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Hello there. Welcome to another of my Monday posts which happens to be on a day most people call Tuesday. I am BadSpider. I am well. These things happen. Now repeat after me, "This is Monday", good morning, welcome to another spider-week pinup ^^

Did I confuse you? Nah.. You know me by now. Time is relative and all..

So, what "really happened"?

Around Friday I started exploring ideas about this Lightning from Final Fantasy pinup which won one of the 2 "Requests" spots for May. I wanted a dynamic anime style pose that I could do both clothed and not versions, since she has such an interesting uniform. 

So that was the early pose I started building on. Dynamic, in-your-face, sword in your face, other things in your face, dynamic (did I say that already?). Yeah.

After working on it, on and off for 2 days, adding detail and refining, I realized that it would not be good in the end. I was really this close to giving up, ready to admit first defeat in the "Requests" field of battle. Late Sunday afternoon, I was putting away my drawing tablet, when it hit me

What do I like? Akabur-esque style game characters. Where did most of you find me? Either my fanart for Akabur or Dahr. Sooo... with one last try that took me 30 minutes, I had her there, naked, looking at me, saying.. "You are a bloody fool" xD

And I agree. I lost so much time while the answer was in front of me the whole time. A fool indeed... If I had her done only nude, things would have finished in the next hour. Monday post would be there. BUT, I did like her outfit and I spend quite some time on it because I though it was worth the trouble and you guys would appreciate it.

It reminded me of some test outfits I did for Akabur's SC34 Lola about a year back. Quick doodles that never got a response back from Lola's creator.. snif :(

Of course to make a proper outfit is more than a day's work, I mean.. properly done, so Lightning's costume could be better, but due to lack of time I declared it good enough and went on to have fun with Inks and Colors ^^ yey

Attached in his post is all the safe versions up to ridiculous 8K resolution for you to zoom in and go sniff any dirty place from Lightning's outfit. On the other hand, in the following post, my Patrons can do the same in the noodie version, where the clothes have gone *poof*

Next week, lucky pick from May's requests no2  <Eris from Adventures of Billy and Mandy>. I think this will give me no troubles as it is cartoon enough already.

So, time for me to shut up and thank you all for your love and support. I do appreciate it in any way, shape and form :)

Have a great week everyone, see you again soon ;)




Man, That pose is awesome *_* ... Too bad it didn't make it :(