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Hi guys and gals :)

As you see I tried to go all smartie with this image and replicate the shower effects from a pinup from Owler (Korra and Asami in the shower), which I partially did. Yes, I never intended for lovely Shar to be all naked in the shower, or course not. I am not a pervert as you might think. I just want to pat her on the head all day long.. really. She is such a pet ^^

Now I know I made Shar a little heavy on the front, but .. call it "cartoon exaggeration", yeah, call it that..  I am sure you will forgive me one day..

Reminder that  November's Requests for Patrons are running since yesterday and open till late night Friday 8th November. We already have some nice entries. 

So, not much more to say, just enjoy the zips ;)

Thank you all for your love and support. It does mean a lot to me. Hitting that first target of mine of 100 patrons seems a distant dream still. But I'll keep improving, till humanity has no other other means of stopping me than support me so much that I can finally buy that rocket and go for a bbq at the sun, and then.. ok ok, enough stupidity. 

See you guys soon :)

oh.. the sketches.. enjoy xD

Aint she lovely? o0

well done rookie =P

bye ^^




This is way better 😅