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Hey everybody, it's been a while since my last post and yea, I'm still alive!

You can check the full gameplay here

TL:DR: This is the first prototype pass, it's possible to cover and shoot on enemies and the spawn waves is working as intended. Story/Plot is on plans and there are some additional features that I want to test out before getting into full production

First of all, I want to apologize for the lack of updates on the last few months! I've been working really hard on AnimeFlux's game as we're preparing stuff for a near future release (yea, stuff I can't really talk but I can't wait to share with you guys, there are SO MANY animations on that game).

I finally got 3 weeks of vacation, which I'll need to take a few days to actually rest and organize my head, as I'm already in burn out and there's no way to force myself to work as it simply won't happen :(

Anyway, let's talk about what really matters, OUR NIKKE-LIKE PROJECT!

Since the last update, things kind slowed down as I couldn't dedicate much time to work on it, but I surely worked everyday on it, at least a couple of hours to get something working.

Let's see about those questions I let for myself from last post:

✔️ Shoot at target
✔️ Spawning multiple targets
✔️ Damage system (player and targets)
❌ Power ups
❌ Score

I managed to get create a proper way to aim and shoot that at the target, it works fine with the camera simply following the player's position, but once it rotates, oh boy, it screws up really badly lol I'll probably just try to mimic Nikke's aiming system where the crosshair is fixed and it only moves based on the player's input, it should solve the rotation issue. Specially as I'm planning to have some more dynamic cameras, so it does needs to be solved!

Power ups and score will be handled later, they won't be as hard as other features that we've planned, so it can be pushed to be answered later :)

This wasn't on the initial questions but I decided to add to test out:

✔️ Cover based
I think this can add more variation for the game, specially it'll take a little of gameplay out of the copy/paste of Nikke, this should have it's own flavor instead

Also, here are some new questions that arise during the prototyping:

❓ Story/plot
I've come up with something that's similar to Nikke/Fate GO style of having a Commander (the player) and the female character that you'll control during the game, and yet have a lewd flavor that blends everything. I'll further discuss this with Aster to get his opinion as he better understands about Morgan than I do. Once we've concluded the plot I'll share with you guys first hand

❓ Gameplay Loop
Along with the story, I'm planning to have something that is a mix of the Nikke style of having the levels where you shoot stuff and in between it something as our Ganyu - StN game, so you can have a deep interaction with the Morgan. The last GIF features the classic "YOU DIED", but it's just a joke lol I don't plan to make the game hard af, it should be more like a chill shooter

❓ Run'n'gun mode
I've started testing this out but it's not fully working yet, that's why I didn't included on the preview, but the plan is to make the character run towards the next area, shooting both character coming from forward as from behind (remember, Morgan will be running, so we should have a good shot of her butt and boobies jiggling a LOT during this part 😏)

❓ Uncharted/Halo health system
I managed to set a basic health/damage system when the player gets hit, but I haven't decided yet if the character will heal itself after not getting damage for a few seconds or keep the "traditional" way where you pick health from destroying enemies, each way has it's pros and cons, I'll make sure to test out both

❓ Sniper mode
Based on her weapon's design, there's a scope on it, therefore, it'll be nice to add a sniper aim mode for you to shoot at things at distance, and maaaaybe have a really cool encounter with someone that's familiar for those who played the original Fate GO game :)
The shooting mechanic should be pretty much the same as we've right now, it's more a matter of changing the perspective/camera for a first person

This project is getting some shape, even if it's just a bunch of cubes and spheres now haha!

Thanks for reading it, you're awesome!
much love, washa ❤️




Holy shit, bro, if this project really works out and leave these initial protype phase and we get at least some concept demo with a functional stage to clear while we get a glimpse of the girls, I'm sold and completely in to start to support this project, best of luck for you and the team on this journey. 🙏🏻


Holy shit this is far more in depth than I thought it would be!! 🤯 With all the work you're putting into this I would love to see it become a long-running thing where we just add characters to it.


yes, exactly! once we've a solid core working, adding more stuff shouldn't be that hard