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Weiss had brought her entire wardrobe of clothes from Beacon but the fact was that Argus was much colder than Vale. While she did have several pieces suitable for the weather, she discovered much to her shock that they were tight around the hips and chest. An entire year had passed since she had left Atlas and it seemed that she had grown in certain key areas.

Not by much, of course. No one would ever mistake her for having large breasts but it was enough that a few of her older tops and jackets felt a little stifling when she tried them on. Many of her pants were the same, tight around her hips and posterior – and she realized that she was wholly unprepared for her date with Jaune and Pyrrha. While she had been constantly updating her selection of clothes, those had all been suited for Vale and its much warmer temperature. She hadn’t been quite so methodical at keeping up to date on her winter selection.

Luckily, she was Weiss Schnee.

She needed clothes – and so, she purchased them. These days, Weiss didn’t like flaunting the influence her grandfather’s company wielded but desperate times called for desperate measures. Just like chartering a flight on a private airship to arrive in Argus before them, she used her name to summon the expertise of some of the best stylists and fashion designers in the city. The sun was barely in the sky when vans of clothing were delivered to her door alongside the best in make-up and perfumes. They had even offered their personal services but she had declined.

Her discerning eye was more than enough for this.

Weiss watched as the household staff brought everything inside. Instead of bringing them to her bedroom, she had them arrange everything in the drawing room. Having already set up a mirror, she shooed them all away when everything was in place and got to work.

This was a date and so she needed to look the part. But this wasn’t some soulless gala or banquet. There was nothing formal about it. They were just three teenagers, two girls and a boy – two girls who just happened to be dating the same boy. She needed something that looked good, was appropriate for the weather and was suitable for the casual activities she had planned for them.

And she needed to look better than Pyrrha since Weiss was Jaune’s number one!

Jaune had loved her sundress, she knew – but dresses were out. Summer it may be but Argus didn’t get the memo. No, she needed to dress warmly but with sophistication. There would be no baring of skin so she would need to draw his eyes in a different way.

Tights were the name of the game. Thermal tights that would cling to her toned shapely legs and show off her amazing ass. They would draw his gaze to how slender she was and her temping thigh gap, calling to be filled by something long, throbbing and hard.

Holding back the night before had left her wet and wanting but she knew it to be the correct decision.

Weiss rubbed her hot cheeks and set aside a pair of simple black tights, discarding the others. She matched those tights with some handsome brown wool lined leather boots that encased the better part of her calves, laced in the front. The brown of the leather went well with the black tights and the hint of white from the wool around the mouth added a little extra something.

Lower body done, she began on tops and coats.

There were so many to choose from. Weiss had always been partial to pea coats but decided to go with something a little more flashy and stylish. Running her fingers across the rack, she browsed through the collection, discarding various coats until she was left with a warm cream colored maxi coat. It was the perfect length and when she shrugged it on to try it, the hem fell below her knees but not so low as her ankles. The large black circular buttons popped against the lighter color and went with her tights.

She set it aside.

Now she just needed a top.

This one was easy. Nothing went better with a maxi than a woolen turtleneck. Weiss quickly found one to her liking, pure white and heavenly soft against her skin. Rubbing her cheek against it, she smiled.

Now – underwear.

Weiss wanted something cute but daring, a pair of panties that would drive Jaune to rip them off of her body. G-strings were a little too much so those were out but regular cut weren't enough. She settled on a black tanga style with lace sides, her plump, sculpted ass swallowing the back as it slipped between her crack and cupped the swells of her butt. This cut also highlighted her trim, flat stomach.

The matching bra was comfortable and accessible with the clasp in the front, allowing for quick access when the time came.

She had everything she needed.

They were to be meeting at ten, leaving her a little over an hour. She spent her time in the shower, scrubbing every inch of skin and ensuring that her legs and other places were completely hair free. Afterwards, she moisturized her skin and brushed and dried her hair to a fine shine, her hair like spun moonlight. Brushing her teeth, she inspected herself in the mirror.

