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That was so embarrassing, Pyrrha moaned internally as the three of them walked down the street.

Going there had been her idea. She’d been so excited to try out tenpin bowling, something she had been interested in since she was a kid. Her teenage years had been consumed with training and fighting, and her love of professional fighters had been born long before that. But everyone had alternative hobbies and desires, and while she loved fighting, she also wanted to try other things.

Bowling had always looked really, really fun!

And it was fun. Spending time with Jaune – and Weiss – was enjoyable. Their walk through the gardens had been wonderful and watching her friends laugh as they played was something she would relish, but did she have to be so damn bad at it?

Why wouldn’t the ball just go straight? Jaune made it look so easy, striking the pins with power. Even Weiss who had never entered a bowling alley in her life, a girl who had probably never even thought of partaking in the activity could knock down most of the skittles. Neither of them had once thrown into the gutter.

With every successive failure, Pyrrha had felt her face sting with how hot it burned with her mortification.

Was this how other people felt when she so utterly dominated them in the fighting ring? The hopelessness, the despair, the agony of knowing how much you struggled, it was fruitless? Every time her ball thunked into the gutter and rolled into the abyss of failure, it felt like her stomach dropped out of her body.

At least it was over now.

But that wicked white demon wasn’t going to let her forget it.

“I must say – that was certainly entertaining,” Weiss’ smile was all fangs, and Pyrrha shied away as the smaller woman leaned in. “I am open to providing tips if you require them, dear Pyrrha. Allow me to become your mentor, much like you have mentored Jaune in fighting.”

What was worse was the grin on Jaune’s face. He tried to hide it, admittedly – but he was doing a very poor job of it. Whenever his eyes met hers, he had to look away in fear of bursting out into laughter.


“No, thank you,” Pyrrha grunted. “I’ll figure it out myself.”

“I insist,” Weiss needled.

“Shut up,” Pyrrha grumbled. “You can have this win. I admit defeat.”

She never admitted defeat in anything but that had been horrible. There was no getting around it, there was no saving face. Her bowling had been absolutely, positively, mind numbingly terrible.

Weiss tittered. “I shall graciously accept.”

If she nudged Weiss in the side and pushed her into traffic, would Jaune be mad at her? Not that Argus had much traffic. Most people used the streetcars or walked. As much as Pyrrha loved Vale, it was so big that owning a vehicle to get around was almost a requirement for those that lived there. Yang had her motorbike, Bumblebee for example and while the public transport was pretty good, it just couldn’t beat this.

Vale wasn’t this cold, though. It had Argus beat there.

Since Weiss had picked their first activity and Pyrrha had chosen their second, it was now Jaune that was leading them along. He didn’t know the city and hadn’t researched beforehand, so she doubted he had little idea where he was taking them but that was part of the charm.

Glancing at Weiss, she contemplated the smaller girl’s presence.

Seeing her with her mother when they’d arrived had been a shock, and that shock had soon transformed into frustration and anger. Instead of getting to spend weeks alone with Jaune, she had to keep sharing him. His attention was now going to be split between them and while the rest of their friends were absent, Weiss was the worst one. Pyrrha’s monopoly on his affections all but shattered now that she was here and knowing that Jaune would fuck the heiress at some point filled her with… she didn’t know.

Pyrrha frowned.

At the beginning, it had certainly angered her. Knowing that the conniving, sly devil was reaping the rewards after having so callously discarded him for so long was aggravating. In reality, she was jealous of how sure Weiss was. The time from when the white haired girl began to change her view of Jaune until the time of them becoming intimate was short. Unlike Pyrrha who had been indecisive and hesitant for so long, Weiss had swooped in and claimed what she wanted, in a way none of them expected.

All of this was Pyrrha’s fault.

If she had been more sure of herself and had taken that first step long ago, there wouldn’t have been an opportunity for any of this to occur. Weiss would have been out of luck, Pyrrha and Jaune would be dating and everything would be right in the world. Well, the Grimm still existed but that was a moot point.

Now Jaune was dating both of them. Not only that but he wanted this to work. He liked both of them and wanted everything to succeed. Pyrrha would have once thought that was a ludicrous thought, an impossibility that just would not, could not happen.

Now? She wasn’t so sure.

When Jaune had walked Weiss home, Pyrrha had been confident that Weiss would take advantage of the situation and have sex with him. The fact that she hadn’t made her relieved... and not. Part of it was because she knew the heiress was up to something. She was always scheming and thinking of ways to one up her, and this was doubtlessly no different. But another part of her...

