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Ruby knew that she was sheltered.

With an overprotective father and an equally protective older sister, was it any wonder? Even with the loss of her mother at an early age, and now the loss of a dear friend in Pyrrha, Ruby knew that despite being forced to grow up in certain ways, she was still very naïve about the world at large. She had lived her entire life on Patch, the small island off the coast of Vale. Growing up, she had known almost every child that attended her school all the way from kindergarten, and more than half of the students attending Signal were from local families. It meant that her scope of the world was very limited and even just visiting the city of Vale was more than enough to overwhelm her with how large and big everything was.

So was it really a surprise that when they set out on their journey to Mistral that she thought they’d be there in a couple of weeks? She couldn’t have been more wrong. Not one of her proudest moments, and even all this time later, she still felt really stupid for believing it. Two weeks quickly turned into two months, and while they had long since left Sanus far behind, they were still a long way off making it to the Kingdom of Mistral. According to their map, they still had weeks of long hiking in front of them across the untamed wilderness of Anima – that is, if she was reading it correctly.

She wasn’t very good at this outdoors stuff. Beacon had been preparing her for things like this but they hadn’t even finished their first year. Her education in outdoorsmanship was incomplete and severely lacking. If not for Ren, Nora and Jaune, Ruby knew she’d have barely made it a few miles from Vale before becoming hopelessly lost. Fighting Grimm? That was a piece of cake. Navigating nature? Well, that was a battle Ruby knew she couldn’t win.

But she wasn’t alone. Her team may have fractured after the attack on Beacon and Vale, her sister missing an arm, Weiss spirited away by her overbearing, controlling father and Blake vanishing like the wind without a word, but she had people she could still rely on. Even though Team JNPR had been irrevocably damaged, they were here with her. They had lost a teammate, a partner, a friend – and yet Ren, Nora and Jaune stood beside her when no one else could, or would.

She sometimes wondered if she deserved to have such amazing friends.

They stopped at towns when they could but more often than not, they camped out. Due to their childhood spent moving from place to place, Ren was very good at trapping and hunting, while Nora was a deft hand at scavenging for berries and other edible plants. They made sure to replenish their stocks whenever they could but they were traveling far and could not sustain themselves on canned food and non-perishable alternatives alone. They could only carry so much and sometimes they didn’t see another town for several days.

Jaune was rather good at this outdoors stuff as well, much to Ruby’s surprise. He often returned with a haul of fish, either caught with a hastily fashioned rod and length of twine or with his bare hands, a skill she never would have believed her friend possessed. It made much more sense when he confided in them that his parents and siblings used to go camping a lot in his youth with his father teaching him many tips and tricks such as piling rocks to dam a section of river to more easily catch unsuspecting fish.

Ruby was very impressed with the results.

“Mm, that smells yummy,” Nora squirmed as her stomach roared loudly, seated on an old rotting log. She sniffed the air, eyes fluttering as the scent of roasting fish filled the small clearing they had chosen for the night. “Oooh, is that garlic?”

Jaune chuckled as he tended to their campfire, shredding some bark to add to the flames. Six fat fish speared through with skewers hung above, the main course of their dinner. “Yeah. Ren picked some up in the last town but I’ve been saving it. Even he was getting tired of the same flavors.”

“Renny, thank you,” Nora sang happily. “But next time get some chocolate! I need sugar! I can’t remember what it tastes like!”

Ruby nodded in agreement. “I know we have to ration our funds but can’t we treat ourselves once in a while?”

While the three of them were seated around the fire, Ren was a little further off, gathering pine cones and sticks; some to add to the fire, others to whittle down with his knife to fashion hooks and other useful tools.

“I suppose we have earned it,” Ren replied, open to the idea. “We’ve done well at saving up. We are well above our projected savings.”

“Yes~!” Nora pumped her fist.

Ruby giggled. “A hot bath would also be appreciated.”

“According to the map, we should come across a small village pretty soon,” Jaune said, reaching for his backpack. Pulling out the map, he laid it across his lap. “Yeah – if we keep moving the way we have been, we should get there in three days. A hot bath does sound good.”

Ruby and Jaune shared a look, and she grinned at him.

He had come such a long way since that bumbling boy she had met on her first day. She just hoped that she had also grown from that equally hopeless girl he had pulled out of a crater of her own making.

Ruby watched as he turned the fish to ensure an equal char on both sides before handing her a skewer when it was done. She blew on it softly, testing the heat with a small nibble that burnt the sensitive, plump curve of her lips. Hissing, she blew on it some more as Nora followed her example.

“Careful,” Jaune chided, waiting until his cooled sufficiently before taking a bite. When Ruby was no longer in danger of blistering her tongue, she bit into her own and hummed, the garlic flavor mixing with the savory, smoky tang from cooking above an open flame. The white flesh was soft and flakey, and juicy with fatty fishy oils. She devoured it as quickly as she dared, avoiding the bones.

“It’s good,” Ruby mumbled around a mouthful of fish.

Jaune beamed.

She felt good whenever he smiled. Especially because he did so rarely anymore. He had once been free with his happiness, laughter and smiles coming easy to him. Jaune was the type of person to laugh from his belly, loud and proud, or awkwardly if he was nervous, though still equally as open. When he used to smile, his entire face would light up with genuine happiness.

These days, they were muted in sadness. A chuckle here, a chuckle there. Nora could still pull a belly laugh from him on occasion but not with the same frequency as before. When he smiled, it was almost like he was holding it back – but her compliment about his cooking, such a simple thing, had struck true.

She didn’t hold any of this against him. More than any of them, the death of Pyrrha had surely hit Jaune the hardest. Ruby wondered what she would have done if Weiss had been the one to fall – or if Yang had lost her head rather than her arm? Would she be here right now? If Jaune had asked for her help, could she have risen above her grief to follow him? She wanted to say yes but truthfully, she didn’t know.

Loss was not easy to deal with. Her father had crumbled under its weight and it had taken years for him to recover, to become the father they loved today. Ruby could still remember the hopeless look in his eyes, a vacant gaze that fixated on something beyond them, beyond the world itself. It was a look that terrified Ruby, a look that Yang now held as she stared at nothing. Sometimes, Jaune would get that same look but it would pass quickly. It scared her all the same, no matter how brief its appearance.

But unlike her father, unlike her sister, Jaune refused to let it control him.

He was here. He was moving forward. He carried his demons with him but he wasn’t stopping.

She just hoped that meant he was healing.

When they finished their food, Ren and Jaune went to bathe first. Ruby busied herself with cleaning up their camp site, putting everything in its place and making sure their tents were erected properly. When that was done, she gathered her sleeping clothes and a towel, and what was left of her sanitary products before making her way to the nearby river.

She met Ren along the way, his hair still damp as he fussed with it. It was beginning to get rather long and was due for a cut, though Ruby thought it looked good like this.

“Jaune still at the river?” she asked.

He nodded. “Nora still at camp?”

“Yeah – she said she wanted to work out a little before coming. I think she is missing the weight room at Beacon.”

He smiled, a small thing but that wasn’t unusual for Ren. Even before everything, he was reserved with his emotions. Nothing had really changed on that front.

As she approached the river, she slowed her walk and checked to make sure she wasn’t about to walk upon him at the wrong moment. But when she arrived, Jaune was nowhere in sight. His clothes were piled on an old stump, Crocea Mors propped up against a tree but their owner was absent.

That was odd.

Glancing further down the river uncertainly, she hugged her change of clothes to her chest.

“Jaune?” she called.

There was no response.

A little worried, she followed the river in the direction it was running. Crescent Rose was strapped to her lower back in its collapsed form, well within reach if need be. She walked for a minute, then two, and with each step her worry bloomed. Beginning to feel the stirrings of panic, she hurried along the bank and before she knew it, the river was widening into a lake.

The sky above was a mixture of oranges and deep reds, the sun beginning to set over the western horizon. These beautiful hues were cast across the surface of the lake, the water a canvas, glittering beautifully as if it were aflame. Ruby paused in awe, staring – and then with a start, she noticed a familiar mop of blond hair.

