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She couldn’t concentrate.

Blake popped a piece of Lytass into her mouth and chewed, humming as the pleasant sweetness of the fruit gushed over her tongue. Her taste buds were alight, their first real taste of sugar in a week and she would relish it, though her mind was a mess.

How could it not be?

From the corner of her eye, she saw Jaune stand and begin clearing out the pile of oyster shells that had accumulated from their shucking efforts. She immediately drank in the long, bunched lines of his muscles as they rolled and stretched, her belly trembling as she recalled those very same muscles moving smoothly as he thrust his cock into her teammate, Weiss’ rapturous cries echoing in her ears.

Her core clenched in remembrance, her clit burning from a phantom touch. Blake had masturbated furiously as she watched them make love – fuck – but it hadn’t been nearly enough to quench the bonfire of desire that had bloomed in her body. Drawing orgasm after orgasm from her needy twat had only made it worse, unsatisfied. Even now, a couple days removed from that event, just the thought of it sent her into overdrive and the oppressive heat of the sun wasn’t doing her any favors.

Blake had never felt so raw in her entire life and she wasn’t sure how long she could handle this state of being.

She was being driven insane.

It wasn’t just Jaune she couldn’t stop looking at, either.

Across from her, Weiss was peeling open another fruit, collecting the small pods and placing them in the pot for safe keeping. A strand of hair had come free of her ponytail, hanging freely by her cheek and when she tucked it back behind her ear, Blake felt robbed. She’d itched to do it herself, to reach out and curl it around her fingers before gently brushing it back behind Weiss’ delicate ear – but that would be weird, so she hadn’t done it.

What was wrong with her?

Her cheeks felt hot, though she was sure she wasn’t blushing. Touching her face revealed that there was nothing amiss. It wasn’t just her cheeks, either. She felt hot everywhere. She was alert but also felt a little lethargic, her eyes heavy as she blinked. Popping another piece of fruit into her mouth, she shivered as she chewed, the juice rushing down her throat as she swallowed.

If she didn’t know any better, Blake thought she felt a little drunk.

She watched as Weiss continued to open up fruit and remove the little clusters, her slender fingers deft and quick, dexterous. Blake bet that she could be very skillful with those fingers. Jaune probably thought so, right? He’d felt them all over his meaty cock, tugging on him, stroking him to completion.

How would they feel inside her?

The thought wormed into her brain and refused to leave. Even though she was attracted to women, she’d never been with one before. How different would it feel to a man? Those slim digits, slipping inside her sensitive pussy and stroking her folds, finding her g-spot and raking it until she shuddered and collapsed in orgasm.

Would Weiss look at her the same way she looked at Jaune? Eyes bright and full of passion, her face twisted in rapture? Blake squirmed, her core pulsing darkly.

Why was she so damn horny?

Why did they both have to be so damn attractive? Why did they both have to smell so damn good?

Her nose twitched, catching the scent of Weiss’ freshly washed skin. They didn’t have any product so this was her natural scent, unmasked. Airy and light, soft – almost buttery and sweet, as only a young woman could smell. Jaune was different; earthy, heady, deep. The musk of man was powerful, dominant. Overpowering. They were opposites, the pair of them. Yet both alluring, calling to her basic instincts.

Her fingers curled around the husk of the fruit in her hands.

Couldn’t they be more considerate? Couldn’t they do those things in a place she wouldn’t stumble upon? They had an entire island at their disposal! Yet time after time, they only put in the most minimal effort required. Didn’t they understand this was difficult for her? They had each other, she had no one. They could satisfy their base urges with one another. All Blake had was her hand! Not even a decent toy!

Envy burned.

It really did look so good, as well. It had been a bit of a surprise, if she was telling the truth. Blake knew that Weiss was a virgin – had been a virgin. A girl’s first time was typically awkward and filled with discomfort, Blake’s certainly was, yet she knew Weiss had finished. Not just finished but had shattered beautifully, as if they’d been doing this on the regular. Finished with that burly dick buried deep inside her.

Blake had believed it was Jaune’s first time as well but after that, she wasn’t so sure. There had been very little hesitation in his movements. No, he’d moved with purpose and dare she say it, skill. Was it beginner's luck? As far as she knew, Jaune had never dated anyone at Beacon. They would have known about it if he had. Nor had he engaged in any casual flings.


