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Hello guys and a very special Thank You, to YOU, my beloved Patrons. YOU who love my silly drawings and encourage my drawing addiction. That may not came out sounding good but believe me I mean it in a god way :)

Attached in this post are the various image resolutions zipped. I made a few variations for all tastes. I do hope you like them. 

So yeah, as I said in the public post, I have the sketch for Battle1 result done. I posted a small preview yesterday in my Twitter https://twitter.com/BadSpidersDen 

You didn't miss anything, that's just to feed my ego and get some eyeballs on my work.

Last week I forgot to tell you that part of the game work I was doing, was a "poster" for it. Something to spark interest and be silly as ever (as all my images). The composition was ready and I had started adding detail in the sketch when I remembered I hadn't quite done "Mai"  yet. So that's why I dropped everything else and started re-working her. You saw the result last week.

Anyway, as the story is close to being finished (about 70% done I'd say), I will start to take time off from pinups to invest that in the game development. When I mean time off, I mean that sometimes we may have a battle every 2 weeks. With the pinups of the face-off and the final battle done, It is quite some work and would eat my time away from the game almost exclusively. But I will always have something sexy to share, that's for sure.

Also I got an idea, to have the next run of Battles, done as a game. We would propose participants, vote who end up in the game, and you choose one and play your way through to the top, or not ^^ . I have started thinking of how to do it, have battles decided by dice play and some extra elements that you could acquire from beaten opponents and use in your next battles. But anyway, that's one for the future. I don't get ever bored with these silly things and with your help and support I am pretty sure they will be done. 

So, Thank You guys. Be well, have a great week and see you all soon ;)



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