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My fellow bassists, I hope you're having a great weekend!

In this month's poll two of the most popular choices were "music theory" and "writing bass lines / arranging songs for bass".

These two categories are strongly linked, so I decided this lesson would teach you some music theory that will be a huge help in writing bass lines quickly.

In order to write and eventually improvise great bass lines, you need to go far beyond just knowing the concepts of music theory. You need to practise them on your bass as much as you can, so that when the time comes to play, your fingers already know where to go and what to do.

If you practise the exercises in this video and the companion videos for at least 15 minutes per day, within a couple of weeks you'll find it much easier to write bass lines that work with any chord progression.

As always, let me know if you have any questions about the video / exercises and I'll make sure to answer ASAP.

Thanks so much for coming here and practising with me, have a great day and I'll see you in the next lesson!




#84: It would be very helpful if the sheet music had the chord names above them. I have a hard time knowing which 7 to play because I honestly don’t know what I am supposed to be playing 😬

Michael Rothwell

Charles, would it be possible as an adjunct to this lesson to do a lesson where we learn the different positions of the major triad +\or maj7 arpeggios so that we are working from any string root position. Thanks for all of your great lessons!