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Hi everyone. 

Well.. since there isn't much to share, I thought I might as well make an "empty" update just to keep you in the "loop".

I ate up most of last week with Renpy again (Renpy is the game's programming language, or environment if you like). Also during breaks and dead-brain hours I made a couple of pinups but without patience they didn't turn out any good. One I simply deleted and the other I upped in my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/badspidergamesstudio/ but is not really worth posting here. So, anyway. Back with the teacher pinup. I finished the inking and with only colors to go should be ready in a few days while I keep up with my Renpy (game) work. 

I am still creating the animatic for the intro (as I described last week) while reading through Renpy's documentation and through other games code. For example, Akabur's "Mating season" was out last week (which is awesome btw, go grab it) and had a great time reading through the code, discovering things one would  not notice with a simple play though and also getting some new ideas I could use along the way.

Sometime in the coming weeks I will ask you guys about YOUR ideas for things that could happen in the various game location/buildings (for Episode1). I will not tell you what I have thought myself for each place, so I don't influence you. So, maybe you come up with something good that I could use and add to the existing ideas. And we might get to see some of that in the game. Wouldn't that be great?

OK now. Time for me to get back to work. I'll see you guys in a few days with the corresponding pinup for Patron and non-Patrons (as per the recent patreon rule changes). 

Thank you for your support and see you all soon.  ;)



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