She was confused.

The thought of them being together once pissed her off beyond belief. That was normal, right? No girl wanted their man to sleep with another woman. But sometimes she would imagine it. Jaune furiously pistoning into Weiss’ lithe, tight body and it would make her feel strange, a swooping feeling in the pit of her stomach that was equal parts envious and aroused. The first time she had seen that photo Weiss had sent her, it had filled her with rage. Now? Whenever she opened it up and looked at it, seeing her pristine face covered in the remnants of Jaune’s massive ejaculation, her insides would coil and twitch, a pressure blooming in her tummy.

It was an unmistakable feeling. Even with that flare of competitiveness that urged her to action, even with that anger at having another girl pleasure Jaune’s magnificent cock with their body, there was no doubting that it was beginning to turn her on.

Turn her on a lot.

What was wrong with her?

Whenever Weiss claimed she was going to be his number one, she wanted to wipe that arrogant, haughty smile off her bitch face. At the same time, she wanted Weiss to prove it. Can you be his number one? Show me, then. Prove that you can fuck and suck better than her, prove that he desired your svelte, sculpted body over Pyrrha’s more voluptuous one.

Prove it, if you dared.

They were really doing this, weren’t they? They were going to share him. He was their boyfriend and Pyrrha knew he would treat them both right, fulfill their needs in every way he could. Emotionally. Physically.

Pyrrha felt like she had been tamed by that fat cock of his. The way he had thrashed her body again and again and again on the airship, she hadn’t known such pleasure existed. Weiss had been tamed by it as well, hadn’t she? Jaune had drawn them in by being a genuinely good man, a caring friend and a handsome face – and then dominated them with his cock, pounding their bodies, filling them up with his thick, creamy sperm.

“Pyrrha?” Weiss questioned uncertainly.

Weiss was giving her a strange look, head tilted slightly as they walked. Pyrrha tried to compose herself but it was difficult. Her core was throbbing, a steady, dark pulse of desire that flooded her underwear. Dark emerald eyes raked over the sublime form of Weiss Schnee and saw all the things someone like Jaune could do to such a nimble, nubile body.

Jaune was a little ahead of them, consulting his scroll. He was distracted.

Leaning in, she hissed, “Why didn’t you fuck him last night?”

Weiss looked startled by the question.

“He was served up on a silver platter and you refrained. What are you playing at?”

Weiss quickly regained her wits. “Hmph – you’ll find out, soon enough.”

Green eyes narrowed. “You were right, you know.”

“About what?”

“The flight was very long and very hard,” Pyrrha taunted, feeling a thrill at the irritation on Weiss’ face. “It took all of my endurance to handle it. Mm – it really is the only way to fly.”

“Oh? I always knew you had a slutty body,” Weiss returned, eyes bright. “It isn’t a surprise that you could handle it in the end.”

“I think it is clear whose body he desires more,” Pyrrha smirked. “He couldn’t help but sample it multiple times. How many times has he been with you?”

Weiss glared and Pyrrha knew she’d hit a mark.

“I am glad that you can be more honest with yourself now,” Pyrrha confessed suddenly. “Jaune deserves all the love available to him. He didn’t need a girl who was conflicted with false pretenses. He didn’t need someone stringing him along.”

There was a beat of silence.

“I – er,” for once, she had rendered Weiss a loss for words.

“Jaune wants this all to work, so I do, as well,” Pyrrha then linked their arms, drawing Weiss in. “He likes you, always has – but just to be clear; I’m his priority. As his teammate, partner and girlfriend, I am his number one. Not you.”

Weiss eyed her in challenge. “We will see, won’t we?”

Whatever idea Weiss had in store, Pyrrha would meet it head on. She wouldn’t lose. She didn’t know the meaning of it.

Unless it was bowling...

Don’t think of that, Pyrrha cringed. It didn’t happen. Nope. Never.

“Guys,” Jaune called, drawing their attention. “What do you think of ice skating?”

Argus had many frozen lakes where businesses set up and rented out ice skates but even though it was currently very cold, it was still summer. They wouldn’t be safe to use. But there were also indoor, artificial ice rinks that the local hockey teams competed in and that the public used at this time of year.

It was perfect. Pyrrha loved skating.