She went to call out, raising a hand to wave – but all that escaped her lips was a soft gasp.

He was completely naked. Of course he was, she thought stupidly. He had come to bathe, after all. Why wouldn’t he be naked? But she had been so worried by his unexplained absence that it had slipped her mind. It wouldn’t have mattered if he’d still been in the river or the lake, the water shielding him from view but he was only in the shallows, the water only as high as his knees.

Ruby was a sheltered girl. She knew this. Not just because she’d never left her home before but for other reasons too. While other girls her age had boyfriends, she’d never once felt an attraction to anything other than her dream of becoming a Huntress, in following in her mother’s footsteps. Boys weren’t even on her radar. While all the other girls gossiped about who they wanted to kiss or who had a crush on who, she was too busy fantasizing about weaponry.

So when her eyes fell on the naked form of her friend, the cut of his defined muscles highlighted by the lowering sun, his body glistening from being in the water, she should have felt nothing more than embarrassment. And she did feel embarrassed, a hot flush rising up her neck and staining her cheeks. She should have looked away then and rushed back to whence she came, her tail tucked between her legs – but that didn’t happen. Her boots were rooted to the spot, her mouth still partially open as she stared.


Ruby inhaled sharply as her heart stuttered, her chest feeling heavy. Vaguely, she noticed that she was shaking. It almost felt like how jittery she sometimes was after fighting Grimm, chock-full of adrenaline. She knew she should avert her eyes, that it was rude to peep on someone when they were in such a state of undress but her eyes refused to budge, drinking in his form with a thirst she had never experienced before.

This was wrong. She shouldn’t be doing this.

Jaune was just standing there, looking at the sky. His hair was wet, slicked back, his back and shoulders broad. He was well muscled, she noticed. Much more muscular than she expected. Perhaps it shouldn’t have been so surprising since he was training to become a Huntsman but she always viewed him as tall, skinny – almost like a stalk. There was nothing skinny about his body, though. He was lean with a narrow waist, his thighs defined and his butt was tight, and with horror, Ruby found herself looking at it.

His butt was cute.

The thought was sudden and completely out of left field, leaving Ruby confused. She especially liked the dimples, giving his ass a very defined quality. Hugging her pile of clothes tighter to her chest, she felt a twinge in her belly, an unfurling of heat that coaxed her thighs together instinctively. She squirmed, her breathing becoming a little stilted, and still she stared at his cute butt like it was the most fascinating thing she had ever seen.

He remained motionless, his breathing slow. At any moment he could turn and she would be caught red handed, and the embarrassment she felt now would pale in comparison to that. Would he be angry at her, if he caught her watching him? If someone had been peeping on her, she would be furious.

But what if Jaune peeped on her?

That itchy feeling between her legs grew stronger. No matter how much she rubbed her thighs together, it refused to abate. In all honesty, it only seemed to make it worse. Her crotch felt hot, a dull throb beginning to develop. It was a feeling that she was unaccustomed to, a torturous sensation that was both maddening and addicting.

She hated it – and loved it.

One of his arms moved then, raising to run a hand through his hair. His muscles stretched and rolled but she didn’t stick around to watch. That first twitch of movement and she was gone, rose petals scattering as she raced back through the forest, heart caught in her throat. When her semblance deactivated, she almost tripped face first into the river.

Gasping for breath, it took several long seconds because the panic began to recede. He hadn’t noticed her. She was sure of it.

But even without him right in front of her, she could still see his body. Those attractive lines, his size, everything that proved that he was a man; a strong, healthy, fit man. Mouth dry, she hurried further up the river, away from Jaune’s things and began undressing behind a tree. Her skin felt prickly, her body overheating. When she pulled off her panties, she saw that they were damp, sticking to her sensitive labia. Shrugging off her bra, she hissed. Her nipples were puffy, the tips inverted and tender. The cool air made them throb, clashing with her heat.

The river would cool her down.

As expected, the water was ice cold. Dipping her toes in, she flinched at how sharp the chill was but gathering her resolve, she waded in. Shivering, she kept going until the water was around her waist and then with a short three count, she dunked her head beneath the surface.

When she resurfaced, she found that it had done nothing to quell the fire that was raging in her belly. Rubbing at her skin, Ruby trembled. What was wrong with her?

Ruby hesitated before bringing her hands to her chest, lightly palming her small breasts. At her age, Yang had already been very endowed in this department but Ruby never understood the pride she took in that. They were just there. In fact, Ruby hated how much they hurt when they’d first grown in, tender and aching. What did it matter if they were big or small? But they’d never felt like this before. It was a different type of ache. Not painful but something else, and when she circled her areola, she made a sound she’d never made before.

She shouldn’t be doing this. Only naughty girls played with themselves in such a manner. She knew that because she’d overheard girls at Signal speak of it, had heard boys joke and make lewd comments about it. Ruby knew what sex was but had little understanding of other related things. Masturbation was something to be ashamed of.

This was masturbation, right?

Ruby lowered herself further into the water, feeling lightheaded. She teased her puffy tips, tickling them with the ends of her fingers. The skin was soft, swollen and incredibly sensitive. When she rubbed the inverted peaks, she shuddered, a bolt of electricity surging down her back. Her belly clenched.

That was different. Ruby had never felt something like that before.

Breathing heavily, she circled her nipples before gently pinching them, rolling the skin between her fingers. A stilted moan passed her lips, her crotch twitching and she released her tits quickly.

What if she touched there?

It called to her, that itch – begging her to scratch it. Carefully, she rubbed her belly beneath the water before slowly working her way down. Her fingers felt the light dusting of her pubic hair as her hand crested the hump of her mons.

“Here,” she whispered, face scrunched as she fiddled with the hood of her clitoris. The pleasure was sudden and sharp, her thighs trembling. “O-Oh,” she sighed in surprise.

She’d known it was sensitive. It was impossible not to. There were times when she’d bump it when washing herself or just in general, and the feeling was always strong. But this was unlike those times. Those had been accidental brushes, meaningless touches that caused a jolt and nothing more. This burned her deep inside, so deep that she didn’t know that place existed. It was tender and throbbing, and her clit bloomed with an entirely new sensation.

She wanted more.

A twig snapped.

Ruby jerked in alarm, losing her footing upon the slick river rocks and plunged beneath the surface of the water. She tumbled uselessly, flailing in an attempt to right herself.

“Ruby,” Nora called from the bank as she surfaced, gasping. “What are you doing?”

The ginger haired girl sounded amused and when Ruby regained her bearings, she whipped around and saw the boisterous girl stripping off. Ruby flushed and hunched over, frightened that her friend may notice the difference in her.

“N-Nothing,” she stuttered.

Nora giggled. “You made a really big splash. Did you fall?”

Ruby nodded quickly. “I slipped. The rocks are slippery. B-Because they’re wet. We’re in a river.”

Nora snorted. “I can see that, silly.”

Like her sister, Nora was very healthy in the chest department. Ruby watched as Nora removed her bra, her large breasts bouncing as they were freed from their support. Unlike Ruby, Nora had wide nipples that crinkled rapidly in the cool air, the tips pointed. They’d seen each other naked before but Ruby felt strange this time, hyper aware of how Nora looked. They were about the same height but the other girl was incredibly curvy with a narrow waist and wide hips. When she kicked off her panties, Ruby was greeted by the trimmed patch of flame seated between her thighs.

Nothing she hadn’t seen before but now it made her feel hot, her stomach cramping up as something slick trickled out of her and into the river.

This was all Jaune’s fault. Standing there naked like a big dummy and letting her see. Making her feel these weird things that she’d never felt before. It was because of him.

Ruby pouted.

No, it was her fault for looking at him like that. Rubbing her cheeks, she dunked her head again, and then again, and for a final time, holding her breath until she could no more. By this time, Nora had made her way out to her, her face pinched as she endured the cold.