Touching her breasts, she gave them a soft squeeze and tested their weight. When she released them, they gave a little jiggle, retaining their perky shape. Turning, she looked over her side profile before turning all the way and rising up on her toes to see her butt. Pinching the skin, she was pleased with its tightness.

She was in peak form.

Getting dressed but leaving off the coat, she called for one of the maids. Weiss decided to wear her hair the same way she had for their last date, a series of braids woven through her hair and pulled back in looping arches to join her ponytail. She could do it herself but having another set of hands prepare her ensured a much better product. She finished the look with her Schnee inspired tiara, the silver snowflake glittering.

Picking out a pair of silver earrings set with beautiful vivid sapphires, she dabbed some perfume around her wrists and neck, and along her collarbone. It was a softer scent, almost powdery with a vanilla base.

It was time.

Weiss caught the streetcar across the city and soon found herself outside Pandora’s home. Men watched her with longing while women gazed at her enviously but she paid them little mind. Ascending the steps, she pressed a finger against the doorbell and then inspected her nails which she had carefully painted a glossy black.

Pyrrha answered the door.

As expected of her rival, the crimson haired girl had dressed to impress. A pair of tight jeans clung to her toned, muscular thighs and calves, cupping her plump ass and lifting it to perfection. She was also wearing boots; a simple, handsome brown with a heel that only increased her impressive height. Around her shoulders and flowing across her torso was a knitted shawl, a deep red a few shades darker than her hair, patterned with gold designs. As usual, she wore her circlet in her hair, the golden chains looped around her ears with emeralds hanging from the ends – only now she had matched with similar golden earrings, teardrops of green to go with her eyes. Around her wrists, she wore bracelets; golden chains set with more emeralds.

Weiss smirked.

“So,” Weiss said, finished looking the Invincible Girl up and down. “Do you think he likes sapphires or emeralds more?”

Pyrrha returned her smirk with one of her own.

Jaune peeked over Pyrrha’s shoulder and smiled, breaking the tension that was quickly beginning to develop.

“Hey Weiss,” he greeted happily. “Wow, you look good.”

“Thank you,” she graciously accepted, smiling at him. “Pyrrha looks amazing, don’t you think?”

He nodded as Pyrrha blushed lightly.

“She does. I hope I’m dressed okay?”

Jaune could wear a sack for all she cared but when he stepped out, she was certainly glad that he wasn’t. His jeans were a dark black, his white sneakers a smart contrast. He wore a light blue long sleeve shirt, buttoned in the front, with a black leather jacket thrown over the top, the collar inlay with wool. His hair had been styled, parted on the side and combed over, the sides trimmed short.

“Did you have a haircut?” Weiss asked, surprised.

He laughed. “Yeah, uh – apparently Pandora used to be a hairdresser, once upon a time.”

“Not that long ago,” they heard Pyrrha’s mother call out from deeper within the house. “You’ll make me feel old if you talk like that.”

“I like it,” Weiss said.

It gave him a smart, clean look that she very much enjoyed. She hoped he decided to keep it this way.


“We’re going now, mom!” Pyrrha yelled out.

“Have fun~!”

When the door shut, Weiss wasted no time.

“Have you told her you two are dating yet?”

Pyrrha scowled.

“Ooh – I take that as a no.”

“Pyrrha thought we should wait,” Jaune answered for her, stepping down onto the sidewalk. “You know – until we, er – figure all this out?”

“There is nothing to figure out,” Weiss said haughtily. “I’m your first girlfriend and she is your second girlfriend. Take note of the hierarchy.”

Pyrrha scoffed. “Do I need to put you in your place again?”

Weiss felt her eye twitch. “Oh?”

Jaune raised his hands. “Wait, wait – before you get all catty, just hear me out, okay? This is what I wanted to talk to you two about. This – well, this isn’t normal, is it?” he gestured at the three of them. “People don’t usually do this.”

Weiss shrugged. “We aren’t normal. If you haven’t noticed, I’m the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company and she is the most talented Huntress-in-training of our generation and a world famous athlete.”

“Right,” he said. “But even so – if anything, I didn’t think either of you would settle for anything less than what you want.”

“Perhaps we should talk about this somewhere more private,” Pyrrha glanced back at her home and when they followed her gaze, they saw the curtains shift. “I think my mom is spying on us.”