And before Beacon... she didn’t know much about his life from that time, but the way he had behaved while trying to attract Weiss’ attention led her to believe that he’d been very inexperienced with women. Jaune would never be accused of being a playboy but back then, he had been even more clumsy, even a little desperate.

Yet she’d seen him fuck Weiss’ brains out.

Maybe he was just naturally talented at sex.

Blake bit her lip, shivering as if a cold gust of air had hit the back of her neck.

Especially with the monster he had swinging between his thighs. Just imagining that thing cleaving into her made her feel light headed. How Weiss had managed to take it entirely, she struggled to comprehend. Such a slim body, small and cute, almost delicate like a doll, even though Blake knew looks were deceiving. Weiss was a Huntress, built to fight and kill Grimm, lithe muscles toned and strong, but it didn’t change that she was a tiny thing.

And Jaune had ravaged her with that fat cock of his.

The sounds she made...

“Fuck,” Blake whispered, hunching over as her tummy tensed.

“Blake?” Weiss asked, her voice soft. Almost musical, it flowed through her and when she looked up, she found her teammate gazing at her with concern. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” she said instantly, sitting up straight. “I – I’m fine. It’s just... the heat.”

That was as good an excuse as any. Weiss nodded with understanding.

“I never thought I’d be longing for Solitas but this is getting ridiculous,” Weiss shook her head ruefully. “At least the nights aren’t so freezing now.”

Looking closer, she saw that the heiress’ cheeks were flushed a cute pink color. Her eyes seemed brighter than normal, her pupils slightly wider. Blake found herself staring at them, a little mesmerized. If she kept this up, she might just fall in.

“Are you enjoying the fruit?” Weiss asked.

“Oh – um, yes,” Blake stumbled over her words, tongue feeling uncooperative. In fact, her mouth felt a little numb. Speaking took effort. “It’s very nice.”

Plucking one of the pods out of the pot, Weiss slipped it between her pursed lips, lightly suckling on the pads of her fingers. For some reason, this simple action appeared incredibly provocative. Blake felt her mouth go dry.

“I’m very much enjoying the change,” Weiss lightly stroked the plumpness of her bottom lip before pulling her hand away. “A little variety is just what the doctor ordered, I think.”


Weiss smirked at her.

“Want some more? You appear to be out.”

Blake looked down. It was true.


“Would you like to try the yellow ones?” Weiss pointed.

While they’d tried to collect only the red fruit, a few of the yellow ones had slipped in. Weiss assured them that they were perfectly safe to eat, only that they would be much sweeter than the regular ones. Blake considered them for a moment.

...she liked sweet things.

“Okay,” she said. “Want to share one?”

Weiss appeared pleased. “Certainly.”

Blake watched as Weiss fetched one of them. Using their knife to make a small incision, she wiggled a finger inside and began peeling it open. Almost at once, Blake noticed the difference, a much sweeter scent striking her. The inner flesh was a lot darker and when Weiss handed her a piece, it felt even softer against her hand.

“Any good?” Jaune asked them and Blake jumped, not having heard him approach. He sat down next to her and his natural odor wafted over her. Unknowingly, she licked her lips.

“Here, have some,” Weiss offered, holding the fruit out. Jaune leaned forward, his back stretching as he reached out and plucked a pod from within. His newly bronzed skin glistened with sweat.

He really had no idea what he was doing to her, did he?

It didn’t help that she could hear Weiss’ voice in her head, telling her to be honest, that she saw the truth. Pressing her knees together, she fought off the urge to squirm and rub her thighs together. She wasn’t going to do that. She wasn’t some animal in heat. She was a person, a faunus – she was in control.

She was in control.

So what if Jaune was hot? So what if Weiss was undeniably gorgeous and sexy? It didn’t matter!

Tilting his head back, Jaune tossed the piece into his mouth and chewed. Almost immediately he straightened up, making a sound low in this throat that vibrated something loose inside her. Something slick and hot, trickling low in her belly.

“Wow,” he said, swallowing. “That is really sweet.”

Weiss laughed softly and followed his example, tossing her piece up and into her mouth, the sort of action she would have scolded Yang for doing since it wasn’t proper. Blake watched her jaw move up and down as she chewed, and then her neck contract as she swallowed.

“Mm – that was very nice,” she handed another piece to Jaune. “Here, have some more.”

