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This is getting WILD!



I will definitely help explain more when I get the chance!! Bro I nearly cried when we lost V 😭


Okay so, gonna do a SPOILER space, just in case any viewers are watching the show for the first time with you.. (EXTREME SPOILER WARNING!!) . . . . . . . Now, gonna try to explain this to make it easier to understand and no worries, I get it can be a bit confusing at times xD. If you recall in Episode 5, the Worker drone with the broken screen under the pile of deactivated/dead drones? This was Cyn waking up as a Zombie drone after she was tossed out from being improperly disposed of. As the VHS tape had stated, there was a 0.01% chance (iirc), of a Worker Drone waking up after undergoing faulty deactivation and it's heavily implied that Cyn is the very first Worker to boot back up again as a Zombie drone. When pausing the video on the text that appeared on her broken screen briefly, the legible part read out like "I will not discard you.. [Absolute[Solver] Access Y/N?", indicating that this is when the Solver manifests into the world. I should also note here that while the Solver does act like a virus, it's actually a cosmic, eldritch entity that found a way into the universe of the series and manifested as an AI that Cyn gave access to and it took over her OS and has been using her as a primary host since. From here, Cyn is now just the Solver, though its not entirely known if Cyn's original personality still exists or not. Tessa, the young human girl shown in the flashback in the same episode (all the humans are black silhouettes due to Drones unable to properly see them) often ventured out to the dump where the deactivated drones are and would find improperly disposed ones that had possibly rebooted or were still operable and bring them home and fix them up, even dressing them up and putting wigs on them. It was implied she did this because she wanted friends and so they could work in the manor, though her parents clearly didn't like this, namely her mother. It was also pretty much made clear that they were abusive to her as well. Cyn happened to be the last drone she found and took home to adapt to the manor, unaware that she was a host for the dangerous Solver. There is a reason why Cyn's hair wig and bow are incredibly similar to Tessa's (If you look closely at her silhouette, you can see she has almost the same hairstyle and bow) but I'll get to that later. Anyway, As shown in Episode 5, Cyn/Solver finally decided to act and moved to slaughter the humans at the Gala. She had initially planned to spare Tessa because she cared for the drones..(more on that later). Cyn took control of all the drones in the manor and turned them into "Solver" Drones, manifesting organic wings, claws and tails (just as Uzi did in Episode 4). In order to use the drones she took over to overrun the Earth, Cyn repurposed them into Disassembly Drones (or "Murder" Drones) (note the Episode 5 scene in the basement of the drone bodies, parts and a prior clone of N, whose head was on the table next to the chair), though she purposely left them with an overheating weakness that would make them feed on the oil of other Drones in order to cool down their cores from using their upgraded abilities (hence why they can't be in sunlight as it causes them to overheat and potentially kill them, the prior Solver variants the same in regards to this). The Humans caught onto this and the colonies on other planets (like Copper 9, where the story is taking place), decided to try and experiment with the Solver to understand it, as Tessa said in Episode 6, infecting Worker drones to see if they could get it to properly manifest. While it isn't known how many Drones did manifest it, the ones we are shown that were left, are: Nori, (Uzi's mother), Yeva (Doll's mother), and Alice, the feral Worker that we saw in Episode 6 with Beau the baby. Cyn would later target and control and Nori as a new host on Copper 9 to create the Singularity it needs to destroy the planet. As you likely saw Episode 7 by now, it fully explains what actually happened with Nori and Yeva, revealing that the Solver had almost succeeded, but was unable to properly finish it's goal once Yeva stabbed her in the face with the Crucifix Patch (the patch cuts off the Solver's control, tho it allows the infected Drone to maintain its powers and abilities). The Solver managed to manifest a small Null void just as it lost control of Nori and it ended up causing the Copper 9 planet to half-implode, which led to the extinction of almost all organic life and humans on the planet, as mentioned in the 1st Episode. From here, Nori has a "kid" with Khan (they splice together parts of their OS programming to create the new OS for a baby), tho her and Yeva are both unaware that they passed their Solver infected coding to their daughters, which leads to why Uzi and Doll manifested the powers later. They were originally dormant, but both were awakened when forced into a dire or dangerous situation (Uzi's trigger was both being attacked by N and the shock of her father's initial abandonment while Doll's trigger was V attacking and brutally killing her parents as she hid inside the closet (brief flashback in Episode 3)) and their OS permissions activated the Solver string in their coding. Nori's mother is later fatally injected with Nanites from a Murder Drone tail (heavily implied to be N in Episode 7) and Khan is forced to put her out of her misery with his wrench. However, she later survived when her Heart (the Solver infected core) emerged from her body and remained deep in the Cabin Fever Labs were she later meets N in Episode 7. Uzi's bizarre transformation, as mentioned earlier, was in fact, her becoming a Solver Drone due to increasing use of her powers and the infection spreading inside her. The transformation caused her to temporarily go berserk, much like a Murder (Disassembly) Drone does when in Kill Mode (the large X over the eyes), but she managed to regain herself once N calmed her down in Episode 4. (At this point, it's very likely that, the reason Doll did not undergo this transformation was possibly because the Solver did not necessarily target her to be used as a host, tho this is partial speculation.) One thing I should note here: when Uzi did a neural network hack into both N and V's memories, the text on their screens when she pulled out reads: "Assigning Perms ://. User ID: DARKXWOLF17. Role: ADMIN.". This effectively means, Uzi is now N and V's Neural Network