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Argus was a city built in the frozen north on the continent of Anima, a joint effort between the kingdoms of Mantle and Mistral, constructed in the early years of their budding alliance before the Great War. In exchange for goods not found in the frozen tundra of Solitas, Mantle introduced technological innovation and expert guidance in settling Anima’s northernmost territories. It meant that Argus was a city of two lands. While it was under the direct purview of Mistral, Atlas had a major military base stationed there and no doubt influenced policy instituted by the local government.

Due to its location, any commercial airships took at least a half-day to reach it. It was a six hour flight from Mistral, while even longer from Vale. If they had been traveling from Vacuo, it would take almost an entire day.

Pyrrha didn’t mind. It meant that she got to spend time alone with Jaune before they landed and met her mother, and she wasn’t going to waste it. Now that they had all the free time they could ever ask for, she could selfishly prioritize her wants and desires.

They were about to have all the sex.

There was just one problem.

Jaune suffered from motion sickness.

But she had come prepared! Motion sickness medication was readily available and she had taken the opportunity to purchase some before they left. It came in a handy patch form and the grateful look on her partner's face as she helped apply the sticky material to the back of his neck made her swoon.

Their flight had an early departure and so the rest of their friends were there to see them off. Blake would be boarding an airship bound for Mistral before taking a train to the southern regions of Anima before traveling to Menagerie by sea. Ren and Nora would be joining her for the first leg of the journey before parting ways with the cat faunus in Mistral, forging their own path. Yang and Ruby would be taking a ship over to Patch later in the day, by far having the least distance to travel while Weiss...

...she didn’t know what Weiss was doing.

Pyrrha watched as Jaune and Weiss said their goodbyes, the smaller girl even leaning in to give him a hug. What may have once been a shocking move was now normal, and Pyrrha spied Ruby watching closely to see if they slipped in something more. A kiss, perhaps?

Weiss had assured them that they weren’t dating but there had been rumors from other sources that contradicted her words. It seemed that even though she had denied the existence of their relationship to her closest friends, she had been saying something completely different to other people.

Pyrrha still remembered her confession in the library, her words crystal clear and lodged in her brain. The heiress was no longer conflicted about her feelings which would only make things even more difficult going forward. Not that it had mattered before anyway. Weiss may have been dishonest about her reasons, even to herself, but that hadn’t stopped the girl from acting on them.

The thought of the pair of them entwined intimately caused an uncomfortable pressure to form in her chest.

Pyrrha may have crossed the final line first – but Weiss had not been far behind. Jaune had slept with both of them now, and even though she knew it was toxic to think, the red head couldn’t help but wonder; who did he like fucking more? Did he enjoy her more muscular, womanly figure with her larger breasts? Or was Weiss’ slender, fit body with its gentle curves more to his liking?

She scowled, banishing the thought instantly.

That way only led to madness.

Ruby jumped into his arms next, encircling his neck as she whined, “I’m going to miss yoooou~!”

Jaune laughed, hugging her back just as enthusiastically, swinging the younger girl around like he would a little sister. “I’ll keep in touch. Promise.”

Blake next stepped forward, a startled laugh escaping her lips as he reeled her in. “I hope things go well with your parents,” he said to her.

Amber eyes full of fondness settled on him as they pulled apart, a tender expression crossing her face. “Thank you. I hope you have fun in Argus.”

Hmm – she didn’t like the look on Blake’s face. Not at all. This was the second time now that she had witnessed the potential for something more and she was not a fan. She had enough issues with Weiss. Pyrrha sighed, shaking her head. She was being ridiculous. They were only friends and Jaune was showing her support in a difficult time. Blake’s family situation was complicated right now.

This business with the heiress was making her paranoid.

Yang and Jaune clapped hands in a firm shake, the blonde girl engaging in some new fancy handshake with a lot of odd gestures that was apparently the norm amongst teenagers. They must have been working on it quite a lot because they moved in perfect tandem, not missing a beat, and Pyrrha quickly lost count as their hands came together again and again in a series of unique positions.

“Keep in touch?” Ruby asked her, drawing her attention away. The small girl hesitated before darting in and hugging her. Pyrrha embraced Ruby back firmly.

“Of course,” she placated her, relishing the contact, the physical manifestation of their friendship. “I’ll call every other day if you want me to.”