Blake slowly placed the fruit on her tongue before pulling it into her mouth, shivering as the intense flavor rushed over her taste buds. Jaune had been right; it was incredibly sweet but not in a sickening way. It felt refreshing and she found herself swallowing quickly. It settled in her stomach, radiating warmth.

They quickly finished off the first fruit and got started on another. With every bite, Blake felt her body begin to tingle, her skin hyper aware of every little shift. The way her clothes slid across her skin, the feeling of the petrified log beneath her butt dug into her flesh, even the gentle breeze that was now blowing in off the ocean, bringing some much needed relief.

It felt like little hands caressing her. An involuntary sound escaped her throat, a bit of a whine but a little deeper. Her crotch throbbed powerfully and she could no longer resist the temptation, rubbing her thighs together as she swiveled her hips in tiny circles.

Fuck, I’m burning up, she thought, her eyes fluttering closed.

“Blake,” the voice of her teammate filtered through her, sounding as if she had whispered it into her ear. When she opened her eyes, she was still seated across from her. “Are you well?”

“Y-Yes,” she stuttered, tongue heavy. “I’m fine.”

“That breeze feels so good,” Jaune sighed, voice deeper than normal. “Do you mind if I...?”

Turning her head took more effort than it should have, so she missed what he meant.

“It is feeling a little hot,” Weiss agreed. “Go ahead.”

Blake watched as he toed off his boots and removed his socks before unbelting his jeans. Her heart leapt into her throat as he stood up and removed his pants, leaving him in nothing but his underwear. Then he sat down again, neatly folding his jeans up and placing them atop his boots.

“That’s better,” he stretched his arms, doing very interesting things to his torso. Blake drank him in, entranced.

“That looks like it feels good,” Weiss admitted and without warning, she stood and began removing her dress. A deep, pounding pulse resounded deep inside her as the heiress shimmied out of the material, her small, pert breasts greeting her eyes. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Blake had noticed she had taken to not wearing it. “You’re right – this feels so much better.”

“Hey,” Jaune halted her from sitting down. “Don’t sit there. You’ll mar your skin. Come here.”

Blake watched with heated eyes as Weiss giggled and pranced across to him in nothing but her panties, her diminutive chest bouncing alluringly. Those little upturned nipples, arrogant and free. Jaune seized her hips and spun her around before pulling her down, laughing as he settled her on his knee. Her slender arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck, and the pair peered at each other with lustful eyes.

They weren’t... not right in front of her. They couldn’t.

Blake tugged at her top, her clothes suddenly feeling like they were constricting her. They were tight and stifling, almost like she was being strangled. It was an unpleasant feeling. She should remove them, right? They did. So it was fine, right?

A part of her asked her what she was doing, but the voice was soft, muted. Blake ignored it, grabbing the hem of her crop top and pulling it up over her head. There was instant relief – but there was still something grabbing her, so she pulled that off as well, flinging her bra away carelessly as her tits jiggled freely. Feeling the ocean breeze on her bared, sweaty breasts felt wonderful, one of her hands pressing into her cleavage.

The soft, wet smacking of kisses drew her attention, her core pulsing as she witnessed Weiss and Jaune locking lips, their mouths moving passionately against one another. One of his hands slid up her trim waist and over her ribs, gently cupping the underside of her perky tits. Weiss moaned into his mouth, their tongues curling together and Blake couldn’t take it any more.

She was pushed beyond the breaking point.

Kicking off her boots and socks, she removed her pants, peeling the skin tight material off her legs. They clung to her desperately but she wouldn’t be denied, a sigh of freedom leaving her lips as she tossed them away. She was left in nothing but her thong.

Weiss finally pulled away from Jaune’s hot mouth, panting roughly as her womb throbbed insistently. Desire pooled darkly in her deepest spot, begging for more of what he’d given her two nights prior but a soft groan drew her attention to the side, her eyes lighting up at the sight that greeted her.

Stroking Jaune’s jaw, she said, “Look what we have here,” before gently nudging his head to the side, directing his gaze. Jaune made a sound of pleasant surprise. “I think a certain kitty wants to join in.”

Jaune drank in the sight of a topless Blake, her face twisted in desperation. Her chest heaved with her gasping breaths, those enticing, puffy nipples calling to him. Their creamy complexion, matching with her pale skin, free from the harshness of the sun. Her tanlines weren’t as aggressive as his own but still enough to drive him wild, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. She looked so delectable.

