I am alive (Patreon)
Gearing up towards (Orthodox) Easter here, there is lots that needs to be done outside. Once done though I will have a lot more time for drawing.
The problem with knowing how to do lots of things is first of all that you do them yourself, because you don't trust anyone else will do a better job than you, and next is other people offload their tasks on you somehow.. But enough with my problems.
Lets start with an update.
i) The game with Ariel is on hold. Although 100% of the story and some 20% of the art is done, I realized that the art level was not good enough at that point, and instead of pushing through and release something that would not satisfy me, I decided to put it on hold for now.
ii) So, priority again falls on developing my art skills. You may have noticed the change in rendering style on the last 2 posts. In this top one I had the chance to apply some shading techniques I recently acquired. It may be a bit too much to shade in-game characters in that level but could sure be done for CG scenes (as people tend to call them in VNs).
iii) From now on and for the coming months I plan to work more on my fundamentals. That is all that you draw before any of the shading or color is put in. Actually now that I am confident of my shading & coloring method (call it "rendering") it is really a no-brainer.
So OK, what would you expect to see from me in the next months?
A saucy pinup every week.
I am also working on a new game. A small sexy adventure that will kick off the story for more future games.
See you soon.