Weiss hummed. “Fine. I know just the place. Just so you know, I’ve planned this entire day. Leave it all to me.”

She had thoroughly researched the best places to take someone on a date because of course she had. Weiss was the kind of girl to prepare and it didn’t matter if it was café locations or how to suck a dick, she wasn’t afraid to seek outside aid when her own knowledge was insufficient.

The establishment she had settled on was a cute little place in the middle of the busiest section of the city, located in a small street off the main avenue. The café may have been small but it was completely full with a line of people out the door. According to reviews, this place boasted the best coffee in the entire city and the flakiest, most buttery croissants, among other things. If they’d just been walking in off the street, they’d be waiting forever but Weiss had foreseen such problems and had rung ahead, booking a small alcove towards the back of the store.

It would give them the privacy they sought.

People glanced at them, disgruntled as they skipped the line but didn’t make a fuss, especially when they noticed just who was skipping ahead. Necks craned around to watch them move through the store, one of the baristas showing them to their table since the waitresses were so busy.

A young girl hurried out of her seat and rushed over much to the consternation of her mother, face full of awe. In her hand, she held a napkin.

“Pyrrha Nikos?” she asked, voice trembling.

Weiss watched as Pyrrha smiled, a genuine smile that made her face glow.

“Hello,” she greeted kindly, everyone in the store watching. “Do you want an autograph?”

The little girl nodded rapidly.

“I’m so sorry,” her mother said as she rushed up behind her. “Mia – you can’t just go up and bother people like this.”

“It’s okay,” Pyrrha waved off her concern. “Do you have a pen?”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. “I’m sure. Her name is Mia?”

The mother dug through her handbag and produced a pen, and Pyrrha knelt down to write on the napkin. She then went the extra mile and hugged her, even taking a picture with her before sending her off on her way. The little girl’s smile could have rivaled the sun in that moment.

Jaune gave his partner a fond look. “That was really sweet of you.”

Pyrrha ducked her head.

“I remember being like her,” she replied, abashed. “There was a young actress from here that I was a fan of. I – um, saw her one day in the street and asked for an autograph.”

Weiss saw the wistful expression on her face.

“She refused, didn’t she?”

Pyrrha nodded.

Weiss saw deeper.

“She was a bitch about it.”

It wasn’t a question.

Pyrrha sighed.

“Yeah,” she finally said. “She was not kind.”

Jaune looked indignant on her behalf. The fact that he was so riled up about something that probably happened ten years ago filled Weiss with affection, even though it wasn’t aimed at her. Pyrrha must have felt the same because she shot him a grateful look.

“It’s okay. I got over it,” Pyrrha shrugged. “At the time, though – heh, it felt like my whole world crumbled around me. I don’t want to ever make any of my fans feel that way. Especially the younger ones.”

Thankfully no more people were emboldened by the courage of that little girl and they were left alone. There was a small barrier of potted plants hiding them from view and no one could approach without them seeing, a generous amount of space between them and the next table. They were free to talk.

“Okay,” Jaune said, quickly looking back and forth between them. “Okay – uh, hm – hah, I’m not good at this sort of thing.”

Pyrrha grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze.

“Just speak truthfully. That is all you need to do.”

He nodded. “Right – okay. I – I like you,” he said to Pyrrha. “And I like you,” he aimed at her, a small shiver passing through her heart. “I like you both. And you two like me.”

Weiss smirked. “Of course.”

Pyrrha nodded. “Yes.”

“And I’m dating you,” he continued. “Both of you.”

They glanced at one another, emerald and blue.

“You are,” Weiss looked away first, back at Jaune.

“And you are really okay with this?” he asked incredulously. “Pyrrha, you’re okay that I’m intimate with Weiss?”

Pyrrha hesitated.

“And you, Weiss – you’re okay that I’m intimate with Pyrrha?”

Weiss shrugged. “It’s not what I envisioned my first relationship would be,” she admitted. “If you told me that this would be my situation two months ago, I would have been appalled. But I’ve thought about this a lot. You say you like me? That you wish to be with me?”

