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Hi everyone, and welcome to a typical BadSpider Monday, which some people (for whatever odd reason) also call Tuesday...  ^^

Sometimes things gave to be done and for whatever reason, seems I have to be the one that does them. So, last few days (and especially yesterday) I had some outside work to do, for like.. 10-12 hours straight, which left little to no time to let me do my favorite thing, which is... come you know it, draw titties xD . So anyway, this is out of the way now and I am back at normal winter mode from now on.

The Pinup: The 3rd and final slot for October's Patron's Requests, was for Sailor Uran(us) and I had promised to also draw the other Sailor girls proposed which was Sailor Venus. More girls, more people happy. Unfortunately the limited time did not allow for a clothed version, which I would very much like to have as  I love pleated skirts and sailor moon outfits. I also went for an older Manga classic style pinup-y drawing, with some extra lighting bits. I like the result and it was fun. I hope you like it too. 

The full version is available to Patrons along with a few spicy sketches I made this week. 

Sam Manson, DVa, Iris and Daphne

Sam was in the Requests raffle but didn't win, and the rest were just ideas in my Discord channel  . I actually opened a room where people post ideas and sometimes I draw them as a quick morning warmup. So, you can come and propose yours if you like.

Full spicy version of these sketches will be in my patron posts, as these ladies refuse to put any clothing items on them.. hehe

Anyway, today I may just melt away playing BenX Slave Trainer game (for research purposes) as next week, I'll be doing "Shar" as I promised a while ago and kept forgetting...

Who is Shar? Play the game and find out, you wont be disappointed ;)

So guys, Thank you all for your ongoing love and support. I will see you next week, with more ladies, sketches, November's Requests and more naughty lines.

oh, before I forget. I made a listing of all my 2019 posts so far and I will continue with the 2017-18, so you can easily search and find my past drawings.. and have a good laugh with my very old ones too, haha xD

See you soon, BadSpider out ;)




Iris and Daphne look familiar 😁 I feel connected