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My fellow bassists,

To continue the theme of "using music theory to write bass lines", here's an exercise that will give you so much freedom and mastery if you practise it on a regular basis.

When you read a chord chart, the most important notes you need to know are the root, 5th and 3rd (in that order). Even complex chords with 7ths, b13s, augmented/diminished... As long as you know the root 3rd and 5th you'll be able to get by and no one will complain.

So with that being said, here's an exercise that isn't particularly exciting, but I believe it's one of the most efficient ways to gain an intuitive feel for which notes work when you read a chord chart. My main priority is for you to improve as much as possible, so just practise this every day for a few weeks and you'll gain an amazing knowledge of the fretboard and the necessary theory to write bass lines!

Let me know if you have any questions or comments and I'll make sure to respond ASAP. Thanks for coming here and learning with me, have an amazing day and I'll see you in the next lesson!



Dana Johnson

The demo is great for showing the pattern of the string changes. Knowing what it sounds like will make it easy to keep straight.