“Beacon made me soft,” Nora muttered. “Now all I want is a real bath.”

Finally the chill was doing its job, penetrating deep into her body and dousing the fire that had erupted by glimpsing Jaune’s naked form. That deep throbbing had settled into no more than a dull pressure, muted and quickly fading by the moment.

“Did you bring any soap?” she asked and Nora blinked at her.

“I thought you had it.”

Ruby sighed. “They weren’t in my bag.”

Nora made a face of surprise. “Oh... damn.”

No soap for them tonight – or shampoo. Plain ol’ water would have to do.

When they returned to the camp, Jaune was there and Ruby paused at the edge of the clearing, a funny squirming erupting in her belly. Hurrying over to her tent, she stashed her clothes and weapon inside and decided to have an early night. Darkness was creeping over them and she quickly shuffled into her sleeping bag, trying to find the most comfortable position.

There was just one tiny little problem.

She shared her tent with Jaune.

Ren and Nora bunked together because they were partners, so it was only natural that Jaune and Ruby had linked up together considering that they were acting as temporary teammates. It hadn’t bothered her that he was a boy. They were just sleeping. It wasn’t like Jaune would ever do anything to her. She trusted him completely.

But that was before her silly body started acting weird. It wasn’t him she didn’t trust. It was her.

She tried to sleep. She really, really did. But every little sound suddenly seemed like the most important thing in the world. Everything from the insects buzzing and chirping to the light breeze passing through the leaves and branches of the trees. The more she tried to ignore it, the more her mind refused to let matters settle. She could also hear Jaune and Ren discussing something but it was just a dim murmur, too low for her to make out more than a few words.

One word she did recognize was Akaibara. It was the name of the next town they were meant to be stopping at, named in the cultural language of Mistral and the surrounding region. Ren had explained that many of the towns they would be passing through had been named with a specific theme in mind though he hadn’t elaborated on what that theme was.

Ruby thought the names were pretty, though. Exotic.

She wasn’t sure how long she laid there, eyes closed – but then suddenly someone was stepping in, and she tensed.

“You still awake?” Jaune asked, his voice low.

She didn’t answer. She didn’t dare breathe. Ruby remained completely, utterly still, pretending to sleep and after a few silent seconds, he continued into the tent, closing the flap behind him. She heard him rustle around, unrolling his sleeping bag and getting all his things in order. There was a light clank as he set Crocea Mors down next to Crescent Rose, and then he lay down inside his bedroll, getting comfortable.

Silver eyes opened a crack, subtly glancing in Jaune’s direction. He had his scroll held up above him, fingers tapping away and at once, she knew that he was writing down their plans for the next few days. It was something she had noticed about him early on into their journey. That he always tried to set goals for them. They were simple things like covering a certain amount of distance or getting in so many hours of training, or important tasks such as maintenance of their weapons.

He was so much more prepared for this than she was.

Without thinking, she rolled onto her side to better look at him and he noticed her movement immediately, looking her way.

“Oh, did I wake you?” he asked, apologetic. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

Ruby felt her ears heat up and was glad that he most definitely couldn’t see it.

“It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m not really tired yet.”

He grinned at her, one of those muted ones and she had a sudden desire to make him laugh and smile like the old Jaune, the one that would never hold any of his joy back. She just didn’t know how. She wasn’t particularly funny like Nora was and she wasn’t very witty like Weiss or Blake.

No, it had to be something only she could do for him. He was a dork and so was she, so that is where she started.

Sitting up, she dug through her bag and pulled out her scroll. Jaune watched her curiously as she butt-crawled over to him.

“Want to read comics?” she offered, super aware of how close they were. Her skin erupted in goosebumps as she continued wiggling over until they were next to each other, shoulder to shoulder. “I have some downloaded on here for just these occasions.”

Jaune perked up. “Really? Yeah, that sounds great. Uh – just let me finish this.”

CCT was down which meant that global communications was reduced to word of mouth, and the internet was completely internal to each kingdom. Knowing this, Ruby had stashed a bunch of things on her scroll for entertainment, though only so much as to last her two weeks. Just thinking about that again made her feel stupid, so she chose to ignore it.

They read deep into the night, much longer than they should have. The entire time, Ruby was conscious of him in a way that she had never been before. Every movement, every sound, even his scent. It was a mixture of the soap he had used to bathe, which he had clearly not forgotten, and something unique that was solely his. It was a warm smell, comforting, and even with her stomach doing backflips and causing her great anxiety, she found herself drifting off, nestled into his side.

It was the best night sleep she had in forever.

In the early hours of the morning, when the sun was only just beginning its long journey into the sky, Ruby awoke to the feeling of her pillow moving out from under her. Moaning in displeasure, she latched onto it and refused to let it go, nuzzling into its warmth.

“Ruby,” her pillow whispered urgently. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

Why was her pillow talking, anyway? It should just do its job and let her rest her head.

“No,” she murmured quietly. “Sleep.”

“Ruby, I really need to go,” it continued. “Please let go.”

When she refused, something firm and wriggly tickled her sides and she squawked in alarm, thrashing as tremors ran up and down her back.

“Ah, no,” she squealed, laughter bubbling in her throat as any drowsiness was blasted away under the assault of a good old fashioned tickle attack. “Ah – Jaune!?”

Why was Jaune in her bed?

Rolling away from his tormenting fingers, she glanced around and realized that he wasn’t in her bed at all. There wasn’t a bed to begin with. Blinking rapidly, she remembered the night before – hunkering down to read some comics on her scroll, and then she’d gotten a little sleepy...

...she’d fallen asleep next to him.

Correction; she’d fallen asleep, cuddling him as if he was a giant teddy bear.

Usually, this wouldn’t have been that big of an issue. They were best friends. But then those images of him standing in the lake, knee deep, naked as the day he was born filtered into her mind and she was left a babbling mess, face turning red.

Jaune laughed but she was so out of it that she didn’t even recognize how it was the genuine article and not one of those other ones.

“It’s okay,” Jaune tried to calm her down. “I just need to go to the toilet, really bad. I’ll be right back.”

Ruby watched, horrified as he left the tent and then she buried her face into her pillow, screaming. Kicking her legs up and down, she vented until she was out of breath, heart beating rapidly in her chest.

What was wrong with her?

When he returned, she had regained some control of her feelings and had begun rolling up her things and packing them away. Even though she couldn’t see him as she was facing away, it was like she knew every move he made, aware of him and how close by he was. It almost left electric, like rubbing your hands against a blanket until static threatened to make you flinch.

“I didn’t mind you sleeping with me,” he suddenly said and Ruby felt something in her stomach quiver. “It was... nice. It felt like I was with my sisters again.”

Ruby stared at her rolled up bedroll blankly.

Why did hearing that piss her off?

Suddenly standing, she stomped out of the tent without a word. She knew she was being childish but she didn’t care. She didn’t even know why she was angry!

“Ruby?” he called but she ignored him, walking away from camp. Ren and Nora were still asleep, their tent zipped up tight.

When she was several paces into the surrounding trees, she finally stopped and leaned against a tree. Frowning, she glared off into the forest. One moment she had been jittery and then the next, annoyance seeped into every fiber of her being. For whatever reason, his words had struck her in the wrong way and when she thought about them, she just didn’t get why.

If sleeping cuddled with her made him feel like he was with his sisters, didn’t that mean they were super close? That he was comfortable with her in a way only family could be comfortable with each other? Wasn’t that a good thing?

Maybe it was because she didn’t feel comfortable at all! Maybe it was because she didn’t feel like his sister at all.

It was because of his stupid, cute butt! If she hadn’t seen it, none of this would be an issue.

“I’m being dumb,” she said. “This is all dumb.”

It was time to stop being dumb.

Sighing, she returned to camp.

