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Hello my fellow bass players!

Have you ever thought, "I'm playing all the right notes, but my bass lines still don't sound like my heroes"?

There are certain simple little tricks that professional bassists do, often without even realizing. These tricks have usually been learned through many years of experience, trial-and-error, and maybe getting fired from the odd gig here and there 🤣

My goal is to save you time and so I've condensed these tricks into simple explanations and examples in this video, and also provided you with all the tabs, backing tracks and a worksheet to make this lesson as practical and useful as possible.

Thanks so much for coming here and practising with me, let me know if you have any questions and I'll see you in the next lesson!


Video Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ny8i72s4bdl7nt18lz0s2/5-tricks-to-make-your-basslines-sound-PRO-patreon-colour-correct.m4v?rlkey=p8khof6tef3919uzz1hzaik2q&dl=0


Rlouis R

Hi Charles, these are some really good tips, thanks !! But i was wondering, i play on a good bass with a great amp but i dont like the sound of the slap on it.. what are you using to make you're slap sound this good ? Thanks :)


Nice tips, have to say that I try to apply all of them already, except for the last one that I never paid attention to.