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Hi everyone, how have you been? Me you ask? Totally, (or mostly totally) fine ^^. 

After finishing April O' Neal, I had like 2 and a half days for the next image and this was for Aurelia (game) Art Contest, from Mirthal Games. The game is really nice with many girls and ahem "scenes" and "action" and I like it a lot. It has diversity in the females, some demons, monsters, plant ladies and such weird creatures included. Initially I wanted to do 2 humanoid and 2 monster girls but I realised that the maximum I could go for with the time available was 3. So I went for 3 humanoid girls, one might you noticed is Elf-like. But after reading in their discord server for a while, I realised that maybe the community around the game is more monster-girl oriented. Well.. anyway, the competition is running and there have been some really good entries. Lets see where mine lands.

Oooh, you can see the full image in my Twitter, which may or not be something like  @BadSpidersDen   ^^

Also in the following post for Patrons I will share the image in 720 up to 8K, as usual ;)

More news: With most of the problems (that forced me to put my Patreon on Pause for April) out of the way now, I believe I will resume it in May. Virus-wise, cases in my country is on a steady decline lately, and I hope Easter (which was this past weekend for us) don't get new cases on the rise again.

I also consider changing the way we do the Patrons' Requests. I will try to explain the details in.. detail in my post next week and you tell me your opinion.

Aaaand with that I will leave you for now. I hope you are all well during this crisis and this shit ends soon. Thank you all for your love and support. Be healthy and see you next week :)



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