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Ruby’s eyes had been opened to a whole new world and there was no closing them.

Huddled in the corner of the library, she stared at her scroll as she rapidly swiped through a series of pages. Laid out on the table in front of her was a notepad, the pages filled with various scribbles. Every so often, she would glance around to make sure no one else was nearby before writing down something of particular note before reading it softly under her breath.

She wasn’t sure exactly what she had been expecting when she went snooping around in Jaune’s scroll but it hadn’t been this!

The bookmarks had all been comics but not the ones she was used to reading. They were those funny ones from Mistral, the ones they called manga or something – doujin? They certainly weren’t anything like X-Ray and Vav, that was for sure!

They were filled to the brim with – well, with sex! Lots and lots of sex!

And they all had a common theme.

Jaune had returned from investigating the cave soon after she found the bookmarks so she hadn’t been able to look into it much at the time, but Ruby had a good memory. She’d seen enough that when she returned to the school, she’d been able to find the hosting sites easily enough. Another thing she had been able to memorize were the tags. They were remarkably well organized. So much so that she had been able to find the exact comics he had saved – and so much more.

Now that an entire day had passed, she could do a little investigating.

Edging. Slave. Mind break. Public use. Defloration. Stomach deformation. Impregnation.

Some of those were pretty self explanatory – the others? Not so much.

The more she read, the more Ruby realized that Jaune was into some heavy stuff! At first, looking at these doujin was a little embarrassing. She’d never seen anything like it before and it took time to adjust, to calm her innocent heart and steel her mind. It made her feel a little queer, low down in her belly – that same sensation she got whenever she teased Jaune and caused an erection. It wasn’t bad. She liked it – she just didn’t know why it made her feel this way, the same way as when she made Jaune squirm.

Maybe... maybe she liked the same things Jaune liked?

Was that even possible?

Ruby continued to swipe and write down notes, her ears beginning to burn. Some of the lines these characters spoke were really, really embarrassing! But they seemed important – why else would they say them? Things like, “Your pussy is awesome. You’re a virgin, but it’s so hot and coiling around me. It’s such a perverted pussy,” or “Yes~! Thank you for knocking... me up~!”

Stuff like that... was a little too far! She was a young maiden, after all! Getting pregnant was a big no-no. But there was other stuff here that could prove useful. Another tag that popped up often was ‘Exhibitionism’. Ruby was shocked to realize that she’d already been doing that type of thing, sort of. No wonder Yang’s boobs had attracted Jaune’s gaze. Her sister had been acting out right inside his strike zone!

These girls in the manga took it a step further, though. They’d walk around with no panties, for example. Wasn’t that really, really dangerous? Ruby paused, thinking it over. If she was wearing her combat skirt, then it wouldn’t be such a problem. Those skirts had been designed with high speed movement and fighting in mind, so it protected against accidental panty flashes. Their school uniform offered no such protection. It was just a regular skirt.

Could she do something like that? She had already done the bra thing and it had worked super well. This was just the next step, right? Just imagining Jaune’s face when he realized she wasn’t wearing any panties made her core spasm. Biting her lip, she squeezed her thighs together and kicked her feet.

It was just teasing, right? She just wanted to get a reaction out of him because it was really funny. It also made her feel warm and fuzzy, and she liked that feeling – a lot. As long as she didn’t go too far, things would be fine. That was easy enough. She wasn’t ready for sex.

Now she just needed to figure out what some of these sayings meant. Things like ‘cream pie’ and ‘cum’ and ‘onahole’. That first one wasn’t talking about the dessert, there were no pies in any of these drawings – and onahole sounded vaguely Mistralian in nature, like manga and doujin. As for cum – well, she had an idea...

“Ruby,” Pyrrha greeted warmly from out of nowhere.

Within a blink of the eye, her notepad and scroll vanished into her bag in an explosion of rose petals as she accelerated her arm with her semblance. Pyrrha jumped, startled.

“A-Are you okay?” she questioned, looking at Ruby in alarm.

“Fine,” Ruby replied with a forced smile. It was a little wide with far too many teeth. “I’m fine! What’s up? Come to do some studying?”

Pyrrha peered at her with an uncertain air. “Oh, I just came to return a book. It is nearly time for class. I saw you here and thought I’d say... hello... you seem distracted; are you sure everything is well?”

Ruby nodded rapidly. “Yeah, everything is peachy keen! I was just reading some comics. Yep – you know me, I’m a big comic book nerd. Comics are life, after all. Yeah.”

It wasn’t a lie! Those manga definitely counted! She needed to stop using lies or she’d become a bad girl.