Ren and Nora were now bidding Jaune farewell as Blake approached her, taking Ruby’s place before Yang clapped her on the shoulder firmly before giving in, also engaging in a prolonged hug.

Then came Weiss.

They stared at one another, a stand off like an old Vacuoan western. A familiar tension between them, on the cusp of something that neither quite understood. Pyrrha may have disliked how underhanded and dishonest the white haired girl could be, and felt that she should keep her hands off what didn’t belong to her, but that didn’t change the fact that Weiss was also one of her most precious friends.

They were rivals in love.

But perhaps they understood each other best of all.

Weiss moved first, stepping forward and embracing her softly. Pyrrha returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around Weiss’ petite waist. Not for the first time, Pyrrha understood just why Jaune had been so enamored with the heiress. She really was exceedingly beautiful and having her so close, in her arms, it really gave her some perspective on just how tiny Weiss Schnee really was.

This was the body that Jaune had no doubt brutalized with his big, fat cock. Pyrrha shivered at the thought but this time, there was no jealousy or anger, no annoyance. Much to her surprise and horror a soft warmth filled her belly, a curling ember of desire spreading.

Pyrrha felt Weiss shift in her arms and then a hand groped her lower back, just above her ass. A yelp caught in her throat, jumping as Weiss pinched her hip before stepping back, a sly smirk on her face.

“Mm – I can see what he likes so much,” Weiss whispered, low enough that only she could hear. “Jaune really is a greedy man, isn’t he?”

Pyrrha glared. “Was that really necessary?”

Weiss laughed lightly. “Yes, it was. See you soon, Pyrrha.”

She felt the pit of her stomach drop.

What did she mean by that? Before she could ask, Nora was on her back, and Weiss slipped away like the sneak she was. When all their farewells were said, she joined Jaune in waving as they passed through the terminal, checked in their luggage and when the time was right, boarded the airship. Weiss’ words continued to nag at her, an insidious worm that wriggled its way deep into her psyche.

Had Weiss meant soon as in after the holidays or soon as in very soon? No, she was just messing with her. A parting shot to make her squirm, a couple of easy words to unsettle her, that was all it was. Weiss was playing mind games because she had gained the upper hand here, securing Jaune’s company for the summer.

What was frustrating was that it worked, though.

“Damn her,” she growled under her breath.

“Pyrrha?” Jaune questioned.

“Nothing,” she said, taking a deep breath. “Sorry – let us find our cabin, shall we?”

Pyrrha had ensured that they had a room all to themselves, a space they could relax in without fear of prying eyes. Already she could feel the gazes of the other passengers as they recognized her, their eyes lighting up as they whispered excitedly to their companions. Keeping up appearances, she calmly led Jaune further into the ship, showing their tickets to a member of staff to gain entry into the business class section of the airship.

There were fewer eyes here, though Pyrrha still drew a fair number of glances. Even the rich were fans of hers, after all. Jaune had resisted her insistence on buying his tickets at first but it hadn’t taken her much to convince him. He knew all about the tribulations of her fame and by the expression on his face, he noticed all the attention being focused solely on her.

Well – perhaps not solely.

A great number of the people were looking at Jaune. Pyrrha knew that their tongues would be wagging in short order. An unknown, handsome young man accompanying a world renown fighter, a beautiful young woman; their imaginations would run wild. It was an inevitable outcome. Pyrrha was protected at Beacon, as was the rest of her team. Journalists didn’t dare infringe upon a Huntsman Academy, even for the scoop of the century, and any time they’d visited Beacon together, they’d been lucky. They’d had a brief in during the Vytal Festival but there had been more important things to report at the time.

It wouldn’t be long before the tabloids spoke of Pyrrha Nikos and her new man. Soon after, they’d discover he was her partner and teammate, her team leader. The world would then speculate about their relationship. Were they dating? Were they just friends? Pyrrha hated that the unforgiving spotlight of fame would shine upon Jaune in this way but it was going to happen, no matter what. She couldn’t stop it.

So she might as well embrace it.

It wasn’t surprising that Jaune was also drawing his own looks for an entirely different reason. Women snuck glances at him, their eyes following his every movement. Rich girls – just like Weiss, accustomed to getting whatever they wanted, remaining rooted to the spot because he wasn’t alone. They didn’t dare make a move with Pyrrha Nikos by his side.

If only a certain heiress could be dissuaded so easily. Weiss was made of much sterner stuff.

