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Our Special Offer has ended and I would like to thanks for everyone who participate it! I'm very happy for having you guys around! <3

Here's a quick resume about the special offer:

Basis & Animated Wallpapers Tiers:
Choose your favorite frame from the animation to be the background of our big thanks poster with all patrons name!

Participate the Poll here 

Early-Access tier:
Based on the time the patron has been supporting this campaign, will receive an special gadget box and also an random frame that will be picked after all patrons from the Everything tier have taken. These frame should be available next week.

More info here 

Everything tier:
Video to select the frame is available and you'll have until Sunday Night (11pm -3UTC) to pick it, new and upgrading patrons should be able to pick it as well until the deadline time :)
The selected frames will be signed and sent via mail or digital, depending on your preference.

More info here




What program do you use to create games? I want to try it.


I make my animations using After Effects in conjunction with an script called Duik, give it a look :) I don't really make games, just animations... for now ;)


Thank you very much. I hope to do. This is the beginning :)