“Okay,” Pyrrha didn’t seem completely convinced. “Well, uh – we’ve got History soon. Want to walk to class together?”

Ruby stood instantly.

“Yeah! Let’s go!”

Walking side-by-side with Pyrrha meant that most everyone was looking at Pyrrha instead of her, so no one noticed her fidgeting hands or flushed face. It was really useful having famous friends sometimes! The reason she was fidgeting? History class meant Jaune, and now that she had read those manga, she wanted to test out some of that material! Did she dare? Was she up to it?

She did! She was! She was going to win.

“Um – I just need to go to the toilet really quick,” Ruby said, bringing Pyrrha to a halt. They weren’t far from Doctor Oobleck’s classroom now. It was just around the corner. “Go on without me.”

Pyrrha looked her over, face full of concern.

“Are you sure you are feeling well? Perhaps you should sit this class out.”

Ruby waved her off. “Nah – I’m fine. Really! I just... really need to go. You know?”

Well, that certainly made things awkward.

Pyrrha flushed lightly. “R-Right. Sorry – um, I’ll see you in class?”

“Yep~!” Ruby said cheerily with a pop, watching as Pyrrha continued on and rounded the corner. As soon as Pyrrha left her sight, Ruby bolted for the closest restroom and stormed inside, taking a quick look around.

It was empty.

Rushing into one of the cubicles, she shut the door and lifted her skirt, hesitating for a second before steeling her resolve. Gripping the waistband of her underwear, she pulled her panties down her slender legs – her slender, trembling legs. Excitement flooded her system, making her feel hyperaware, her breath coming in short pants. Stepping out of her panties, she blinked and stared at the crotch.

They were damp. The pure white material was wet with a long strip; an extremely noticeable strip that left little to imagination.

Ruby inspected them closely, noticing the musky smell at once. It had a deep scent. Something about it made her heart shudder. Pressing a finger to it to gather some of the fluid, she pulled her digit away and watched as a thin string followed. Rolling it between her fingers, she noted how sticky it was. Now that her core was no longer covered, she could feel the cool air conditioned air against her bare crotch, even under her skirt. Shivering, she stashed her soiled panties inside her jacket pocket and straightened up.

She was doing this!

Jaune wouldn’t know what hit him!

Stepping out of the cubicle, she hurried over to the sink and washed her hands before she splashed her face. Drying off quickly with a wad of paper towels, she binned them on her way out into the corridor. Logically, Ruby knew that no one could tell that she was no longer wearing her underwear. They couldn’t see through her skirt, after all – and she was very careful as she walked, making sure not to bounce or skip. That didn’t stop her stomach from cramping whenever someone looked her way, though.

This was waaaay more intense than leaving her bra behind. It wasn’t even in the same league!

When she arrived, class hadn’t started yet. Oobleck was absent and she wasn’t even the last student to arrive. Patting down her skirt, she carefully walked down the stairs and towards her goal, silver eyes settling on familiar messy blond hair. There was a seat open beside him.

“Hi~!” she chirped, alerting her friends to her presence. Shuffling behind Team JNPR, she sat down between Jaune and Blake. Thankfully, no one was sitting behind them and so no one saw when she forgot to tuck her skirt down behind her thighs.

Ruby stiffened as her bare bottom squished against the wood grain of her chair.

“Hey Ruby,” Jaune smiled at her. “Everything okay?”

She nodded quickly, squirming at the odd sensation. Not only was her bare butt touching the seat but her crotch was too – her p-pussy; that is what those manga called it, right? “Yep. Super okay. Um – how about you?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I’m good.”

“Where did you go after lunch?” Weiss questioned, leaning forward so she could speak around Blake. “You disappeared on us.”

“Oh, you know – I felt like doing a little light reading,” she replied, though it hadn’t been very light at all!

“I ran into her in the library,” Pyrrha spoke up.

Weiss hummed, giving her a contemplative look. “It is good to see you take an interest in literature. It is a worthy goal to become a well read individual.”

Blake nodded, perking up. “I could recommend some books if you’re interested?”

She was clearly excited by the prospect of sharing something close to her heart. Everyone knew that Blake loved to read.

Weiss squinted at Blake. “I don’t know if we should be encouraging that sort of reading. That will only rot her brain, not enhance it.”

Yang and Nora snorted.

“I would appreciate it if you weren’t so judgmental,” Blake sniffed, nose in the air. “I read a wide variety of subjects, thank you very much. Why you are so fixated on one genre, I have no idea. Perhaps you are rather immature?”

“You left your bondage books out on your bed,” Weiss deadpanned. “Yang was telling you off about it, yesterday.”