It was pretty close to where they were and soon enough, they found themselves renting ice skates. Like the bowling alley, it was fairly busy with a lot of children and teenagers milling about. Sometimes she wondered if any of these teens were once friends of hers, back in a different life but she dismissed the thought whenever it appeared. It wouldn’t help to dwell on the past.

There was an area for advanced skaters and an area of beginners so they wouldn’t get in each other's way. Pyrrha was about to glide out onto the ice when she noticed the nervous look on Jaune’s face and paused.


He grinned at her shyly. “I’ve – uh, never done this before.”

Weiss looked surprised. “So why did you choose this?”

He shrugged. “I thought I could learn. No better time than now, right?”

Pyrrha beamed. “I would be happy to teach you.”

Weiss looked like she was about to say something but then changed her mind, instead saying, “This should be good.”

Jaune could be clumsy at the best of times but he also had really good balance on account of his many years learning to dance. He could trip over his own feet walking but put him on the dance floor and you wouldn’t find a more confident, sure dancer. Pyrrha knew that it must have been a mental thing. He had been the same with his footwork during training, often unable to focus on both his feet and his sword at the same time. Once he cracked that, though – well, his form and footwork were now impeccable.

So it wasn’t a surprise when he first slid out onto the ice, he barely got a couple of feet before stumbling wildly, flailing his arms before crashing to the ice in a heap. Weiss giggled, not even trying to hide it and Pyrrha felt a smile twisting her lips immediately.

“Ow,” Jaune moaned, cheek pressed against the ice.

“Come on, then,” Pyrrha hauled him up easily. “Here, hold my hands.”

Weiss circled them in graceful arcs and of course she could ice skate like she was born to it. Pyrrha wasn’t surprised. She had seen Weiss skate atop ice dust formed runways during battle in nothing but her heeled boots. Skating on a proper ice rink with ice skates was child’s play compared to that.

“Okay, Jaune – I want you to look at my feet,” she instructed and he followed along. “See how my feet are positioned? I’m not standing perfectly flat. I’m resting on the inside edge of the blade, my feet tilted inward.” He moved his feet to copy her position. “Great. Now – you want to have your skates about shoulder width apart. Keep your knees slightly bent, not too much – and you want to keep your back straight, chest up and shoulders parallel to the ice. That will keep your weight centered over your skates. If you lean too far forward or back, you’ll tip over.”

She waited until he got into position.

“Alright. Now I’ll lead you along so you get a feel for gliding on the ice,” he nodded and she began moving backwards, their hands still entwined as she pulled him along. His eyes lit up as they moved smoothly. “See how that feels?”


They did this for a couple of minutes while Weiss continued to loop lazy circles around them. She even began adding in little twirls, the heiress showing off her skill. Whenever she did, her coat would flare out in spectacular fashion.

“Do you think you are used to the feeling?”

“I think so,” his face was completely focused, eyes slightly narrowed.

“Now I’m going to show you how to move,” Pyrrha let go of his hands. For a brief second he looked panicked but when he didn’t immediately fall on his ass, he sighed. Pyrrha giggled. “Your balance is good. So, you push off with one leg to move forward. You turn the skate out slightly, like this,” she showed him the correct position, toe out but still leaning inwards on the inside of the blade. “When you push off, you don’t just push backwards like a running motion. You do it a bit off to the side.”

Pyrrha pushed off and she slid forward.

She then got Jaune to try it. It took a few turns for him to get it right and keep his posture correct but when he did, he was off. She taught him how to flow into the next step and soon enough, Jaune was making his way around the beginner area confidently. Most importantly, she showed him how to slow down and brake, and then get up off the ice when he fell.

When she was done with drilling him on the basics, they simply made their way around the outside of the ice, skating together as Weiss continued to power on ahead. They watched as the white haired girl gained speed before turning, moving backwards along the ice. Then at the last moment, she whipped around, generating momentum as she leapt up off the ice, executing a perfect triple axel spin. Landing effortlessly, her leg held out behind her, she bowed deeply as people gasped and began applauding.

“Woah,” Jaune said with awe.

Woah was right. There weren’t many people in the world who could pull off that sort of maneuver. That was the sort of thing you saw used at the highest peak of competition and Weiss did it in a maxi coat at some random rink in Argus for fun. She was a Huntress-in-training and had aura, her abilities far exceeding even the most well trained and talented athletes but that was beyond impressive.

If Pyrrha tried such a thing, she would end up on her face.