Jaune nodded, face serious. “Yes. I do.”

“Then that is good enough for me,” Weiss said and Pyrrha shot her a look of surprise. “I trust you, Jaune. I know you are a good person. You didn’t start all of this – we did. I still think you’d be better off ditching her,” Pyrrha glared. “But if I have to share you with anyone, then there is no one better than her.”

“You really mean that?”

“Sure,” she then gave Pyrrha an arrogant look. “If she can’t keep up with me, then that is her problem.”

“You like to talk big for such a small girl, don’t you?” Pyrrha needled.

“Small?” Weiss spluttered, straightening up.

“Tiny,” Pyrrha dug deeper. Weiss felt a spark of anger.

“Whatever,” Weiss looked away, stewing. “I told you that I’d be your number one and I’ll show you, soon enough.”

Jaune looked at her warily, his expression matched by Pyrrha.

Despite how busy the café was, they were seen by a waitress soon enough. Weiss ordered a scone with butter and raspberry jam to start with, and then an omelet with goat cheese feta, dried tomato and salad. Pyrrha picked a slice of spinach quiche with sautéed mushrooms while Jaune got a pair of poached eggs on toast accompanied by several strips of crisp bacon.

And coffee – all of the coffee.

Weiss decided on a cappuccino and it came with latte art. Someone behind the counter must have recognized who she was because as she peered down at the frothy foam layer on top, a very familiar stylized snowflake stared back at her.

“That’s cute,” Pyrrha commented.

It was.

Someone would be receiving a tip before they left.

The food was delicious and the reviews were a hundred percent correct about the coffee. Very little was said as they ate their breakfast, simply enjoying each other's company, though just before they left, Jaune’s scroll pinged.

Checking the message, he snickered and showed them without prompting. It was from Ruby and the message had no words, only a photo of Yang sprawled out on the couch, blanket kicked off and shirt riding up her stomach as she drooled all over one of the cushions. The hair she immaculately maintained was a mess, a host of tangles that stuck out every which way.

Weiss felt incredibly amused.

“Didn’t take her long to get into holiday mode,” Jaune joked.

“She is going to pay for that if Yang ever finds out,” Weiss commented.

“My lips are sealed,” Pyrrha said with a grin.

When they stepped out of the café, Weiss took the lead. The other two followed obediently, curious about what she had planned.

“I thought we could do a little sightseeing,” Weiss said as they waited for the streetcar. “And I know just the place.”

Gardens weren’t the first thing you thought of when you thought of Argus but to the surprise of many, the city boasted one of the most impressive botanical garden displays in the world. Protected and cultivated within a massive ten acre glass dome, it was at the forefront of scientific study when it came to the flora of Remnant. Even species that didn’t normally grow on the continent were lovingly raised and presented, tested and evaluated, all for the advancement of human and faunus knowledge. While many visited for the expertise found within, the majority simply went to experience the vast beauty on display.

“Have you been here before, Pyrrha?” Weiss asked as they paid the paltry entry fee of 1 lien.

Pyrrha shook her head. “I must confess that I have not. My class in elementary school came here on a school trip but I was sick the day of the excursion. When I was older, I never found the time.”

“Well, we’re here now,” Jaune gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Let’s go have a look around.”

The greenery on display was at total odds with the outside world. While Argus was surrounded by ancient pine forests, they weren’t what you could call vibrant. Most of the year they were buried underneath a layer of snow and when they weren’t, everything was muted by the overcast skies and chilly climate. As soon as they stepped inside the dome, a rush of warm, pleasant air washed over them. The air held the scent of what could only be described as nature, a mixture of pollen and sweet nectar, earth, wood and grass.

The gardens were separated into sections divided by wide stone paths, their edges flanked by well maintained hedges. To their immediate right was an explosion of color, as many flowers that existed in the world spread out before their very eyes. To their left were trees of all shapes and sizes from towering oaks typically only found in forests to smaller ones you’d normally see in people’s yards or lining sidewalks in parks like star magnolia, eastern snowbell or cherry blossom.

Pyrrha skipped ahead, making a beeline for the flowers and they followed her a few steps behind.