“They aren’t bondage books!” Blake hissed, mortified. Her haughty air vanished beneath her anger. “Don’t call them that!”

Yang began laughing in earnest while Nora covered her mouth with her hands, shoulders shaking.

“A-And she wasn’t telling me off!” Blake continued, growing even more heated. “I’m not a child and she isn’t my mother! I’ll read what I like!”

“Just don’t leave them out in the future,” Weiss said blandly, ignoring Blake’s growing ire. The heiress began straightening up her school supplies so everything was in perfect order on her desk. “You wouldn’t want Ruby finding them, would you? Such innocent eyes don’t need to view such vulgarity.”

If only Weiss knew! Though that made Ruby wonder; did Blake read doujin? Maybe the cat girl had more in common with Jaune than she realized.

“Doctor Oobleck seems to be running a little late,” Ren commented in an attempt at moving the conversation along. Blake continued to glare daggers at Weiss but the white haired girl was not paying her any attention. “What do you suppose is keeping him?”

Ruby peered at Jaune from the corner of her eye, taking in his profile as he started following Weiss’ example, arranging his supplies. When he reached down to pull a textbook out from his book bag, Ruby leaned in so only he could hear her.

“Hey Jaune,” she whispered, her heart thudding loudly in her ears.

He looked up at her, still leaning down. “What’s up?”

Leaning in even closer, her lips inches from his ear, she said breathlessly, “I’m not wearing any panties.”

Jaune jerked up, slamming his knees into the underside of the table. It rattled loudly and caused several other students to glance his way. Ruby quickly leaned away, blushing hotly as Jaune stared at her in shock.

“You alright there, dude?” Yang asked curiously.

“F-Fine – uh, yeah, no, I mean, er... I thought I felt a spider crawl over my hand,” he struggled to say, gesturing at his bag. “Haha – scared the hell out of me.”

“Spider?” Weiss demanded, looking tense. “Where? Did you kill it? Tell me you killed it!”

Nora made a sound of surprise. “Weiss, do you hate spiders?”

Weiss scowled fiercely. “Bugs are the worst. Urgh – as much as I love the warmer climate here in Vale, there are far too many creepy crawlies around. It is much too cold back home in Atlas; perhaps the only perk of living in such inhospitable conditions.”

Seeing an avenue for a little payback, Blake smirked. “You want to fight Grimm for a living and you are afraid of some little bugs? You do know that there are Grimm that look like bugs, right? What are you going to do then?”

Weiss looked at Blake as if she was stupid. “Burn them all, of course. Burn them dead. The less I have to see them scuttle and twitch around with those weird legs, the better.”

Jaune was still staring, eyes wide in question. Ruby smiled at him, putting on a brave front and winking. When his gaze dropped down, her insides clenched. Heat blazed between her legs, silky and wet. Doing her best to keep her hands steady, she teased the hem of her skirt and flapped it, inching it a little higher up her thighs. Jaune made a little sound at that, deep in his throat but low enough that only she caught it. Growing bolder, Ruby lifted her skirt higher, revealing more and more of her pale, creamy thighs.

Feeling proud at the stupefied expression on his face, she decided to press even further.

“D-Do you want to touch my p-pussy?” she asked quietly, tripping on the strange word. “Do y-you want to mess me up deep inside?”

She wasn’t exactly sure what ‘mess me up inside’ meant but that phrase came up a lot in her research. If possible, Jaune looked even more dumbfounded by her words. Did she say it right? She was pretty sure she said it right!

She felt hot all over, breaking out in a mild sweat as she squirmed. Her butt was beginning to stick to the chair, along with her dampening crotch. Biting her lip, she shifted her hips from side to side.

“Ruby, what are you doing?” he whispered urgently. Meeting his eyes, she noticed that his pupils were blown wide, swallowing much of his crystal blue iris with pure black.

“You c-can use me as an onahole, if you want?”

Jaune grew still. If possible, his eyes grew even wider.

“Um – and maybe, uh – a cream pie? D-Do you like cream pie?” she asked uncertainly.

The door to the classroom slammed open and Doctor Oobleck zoomed through, a blur of twitchy, speedy movement. Ruby sat up, ramrod straight while Jaune hurriedly faced the front. They weren’t the only ones startled by their teacher’s sudden appearance, chatter coming to an instant halt and a tense silence replacing it.

“Sorry, sorry – I had some business to take care of. But as you can see, I am now here,” the green haired man said with his usual speed, tossing his briefcase onto his messy desk. Papers went flying in all directions. “Goodness! Is this not a classroom but a morgue? You would think someone up and died!” he peered around the room. “Everyone is present, yes?”