After Ren and Nora woke up, they all had breakfast before packing up all their things. Within the hour, it barely looked like anyone had camped there. Even the fire pit was completely erased, nothing more than some loose dirt remaining. If anyone was tracking them, it would still be obvious but to people that didn’t know what to look for, there was no way of telling that four people had camped there the night before.

They were barely on the road for more than an hour when they heard screams alongside the familiar, bone chilling calls of Grimm.

“Ren, Ruby, take point,” Jaune immediately commanded. “Nora, with me.”

Ruby deployed her weapon in an instant, Crescent Rose unfurling and locking with a metallic clunk. Then she was off, sprinting ahead with Ren by her side, his automatic pistols clenched in hand.

“Go ahead,” Ren said. “I’ll catch up.”

Nodding, Ruby focused her semblance and moved. Rose petals shifted through the air as she gained speed, traveling several hundred meters in two blinks of the eye and then suddenly, she was upon them. Grimm surrounded a caravan, the occupants desperately trying to fight them off. There were about ten Beowolves in total and five Ursa, the towering bear-like Grimm advancing. Two people were down and Ruby realized with a glance that they were already dead, their chests torn open, their ribs pulverized as their innards spilled out across the ground.

Her heart clenched at the sight, a spike of terror running down her spine – and then it was replaced by a singular focus, her eyes narrowing angrily.

The Grimm didn’t see her coming, her scythe cleaving through an Ursa and two Beowolves before they realized they were under attack. A feminine voice shrieked from the caravan as blood sprayed in a wide arc, heads rolling as the remaining Grimm roared their challenge.

There were three people still alive, two women and an elderly man. The man held a sword and nothing else, taken from one of their dead guards. For someone with no training, it was little defense against these creatures but it was better than nothing.

“Stay there,” she ordered, and then she was on the move.

A Beowolf charged at her, swiping wildly – and it lost its arm, snarling in pain before she fired her rifle point blank into its eye. Shards of bone and brain matter erupted from the back of its head, the Grimm collapsing in a heap. Another Beowolf attempted to take her from behind but she spun, sweeping it aside with the haft of her weapon. She hit it with such force that she heard the sound of ribs snapping, using the blowback of her rifle to increase the velocity of her swing.

And then Ren was there, raining down a hail of bullets that had the Grimm scrambling. They pinged off bone plates and sunk into black flesh, enraging the beasts and drawing their attention off the caravan and solely onto them.

“Heeeeere’s Nora,” the ginger girl howled, appearing high in the sky. Magnhild was pulled back high above her head and she brought it down viciously, the unfortunate Ursa crumpling beneath the blow, the ground shaking as Nora pounded it into the dirt. Pulling the trigger, it was consumed in a ball of pink fire. “Ahaha – got ya~!”

Jaune was the last on the scene, diving into the fray with his shield raised. He slammed aside a Beowolf, the creature reeling before he plunged Crocea Mors into its neck, twisting the blade and wrenching it free. When one tried to take him from the side, Ruby appeared in a flash, slicing it from neck to groin.

“Hey partner,” he said with a grin.

She smiled back.

“Hey partner,” she parroted.

They weren’t official partners or teammates but you wouldn’t know it to see it. They moved in perfect sync, the longer reach of her scythe sweeping around them in wide arcs while Jaune darted back and forth, sword flashing in quick, short bursts. Whenever a Grimm was able to slip through their slashing steel, it was stopped upon the face of his shield, easy prey for Ruby to dispatch with rifle fire.

When the last Grimm fell, writhing in its death throes, Ruby let out the breath she was holding, her body humming with adrenaline. Collapsing her weapon, she rushed over to the survivors, Jaune by her side.

“Is everyone okay?” she asked.

“W-We’re fine, young lassie,” the elderly man croaked, lowering the sword he held in a white knuckled grip. “Oh, thank you. Thank you, thank you.”

“We were happy to help,” Jaune said. “If only we had come across you sooner.”

Ren and Nora knelt over the fallen, closing their eyes with pained expressions.

“You saved us,” the man said, tone grateful. “As far as I am concerned, laddie – you came right when you were meant to.”

With him were two women. One was a little older, perhaps in her late twenties while the younger couldn’t have been much older than Ruby. She was pretty with platinum blonde hair and green eyes, and when she looked at Jaune, it made Ruby’s stomach feel strange.

She didn’t like it.

“Where are you headed?” Jaune asked.

Like them, they were heading to Akaibara. That made things simple.

Jaune and Ren wrapped the dead in plastic sheets from the caravan, tying them securely and loading their bodies onto the carriage. They weren’t Huntsmen but guards they had hired to escort them, experienced at traveling the roads between settlements. It was a reminder that no matter how skilled and knowledgeable you were, the Grimm did not care.

Ruby frowned.

Seeing death like this, so casually – it only brought up bad memories.

Thankfully the fighting had not spooked the horses. If it had, and they had broken free and fled, then the carriage would have been more a hindrance than anything else. Now it was a rallying point.

“We are going to Akaibara as well,” Ren told them. “We would be happy to escort you the rest of the way.”

The elderly man looked overwhelmed. “I – I don’t know what to say. You are too kind.”

“We’re Huntsmen,” Nora chirped. “Well – Huntsmen-in-training, same thing, right? This is our job. Or it would have been if we had graduated.”

Ren sighed. “Nora,” he shook his head as she beamed happily.

“Way to fill them with confidence, Nora,” Jaune deadpanned.

The old man laughed. “Don’t you worry, laddie. We saw with our own eyes how capable you are. We would gladly welcome such help. We can pay.”

Ruby shook her head. “You don’t need to.”

“I insist,” he pressed. “This is dangerous work. You will be compensated.”

The extra money would be nice.

So that was how they gained three new traveling companions. Five if you included the horses, which Ruby totally did. They were both handsome beasts with well cared for brown coats, their manes brushed and braided with care. The pair pulled the carriage effortlessly, their powerful muscles flexing as they made their way down the lonely road. The older of the two women – Ivy – held the reins, driving the carriage while the elderly man – Sterling – rode beside her. The younger woman, a girl in truth – Dawn – decided to walk with them, suspiciously close to Jaune.

Ruby couldn’t hear what they were talking about seeing as she had taken point, out in front while they were in the rear, but whenever Dawn laughed, she felt a strange squirming in her stomach that she disliked. Her laugh was clear and high, pretty.

Ruby thought it sucked.

A few more Grimm tried their luck, drawn by the negativity shrouding their new companions but they were easily put down. It wasn’t their fault. It was simply an unavoidable consequence from experiencing such a harrowing occurrence. Watching someone die was never a pleasant thing and they’d witnessed two such deaths. Those people had died protecting them and it was inevitable that guilt and sorrow would linger in their souls.

It was early evening when they found a nice spot to camp, a little way off the beaten track.  The horses were unlatched and then tethered to a cluster of trees nearby, the animals happily munching on the foliage after a hard day's work. The carriage had a little awning attached, folding out for cover and Ren helped set up their tents while Jaune and Nora set up their own. Ruby collected wood for their fire, building up a truly impressive pile that would last them the night.

After a little scouting, they found a water source. According to the map, it was connected to the same river they’d partaken in the night before. It loosely followed the road and would continue to do so all the way to the next town. After the horses had eaten their fill, Ivy and Dawn led them away to the river to drink, Ren accompanying them for protection.

Nora gathered a spare change of clothes. “Come on, Ruby. This is our chance.”

The events of the day had done a good job of distracting her but now that everything was winding down, she was reminded of certain things that had occurred the last time she had slipped away to bathe. Glancing at Jaune from the corner of her eye, she watched as he dug a small pit for their fire, positioning a ring of hand sized stones around the edges. Feeling her cheeks heat up, she grabbed her things and this time remembered the soap and shampoo.

They found a spot where the trees grew close to the bank. Shedding their clothes, they tiptoed into the flowing water, hissing as the cold assaulted them. Nora waded in until her waist was covered before dunking her head, swearing as she resurfaced.

