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I wanted to tell you a big announcement, I am at the hospital and the doctors found that I have Cancer, they think is unlikely that I die but I will enter surgery in a couple hours and then enther chimio, so I wont be able to work for 10 days probably, insurance wil pay everything so dont worry



get well soon man, my prayers go out to you


You'll get through it just stay strong. I'll send my prayers for you

John (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 01:14:07 Stay strong bro you got this
2024-02-19 01:14:07 Stay strong bro you got this
2024-02-19 01:07:40 Stay strong bro you got this

Stay strong bro you got this


I’m praying for you

Alex Hall

My thoughts are with U... i was diagnosed with bladder cancer 4 years ago... just had my annual scan and there's no sign of it in my body - I battled my way thru it abd it was hard... Stay strong mate, believe in yourself... you'll find that your stronger than U think you are - stay positive and you'll get thru it :)


Hey, don't give up! You can do it. There are a lot of people because you bring great joy with your art. Thanks for being there :) stay strong!!! :)