He waited expectantly.

“Um – yes?” Nora ventured, taking a quick look around.

“Stupendous! Now, then – where were we? Ah, yes – I believe we briefly touched on the barbaric and uncivilized doctrine that the Kingdoms of Mistral and Mantle attempted to enforce in order to control the emotions of their citizens, and thus decrease the ever encroaching threat of the Grimm. Today, we will delve deeper into this misguided attempt and uncover what ulterior motives, if any, the ruling elite had in supporting such a disastrous plan and how this ultimately led to the Great War.”

Ruby wasn’t listening. Even at the best of times, she found it difficult to concentrate in this class. Not only did she find history incredibly boring, but Doctor Oobleck talked at such speed that it was frankly quite hard to keep up with whatever it was he was talking about. Since Weiss could be a bit of a dumb head about sharing her notes at times, Ruby had taken to recording the lessons so she could play them back later at a slower pace.

That was at the best of times. This wasn’t one of those. Far from it.

Now that all of her classmates were focusing on the lesson, or at least pretending to focus on it, she had a little more leeway. Taking her left hand, she stroked her thigh as she reached down between her chair and Jaune’s. The smoothness of her supple skin gave way to the material of his trousers and Ruby smirked when he jumped, startled by the sudden touch. Fingers creeping further along his leg, silver met blue when he turned to her in question.

She smiled.

Even through his pants, she could feel his muscles twitch as she stroked his leg. At first, she didn’t apply any pressure at all. Light as a feather, she brushed back and forth, almost forgetting to breathe as her heart pounded rapidly. She watched his reaction carefully, enjoying the way his jaw tightened and his breathing sped up. When his leg shifted to give her more room, she didn’t disappoint. Her hand moved deeper.

Something hard and long bumped against her palm, settled flush against the inside of his thigh. Ruby almost squeaked, pursing her lips to trap the sound before it could escape. Giving it a firm squeeze, her fingers traced the end of it with questioning touches, tracing the outline. It was large with a prominent ridge, easily discernible through his pants. When she rubbed against it even harder, it seemed to grow even longer.

It was his penis! His – what did they call it? His cock.

She almost snatched her hand away, a sudden bout of fear lancing through her. She had felt it against her body before, against her butt and tummy – but she’d never touched it with her hands before, had never dared to go so far. Now that she had, she found it difficult to think, her brain reduced to mush. Her crotch tingled and burned, her core tightening.

Something slick and heavy settled behind her navel, slipping lower. It oozed from between her legs onto the chair, thick like syrup, spreading against her thighs. She had the mad desire to touch herself, right on that spot where it throbbed but she resisted. Instead, she squeezed her legs together tightly, groaning low in her throat.

“—self expression was ultimately curtailed, but only within the lower class. The elites of Mistral continued to enjoy their lavish and free lifestyles, hoarding art and entertainment, partaking in the finer points of life while the rest of the populace was forced to bury their desires, their very humanity for the greater good. But as you can see, their own actions contradicted the very logic they attempted to spread.”

Ruby gripped his erection harder, feeling it throb beneath her palm. Jaune’s hips lifted slightly, pressing his cock into her hand insistently. Moving away from the tip, she stroked higher and higher, attempting to gauge just how big he was. It was impossible to tell, exactly, but...

...were all boys this big?

“Now then!” Oobleck appeared right in front of them, and Ruby recoiled in fright, wrenching her hand away and sitting perfectly still. “Everyone open their books to page 114 – quickly, everyone! Quickly now!”

Jaune hastily fumbled his book, nearly knocking it on the floor while Ruby gripped her own text book with trembling hands. Prying open the pages, she might as well have been trying to read a different language. It was utterly incomprehensible to her, her mind unable to process anything but the twisting throb in her tummy and the ghost of his shaft under her hand.

The class continued in that vein. Oobleck talked and Ruby failed to listen, staring blankly at dates and summaries of past battles long fought. Though her heart calmed and slowed its rhythm, her crotch continued to burn with an impossible to ignore flame. Frequent glances at Jaune showed that he was equally as uncomfortable, constantly shifting around and tugging at his trousers in an attempt to reposition his straining cock.

She’d done that to him.

Her – no one else.

That all too familiar thrill passed through her, Ruby feeling extraordinarily pleased with herself. She coasted by on cloud nine until the bell finally rang, signaling the end to their lesson.

“My brain is sore,” Yang complained, massaging the sides of her head. “Does he really have to talk that fast? This shit is hard enough to understand without him spewing his words all over us.”