“Have you contacted your sister yet?” Weiss asked.

Jaune nodded. “Yeah – I’m meeting with her tomorrow. She wants me to spend the day and have dinner with her wife.”

He paused then, thinking something over before asking, “Would you like to come?”

Pleasure curled in her belly, different from the usual kind he inflicted with his impressive cock. This was emotional pleasure, a swelling of affection that made her feel giddy at its sudden onset.

“You wish for me to meet your sister?”

“Of course,” he said, as if there was any doubt.

“I would be delighted to,” she answered without a shred of hesitation. “Have you asked Pyrrha? I’m sure she would feel the same way.”

“I haven’t, not yet.”

“Ask her,” Weiss ordered, voice brooking no argument. “It is only right after you met her mother, don’t you think?”

Jaune gave her a shy smile.

Pyrrha was crouched in front of a bush of beautiful white roses, their curled petals tinged blue towards the tips. Weiss blinked in surprise and joined her, inspecting the wonderful plant.

“These are winter roses,” Weiss said, a hint of nostalgia bleeding into her voice. “I – my mother grows them in her garden.”

Pyrrha met her eyes.

“They’re wonderful.”

She could still remember a time where she would help her mother tend to them. It had been one of her favorite things to do, even if her father used to say that it was servants' work. That was before the mask had come off, when his words had sounded like fond exasperation and not what he truly felt about the activity; total disdain. Her mother used to smile back then; a smile that could warm Weiss on even the coldest of Atlesian night’s.

Something of her distress must have shown on her face because Pyrrha shuffled closer, a hand resting on her back.


“Sorry,” she said thickly. Clearing her throat, she stood and Pyrrha followed suit. “I was just trapped in a memory.”

“A bad memory?”

Even all these years later, she could still feel that warmth.

“No, a good one,” Weiss sighed. “That just makes it worse.”

Another hand joined Pyrrha’s on her back. Wider, stronger, his fingers soothing.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yes,” Weiss smiled, not lying. Glancing at Pyrrha, she smiled. Pyrrha hesitantly returned it. “Yes, everything is better than okay. Let us see more of the garden.”

Weiss laced her fingers with Jaune’s and after a brief second of hesitation, she grabbed Pyrrha’s hand too. The red head looked surprised as their fingers twined together but she squeezed back, emerald eyes warm. Flushing, Weiss tugged them both to follow and they fell into step with her.

They spent a lot of time just walking in silence, admiring the different plants. One area was dedicated to artistic placement, creating patterns with carefully planted flowers and bushes, trees and shrubs, their colors forming various pictures if looked at from above. There was also traditional Mistralian flower arrangement, telling stories of the heart, as well as a large rectangular spot solely for stone arrangement, an old practice of the Mistralian kingdom with spiritual ties.

Further in there were small water features; a little river, a collection of ponds, and fountains. One such fountain was covered in vines and sculpted in the visage of a woman, a multitude of colorful lights highlighting the water as it spouted out in controlled bursts. It lost much of its visual appeal because of the daylight but Weiss knew that at night, it would look spectacular. In the ponds swam fish, their scales a collection of red, white and oranges.

By the time they finished here, it was just after lunch.

“That was nice,” Pyrrha commented.

Jaune had hurried over to the reception desk, leaving the two of them alone. Weiss was still holding Pyrrha’s hand. It was warm and strong despite how soft and feminine it felt slotted against her own. Stroking her knuckles with her thumb, she examined the face of her love rival discreetly.

She really was a beautiful young woman with the most gorgeous eyes. Tastefully applied mascara and eyeliner made them pop even more than normal, her green eye shadow following the contour of her upper cheek. Warmth spread through her belly as she imagined how that alluring face must look, twisted in pleasure, lurid moans spilling from those plump pink lips as Jaune railed her with his massive dick. Watching her composure crumble as ecstasy robbed her of thought and reason would be delightful.

Weiss looked away, heart beating erratically beneath her breast. Taking a steadying breath, she exhaled slowly in an attempt at calming herself.

Soon. Everything would come together soon.

