Thank you all for your support. I intend to un-pause billing from October on and continue with your requests as usual. Be well, stay cool and see you guys soon ;)



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