“That is a visual I could have done without,” Weiss said, grimacing in distaste. “...but I do agree with the sentiment. Slowing down would be in all of our interests.”

Nora shot to her feet and stretched with a loud groan, her back popping as she arched as far as she could. Considering that she was pretty flexible, it was quite far.

“I am so glad Combat Class is next,” the ginger slapped her hands together in an effort to get hype. “My blood is just boiling for some physical activity.”

They all began packing up their things but Ruby quickly realized that she had a problem; a big, wet problem.

Her seat was absolutely drenched. Wiggling her hips, her lips curled as her skin remained stuck to the wood. If she stood up now, all of her friends would see the mess she had made.

Luckily for her, she wasn’t the only one that had a little bit of a problem.

“Are you coming, Jaune?” Pyrrha asked, noticing that her team leader was still seated.

“Rubes?” Yang questioned.

“Um,” she floundered, tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth.

“I wanted to talk to Ruby about something,” Jaune assured them, sounding calm. “You guys can go on ahead. We won’t be long.”

They received a few curious glances but their friends accepted the reasoning, shuffling out from their row and ascending the stairs. Ruby watched them leave, neither of them speaking until they were left completely alone. Oobleck was the last to leave, not even noticing that two of his students remained, grabbing his briefcase before zipping out the door like the miniature hurricane that he was.

Jaune turned and pinned her with a look.

“Ruby,” he began, his voice serious. “What is going on?”

She shrugged.

“I was just getting you back.”

Jaune blinked. “Getting me back? For what, exactly – that is the second time you’ve said that and I have no idea what that means.”

Ruby shrugged again.

“For being a dumb head – obviously,” she rolled her eyes, as if that was plain as day. “Anyway, you’re the one getting an erection. Maybe you shouldn’t.”

Jaune spluttered. “Ruby – I – that isn’t how it works! I can’t just not get one when you do things like that!”

“Like sit in your lap?” she asked innocently.

Jaune frowned. “I didn’t ask you to sit there!”

“I didn’t ask your penis to grow,” she returned petulantly.

Jaune huffed. “You’re being a brat.”

Ruby poked her tongue out childishly.

“If you keep doing stuff like this, you’ll get caught,” he attempted to reason with her. “Do you want that?”

I won’t get caught,” she returned with a smirk. “You will. Everyone will see that thing you have growing between your legs.”

Jaune scowled. “Yeah, well – I don’t want people to see that.”

Ruby scoffed. “You like it, though, right?”

Blue eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”

Wetting her lips, Ruby looked him straight in the eye. “You like it, right? You want to u-se that erection on me, right? That’s why it keeps growing. Y-You want to put it in me.”

Jaune opened his mouth but no words came out, rendered speechless.

“W-Well you can’t!” she said in triumph. “N-Not until I say you can. There will be no cream pies yet!”

Where did you hear that term?” Jaune groaned in mental anguish. “Do you even know what that means?”

“Shut up,” Ruby replied, tilting her nose up haughtily. “So there! If you don’t want to get caught, then just don’t get an erection. Simple!”

“It really isn’t!”

Having said her piece, Ruby stood. Her skin peeled off the seat noisily, the young girl grimacing at the icky sensation. The hot, humid air trapped beneath her skirt released all at once and her heady, powerful musk slammed into them, heavy and thick. Blushing furiously, she turned and glanced down at her seat.

There was a perfect outline of her plump little ass and slender thighs, moist and sticky, leaving little to the imagination; and nestled right in the center was an imprint of her most intimate place. Ruby forgot to breathe as she stared at the sticky mark of her tight little virginal pussy. She could make out the plump shape of her vulva and labia, with the middle being a mess of fluid that had oozed from her quim.

A low groan drew her attention and she turned to find Jaune staring in disbelief, totally entranced by her butt print. The expression on his face was new, one she had only ever seen bare glimpses of. If Ruby had to describe it in one word, that word would be raw. The desire was clear as day, unmistakable. It was a raw look of hunger.

A tight ball formed in her stomach, deep inside; as deep inside as you could go. Her uterus clenched, driving all the air from her lungs as she stared at the primal want on Jaune’s face. It eclipsed all those other times she had made him squirm, on a completely different level. Those had been funny and amusing, and had made her feel like a woman, but this...

...this was something else entirely.

She wanted to see this face more.

She wanted to see that face directed straight at her.

Ruby knew that if she wanted that, she needed to take things to the next level.



"It's called hentai. And it's art."


Sees Jaune's favorite tags: lol Sees Ruby's behavior: lmao, even.