“It’s even colder than yesterday,” she complained. Ruby hesitated but then Nora had her hands, pulling her deeper and then under the water as she struggled. It was a futile endeavor. Nora was much stronger than her, her grip firm.

“Nora!” she squealed, shivering.

The ginger haired girl laughed.

“The longer you take, the worse it is,” she said sagely. Ruby splashed her face.

“You’re the worst,” she grumbled while Nora spluttered.

She did her best to ignore it but it was impossible. Thoughts of Jaune wormed their way to the forefront. Ruby recalled how his skin glistened, the definition of his broad back and shoulders, and felt something clench deep inside. Her nipples were already tight from the cold water, stinging – but now whenever her hands brushed over them as she washed, they throbbed. It was almost painful but something about the feeling was enticing. Carefully tracing her puffy areola so Nora wouldn’t notice what she was doing, she had to bite her lip to keep from moaning when one of her inverted tips poked out.

She didn’t know they did that.

Rubbing it gently, she shivered. They were beyond sensitive.

They heard the foliage shift and Ruby ducked down, covering her body up to her neck. Nora had done much the same and not a moment too soon, as Jaune stepped out. He noticed them at once and turned.

“Sorry!” he called out loudly. “Sorry! I’ll – er, go further down.”

“You do that,” Nora yelled, sending him scampering from their sight. “Haha – look at him go. If it was anyone else, I’d think he was trying to catch a peek.”

Like Ruby had tried to peek at him the night before.

Swimming over to their things, Ruby grabbed the bottle of shampoo and lathed a healthy amount into her hair. Knowing that Jaune was somewhere down stream, getting undressed and ready to bathe made her abnormally aware of every little thing. The way the water lapped at the banks of the river, the sound of the insects chirping in the surrounding forest, the rustling leaves in the trees as a stiff breeze rushed through. Nora sighed quietly as she scrubbed down and she even heard that, even though they were several meters apart now.

When Ruby was done with her hair, she grabbed the soap and gave her body a once over. Nora quickly finished up and offered to wait but Ruby waved her off.

“I’ll be back soon,” she said, the lie passing her lips effortlessly. “Go relieve Ren so he can come wash.”

She waited for the sounds of Nora’s retreat to fade before she carefully climbed out of the river. Wrapping her slender body in her towel, she made a decision.

Jaune hadn’t gone far. Not even a minute downstream and she found him, his hair full of suds. Ruby leaned against a tree, peering around it as she watched his powerful, muscular back flex as he worked the shampoo through his blond locks. Silver eyes devoured the sight, dipping down and running over that cute butt that had taunted her ever since she discovered its existence.

And then he turned without warning. She almost screamed, scrambling to hide but her heart shot into her throat, stealing away her breath. His eyes were closed, keeping them protected from the shampoo so he hadn’t seen her, couldn’t see her. Jaune’s chest was wide and strong, healthy pectorals set above a set of rippling abs. He might as well had been chiseled from stone, Ruby stared unabashedly. But then her eyes moved lower, across his abs and hips, down, down, down to something she had only ever heard about in sex education class.

Ruby’s mouth went dry as she sighted his cock for the first time. It hung between his legs alongside a pair of healthy, large balls, the base surrounded by a light fuzz of blond hair. She felt a pang deep in her belly, her tongue swiping at her lips.

So that’s what Jaune’s penis looked like.

She knew this was bad. She shouldn’t be spying on him like this but she didn’t move. When he moved further into the water to dunk his head, she felt disappointment rush through her as he robbed her of the sight, but now his skin was glistening wetly, enticing in its own way.

Ruby’s towel fluttered to the ground.

Her breasts felt heavy, even though they were small and perky. Palming one of them, she mewled quietly as pleasure raced down her body, pooling between her thighs. Her crotch felt blistering hot, an itch testing her patience. Trailing fingers down her flat tummy, she teased at the sparse curls on her mons before dipping down further. She almost shouted when the pads of her fingers brushed over the hood of her clit, the pleasure sharp. Breathing heavily, she stroked her plump labia, her pussy rapidly moistening as her stomach throbbed. A hot trickle oozed out and down her thigh thickly. Scooping it up with her hand, she spread it across her sensitive lips.

What was this feeling?

When Jaune was done, he stepped over to shallower waters. Ruby watched as she touched herself, eyes hooded as she devoured his profile. He was standing side-on to her now, his penis visible – and then one of his hands began to lightly rub it. Ruby watched with astonished eyes as it quickly swelled, the shaft lengthening. Another hot trickle spilled out of her twitching hole, making a mess of her thighs as his dick grew, and grew, and grew.

Were they meant to be that big?

She’d only ever seen pictures and while they vaguely looked like that, it just seemed so different. It jutted out from his pelvis arrogantly, the shaft thick and fat, long and curved upwards. The head was wide and intimidating, the ridge slightly thicker than the shaft, webbing veins running up and down the skin. It bobbed up and down, flexing – and Ruby whimpered as he began to slowly stroke it.

Jaune was touching himself. She was watching Jaune touch himself. She was touching herself while Jaune touched himself.

Those thoughts continued to swirl around in her mind as she pawed at her breast and stroked her labia from bottom to top. Teasing the tight seam of her lips, she exhaled heavily as one of her fingers dipped inside, circling her puckered entrance as it twitched and throbbed with arousal. Squeezing her tit harshly, she swallowed a moan as her remaining inverted nipple popped out.

This is wrong, she thought sluggishly. Ruby, this is wrong. You need to leave.

But her body was no longer listening to her mind.

Jaune’s hand moved in confident pumps, stroking from base to the underside of the head and back again. His stance was relaxed, hips slightly forward, head thrown back as he masturbated out in the open without a care.

Wasn’t masturbation bad?

It was so long and thick, and Ruby wondered how it would feel to touch it. Could she even wrap her fingers around it? Cupping her messy quim, her hips lightly rocked against her hand. Small little squeals sounded in her throat, swallowed by her clenched jaw as her clit mashed against the palm of her hand, her fingers pressing through her opening. She had never done anything like this before and moved purely on instinct, chasing that addicting pleasure.

One finger slipped inside her clutching heat, wiggling deep. Panting with desire, she stroked her insides and trembled, cooing sweetly as she traced the plump, ribbed flesh of her inner walls. Deeper and deeper she pressed, hooking her finger – and then she found a spot, a little rough and swollen, touching it firmly that almost collapsed her legs, a bolt of fire racing up her spine.

“Oh~!” she keened, her finger retreating. Pulling it free from her tightening depths, she stared at her hand. It was covered in her wetness, thick and sticky. Pressing her fingers together, her arousal stretched lewdly between them and her tummy throbbed powerfully at the sight.

That spot had felt really good. Too good. She wanted to touch it again but Ruby felt a little scared. Could she handle it?

Is that where his dick touched for sex? It would touch that spot, wouldn’t it? She imagined Jaune between her thighs, thrusting that impressive cock in and out of her. Silver eyes closed, her breathing erratic. It was so big; wouldn’t it hurt? There was no way she could fit such a big thing in there, right? One finger was almost too much.

That itch between her legs bloomed ever stronger, unwilling to be denied. This time she tried to fit two fingers, feeling her pussy stretch to accommodate. Jaune was furiously stroking his length now, upping the tempo. Ruby moaned quietly as she saw his thighs and butt clench, his muscles tense. The stretching of her hole was a little uncomfortable but she quickly adapted, rocking gently against her palm as she churned up her insides. Wet smacks began to sound from between her legs as she got used to the feeling, thrusting her fingers deep. She knew if she hooked them just right, the pleasure would be overwhelming but she restrained herself.

Not yet, not yet…

Her walls clutched at her pistoning fingers desperately as fire gathered beneath her navel, her pussy gushing wetly across her hand. Her thighs were soaked with her juices, dripping down her knees and further below. Ruby was having trouble breathing, gasping as her clit throbbed, perking up.

Something was coming.