The airship began its ascent into the sky as they reached their room, slipping inside and moving over to the large window to view the city of Vale. Standing side by side, they watched as the sprawling commercial district gave way to rows upon rows of houses. In the distance, Mt. Glenn loomed like a monument to the fallen, a symbol of the failed expansion the people of Vale had so desperately craved. Further out were rolling hills and grasslands, farms as far as the eye could see, and as the airship banked sharply, setting course of Argus, they caught a glimpse of Beacon for the final time, perched like a sentinel upon the great cliffs that flanked the city, keeping eternal vigil over the people.

Pyrrha felt a twinge of longing.

She was being silly, she knew – they would only be gone for a few months, but she would miss Beacon. The school was so much more than a simple institution of learning. It was where she had finally taken control of her life and found invaluable friends, where she had truly come into her own. Argus was home; it was where she grew up, and it was where her mother was. But Beacon was special to her in a way that no other place was.

“It feels sad to leave her,” Jaune said, drawing her attention. The expression he wore was exactly how she felt, his eyes bright as they remained on the school for as long as they could. “But we’ll be back soon. This isn’t goodbye.”

No, it wasn’t – this was only the beginning. Their first year was over. They still had three more years to walk those exalted halls steeped in so much history.

“Yeah,” she whispered, lacing her fingers through his. Pyrrha squeezed his hand firmly, taking comfort in his strength and warmth. She knew that Jaune viewed Beacon in a similar light to her; it was where he took control of his destiny, where he took the gamble of a lifetime. He’d been but a boy with a dream – a dream to be a Huntsman. A boy with no training, a boy without aura, only a desire to prove himself and a foolishly brave drive to seize it with his own two hands.

They remained by the window for quite a long while just watching the land move beneath them. The land around Vale was lush and green, and even outside of the walls of the city, relatively safe due to the natural lay of the land. The mountain range protected them and they only really had to worry about the numbers that gathered in the Emerald Forest, the Grimm they had been dispatched to eliminate. It was different in her homeland; behind every tree was a danger, the harsh weather just as much a deterrent than the Grimm.

“Are you hungry?” she asked some time later, when even the mountains were in the distance.

Jaune nodded. “Yeah, I’m starving.”

They’d skipped breakfast so that wasn’t surprising. She was rather famished herself.

“Come on – we can order whatever we like, everything is paid for.”

Jaune smiled ruefully. “I feel a little bad.”

Pyrrha nudged him. “Don’t be. I have more money than I know what to do with, Jaune. Let me spoil you a little bit.”

She wasn’t as wealthy as Weiss but who was? Her winnings were considerable, though, and all of her endorsement deals guaranteed that if she really wanted to, she could retire now and not have to work a day in her life ever again, so long as she wasn’t wasteful in her spending.

Not that she would ever live that type of life.

She believed her talents had a purpose and that purpose was to protect the world, to defend humanity and faunus from harm. She believed wholeheartedly in this destiny of hers and she would not give it up for a life of ease and comfort.

“They have a menu,” she said, walking over to the dining table. Their cabin was much like a hotel room, filled with furniture and containing a fully outfitted bathroom with shower, bath and toilet, as well as a bedroom for rest. Pyrrha glanced at the door that shielded the bed from view and flushed.


Very soon.

There was a phone by the door where they could place their orders, and so when they figured out what they wanted to eat, they called it through. Pyrrha ordered the chicken fettuccine alfredo while Jaune settled on a simple burger and fries. Feeling a little adventurous, Pyrrha also placed an order for some wine – it was still morning and she wasn’t one to indulge in alcohol, but this was a special occasion.

The service was prompt. Within half an hour, their food arrived and they dug in, sitting together at the table. Jaune had been surprised by the accompanying wine but was more than happy to join her in drinking it.

“I need to tell you something,” he said after his first glass, finishing off his fries until nothing but crumbs remained. “About Weiss.”

Pyrrha felt a little hot around the cheeks. Like Jaune, she had only had one glass but she wasn’t used to drinking and was a complete lightweight. Hearing the heiresses name pass his lips though doused her in cold water.

“What about her?”

“I should have told you sooner but she confessed to me,” he said. “Uh – properly. I mean – shit,” he fumbled, looking embarrassed. “Pyrrha – she wants to be my girlfriend.”

“No,” she said at once.