“That was amazing, Weiss,” Jaune praised her and she preened.

“Thank you.”

“I think you’ve got admirers,” Pyrrha pointed out. Several people were snapping pictures while others pointed and whispered, excited by what they’d just seen. “That was really impressive, Weiss. Did you ever compete?”

She shook her head.

“No. Father would never allow it,” she rolled her eyes. “I was tutored by a former world champion in the sport. She was greatly amused when I incorporated skating into my fighting style when I began training to become a Huntress.”

“He wouldn’t let you compete in skating but he let you become a Huntress?” Jaune looked confused.

“He thought I would fail,” she replied evenly. “He never believed that I had what it took. He let me train and then attempted to set me up for failure. He gave me an ultimatum – if I passed his test, then I could attend any Huntsman Academy that I desired. If I failed, then I would remain at home and continue to learn the family business under his direct supervision. He wished for me to aspire for something and then crush it, so I would be utterly obedient because he knew best.”

Pyrrha frowned. “That’s horrible.”

They all knew that Weiss’ family situation wasn’t great but her father sounded like a real piece of work.

“It doesn’t matter,” Weiss shrugged. “I beat his test, though not unscathed,” she touched her eye, fingers running along the faded scar that carved her brow and cheek.

“He did that to you?”

Jaune’s jaw was tense, the muscle in his neck taut. He was upset.

Weiss blinked. “Er – no, not personally. I had to fight a Geist. It was possessing a giant suit of armor and it had a sword. It was the Geist that did this.”

“But he set it up,” Jaune said darkly.

Weiss placed a hand on his arm, expression soft. “I won, Jaune.”

He sighed, looking away. “I just... how could anyone...”

This is why Pyrrha loved this man. She saw that same thought and feeling reflected in Weiss’ eyes. She was touched by Jaune’s concern.

“Come on,” Weiss urged, pushing off backwards. “We are here to skate.”

An hour in and Jaune was moving across the ice with confidence. There were still moments where it looked like he might fall. He wasn’t great at turning and occasionally, he would shift his weight in the wrong way but otherwise, he was getting the hang of it. Weiss decided to entertain them, performing spins and twists, skating backwards, pirouetting on the tip of her blades like a ballerina. People were watching them intently but no one approached them, a small crowd beginning to gather, everyone enjoying the show that Weiss was putting on.

Pyrrha admired the skill her friend was displaying, a brief flame of competitiveness roaring to life in her gut. But there really was no competition here – Pyrrha was well versed on the ice and could move about effortlessly but Weiss was just on another level. Just like Nora was someone she could not challenge when it came to pure physical strength, Weiss Schnee looked like she was in her element, seemingly even more graceful here than she was on solid ground.

She looked like a beautiful swan, even more striking for the brilliant smile she wore. Emerald eyes observed every detail of her slender form, lingering on her shapely legs, her rounded, sculpted butt. Her tights left nothing to the imagination, clinging to her toned muscles and plump flesh like a second skin.

Pyrrha felt more than competitiveness uncurl in her belly.

It was time they moved on.

“That was fun,” Jaune said happily.

Pyrrha agreed. It had been a long time since she had gone skating. She had fond memories of going with her mother, the pair of them spending hours out on the ice, simply enjoying being together. Being a single mother, Pandora had always made sure to make time for her, whenever she needed it. Eventually her training had taken up much of that time, something she had come to regret in her most nostalgic moments, but her mother had always been so supportive of her goals and dreams.

Perhaps before she returned to Beacon, she would bring her mother out to skate together. Maybe they could also visit the gardens together and hang out like old times. Some people might find it strange because she was practically a grown woman now but Pyrrha still just wanted to be pampered by her mom.

It was often said that time flies when you are having fun. It was now deep into the afternoon, approaching the evening. There was a break in the clouds overhead, a deep, rich purple, vibrant red and orange as the sun was beginning to make its way down beyond the horizon. It was getting even colder now, her breath frosting the air in front of her.

A loud grumble pulled their attention and Jaune laughed awkwardly, rubbing his neck.

“Uh – I guess I’m pretty hungry.”

They hadn’t eaten since breakfast and now that he said that, Pyrrha felt her own hunger pangs hit her. They had been having so much fun that food had been the last thing on their minds.

“I could eat a horse,” she said seriously, touching her stomach. “I’m starving.”

“Where should we eat?” he asked.

“Actually, I thought we could dine at my place,” Weiss offered. “I planned to invite you both back. Will you join me?”