Unable to resist the call any longer, she curled her fingers and raked her fingertips along that rough patch and saw stars, just barely muffling her squeal. Thighs quaking, she bit her lip harshly as she attacked that pleasurable spot relentlessly. Jaune was stroking the very end of his penis now, circling the fat head – and then suddenly, it was firing endlessly into the water, long, ropey streams launching from the tip of his cock powerfully.

Ruby felt her uterus clench – and then her eyes rolled up into her head, body falling against the tree as her pussy clamped down on her fingers hard, strangling them. If not for a lack of breath, she would have screamed. Instead she choked brokenly, hunching over as her vagina rippled wildly in orgasm. Over and over and over again, her pussy contracted, stroking and milking her fingers. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, vision swimming as lightning raced from her core, down her limbs, her toes curling in the soft dirt. Wetness gushed around her fingers, thick streams that ran down the insides of her thighs.

She wasn’t sure how long it lasted but when she regained her bearings, she was slumped heavily against the tree. Panting, she looked around stupidly and it took her a few seconds to realize that Jaune was missing.

Fear seized her heart.

Her legs refused to work properly. Stumbling, she checked her surroundings. Did he see her? Did he hear her? Ripping her hand from her crotch, she hissed as her hypersensitive quim twitched. Her hand was a mess and she wiped it across her thighs, hurriedly searching for her friend. When she found him by his clothes, a towel around his shoulders, she almost collapsed but knew she couldn’t stay here.

She rushed back to her clothes on wobbly legs.

Before returning to camp, she washed off again. She was covered in sweat and her thick, syrupy discharge. Her musk was strong and unmistakable, so she scrubbed off, paying particular attention to her tender pussy before drying off. When she got back to their camp site, Jaune was already there, talking to Nora. Ren was missing, as was Sterling. Ivy and Dawn were collecting their things.

“I’m gonna escort this lot to the river,” Nora said, jerking her thumb at their new companions. “They have beef, Ruby. We are having steak tonight!”

Ruby felt her stomach grumble.

Steak sounded good.

Jaune nodded at her and Ruby flushed, looking away. He looked so normal but only ten minutes ago, he’d been stroking his cock without a care in the world while she watched, furiously fingering herself as she did. Feeling nervous and weird, she helped him start the fire.

Alongside the smoke of the burning wood, she could smell his shampoo and soap. A tingle ran up her back, her body feeling raw. She watched him with hooded eyes, particularly his hands and forearms. It wasn’t often that he wasn’t wearing his hoodie. His hands were big, so much bigger than her own – and whenever he picked something up or rolled his wrist, she saw the muscles in his forearm twitch and roll. It was a hypnotizing sight.

“Want to read some more comics tonight?” he asked.

She jumped, startled. Ruby had been staring too long.

“Y-Yeah,” she replied. “That would be awesome.”

Dirty girl, her mind taunted her. Peeking on your friend. Touching yourself as you watched him. Naughty, naughty.

She was lucky that no one else could hear her thoughts.

After dinner, everyone retired to their tents. When Jaune rolled out his sleeping bag, she dragged hers over next to his and sat, face burning furiously. Even her ears felt hot, stinging in the cool air.

“Ruby?” Jaune gave her a look of concern. “Are you feeling okay?”

He had noticed.

She rubbed at her cheeks.

“I’m okay,” she said, voice soft.

He didn’t look convinced. “You look a little red.”

Did he really have to say it? It only made her blush worse.

“I’m fine,” she stressed. “Really. I just want to read some comics.”

He stared at her for a moment. “Well – if you say so?”

She nodded quickly.

“Yep – now, come on. We stopped at a really good spot last night.”

Jaune snorted, flopping down beside her. Now she could really smell his shampoo and soap without the burning wood mixed in. “You fell asleep, you mean.”

Ruby poked out her tongue. “Shut up.”

She shivered when he leaned in, his shoulder resting against hers to get a better look at the screen. Ruby extended it out into its tablet form and quickly found where they stopped.

Just like the night before, Ruby found herself dozing off, curled against his side, lulled to sleep by his warm presence. Only this time, she woke much earlier, the tent still shrouded in darkness. There was a moment of confusion on her part, blinking blearily. What had woken her up? Jaune was at her back, large and unyielding, an arm thrown across her waist and hugging her smaller frame to his chest. Ruby felt her heart skip a beat, her stomach quivering at being spooned by her best friend.

It felt nice. It felt really, really nice.

Squirming against him, she froze in shock as something hard poked her butt. Wiggling her hips, it pressed into her sweet rump and with a slowly waking mind, she realized just what it was.

“Oh,” she sighed, overcome with embarrassment and something more.

His penis dug into her, hard like steel. Wiggling a little more, it shifted and slotted perfectly between her pert cheeks. Mouth dry, she paused, a little frightened. What was she doing? Ruby knew she should stop, untangle herself from Jaune’s hold and pull her bedroll further away. He was asleep, he didn’t – he wasn’t – none of this was done on purpose. They’d just cuddled and his – his penis, his cock just happened to be hard. It didn’t mean anything.

Grabbing his wrist, she didn’t move his arm or even try. Instead she rubbed and caressed his skin, shivering as the hairs on his arm tickled her palm. Feeling daring, she arched her back and pressed back on his erection harder, rolling her hips gently as she stroked him with her butt. A slick trickle that started in her tummy oozed out into her panties, her heart leaping into her throat.

It felt good, having his dick against her body like this. For some time, she simply grinded against it, feeling its heat seep into her. She recalled how long and thick it was, felt how hard it was, and another slick tickle messed her underwear.

She almost shouted when his arm tightened around her waist, bringing her even more flush against his front.

“Mmng,” he murmured into her hair, his lips grazing against the shell of her ear. Biting her lip, she moved her hips faster, gyrating. But soon that wasn’t enough, her core beginning to throb insistently and without thought, she turned in his embrace until she was facing him. Feeling his length against her front caused shivers to erupt across her entire body, his clean scent stronger now. Resting her forehead against his collar, she wormed a hand between their bodies.

She almost chickened out, her pulse pounding – but with a final push, she grasped his steel hard shaft, palming it through his sweatpants. Tracing the outline, she mapped out the dips and rises, the thick crown and down to his heavy balls. Giving them a gentle squeeze, she made her way back up and up, and up, her hand leaving his dick and passing underneath his sleeping shirt.

Ruby sighed as she felt his rugged abs against her fingers, groping his muscles eagerly. Reaching around his waist and up his back, she nuzzled him as she raked her nails down his skin. He was so big – everything about him was big; his back, his chest, he loomed over her, tall – and his fat cock.

Her best friend had become such a man right in front of her eyes.

Well beyond thinking about her actions, she hooked her fingers under the waistband of his sweatpants and tugged them down. His member sprung free after a little work and when she grabbed him directly, she cooed at how hot it was. It was also much heavier than she expected, the skin velvety smooth. It pulsed in her hand, alive. Curious fingers mapped out the veins bulging on the shaft before cupping the underside, tickling the thick root that ran from base to tip. The crown flared wide, the skin springy and different from the rest. Rubbing the tip, she jumped when it jerked away from her touch, flexing.

It moved. It moved.

Panting excitedly, she remembered how Jaune had stroked it. It must have felt good, right? Why else would he do it? And it had made those thick white streams fire out the end, kinda like how her own tender pussy leaked all over her hand. She wanted to feel that happen.

She was overheating though, beyond flushed. Shimmying out of her pants, she peeled her panties down and hissed at the material stubbornly stuck to her plump lower lips. Toeing them off, she remained in only her top.

Ruby did her best to stroke and pump his length but her actions were awkward, stilted and unsure. She couldn’t see it. It was much too dark in their tent. But her hands felt everything from the way it curved upwards to the ridge of his glans. The seal of her fingers bumped against it as she fondled him and she found that whenever she did, his dick would tense slightly.

It must feel good there, she thought deliriously. Just like my bean.

