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Hi everyone. I hope you are all well and doing great :)

This is a short post to tell you that I will extend my break in September too, so my Patreon will remain paused and there will be no charges. You do not need to do anything on your side.

My August break proved much beneficial as these last few days I feel a lot better as a big % of my pain has "magically" disappeared. I am not 100% recovered yet and may take a long time to reach that, but I feel almost comfortable enough to get started again with work.

So, as much as my situation allow me, I will try and work on an older project of mine and who knowz? There may even be a surprise for you in October. We'll see I guess, no promises but I'll sure try.

Thank you for your support, kind thoughts and messages. Be well, be cool and I'll see you again soon :)



You lazy bum😜


I am lost of words from that heart-melting supportive encouraging message xD


Aaw man. I was anticipating with excitement, on what you where going to draw. But health is more important👍


Thanks Poemzy. If what I want to do in September works out, it will be even more exciting for you guys. But also requests/sketches/pinups will come back. I love doing them, so don't worry ;)


We should send more sexy ladies in your location to cool you off and relax (^-^) We need our PervSpider back, healthy and ready to spam with 2D tiddies :3