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  • Decembers_Wheel.mp4



Hey guys, how have you been? Oh you ask me? Great. A little beat up, you know, working my ass off outside cause things have to be done, when not raining. When raining stay in my cave and draw all day. Just your average friendly neighbor troglodyte, Bad Spider.

So lets see... ah yes. The December's Patron Requests results. You can see the wheel draw (I did on Saturday) in the attached video below. Winners were:

-Laura X-23 from X-Men

-Tiana from the princess frog (I contacted Dave about it and cleared up his favorite)

-Lilo and Stitch Blonde Lifeguard

Very nice guys, very nice. So this week it was Laura's X-23 turn. At first I wanted something dynamic, some crazy angle, some action, some.....  In the end none of this happened and went for something plain and dirty xD

So dirty, that there is no mild-chilly version and only the bravest and strongest of my followers (aka Patrons) will enjoy for now (in the following post).

Well, that's it for this week. I will spare you from all my idiotic blabbering. Next week Tiana, hooray ^^ . As for the last pinup of the month, since Dahr says they will try to release another demo for Iris Quest before new year, then I think I will prepare something similar themed. We'll see ;)

A big Thank You to all for your love and support. It does lift me up when I am "down" so good job guys :)   . Have a great week and see you again soon ;)




If Oni makes no new content with Laura, someone else should do that instead, right? (^^)


oh Oni's game has Laura? I didn't know. I haven't played the game for some time. and heh, Thanks Danlorn :)