“Of course,” Jaune said.

Pyrrha nodded.

Jaune had mentioned that the Schnee holiday home had been in a gated community and he wasn’t kidding. Once upon a time, Pyrrha had offered to buy a house here for her mother to stay in. While she wasn’t as wealthy as the Schnee family or the deposed Mistralian Royal Family, she was arguably just as famous. There had been no incidents involving overzealous fans but that was always a possibility and Pyrrha constantly worried that instead of targeting her, they might harass her mother.

Pandora refused, though. She was more than happy with her townhouse down by the waterfront. She had raised Pyrrha in that home and she would grow old there, she said. Their memories in that place were important.

Pyrrha didn’t have it in her heart to ever question that again. She also loved that house.

When they arrived, Weiss showed them in. The entrance hall was wide with hardwood floors, a rich, varnished oak with a massive fur rug unfurled across the ground. Pyrrha watched as Weiss helped Jaune out of his jacket, hanging it up on the coat rack before removing her own coat. It was warm in here, the cold skin of her face stinging slightly as it rapidly heated up and Pyrrha removed her shawl, leaving her in a tight black under top.

She caught Weiss glancing her way, specifically at her chest but the white haired girl looked away quickly when she saw Pyrrha had noticed.

“Ah, Miss Schnee, you have returned,” a maid appeared, a young woman in her early twenties, not much older than them. “Dinner is almost ready. Would you like me to show your guests through to the dining room?”

“I can do it. Thank you, Ivy.”

The maid – Ivy – curtsied and hurried away, leaving them alone.

“Come,” Weiss gestured and they followed her through a pair of large double doors, passing through a lounge room with old, stylish furniture and portraits of landscapes and people long past, and then into the dining room.

As soon as they stepped inside, they were hit with the most mouth watering scents. The kitchen must have been only one room over. Pyrrha felt her stomach clench in approval, saliva pooling on her tongue.

The dining table was long, capable of seating over a dozen people easily. Weiss showed them to the end, three places already set with cutlery. Something nagged at her, Pyrrha hesitating briefly before sitting, Jaune pulling her chair out like a gentleman. She grinned at him and he smiled back before repeating the action for Weiss, the heiress showing off her perfectly straight, white teeth. Jaune sat between them.

They can’t have been seated more than a minute or two before the food was rolled out on carts.

“I wasn’t sure what everyone liked so I may have gone overboard,” Weiss admitted.

There were salads with lush green lettuce and tomato, onion and cucumber, tossed through with dressing. There were roasted vegetables, golden brown potatoes and soft, lightly charred carrots, sweet potato and pumpkin, infused with herbs and garlic, tossed with olive oil. Juicy roasted lamb leg, rubbed with countless spices. Pan fried fish drizzled with a citrus sauce. Seafood chowder, rich and creamy with mussels, scallops, crab and fish. Eye fillet steak accompanied by a rich mushroom sauce.

And more – so much more.

Pyrrha felt a little overwhelmed, not knowing where to start or what to have. Jaune looked the same, blinking with wide eyes as dish after dish was set down on the table.

“Don’t worry,” Weiss assured them. “Nothing will be wasted. The staff will eat their fill after we are done, and the leftovers will be consumed tomorrow. Take as much or as little as you want.”

That wasn’t the issue here! Though it was nice to know that such food wouldn’t just get thrown in the trash afterwards. But this spread was outrageous, the type of thing she expected to see at a banquet.

Pyrrha didn’t know where to start, taking a little of everything. The lamb was tender and juicy, the deep, earthy flavor exploding across her tongue. It was perfectly infused with rosemary and garlic, while the outside was covered in a bark of charred spices; paprika, salt, pepper, and more. Pouring a helping of gravy on top, she added a little of the mint sauce that came alongside it and she almost moaned out loud.

This was good! Really, really good!

The fish was soft and flakey, a hint of pepper that accompanied the citrus tang of the sauce. It was so thick that it almost resembled a mousse, light and airy on her tongue, lemony and fresh. The seafood chowder was like a slap in the face, the mixture of different flavors and textures sending her to cloud nine. She particularly liked the scallops, cooked to perfection, the creamy sauce holding just the slightest hint of turmeric.

There was no getting around it; she made a pig of herself.

She wasn’t the only one.