Jaune gave her a hesitant look. “I agreed. Well, kinda – I didn’t say no. But I think she believes we are a couple now.”

Pyrrha felt like she was falling.

“What?” she asked, but it didn’t sound like she was the one speaking. It felt like she was hearing someone else say it.

“I agreed,” he said again, face becoming sure. So the rumors were true after all. “I like Weiss, Pyrrha. You know that. I – I tried to move on but I couldn’t. Not really.”

No, no, no – Pyrrha stood, feeling off kilter, having to rest her palms on the table to keep from falling over.

“But I also like you,” he continued, and the sudden fear that had gripped her loosened its hold. “I like you so much, Pyrrha. I know this entire situation is weird and... I’ve been too passive. Maybe I shouldn’t have let things get like this but I’m not used to this type of attention. You and Weiss are... you are magnificent and I got swept up in the moment.”

Pyrrha sat down, staring at him.

“Jaune, what are you trying to say?”

“I’m trying to say that I am dating Weiss,” he paused. “But – I would, uh – you know, would like to date you as well.”

She was left speechless.

“Ah ha ha,” he laughed awkwardly, filling his glass and downing it in a single gulp. “Uh – yeah. That is... all I wanted to say.”

Jaune wanted to be her boyfriend. Jaune wanted to be her boyfriend.

That was the only thing that registered with her, the only thing that mattered. Maybe she didn’t have her priorities straight but she didn’t care. Hands shaking, she nearly spilled the wine as she poured herself another glass. Sipping at it, she stared at Jaune with wide eyes.

“So...” he tapped the table with his finger. “Yeah – I thought I should say that.”

“Yes,” she finally said.

Jaune gave her a confused look. “Yes?”

“I’ll be your girlfriend,” she confirmed, and much like Jaune, she knocked back the entire glass in a single motion. Her mind felt foggy, detached almost – a combination of the alcohol and the euphoria she felt. “I’m your girlfriend.”

His eyes lit up. “Really?”

“Of course,” she said, pulling at her turtleneck. She was really starting to overheat. “I’m your girlfriend. Your best girlfriend. The girlfriend who fucks you best.”

He blinked. “Pyrrha?”

She felt a little giddy, deliriously happy.

“The girlfriend who sucks your cock the best,” she continued, standing once again. “There is a bed through there,” she pointed. “I’m going to fuck you like the girlfriend you deserve.”

Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend – she was his girlfriend. They were together, properly now. More than just sex. Weiss was also his girlfriend but Pyrrha was higher on the food chain. Beating her down meant she was the alpha girlfriend, right? It meant that she was number one, right? Weiss might have become his girlfriend first but Pyrrha was first in his heart, right?

She marched around the table and grabbed his hand, pulling him up out of his chair. Jaune stumbled and Pyrrha took a moment to reach out and grab the bottle of wine before leading him to the bedroom. He followed obediently.

“Drink,” she said, holding the bottle to his lips. She tilted it, pouring into his mouth and then she kissed him before he could swallow it all, tasting the bold fruitiness and drinking it from his lips as she lapped at his mouth with her tongue. He returned her enthusiasm, grabbing her hips and squeezing as they made out wetly, tongues rolling and gliding together. Pyrrha felt hot everywhere, consumed by passion and lust. Sucking on his lips, she pulled away with a smack and then took a large pull from the bottle. Mouth full of wine, she leaned in and fed him, mouth to mouth, moaning as he drank from her.

They continued doing this for several minutes, their bodies rubbing together as they finished off the bottle of wine by sharing it between their lips, their kisses becoming rough and sloppy. Her nipples were painfully hard, her core throbbing with a desperate need, and when she rolled her belly against his front, she felt his turgid erection straining against his trousers, begging for release.

She was all too willing to give it.

Pyrrha undid his belt with sure hands, dropping the empty bottle to the carpeted floor. Opening his pants, she raked her nails up his stomach and along those amazing abs before tearing his shirt up over his head. Blue eyes blinked at her, darkened with arousal as she then pulled his pants down, followed by his underwear.

That long, thick cock – the cock of her dreams – sprang into view with a bounce. Pyrrha panted excitedly as she grabbed him around the base, using both hands. The way it curved out from the top of her hold, her hands barely covering his shaft at all sent a pulse of desire straight to her cunt, her walls tightening with want. She hadn’t touched this dick since it had been inside her, claiming her virtue out in the open for the world to see. She relished in that familiar heat, that hardness, how heavy it felt within her hold. Stroking it up and down, she mapped out those webbing veins, throbbing powerfully as he continued to swell to his full size, the crown flushed an angry purple.

