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Hey guys. I hope you are all in tip-top health but you can play "injured" and get treated by our hot hot hot "Hello Nurse".

At first I had some trouble as there was limited reference material online and bad quality videos, but its was fun and I think I managed to capture the.. "essence" of the .. "theme" ^^

There is not much more to say. This week is more game work for me and next Monday it is time for Laura Croft.

So, a Big Thank You for your love and support. Have a great week and see you again soon. 

Do not forget that you can always catch me on Discord for more stupidity, rants and nagging, from the one and only, your favorite  Bad Spider ^^





Indubitably this is the nurse that needs to make my shots should I need them. In that particular outfit 😎😁


I think I may need treatment.. This had a mini-mini-skirt and a top too and completely forgot to make them xD