Megara for Patrons & vote on Requests_Week3 (Patreon)
Hello everyone. You voted for her and here she is. Megara won from the sketches of previous week and done into a nice shiny beautiful noodie pinup :)
I wish I had time to make a better background but with the pain (read all about it in the public post) it was not possible. But I am happy with the result, and I hope you like it too.
NEXT: You have to vote for the next pinup choosing from a list of sketches done during this week (from your proposals) Your proposals during a month remain "active" (for that month) so I sometimes will pick characters proposed in previous weeks. I will explain all those rules properly and curve them in stone sometime in the following weeks when the pain goes away. Yes I would have done 2 more at least but hey.. pain..
Someone said "Iris fucking Jasmine" and I am such a sucker that I fell for it ^^
It took a lot more time than a single character sketch but hey, it's fun. As you see the "sketches" are of varying quality and I explain why in the public post.
But this is how I want them. Oh yeah Azula offered to help me for this one.
I call this , "Rough-sketch", al;though it is by no means rough. BUT, it is nice, easily "readable" and .. fucking nice ^^ . You have seen some of my rough-roughs and these even are of varying quality and very ... meh. I mean, this quality though? I could just post it and ppl would be happy. Why? Cause most of the work is already done in the rough-rough stage. Why not spend a little time and do them even more beautiful.
Then, AFTER voting, the winner gets done like super wow Megara style or similar. BUT also the rest of the Rough-sketches can be colored easily like .. this ;)
Not bad at all, is it? So yeah, I have been playing with the idea in my head and my pea-brain said it is a good one ^^
NEXT my beloved Patrons, it falls to you to also propose new characters if you like. I Keep the characters you have already proposed in the "selection pool" till the month ends, but you can propose new ones. So like the last time, below in the comments do what you know by now. Select one of the 4 from the sketched list above and propose new.
That's it from me, Still standing up. Zips below as usual. Many non-homo e-hugs from me and as always Thank You :)
Be well and see you guys soon ;)
Dumping some of the sketches below and excuse any typos as it is not easy typing like that..