It had been too long. She had to eat him.

Releasing him, she grabbed the hem of her turtle neck and pulled it up over her head, throwing it aside quickly. Pyrrha saw the way his eyes immediately darted to her chest, her tits confined by a lacy black bra. The clasp was in the front, between her breasts in the meat of her cleavage and when she unhooked it, they spilled out aggressively, jiggling as gravity took hold. Shrugging off the bra, she moaned as he cupped her chest, fingers sinking into her soft flesh.

“Weiss doesn’t have tits like these, does she?” Pyrrha needled, arching into his hands. He kneaded them firmly, her pointed nipples digging into his palms. “Mine are better, right?”

Weiss might have been all slim and perky, but Pyrrha’s chest was plump and soft, his hands unable to contain all of her. Giggling, she let him massage her breasts, the sensations trickling down into her rapidly dampening crotch. Rubbing her belly against his erection, she cooed when it leaked pre-cum across her skin.

Grabbing his cock, she sank to her knees and looked up at him through her lashes. He stood above her, strong and powerful, and Pyrrha shivered as one of his hands settled on her head, gripping her ponytail. Leaning in, she nuzzled his length, inhaling his musky scent, the scent of a man. Pursing her lips, she rubbed them around his base, down over his heavy scrotum and then up the underside, tongue darting out to taste the thick root. His shaft flexed, tensing – and more pre-cum spilled down, calling to her. She rubbed her nose along the underside of his glans before kissing the tip, wetting her lips in his discharge.

“Pyrrha,” he whispered, voice thick.

That familiar salty taste reached her, her belly quivering. She never thought she’d be this type of girl, a girl consumed with a need to suck cock. It made her feel slutty, a naughty little bitch – and she embraced those feelings gladly, opening her mouth and slurping his fat head into her liquid heat.

“Oh, fuck,” Jaune groaned, his hand tightening on her ponytail.

She started slowly, savoring everything about him. His taste, the way he throbbed between her lips, his sheer girth. Keeping her lips tight, she bobbed her head lightly, swirling her tongue to tease the sensitive tip. Sucking and slurping with vigor, she turned her head and pressed him into the inside of her cheek, face bulging from the effort. When he popped free, he grunted, and she hurriedly inhaled his meat, cheeks caving in as she gave a study suck.

Her saliva spilled down his shaft, coating it as she fisted what she wasn’t sucking on, pumping it firmly. Her other hand clutched at his balls, squeezing them and rolling them across her palm. Pulling off him with a sharp pop, she lashed his frenulum with her tongue harshly before leaning down.

“Oh, that’s it,” Jaune praised as she sucked one of his balls into her mouth, working her tongue across the springy skin. “Damn, Pyrrha – that feels so good.”

She sucked hard, pressing her tongue against his testicle firmly to apply pressure. It felt like a soft boiled egg encased within a fleshy sack and when she pulled her head back, tugging on it as far as his skin allowed before releasing it, she watched it quickly spring back into position, tight against the base of his dick. The other one looked lonely and so she inhaled that one too, slurping at it and rolling it with her tongue until she was satisfied, releasing it to join its brother.

All the while, her hand stroked his shaft, her fist stopping just shy of his glans. The top of her fist teased the ridge of his crown, lightly brushing it as her hand twisted firmly. Rising up, she sucked the head back into her mouth and began bobbing furiously, taking more of his cock into her mouth than before. Sinking further down his shaft, she felt her cunt clench as she throated him, pushing down until her nose bumped against his pelvis. Swallowing around his fat cock, she felt it twitch in her throat before she retreated with a messy slurp.

“Fuck,” Jaune hissed, his cock jumping as her lips pulled off completely. It was drenched in her spit, red and shiny. “Fuck, Pyrrha – do that again.”

Pyrrha smiled brightly, licking her lips before darting in. Jaune groaned as she throated him again, and again, and again, taking his cock as deep as it could possibly go. The way his fat mushroom tipped head would catch and tug on the inside of her throat nearly caused her to choke but she was undeterred. This was her domain, swallowing his cock to the root, and nothing would stop her from completing her task.

