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My fellow bass players, hope you're having an incredible weekend!

Music theory is a gigantic topic and you've probably seen hundreds of videos on YouTube, all of which are probably helpful to varying degrees - but you might have no idea where to start.

I'm sure a lot of you just want to know the stuff that will actually help you play bass, which is why I’ve condensed music theory down to 5 key concepts that will allow you to play 95% of bass lines, and even perform in professional live and studio situations.

If you watch the whole video and practise the exercises below for a week or two, you'll have a great foundation in music theory that will make you feel a lot more confident as a bassist and musician.

Thanks as always for coming here and practising with me, have a great day and I'll see you in the next lesson!


Video Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mk2kw57p04c28cx1i6vvn/Essential-Music-Theory-For-Bassists.m4v?rlkey=gvglvmqfp2lrx0qq25nepyy40&dl=0




Great video! Do you have any recommendations regarding the ear training app?


I have used EarMaster, great for building many areas of rhythm, pitch and harmony.


hey charles, I noticed that on the major scales tab you did the F major scale wrong ( F - G - A - A# - C ...) A# should be a Bb right? there are similar mistakes in Fmaj F#maj and C#maj.

Brian Diaz

when it's ascending it's A#, if it was descending it would be Bb.