“Blake?” he asked, confused but not.

Amber eyes darted between them, looking a little like molten gold.

“I’m just hot,” she explained shakily. “I... my clothes...”

Blake shivered as Jaune’s blue eyes raked down her form, over her toned, muscled abs before settling on her panties. Looking down, she moaned in a mixture of embarrassment and desire when she saw she was sporting a massive camel toe, her thong pulled a little too tight. It cupped her mound, leaving nothing to the imagination, the dampening of her pussy clear by the prominent wet patch blooming ever wider.

Weiss giggled.

“She can join, can’t she?” she asked cutely, nuzzling her face against Jaune’s firm jaw. His stubble felt wonderful against her skin, a tremble passing through her. “It doesn’t feel good to be left out.”

Jaune blinked slowly, knowing that this was strange – that this wasn’t normal. But the thought of kissing Blake, of touching Blake, it settled in his brain and oozed, thick and heavy, making it difficult to think. Her skin looked soft, and those plump tits – how would they taste? Was she as sensitive as Weiss? Could he make her cum with just his lips and tongue, pulling and licking her nipples?

Weiss felt something hard and hot settle against her thigh, and looking down, she saw his boxer-briefs tented obscenely, that massive cock he used to deflower her excited by the prospect of taking another woman. She felt not jealousy, only excitement. Biting her lip, she mewled as she pulled the annoying material away, freeing his length to her greedy eyes. It was just as magnificent as always, long and thick and hard, twitching as blood pumped furiously to maintain its size.

“Look how big he is,” she touched him, not quite grabbing his shaft, letting her fingers feather across the velvety soft skin. It flexed at the feeling, a thick drop of pre-ejaculate beading at the tip. His glans were flushed a bright red, on the verge of purple. “This looks quite painful, doesn’t it, Blake?”

She tried to speak but no words were forthcoming, her tongue glued to the roof of her mouth. Blake couldn’t look away, her eyes fixated by Jaune’s long, thick girth, bouncing as Weiss teased it with her fingers. Her heart jackhammered against her ribcage, blood roaring through her ears. Vaginal muscles squeezed, taken by the sight of it. That thing was meant to go there. It was meant to pry apart her tender insides and go deep.

“W-Weiss,” she finally managed. “We... this isn’t...”

“You don’t want to?”

She did. Oh fuck, she did. But wasn’t this... wrong? Weren’t they dating? Weiss loved Jaune. Jaune loved Weiss. She was just... she was no one. No one loved her. She was just a third wheel.

But... maybe that was okay?

It had been so long. Jaune was so handsome and kind, a good friend. He wouldn’t hurt her. He would never hurt her. He was loyal and good, and she liked him. She liked him a lot. The thought drove the breath from her lungs, the admittance, even if it was only to herself.

She liked him

And Weiss – she’d be pushing her. For days now. She knew. She saw it.

Be honest, she kept saying. Be honest. Be honest. Be honest.

It was okay to like him, she thought sluggishly. It’s okay... this is okay...

Once she took the first step, the second was much easier. Weiss and Jaune both watched her approach, their eyes chasms that threatened to pull her in. Kneeling beside them, her hand shook as she set it on his thigh, his skin warm and soothing.

“I want it,” the words flowed out of her, tumbling from her lips like a prayer. “Jaune, I want it. Can I... can we kiss?”

Jaune blinked.

“You can kiss her,” Weiss whispered, lips tickling his ear. She then nipped him, suckling lightly on his lobe before adding, “but only if I can kiss her too.”

The thought of Weiss and Blake, their lips locked together as they writhed, tongues curling together tipped him over the edge. Reaching out, he gripped the back of Blake’s neck firmly, causing her to jump, her eyes blown wide. Pulling her in, the last thing he saw were the glittering golden irises being swallowed by inky black before their lips came together as one.

Blake inhaled sharply as they kissed, her lips tingling. When his tongue brushed across the seam, she opened her mouth instantly, moaning blissfully as he drank deeply. Again and again, his strong tongue lashed into her mouth, gliding against her tongue, licking the roof of her mouth, consuming her completely. She could do nothing but get swept up in the moment, that fire in her belly growing.

I’m kissing Jaune, she thought stupidly. I’m kissing Jaune!