Something wet touched her hand, leaking thickly over her knuckles and when she teased the tip, she found that it was wet and sticky. Happy that his penis was enjoying her attention, she tightened her hold and moved faster, jerking him off with quick, sharp movements. Her other hand moved down and felt his balls, and she whined cutely as they shifted beneath her touch.

They felt odd. Almost like eggs inside a fleshy bag, though when she grabbed them, they were softer. Squeezing them gently, they rolled around on her palm and giggling, she palmed them enthusiastically.

As she touched him, she felt her own belly becoming heavy. Something deliciously slick oozed out over her thigh and she bit her lip as her core tied itself in knots. Rubbing her wet thighs together, it did little to combat the growing bonfire of her teenage lust. Removing her hands from his balls, she traced her bellybutton with light touches, trembling at the ticklish sensation. When her hand dipped down and cupped her mons, she moaned.

Her crotch felt even more sensitive than earlier.

Her labia were thick and engorged with blood, her slit tightly closed. Rubbing up and down the seam, she peeled her lips apart and pressed on her twitching entrance. It was so wet, and when she dug at it, fluid gushed out over her digits and leg. Trembling, she stroked his cock and her pussy at the same time, overcome.

This was the best. Why didn’t anyone ever tell her how good this was? Ruby thought of her sister and how she flaunted her body around boys. She thought of the boyfriends her sister had at Signal. Did they do things like this? Did Yang let boys touch her between the legs while she touched their dick? Ruby wasn’t blind to the way they looked at her older sister but she hadn’t really understood all of it.

Now she did. They wanted this, her mind taunted as she began rubbing her quim in messy circles. Her clit ached, calling for her attention. They wanted to put their thing here.

She had Jaune’s thing in her hand. His penis. His dick. His cock.

How would it feel if she put it inside?

Would it fit? It was so wide. It was so long and thick, there was no way it could fit inside her tiny pussy, right? Even two fingers had felt a little much, stuffing her snatch full when she had touched herself earlier.

But it was meant to go in there. For babies. It goes in for babies.

Her breathing was a little erratic, Ruby feeling lightheaded. She shouldn’t have babies right now, they were on a quest – but...

Desire won out over common sense. Slithering up his body, Ruby cooed as she hooked one of her legs across his waist, pressing their crotches together. He had been hot in her hand but feeling his steel length against her thigh was like a brand, burning her pleasantly. Shifting her hips forward, she whimpered as his fat glans squished against her plump lips. Rolling her waist, she awkwardly humped his dick, relishing how hot and hard it felt against her tender twat.

Her juices spread over his shaft as her meaty pussy embraced his length in a wet, messy hug. Split on either side, she hot-dogged him furiously, the pleasure driving her on. Her clit throbbed and sparked with ecstasy, mashed against his crown, and her panting breaths were laced with mewls.

“J-Jaune,” she whispered, burying her face in his neck. “Oh~! Mmhn – Jaune~!

Perhaps if she had been in her right mind, she would have noticed. Consumed as she was in her pleasure and lustful thoughts, when his body tensed, she didn’t take heed. Above her head, blue eyes blinked open, staring off into the darkness – before they widened, sleep blown away in an instant as he felt the hot, messy glide of a young, impressionable pussy against his painfully hard, throbbing cock.

He froze, filled with shock as Ruby rutted against him like an animal in heat, her soft cries going straight to his balls. Swallowing, he lay there for several long moments, voice caught in his throat as he attempted to figure out just what the fuck was happening.

Jaune, you’re so big,” she said in a voice he never thought Ruby could make, dripping with desire. “Ahnn~! Mnng – I want it inside. Can I? Can I? Can I?

Her arm was stuffed between their bodies and Jaune felt it wiggle down, taking hold of his turgid erection. It throbbed powerfully and then it was placed at her soaked entrance. Jaune’s balls tightened in anticipation and finally his tongue became unstuck from the roof of his mouth.

“Ruby?” he hissed urgently and she froze, terror washing through her.

She didn’t say anything for a moment, frightened.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

A beat of silence passed, two, three – and then...

“I’m not your sister,” she whined petulantly.

Jaune opened his mouth and paused, before asking, “What?”

Ruby wiggled her hips, working his fat glans against her puckered hole. Jaune grasped at her hip, squeezing her young, springy flesh and she moaned, tilting her pelvis. She then squealed as her pussy stretched, his crown popping inside her gossamer grasp, an extremely snug fit.

Jaune groaned as he was assaulted by a wave of pleasure, his cock head embraced by her sodden pussy. Tightening his hold on her hip, he made a decision. Tugging her down, Ruby choked as he rocked forward, spearing her with more of his cock.

Ouuuh~!” Ruby crooned in a mixture of pain and pleasure, her tender flesh parting as his length burrowed into her. Trembling wildly, she almost screamed when he pressed against something absurdly sensitive, grinding on the upper wall of her twitching tunnel. Her folds closed around him like a fist, tight and unyielding, and Jaune exhaled through his nose, muscles taut.

“Ruby,” he uttered, voice rough. “Fuck – you are so tight, girl, shit.”

Hearing him swear only made her pussy throb and tighten further, pulsing around his length. The texture of her pussy was exquisite, tight and hot, and there was something a little rough across the top of his glans. He thrust gently on it, delighting in the sharp pleasure – and then quickly hugged Ruby’s face to his chest as she howled.

“Shh,” he hissed. “The others will hear you.”

She tried to say sorry, she hadn’t meant to but the pleasure was too much, that spot too good. Her tummy felt like it was melting. Twitching as he rocked gently against her g-spot, she could do nothing but cry out into his chest, struggling to breathe. That was the place she had attacked with her fingers and now Jaune was grinding it with his dick.

Jaune knew he shouldn’t be doing this. Ruby was his best friend and they were on a very important mission. He had never viewed her as anything but that. But there was no denying that she was one of the cutest girls he knew and maybe in the back of his mind, he had wondered a time or two how it would be like to date such a quirky, dorky girl such as her. How it would feel to kiss those pink lips and touch that slender, petite body.

And now he had his cock buried a quarter of the way inside her tight, throbbing quim. Ruby had never given any indication that she liked him. None that he had seen. Waking up to her playing with his dick, attempting to mount it and put it in was beyond shocking – and so incredibly, undeniably hot.

His hand groped at her hip before sliding down to squeeze her ass, fingers sinking into her soft butt viciously. She whimpered against his chest, jerking her hips uncontrollably. Jaune played with her shapely ass, pulling her cheeks apart as he continued to gently rock into her. Fuck, she had been hiding this beast under that combat skirt all this time. Sure, he had seen her wear sweatpants before but they’d all been loose. Releasing her butt, he gave it a sharp swat.

Oooouuh~!” Ruby moaned, sinking a little further along his length. Jaune liked her reaction and did it again, spanking her harder. Her pussy collapsed around him, stroking his glans as the sharp clap filled their tent.

Jaune rolled onto his back then and Ruby felt her world tilt, pulled up until she was sitting atop him. Gravity pressed her down and she shivered as he touched a little deeper again. Ruby could feel the space between their thighs, his fat dick holding her up. He still had so much more of his cock to give her.

There was no way. She couldn’t take much more.

Jaune didn’t think so.

Manipulating her hips, he pulled her back and forth along his pelvis with powerful hands. Ruby bowed over, teeth clenching down on her lip as she was assaulted with pleasure. Her muscles twitched uselessly as he dragged her g-spot across his glans again and again. When one of his hands moved up her belly and began removing her top, she allowed it.

He couldn’t see but he could feel, and he wanted to feel Ruby’s tits. Removing her top, he palmed one of her breasts, fingers cupping her. It was small but shapely, a little firm as he squeezed it gently. Ruby groaned deeply as he lightly pinched her puffy nipple, rolling it – and then he teased the inverted tip, his balls thumping eagerly.

“You have cute little tits,” he said roughly. “Mm – Ruby, come on. Try and ride me.”