Jaune ate like a man that hadn’t seen food in weeks. Pyrrha watched as he consumed everything before him with gusto. Weiss ate at a much slower pace, her utensils held in a delicate grip but she wasn’t immune from the feast laid out for them. She went back for seconds, and then even thirds. Their day out had worked up an appetite in all of them, and when the staff wheeled out a meringue topped with a thick layer of whipped cream and covered with passion fruit pulp and strawberries, Pyrrha almost died.

Whipped cream was her great weakness.

Her spoon passed through the cream and the hardened baked shell with little resistance, sinking into the soft, fluffy inside effortlessly. The contrast in textures on her tongue as she spooned it into her mouth, the sugary sweetness of the meringue, the tartness of the passion fruit and strawberries, it all came together exquisitely. This time she couldn’t stop the moan that passed her lips, her tongue licking at the spoon to chase the flavor.

“You approve,” Weiss said with a teasing grin.

“This is good,” Pyrrha replied before spooning another mouthful. “This is dangerous.”

She was in no danger of putting on weight but eating something so amazingly tasty always made her feel like she was engaging in bad eating behavior.

“It’s my favorite,” Weiss confessed. “It really is dangerous.”

Some wine was set on the table as the staff began taking food away and Pyrrha helped herself to a glass. Jaune and Weiss also drank, and it wasn’t long before they had finished a bottle and moved onto another. She hoped that this wasn’t becoming a habit. She had drunk more in the last couple of days than she had in all her years combined.

“Weiss, that was...” Jaune patted his stomach. “I don’t know. I’ve never eaten so good in my life.”

Weiss smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. This has been a wonderful day.”

It had been. Pyrrha thought that things might have been weird with the three of them but why did it feel so natural? This situation wasn’t normal. Yet Pyrrha had enjoyed every second of it and not just because she was spending time with her boyfriend. She had enjoyed Weiss’ presence as well.

They were both dating the same man. They were both fucking him. He was taking that big, hard cock of his and messing them both up, and they were both enjoying every second of it. If people found out – oh, the scandal. It would fuel outrage for months! This was not accepted behavior. Society would judge them harshly, especially because of her position, because of Weiss’ position.

Pyrrha found herself caring less and less.

Not just about what other people thought.

But about Weiss’ presence in their relationship.

Pyrrha wondered if the alcohol was getting to her. But no, she’d already been feeling a certain type of way about all of this. Jaune liked them both, and they both liked him. It was practically a done deal unless one of them wished to pull out and they didn’t. It was all about who the top dog was now, so to speak. Weiss wouldn’t back down, would never surrender – but neither would she.

Emerald eyes slyly glanced at Weiss, watching the heiress as she leaned in and whispered something in Jaune’s ear. Weiss was her toughest opponent, her greatest test. The girl had declared war on her and they traded victories. Pyrrha had tasted his cock first but Weiss had stolen his first kiss. Pyrrha had sex with him first but Weiss became his girlfriend before her. Different milestones, shared between them – you could say they were two and two, evenly matched.

What would the tie breaker be?

Weiss slipped out of her chair and pulled Jaune up before reaching for Pyrrha’s hand. Pyrrha slipped her hand into Weiss’ and the smaller woman pulled her up, tugging her along.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“I thought we could settle some things,” Weiss said, leading them up a staircase.

She led them into a bedroom at the end of the hall. A quick glance showed a large room with a balcony attached, the curtains pulled and showing the sprawling backyard. In the corner was an old wooden wardrobe, the face carved with vines and small figures prancing along the wood, while in the center of the room was a massive four poster bed, the columns reaching the ceiling, rich velvet red curtains tied aside.

Pyrrha felt her heart begin to beat faster.

“Do you like it?” Weiss asked, releasing their hands. She moved over to the bed and then turned to face them, a haughty smirk stretching her lips. Her fingers toyed with the hem of her turtleneck, plucking at it. “What do you say we settle who number one is? Right here, right now?”

The implication was clear.

Pyrrha shot Weiss a feral smile.

“You’re on.”



Well... Pyrrha did push Jaune to Weiss previously. Ergo she is a Cuckqueen. Weiss in Ice Queendom essentially dressed Pyrrha in her volume 4 dress in her dreams... obviously she has always had a minor crush on her.


So, I assume that the challenge is about who can last longer in a threesome with Jaune. I don't know if I should envy or pity him. Either way, it's gonna be a long night. My money is on Pyrrha.


Well they’re going to burn off that meal that’s for sure 😁