When Jaune returned, he was carrying a series of photo stamps. Weiss blinked as he handed them both a couple and was surprised to see their faces printed on them. They must have been taken in the gardens but she had not noticed or suspected a thing, their expressions natural as they observed their surroundings with wonder. One picture in particular with the three of them struck her fancy.

“These are wonderful,” Pyrrha smiled brilliantly. “I didn’t know they had such a service.”

“When we arrived, I noticed a board with photos pinned on them,” Jaune confessed. “And then when we paid, I asked the lady and she confirmed that you could purchase pictures of yourself in the garden. It was only a couple of lien. I thought you two would like them. A – uh, souvenir of our time here.”

“I love it,” Weiss said.

Weiss couldn’t remember the last time she had seen a photo of herself where her expression wasn’t carefully arranged to project exactly what she wished. In Atlas, it had been to protect herself against the paparazzi. After that, it had become so ingrained in her that even pictures with her new friends at Beacon often held only the barest hint of emotion. The lewd picture she had sent Pyrrha after she had serviced Jaune’s cock with her mouth was probably the most real photo she had taken in years. Wasn’t that embarrassing?

She wasn’t accustomed to seeing herself look so natural and free.

“Where are we going next?” Jaune asked.

“Um,” Pyrrha spoke up before Weiss could answer. “If you don’t mind, I have an idea?”

She sounded unsure.

Weiss shrugged. “It’s fine. I planned on lunch but I’m not particularly hungry yet.”

“Same,” Jaune gave Pyrrha an encouraging smile. “Is there something you want to do?”

She nodded shyly.

Tenpin bowling.

Weiss glanced around in bewilderment as teenagers and children rushed around them, bright lights flashing from the ceiling. The thunderous crack of ball meeting skittles sounded across the establishment, piercing the din of chatter. It was busy; very busy. Only two of the twenty available lanes were empty and then it was one as the couple ahead of them in line gathered their hired shoes and made their way to their spot.

Weiss was completely lost.

“This is what you want to do?” she asked somewhat faintly.

Pyrrha fiddled with her fingers.

“I’ve always wanted to try.”

Jaune beamed. “It’s really fun. Weiss, you’ll love it – trust me.”

It looked simple enough. You take the ball and throw it down the lane – no, you rolled it, Weiss corrected herself. Each lane was polished wood and she watched as these heavy, circular balls glided upon the surface effortlessly. Each ball had three holes for your fingers to grip and the name of the game was to knock down as many pins as possible. Simple enough, right?

“Well, if you say so,” she said, feeling a little anxious.

Jaune paid for their round and then they selected their shoes before making their way to the last available lane, right down the end. People noticed Pyrrha immediately and began pointing, and a few even recognized her. Some of them tried to snap discreet pictures and some weren’t very discreet at all, their scroll boldly pointed their way. One thing about being in a group of three meant that their first thought wasn’t that they were on a date.

Weiss smirked.

If only they knew.

Thoughts of her father’s outraged face at those types of headlines made her laugh.

“Weiss?” Pyrrha questioned.

“I just thought of something funny,” Weiss sat down on the bench and began unlacing her boots. “You must show me how to do this. I have never played such a game before.”

Slipping on the bowling shoes, she removed her coat and folded it neatly, her purse neatly tucked away from any potential unsavory persons.

“We each take turns trying to knock down the pins,” Pyrrha explained, pointing up at the screens above their heads. “It keeps score automatically. You get two tries to knock down all ten pins. Each pin is one point. If you knock them all down in a single roll, it’s called a strike and you get bonus points for the following bowl. If it takes two bowls, then it is called a spare.”

Pyrrha went on to explain more about the points system with a clear passion that was surprising. It was true that the redhead had picked this activity and had told them she’d always wanted to try it, but the way she was talking, it was clearly something she had a lot of knowledge in.

Who would have thought that Pyrrha Nikos was a bit of a tenpin bowling nerd?

“Oh,” Jaune exclaimed, thinking of something. “No aura, right? Uh – we don’t want to break something.”

Pyrrha’s mouth formed an O. “Yes, of course. It would be a little like cheating, wouldn’t it?”

