#77 - Intermediate Slap Bass Lesson 1 - Double-Stops (Patreon)
My fellow bass players, hope you're having a great day!
This is the first lesson in the intermediate slap course! Today we're focusing on double-stops which are just two-note chords.
Double-stops are a great way to make your bass lines more melodic, and generally just make things more interesting.
The exercises in this video will teach you the most important types of double-stops, and get them under your fingers to the point where they feel natural and easy.
And finally, you'll learn a killer slap bass line that shows you how to use double-stops in a musical way.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or feedback at all and I'll make sure to respond ASAP!
Thanks so much for coming here and practising with me, have a great day and I'll see you in the next lesson!
Video Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pg4985mw5w2zx9lactuce/Intermediate-Slap-Lesson-1-Double-Stops.m4v?rlkey=n3lm5pddpmt3mb906x4uzigdk&dl=0