Rather, he was kissing her. So overcome with desire, with that sweet tang of the fruit on his tongue, she could do nothing but allow herself to get plundered, trembling as he sucked on her tongue, tugging at her lower lip with gentle teeth. This wasn’t her first kiss, of course it wasn’t – but it may as well have been with how little participation she gave, almost frozen in fright.

Weiss giggled breathlessly. “Mm – I bet she tastes really good.”

Jaune pulled back, lips smeared with saliva. “She does.”

Blake blinked blearily, gasping for breath. Had she forgotten to breathe? What was wrong with her?

“Can I?” Weiss asked impishly and Jaune nodded, swallowing thickly. “Go ahead.”

Suddenly white filled her vision, and Blake mewled as smaller lips claimed hers, softer, delicate. A slender, hot tongue slipped into her mouth, not as strong, not as overwhelming. Finally, she kissed back, leaning in as they swapped spit messily, her core throbbing as her brain registered what was happening.

Now she was kissing Weiss.

Threading her fingers through her long, white hair, Blake deepened the kiss, swirling her tongue and battling Weiss for dominance. She chased her tongue back into her mouth, relishing the sweet little sounds the heiress was making. A hand settled on her chest, squeezing tenderly and Blake groaned. It could only be Jaune, his large, strong hands molding her breast, tugging on it, her nipple tightening to the point of pain.

They continued this way for some time, their kisses becoming messy as Jaune played with her tits, teasing her stiff peaks with his fingers before caressing her puffy areola. The heat of his hand was seeping into her, her breasts feeling tender and full of sensation, every brush of his palm causing spasms deep in her vaginal cavern.

Just when she thought she might pass out, light headed, Weiss pulled away, biting her lip roughly and tugging it aggressively before letting go.

“How was it?” Jaune asked deeply, voice rumbling.

Weiss squirmed, her cheeks flushed brightly. “It was good.”

She then looked down. “I see you liked it, as well.”

His cock flexed in answer, somehow looking even larger than before. Blake followed Weiss’ gaze, confused. Was it just her imagination?

“Watching you two was really hot,” he confessed. His hand still continued to play with Blake’s chest. “I’m so turned on right now.”

“I see you like her breasts,” Weiss pouted cutely. “So you really do like them bigger, huh?”

Curling his other arm around Weiss’ back, Jaune hugged her to his body before reaching up and cupping her own smaller tits, giving them a rough squeeze. Weiss arched her back, a soft whimper escaping her lips.

“I don’t care about their size,” he told her, leaning in and pecking her on the nose. “Your tits are lovely, Weiss,” then he looked at Blake. “Both of you. You have such sexy bodies.”

The hand she had resting on his thigh moved, sliding inwards, reaching. Jaune made a sound of surprise as she gripped his shaft, fingers tightening around his cock, gripping him firmly. Blake didn’t even realize she’d done it until she felt his heart pounding through her palm, throbbing powerfully as the heat of his length burned her.

“I want to suck it,” Weiss confessed. “Girls do that, right?”

They did. Blake stared at it.

She... wanted to suck it, as well. Her belly quaked.

It had been so long since she’d done anything like this. Did she even remember how?

Suddenly, Jaune was standing. Weiss yelped and almost fell but his arm was iron around her, lifting her effortlessly. Weiss curled her legs around his hip, settling her sodden core against his side and she shivered, rubbing against him wantonly. Blake stared up at him from her kneeling position, his cock slipping from her hand and bobbing right in front of her face, casting a shadow as her eyes crossed, trying to look at it.

It was so manly, the shaft covered in knotted veins, a bulging root running from base to the underside of his glans, giving it a very intimidating shape. It was curved upwards, the tip wet with pre-cum, and a pair of healthy, large balls hung below... and the smell... the smell...

It went straight to her brain, activating some animal instinct within her.

It was that wonderful musk of a man but stronger. More concentrated. Before she knew what she was doing, she buried her nose in the cradle of his balls, inhaling shakily as she felt them rest against her face. Huffing desperately, she moaned and licked at his inner thigh, drowning.

“I don’t think someone can wait,” Weiss’ teasing voice filtered down to her but she couldn’t understand.

All she knew was that there was a cock – a cock that needed eating.

So she was going to eat it.





Glad to see Blake embrace the musk and lose herself to it. Looking forward to more.


Great to see everything starting up again!


It finally happened. Blake is at Weiss and Jaune's mercy. Who would had thought the heiress would go ahead with this plan? The island trully let her loose