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Hey everyone, it's me, silly ol' Spider. How you've been? Good I hope :)

Silly ol' Spider, aka Bad Spider, aka Me, is fine. I don't have much to report but I thought I'd try one of these proof of life posts for once ^^

As I said, my Patreon is on PAUSE this month, meaning Patrons did not get charged. Non-Patrons did not get charged also.. isn't that wonderful news? ^^

I was right about my decision, I have very few hours to work, at least till now. So, as I may have more time I may do some more of those quick warmup sketches. And who to ask for ideas but you ;)

So, below in the comments, you can leave me your ideas and maybe I pick some to draw. Being a Patron or not, doesn't matter. You can all propose a few characters (females obviously). Here is a very quick one I did this week and you probably saw already in full in my discord ;)

The only downside is Public post will contain only what I can show as per Patreon Rules, and Patron post will contain the pictures in full as usual ;)

On side note I did need a break, and I wish it was  real break, why? Because, thanks to our awful weather till now, almost daily I have to do the forest visits for wood (as I described in previous posts), meaning 3 hours work, currying around 10kg of weight across an average 500m each time and I do about 3 of these. So, when the time comes to draw, I am dead xD

There you go. That's what is killing my productivity lately. After this I will be ready for the Olympics. What? They got canceled? How dare they? o0

Silliness aside, I want to thank you all again for all your love and support so far. Be safe, be smart. To be one of my followers and reading this post means you are ;)

So guys, No patron post this week. But maybe we get to see some sexy ladies next week. Send me your ideas ;)

Bad Spider out :)




You too stay safe and smart, buddy, because you should do this to keep playing BadLumberjack ;) As for sharing ideas, I'd suggest probably not very popular gal - Sayoko from 'Slut Girl' manga. Pretty easy to google and find references. I'd just be glad to see her in BadSpider's style ;)


Thanks man, you too stay safe :) I've seen that Slut Girl cover before. I always thought is was a western comic. Time to read it I guess ^^


Well, so many suggestions. How about a Bad Spider rendition of any girl from Bubble Gum Crisis?


I think I scared everyone away ^^ Bubble Gum Crisis huh? I remember that name somewhere o0