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Hello my fellow bassists!

I've noticed a lot of comments asking for advice on how I write solos and bass lines. While every piece I write is of course, unique, there are some licks and phrases that come up a lot in my playing.

These three are some of my absolute favourites, and they're not as difficult as they sound! I invite you to play along with me and learn some of the phrases that I use the most!

Thanks for coming here and practising with me - it means a lot!!

Have a great weekend and I'll see you in the next lesson,


Video Download: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/iop8yqneb8zefdfy8rr5r/Three-Killer-Licks-That-I-Use-Everywhere.m4v?rlkey=takzt826hq27q74ekir83m01s&dl=0