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Hi everyone, welcome to another late Monday post, patented by none other than your favorite Bad Spider. The one you love and trust, me ^^

This Monday it was free subject for me to choose as February's requests are over and tomorrow I will make the post for March. So, it was a while since I drew my favorite princess, yes.. none other than Jasmine. I have done a few regular ones but none Red. At the end of the movie she is pretty hot with that red dress I got to admit. So I had little fun with that after a rather strange week.

Mid-week I picked up the pen to draw one morning and the lines would just not happen. Like in a bad dream where suddenly you are in your underwear in an inappropriate place. And then you wake up, but.. I was already awake. There is nothing worse other than a bad dream when it is not a dream.. So for hours I was struggling, lines crap, deleting again and again, Spider thought he had lost his super powers forever. Thankfully this passed the next days but it was a scare..

Red Jasmine, she made me re-think if what they say about artists not fapping to their own art is true at all times, cause damn she came out hot, but I better let YOU judge that. I made 2 versions as originally I wanted a look close to the traditional in the movies with a little extra. But also made another a little more polished. The clothing items may not be many but I did them separate so, this is a prime candidate to add to Akanoes Gallery tool, and I will do this for next week, for everyone to "play with". 

But for now, the spicy versions of this pinup, will be enjoyed first by my beloved Patrons only :)

Not much else to say other than to Thank You all for your love and support :)

Thank you guys, you make a Bad Spider happy. Attached below are all the safe versions I can share here with you. Until next week, be cool, have fun and see you soon ;)

(patron post to follow)




Freakin hot! Another challenge for my dick (>_>) *disk