Weiss tested the weight of the balls and found that they were quite heavy. If she hadn’t spent most of her life training her body to be a warrior, she might have struggled to lift it. She watched as Jaune input their names into the console and they appeared beside the scorecard.

He then went first, selecting a ball to his liking – a bright green one – and after testing the weight, he slipped his fingers and thumb into the three holes, lining up at the beginning of the lane. Stepping forward, he swung his arm back and then forward, crouching as he released it. It spun easily upon the oiled wood, skidding before curving slightly as it gained speed and with a thunderous rumble, it struck the pins coming in right-to-left. They tumbled down – all but one.

“Damn,” he said, walking over to the ball return rail and waiting. In only a few moments, his ball returned, popping out of the chute and resting on the rack. Grabbing it, he took position again and aimed carefully before following the same action as before.

He sent the remaining pin skittling.

Jaune turned to them and pumped his fist.

Pyrrha giggled.

“My turn,” she said, grabbing up a bright red ball. She looked excited, body bouncing up and down as the pins were set up.

Standing at the mouth of the lane, she closed her eyes and whispered something under her breath before striding forward, crouching and releasing in the same manner as Jaune. The ball spun, and spun, and spun straight into the gutter.

Weiss stared.

Jaune opened his mouth and then closed it again.

Pouting, Pyrrha waited until her red ball was returned before trying again. She must have figured that she had placed too much spin on it last time and so when she released it this time, it had almost none – nor did it have any sort of force behind it at all. It slid halfway down the lane, slowly veering off to the right before tumbling into the gutter about two feet from the pins.

What the hell was that?

Jaune hastily glanced at Weiss, his expression incredulous and she almost laughed. Almost.

If it hadn’t been for the clear frustration on Pyrrha’s face, she might have. Normally, she might not have held back but her clear passion for the activity convinced her to hold her tongue.

“I believe it is my turn now?” she asked, standing.

Pyrrha just stood there until Jaune gently nudged her aside.

Weiss had never done anything of the sort before and so she was rather pleased with herself when she knocked down a little over half of the pins. Unfortunately, she had opened up a gap in the middle, leaving three on the left and one on the right. She aimed for the three but was only able to clip the innermost pin. It ricocheted off one of the others but that was it, leaving two remaining.

Not perfect – but not bad for her first time.

Weiss felt a burning sensation on the back of her neck and when she turned, she was met with intense emerald eyes.

“I won’t lose,” Pyrrha told her, voice brooking no argument.

Jaune landed another spare – and then it was Pyrrha’s turn once again. Incredibly, she missed both times again. Somehow, she flubbed it even worse, the balls not even coming close.

Weiss bit her lip while Jaune covered his face.

“If you laugh, you die,” Pyrrha muttered at her.

Biting down harder to keep her amusement contained, she couldn’t focus as well as the first time and only managed to get six pins down in two rolls. Weiss couldn’t even feel annoyed by her poor performance, struggling not to giggle as the red head glared furiously at her red ball.

“I’m changing,” she announced, abandoning it for a black one.

Jaune shook his head and when their eyes met, Weiss almost cracked.

This time, Jaune managed a strike. It thundered down the middle and sent all the pins flying.

“You’ve done this before,” Pyrrha accused.

“Once or twice,” he said with a grin.

The black ball treated her kinder – but not by much. Pyrrha finally managed to hit the pins but only on the outside, knocking two of them down on the left. Encouraged by it, she bowled again.

She completely whiffed it.

Weiss couldn’t hold it in any longer, leaning forward as she started laughing hysterically. Jaune snorted before covering his mouth, facing away as his shoulders shook.

“Shut up,” Pyrrha whined.

The supremely talented, athletic Pyrrha Nikos couldn’t bowl a ball to save her life.

By the end of their match, Jaune was the clear winner but Weiss thought she handled herself rather well. While she never managed to land a strike, she was able to snag two spares towards the end. Pyrrha, on the other hand... well, she did start hitting the pins more consistently but never very well.

Her score was abysmal.

They’d finally found something that she was terrible at.


bob potat

This. This is peak.

Robert Walker

This is amazing love it