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Hello there and welcome to another late-ish Monday post :)

Who is the hottie you ask? She is "Neferis", warrior-princess for another game down the line. Her looks is a mix of Iris/Chel/Menat kind of, and I absolutely love how she turned out. Even more so, in her spicier versions in the Patrons following post.

 This is closer to the cartoon look I want from my female characters in upcoming games. 

Here is one more safe version.

There is nothing groundbreaking to report for the past week. Streamed a bit the coloring of this on https://picarto.tv/BadSpidersDen in the weekend. Work for the mini-game goes well, maybe slow but steady. I have found things to streamline better for the future, so yeah, it is a valuable experience. I also spend about an hour/day learning Python. When I finally manage to learn to do everything I want a game to do, then it will all be down to drawing, which I enjoy a lot and pretty much have almost nailed down so far. And I do not mean for the mini-game (Princess-Troubles), but for the big ones. But anyway/.

Let me know if you like Neferis. I feel that my pinups keep getting better and better, but who knows . .  I may be delusional. 

I attach all the safe versions as a zip file in this post, 720p/1080p/4K.

Next up the hot version for Patrons. Do not forget that occasionally older spicy versions surface in any of the places indicated here https://BadSpidersDen.com . The problem I have is, my old stuff look so bad compared to the new ones that I end up not uploading them . . .

So, Thank You everyone for your support. Remember, support is not only the monetary part. It can be a repost/like/retweet/pat on the back/ and so on.

Have a super great week everyone and see you soon ;)




Nope, not delusional, you are definitely getting better. Practice does improve art, no two ways about it.


Thank you Venron :) I got really paranoid last few weeks when the next day after a new post I would lose a Patron. For a moment I though I should get back to drawing crap again XD