Administrator, replacing Cyn (the Solver). This may likely mean the two are no longer part of Cyn's Murder Drone hivemind or control. Moving on, Uzi's continued use of the Solver abilities only allowed Cyn to gain a deeper grip on her, as shown in Episode 6, as Cyn (the Solver) was beginning to briefly take control of her off and on when they were being attacked by the Sentinels and Alice. Tessa's presence seems to hardly do much to deter the Sentinels, tho there is a reason she was giving off strange behavior. (Btw, the reason a clone of J appeared with Tessa is because Cyn has "backups" meaning she made numerous clones of N, V and J, as well as other Murder Drones, hence why she mentioned that a few times). The image on the screen of the PC that Tessa showed to N, was in fact, the exploded Earth, which Tessa and J had barely managed to escape from before the Singularity Cyn created, destroyed the planet. Once they get to the elevator, as you've seen, V sacrifices herself to allow them to get into the Labs and once they do, Episode 7 finally reveals A WHOLE LOT of shit, some of it I touched on earlier. Cyn reveals to N (trying to masquerade as V in her Worker drone maid form) that she allowed him, V and J to retain their personalities when she dispatched them to Copper 9, because N "always surprises" it (and because the Solver liked them in general). The Solver seems to have a rather bizarre interest in N and apparently likes him a lot, though twisted, seeing as it's still willing to discard him and replace him with a "backup". The flashback N sees when Cyn tries to hack his mind while embracing him, is when the Murder Drones overran the Earth, revealing their true purpose: they were meant to kill (and devour) the humans to purposely wipe them out on the planet, with Worker Drones being secondary prey. (This also further proves, the initial belief that N, J and V were sent to Copper 9 under supposed orders from JCJenson was actually a lie: Cyn/Solver erased their memories and created fake memory data of being created by the company to destroy "corrupted AI" Worker drones to hide the Solver's actual plans and reasonings it did so. Sometimes the trio would start to regain their memories on accident, mostly cuz she allowed their personalities to remain intact, but would hack their neural networks using her Admin permissions, to essentially wipe their memories to "reset" them, outside of outright destroying them if need be. This is why Uzi had to hack into N and V's memory files to stop the Solver from trying to reset them again since V retained memories and N started remembering, in Episode 5.) Cyn was unable to hack his mind due to Uzi's Admin control blocking it from doing so, making Cyn (the Solver) realize that he is now useless to it and proceeds to drag him off to kill him. Nori (as the Heart of her former body) finds N and saves him, divulging more information about the Solver making it's way back to Copper 9 in order to finish what it originally started with Nori, revealing that Uzi is the Solver's new host on the planet. (The paper Nori was holding while speaking to N in Episode 7 also makes clear that the Murder Drones were actually sent to Copper 9 in order to kill the remaining Solver-infected Drones (minus Uzi at first). It's speculated that the Solver cannot have too many potential hosts with it's powers because it may potentially decrease it's strength, but this is not entirely known as of yet. Lastly, Nori was plagued with visions of "the coming sky demons" (MurderDrones), "the singularity" and other things due to the vague fragments left behind when the Solver deleted parts of her memory data involving it when it's control was cut off via the Patch.) Doll herself is looking for the Crucifix patch in order to cut off the Solver's access to potentially controlling her, tho its pretty much shown and implied by Tessa, the Solver does not need her as it took Uzi instead, to which Doll later dies trying to warn Uzi to "fight back" against the Solver (Cyn). Tessa is then shown to be attempting to kill Uzi with her sword and when Uzi tries to use the Solver on her, a massive twist reveal is shown on Uzi's HUD screen: --// ERROR: absoluteSolver.trn [like object non-interactive]". Remember when I said to keep this error in mind from Episode 3? (Doll was unable to use her Solver powers on Uzi as Solver infected Drones are immune to each other's powers). Tessa is not really who she claims she is, something N realized when he confronted her over knowing about the Crucifix patch. When she avoided answering him, he beheads her, understanding it wasn't her. Uzi is completely taken over by Cyn (Solver) and intends to "discard" N, but Nori intervenes as you've seen (epic fight scene FTW!!). N pushing Uzi out of the way from being impaled causes her to start fighting back against the Solver's control, but once he reveals that they do in fact have feelings for each other to Nori, her parental smack causes Uzi's rebellious nature to break the Solver's control xD. "Tessa" moving to put her severed head back on her shoulders only proves that she was not who she claimed and removing the spacesuit only leads to N and Uzi bearing horrific witness to her actual identity: the Solver's original host, Cyn, wearing Tessa's dead corpse as a skinsuit (O_O!?!). The Solver (Cyn) was LITERALLY masquerading as Tessa after the Gala massacre, having murdered the poor girl and used her as a literal skinsuit to later leave Earth and head to Copper 9, to gain access to the Cabin Fever Labs since only humans could access the computers and control the Sentinels. She also came back to Copper 9 as a failsafe, in case her control over Uzi failed. (Forgot to mention that Khan rebuilt Uzi's raygun when he realized it was extremely effective against Murder Drones and was planning to find and stop J from destroying the other ships so they couldnt escape the planet, aside from the one "Tessa" (Cyn/Solver) arrived in.) The Solver retreats into the giant hole in the Labs to create another Singularity and when J loses the keys to the last remaining ship, Uzi saves N from being pulled into the hole and gives the keys to him, sacrificing herself in the process, tho she myserteriously winds up outside of the planet itself in space. WHEW!! Okay, I know this was super long, but I hope this helps to explain everything a bit better. If I forgot to mention anything, let me know xD, but I tried LOL!


Jee, ZUS, CHRIST. I wasn't expecting a bible for murder drones!!!! haha. Ima read this for bedtime hahahaha.