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Yes, you have guessed right. The Yotsuba family is part of the "Numbers". Magician Families which are recognized to have significant Magic Power and Skills are given a number to their name. for example: (Yotsu)ba - 4 Saegusa written as (Nana)kusa - 7 (Juu)monji - 10 (Chi)ba - 1.000 When a Family has the number 1-10 in their name, they are either part of the "Ten Master Clans" or part of the 18 "Assistant Houses". The Ten Master Clans are called such because they are recognized as the top ten most influential Magic Families in Japan. Influence, money and most importantly Magic Power(=Military Might) are the criteria to be appointed as a Master Clan. If a Master Clan loses their qualification to be one, then a replacement is appointed from the 18 Assistant Houses. You can think of them as major Noble Houses, they gain certain rights and responsibilities (such as protecting Japan in case of an invasion or protecting civilians). Then there are the "Hundred Families" which have a number above 10 in their name. They do not have the right to become a Master Clan and are like minor noble houses. As for why they can't become Master Clans and why the 28 Families explained above are special, i will not tell. That may be explained in later seasons. There are also "Extras" which are families or magicians that got kicked out of this number system because of the commiting of crimes or incompetence. Most of the Magician Families have unique magics or excel/specialize in certain magic. That is because Magic and magical talent is genetically predisposed. So a family of non magicians can't just suddenly get a child with magical talent. As you can guess that is in part why these "Clans" formed. Unique Magics and magical talent are to be hoarded and protected. It is not uncommon that strong magician children get kidnapped to experiment on them (among other things) to gain secret info about their unique magic or talent. Incest is not common, but was tried sometimes in pursuit creating a stronger magicians. With the advancement on genetic research and genetic enhancement it theoretically has chance of working, though unreliable. Most of the time it did end up badly as you would expect. So it is like in real life that anything closer than 1st cousin is illegal. Could also be 2nd cousin idk, something like that. Sorry for the info dump :)