She could feel the signs of his impending ejaculation; the slight swelling of his glans, the stiffening of his shaft, his tightening balls. She hummed around him, delighting in his groan of ecstasy, egging her on. Jaune began rocking his hips, lightly thrusting into her throat whenever he bottomed out, fucking her face like it was her pussy. Spit spilling around the tight seal of her lips, she sucked harder on the out stroke, creating intense suction.

“Ahh – Pyrrha, mmm – damn girl, you’re going to make me bust,” he sighed. “Yeah, just like that. God, you girls just love to suck my cock, don’t you? You and Weiss can’t get enough of it.”

Pyrrha moved faster, harder at hearing her rival’s name. He was still thinking about her – that white haired devil, even when she was deep throating his length all the way to his balls. She began adding a little teeth, scraping his shaft firmly; not enough to hurt but a warning.

“Oh yeah,” he called. “Shit – here it comes.”

Pyrrha moaned as he tugged her head firmly against his pelvis, sheathing his cock entirely in her throat as it flexed. Eyes watering, Pyrrha trembled, hands grabbing his thighs and digging in roughly as fat, hot streaks of cum blasted down her throat, almost choking her. He fired endlessly, jerking against her mouth with every shot and for a wild moment, Pyrrha thought she was going to die, vision swimming as her throat convulsed around his orgasming cock.

And then with a gasp, she was released, falling back as he pulled free of her throat and mouth. Pyrrha flopped, panting desperately for air, coughing wetly as his spunk got lodged in her throat. As always, it was ridiculously thick, clogging up her airways. The heat of his discharge pooled in her stomach, warming her much like a fresh cup of coffee or hot chocolate, the salty tang invading every fiber of her being.

Pyrrha took a few moments to recover, blinking as she looked up at Jaune’s bobbing cock. It flexed and jumped, twitching in post orgasmic bliss and the ache in her tummy became more pronounced. Grabbing the waistband of her skirt, she pulled it off while toeing off her sandals. She was left in her lacy panties, the crotch soaked with her juices. Pyrrha flinched as she peeled the material away from her tender labia, her vagina drenched. A strand of girl cum stretched between the crotch of her panties and her burning quim, thick and pungent, her musk instantly filling the room.

Lightly rubbing her mons, her fingers curled loosely through the sparse stripe of hair above her cunt. Looking up, Jaune was staring with black eyes, pupils blown wide. He kicked off his shoes and socks, and stepped out of his pants, leaving him completely bare. Overcome with a desire to touch herself, she dipped her fingers down along her puffy vulva, massaging the springy skin. Leaning back on her elbow, she spread her legs and pried open her lips, revealing her tender insides to his searching gaze. Her clitoris was stiff and throbbing, and when her palm grazed it, her hips jumped up off the floor.

“This is what you want, isn’t it?” she asked, tracing her entrance until her fingers were wet. Her inner labia clung to her digits, dewy with arousal. “This is where you want to put that fat dick. Come and get it.”

Pyrrha moaned as he knelt and scooped her off the floor effortlessly, his hard, coiling muscles lifting her like she weighed nothing. They fell onto the bed together, a tangle of limbs as he groped and squeezed at her body, pinching her tits, caressing her belly and hips before pulling open her legs. She thought he was just going to slam his cock home and fuck her stupid but he surprised her when he shimmied down, his head between her legs.

“J-Jaune?” she stuttered, startled – and then keened when his hot, wet tongue swiped along her vagina. “O-Ouh, what are – mmnhhh~! Oh~! Nnhh~!”

He wasted little time, burying his face against her gushing twat, lips opening as he licked and sucked at her steaming flesh. Shocks of pleasure shot through her body, his nose rubbing her sensitive clit as he thrust his tongue inside her, lapping up her drooling essence like it was the most tasty thing he had ever had. Squirming, her hands fisted in his hair, pulling his face against her pelvis, rocking against him as he ate her out.

“Oooh,” she cried out when his tongue touched on her clit directly, teasing back the hood. “Oh, mm – Jaune, ahn~! T-That feels sooo good. Oh, k-keep doing that. Yes, yes, right there. Oh fuck, right there.”

His tongue was everywhere, moving without thought and reason, devouring her length to length. Her back arched off the bed when he sucked on her clit, the sensation sharp and mind bending. When he sucked on her labia with loud, wet smacking sucks, her toes curled with delirium.

