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Following the avalanche of experiments I've been doing with this project, I decided to take a step into the dark and make something completely new for myself.
A friend and I wrote an short story for the animation that will be played right before the animation starts, I think it'll add a lot for the mood of the scene and it's also a plus for all the lovely ladies who just love to hear about this stories!
I all know about Linkle's story came from wiki's and cutscenes I watched on youtube, so there might be some stuff that goes off, but I'm not really worried about it as I'm really happy with the final text! The idea for this short story is to tell how Linkle discoveried herself, pretty much as it's the game, but in a fun way, right? hahaha

Of course, it'll be narrated by the sweet voice of VoiceLikeCandy , who is currently finishing the records, but for now I'll only share the text itself, as I rather save her voice for the final version :)


When I quit from a farm girl

"Let me telling something! A few days ago I went to the village sell some eggs, and while I was at the store, I overheard somebody talking about two heroes who were passing by our village.
When I heard about it, I just felt like something was pushing me to meet them, that I could do something to help them. It was my lucky day! Because there were so close to where I was.
While I was walking in their direction, I felt the shiver mixed with a warm sensation in my body, it was so thrilling! I couldn't control my body anymore!
By the time I noticed, I was already in front of them and could see how strong and manly they were! (giggles) They had a wild look in their eyes! While staring at them, I could feel how receptives they were... (pause) Still! I wanted to offer some eggs I gathered and wish them a good journey!
(laugh) It was so funny how amazed they were with that big amount of eggs I was offerning. I was so happy!
Then I started telling them about my daily routine of petting and caring for the animals from our farm. I was telling them a lot of stuff, but nothing drew their attention more than when I told them about my special ability with milking...
I noticed that they looked to each other and it brought a smile in their faces. Right after that we exchanged some looks and I just felt that I should keep teasing them... (hmmmmmmm) I simplty started unbutton my shirt while telling them how much fun would be to demonstrate my milking skills..."

(animation starts)


let me know what you guys think :)


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