He released her hip with his other hand and focused on her chest, tugging and groping at her still developing breasts. Her nipples throbbed, feeling heavy. Without his aid, her hips stuttered to a stop, her stuffed pussy clutching him desperately. She tried to do what he said, pulling up slightly but she felt so weak. Sitting back down, she sobbed as he spread her apart even further.

“That’s it,” he encouraged. “You can do it, Ruby.”

Her belly felt like it was on fire, a roiling mass of feeling. She tried again, her folds dragging up his length before she sat back, impaling herself. Her juices soaked his pelvis in her sticky syrup, a soft, wet clap sounding as she sunk deeper on each pass. Deep inside, she was stretching out, a pinch of pain accompanying each awkward thrust. Nothing had ever touched her so deep and she keened, wobbling precariously. Her knees slid further apart to stabilize herself and then she clapped down, spearing him all the way to the base.

Hnng~!” she choked, the air driven from her lungs as his crown rammed into the back of her vagina. Ruby gasped for air, a deep ache blooming from her cervix as his cock flexed against it happily.

“Oh, that’s it,” Jaune squeezed both of her tits and gave them a shake, molding them to his hands. “Oh, Ruby – your pussy feels amazing.”

There was a moment where they remained like this, his cock buried balls deep and then Ruby moved, humping back and forth. She cried out and he surged up, sealing her lips closed with his mouth as she moved frantically. Pulling her down with him, he kissed her furiously as her petite frame bucked up and down his cock.

Hhhaaahh~! Mmnnnnhh~!” Ruby panted between kisses, her tongue sluggish, mouth slow to match Jaune’s intensity. All of her effort was going into her hips as she moved, clutching at his shaft. Wet, obscene sounds filled their ears as she fucked herself up and down his impressive cock, her belly flush against his.

Her vaginal muscles rippled wildly every time she clapped down, his glans pressed on the mouth of her womb. Banging him so deep hurt a little but it only made the pleasure so much sweeter, a tight ball forming in the pit of her stomach.

Fuck, Ruby,” he nipped at her lips, tugging them between his teeth. “Oh, yeah – keep riding me. Fuck me with that snug little pussy.”

Jaune couldn’t get enough of her, grunting as she hilted him again and again. She had such a hot, wet pussy, her folds catching on the ridge of his glans and tugging on him pleasurably. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her harder as her movements sped up, no hint of finesse or skill. It was pure animalistic rutting and her cries and screams were swallowed by his mouth.

Ruby felt feverish all over, her body hot and sweaty. Lungs burning, that tight knot threatened to rupture. Skin prickling, she tilted her pelvis just right and her aching clit mashed against him, tearing a wretched sob from her throat.

“I’m – I’m – I’mmnnnggg~! I’mmmmnggg ggggon,” she tried to say, almost going limp. Only her hips continued to move, instinct driving them on.

Her insides coiled tightly, strangling his cock. Gripping her plump ass, he brought his feet together, legs creating a diamond and leveraging his weight against them, he thrust up into her for the first time. Ruby locked up as he pounded deep, a brutal thrust against her cervix – and then she choked on her scream, that tight knot unraveling.


Jaune groaned into her hair as her pussy erupted in a series of powerful, mind bending contractions that milked his cock with one intention and one intention only. Ruby shook wildly as ecstasy rushed through her entire being. Her eyes rolled up into her head as Jaune began fucking up into her sodden mess of a cunt, unrelenting as her orgasm claimed all sense.

“Yeah, fuck, fuck, that’s it,” Jaune panted, fucking her climaxing body with long, powerful strokes. She was impossibly tight, writhing around his dick from tip to base and then he flipped them over, Ruby on the bottom as he plowed into her young body.

She couldn’t speak, her voice a jumbled mess. Jaune loomed over her, nestled between her twitching thighs, her feet hiked up behind his back uselessly as he fucked her with a furious abandon. Clap, clap, clap, plap, plap, plap – her body rocked from the power of his thrusts, his massive cock cleaving and gouging her out, molding her fleshy sheathe to the shape of his vigorous length.

Jaune’s balls slapped against her butt, her sticky juice stretching between them. He could feel his thick load churning eagerly, ready to fire. He wished for nothing more than to press into Ruby as far as he could, sealing their hips together and docking his cock with her womb, only to fire his thick, boiling rounds into her uterus but he retained just enough reason to know that it was a bad idea.

Ruby already felt another orgasm beginning to crest, body taut as her pussy throbbed powerfully. Moaning incoherently, she felt her pleasure peak again in a flash, his powerful cock continuing to plow her without remorse as she clenched and shattered around him.

To the symphony of her pleasure filled cries, Jaune fucked her to the very last moment. Abs tense, balls lifting and shaft swelling to its full size, he pulled out just as his cock flexed in orgasm. He hissed as he tugged his crown free of her snug depths right as it erupted, the first stream of his thick ejaculation spraying across her gaping pussy and staining the swollen skin of her vulva. Ruby moaned as she felt his liquid heat shoot onto her, and then the next lanced over her spread thighs. Fisting his cock, Jaune pumped his length furiously as volley after volley of potent semen painted long, hot stripes across Ruby’s toned stomach, a few shots even reaching and covering her small, heaving tits.

If only he could see his handy work.

He cum so hard that he felt a small cramp develop in his taint, grunting as he siphoned the last of his load and smeared it against the curve of her butt. Feeling drained, he remained kneeling above her for several long moments, panting from such an amazing orgasm.

Ruby finally regained some semblance of thought, blindly reaching across the floor. It took her awhile but she finally found her scroll and activated the light, bathing them both in a soft glow. Seeing Jaune kneeling between her thighs, his long, fat cock bobbing and twitching in the afterglow made her insides quiver. Similarly, Jaune’s shaft flexed powerfully at the sight of Ruby’s body covered in his cum, her pussy red raw and messed with the combination of their discharge.

It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

“You didn’t do it inside,” she finally said, throat a little raw.

“You aren’t on birth control, are you?” he asked.

Her face was a picture of surprise.

“Ruby, we can’t – you can’t get pregnant,” he leaned down and cupped her cheek. “You know that, right? I – this was dangerous enough as it is.”

She nodded slowly. “I know. I just – I want to do it again.”

Her face flushed a brilliant red, an attractive look with her sweat slick skin and mussed hair. Jaune felt that desire as well, wanting to thrust his cock back into her snug cunt and fuck her until his hips broke down and he couldn’t move.

“It felt so good,” she continued, looking excited at the prospect. “I – I didn’t know it felt like that.”

“We have to be careful,” he said instead, the voice of reason. “Our mission and... do you really want to be a mother right now?”

Ruby pouted. “No.”

“And... uh, we should have feelings if we ever do that,” he stumbled over his words, feeling a little embarrassed even though he had just ravaged her with his dick. “Right?”

She nodded.

She must like him, right? Why else would she have been touching him while he slept? And she had obviously been annoyed at his comment when he said being with her felt like he was hanging out with his sisters. But did he like her?

She was cute and fun, surprisingly sexy and a little naughty if this was anything to go by. He thought the world of Ruby but he hadn’t ever thought about her in this way before. He had been hung up on Weiss for such a long time, the heiress was the only girl he had been focused on.

Jaune shook his head.

They could speak about their feelings later. Right now, they both reeked of sex and Ruby was drenched in his cum.

“I think we need another bath,” he said.

That was why in the very early hours of the morning, the pair snuck away from camp to wash off. They couldn’t have sex, not until Jaune purchased some condoms in the next town because he refused to knock her up because they were both horny beyond control – but there were other things they could do in the meantime. It was with some discomfort that later that morning, Ruby ate her breakfast with an aching jaw – but it was so worth it.



Fantastic work. Your Lancaster works never fail to deliver.


You totally should have had Nore giving Ruby a shit eating grin at breakfast.


I always like the personalities you give the girls and how they react to their new feelings. It always makes it fun and brings me back to re-read.


An erised fiction story where the characters actually consider the dangers of pregnancy and the importance of birth control and condoms at that? Damn that’s crazy