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Hey, yes you ^^
Wasup guys? Missed me? No. Why would you? Am I not here every week with a pinup? Am I not your friendly neighbor Spider? The bad one. The one that likes to draw dem titties and stuff ^^

But enough smart talk. This week was great. Let me start by introducing you to another promising "educational" game maker. My friend Danlorn https://www.patreon.com/danlorn/overview

His game Cosplay Therapy is based on a 90's Spiderman Animated series (true to the visual style) and it is promising to be a lot of fun. So, visit the link, grab the game, play and show that guy some love :)

Also last Monday (yes yes it is Monday ^^) of the month, as usual another of your requests done. This time it was (my OC's) Princess Neferis turn to shine.. literally. If you have not seen her before, check my index page for her past pinups .
Initially I did her in simple shaded style as below, and later I threw a crazy-ass background in. You can check both in the attached images. Also cropped one version, as with the feet gets too long.

Below in the zip file you will find all the sfw versions of her. I have some future plans for her, but I have other fish to fry before that.

In other news, I will use some of the money you keep throwing at me to get a new monitor. My 10yo one is still alive and well, but the colors have degraded much. So, thank you guys and gals, you can be proud that all your support helped the Spider to level up his equipment, yey ^^ . Still a bit far from buying that spaceship but hey, one step at a time ;)

And because I feel generous today, I will spear your eyes from further wear and leave you in peace, after I Thank You all for you ongoing support and unconditional love. Thank You guys :)

So, be well, buckle up, big week ahead, Black Friday, Thanks Giving and all. I hope you all survive it and see every single one of you again next week in good health. BadSpider, over and out ;)




She sure does have eyes like Iris😁


Thanks for the reposting, Spidey! (^_^) Neferis is going to my 'Cool artworks' folder :P