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My fellow bass players!

Since the winner of this month's poll was "slap lessons" I decided now is the perfect time to finish the beginner slap series!

Think of this as your final test before moving on to the intermediate slap course (coming soon). It's a workout that I designed to help you practise every technique we've covered throughout the series in a fun and musical way.

Because developing great technique isn't about just figuring how to do it once. You have to keep practising over and over again with that great technique in order to solidify it and crystallize it into your muscle memory, so it becomes your default way of playing.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or feedback, thanks for coming here and practising with me and I'll see you in the intermediate slap course!


Video Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0mkc7ev6rn6hj4xwicdh7/Beginner-Slap-Lesson-5-Final-Beginner-Slap-Workout.m4v?rlkey=4yxps5nmiysb0jnadulib5q1g&dl=0



Very beautiful bass line!

Šarūnas Jadzgevičius

Can we get the tabs for the metal song with a whammy bar? Ive been trying to write them myself but its my first time doing so and its just so damn complex at times

Charles Berthoud

I assumed that whammy bar on bass is so rare that very few people would be interested in the tabs! Do you have one? Or are you trying to learn it without whammy bar?