She was already close from sucking his cock, turned on beyond belief. That was what got Pyrrha off; taking his fat, thick dick into her mouth and sucking it to completion. Feeling his hot, velvety load slipping down her throat, thick enough to choke on. He didn’t even need to pleasure her. If she’d sucked his cock any longer, she’d have cum just from that.

She was a dirty little whore of a girl, wasn’t she? Obsessed with sucking cock. Her mother had raised a good girl but she wasn’t a good girl anymore. She was a bad girl who loved semen. All of that good work by her mother was wasted on her.

Her insides quivered, tightening as he swirled the tip of his tongue around her clit. His hot panting breath helped push her closer, right on the cusp as her womb pulsed in preparation.

But then with a final sloppy kiss to her cunt, he pulled away.

“No,” she sobbed, thrusting her hips in search of his tongue. He knelt between her thighs, face covered in her syrup, cock jutting out lewdly. “Nooo – Jaune, I’m close. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

She was balanced right on the edge, her clit burning. But he didn’t return, instead grabbing her hips and rolling her over before pulling her up onto her hands and knees. Pyrrha felt a thrill of excitement run through her, fingers bunching in the blanket as she realized what was about to happen.

He was going to fuck her like a dog.

She jumped when he slapped his heavy cock against her ass, several meaty thwacks that reverberated in her core. Pyrrha shook her ass, leaning forward with her upper body while raising her pussy, opening up to him. She felt her sticky juice leak down her inner thighs and she moaned, silently urging him to fuck her.

Pyrrha tensed as she felt the bulbous head swipe along her cleft and then he was inside her with one swift, brutal thrust, driving the air from her lungs as he bottomed out in a single stroke. Jaune groaned as she locked up, her pussy tight as a vice and she could feel every bump, every ridge and vein along his shaft, her tunnel hypersensitive.

“Uuuughhgnn~!” she grunted, the tip of his dick pressed on her cervix. Gasping desperately, she squealed when he pulled out and slammed back in. “J-Jaaaaaunnnne~!”

He thrust again, and again – and then she was done, her easy pussy unable to help itself. Fire raced beneath her skin, her uterus melting as her vagina collapsed around his cock. Sobbing with delight, Pyrrha lost all sense of self as her body was wracked by orgasmic convulsions, her twat milking his shaft furiously as she shattered.

Powerful hands gripped her ass in a punishing hold, squeezing to the point of pain as Jaune stilled his cock inside her. Pyrrha wasn’t sure how long she jerked and writhed on his dick, coiled around his meat in a desperate desire to coax out his semen but when the most powerful waves of her climax subsided, he began to thrust anew, drawing strangled cries from her throat.

Pyrrha may have been blessed in life with great skill and a body worthy of a champion – but she wasn’t the only one. His cock was so fat and long, curved to perfection, and touched every sweet spot she had. He slammed into her scorching quim with sure, confident strokes, his glide smooth and just right. He stretched her deliciously, tapping her cervix every time he pressed deep, her pussy tugging along his shaft on the outstroke. His heavy balls far from spent slapped against her aching clit, her ass rippling as they smacked together with animalistic yearning.

This was where she belonged.

Getting fucked by her boyfriend until she couldn’t see straight.

His strong hands grabbed at her body, groping her to his heart's content. His hips moved faster, his thrusts brutal. Pyrrha seethed with pleasure, hips numb as he took her to new heights. Even though she had just cum, she was quickly racing toward another orgasm, her belly tightening.

“Fuck, your pussy is amazing, Pyrrha,” he praised, voice deep and low. Three quick, grinding jabs to her womb caused her body to hunch up, her face twisting in ecstasy. “Ooo – shit, do you like it like this?”

“H-Harder,” she choked out, tilting her hips as much as she could. “Harder.”

He fucked her so hard that her legs gave out, the force of his thrusts driving her down flat onto the bed. He rode her like she was a horse, body covering her completely as his feet hooked the insides of her legs, pulling them apart. In this new position, his cock drove down, forcing it along her g-spot and her upper wall before sliding on to her cervix. Her pussy throbbed and clenched, the pleasure too much.

“Auughnn~!” she clenched her teeth hard enough to crack, body instinctively attempting to flinch away from such overwhelming pleasure. “I – I caaaaan’t – Jaaaaune.”

Her second orgasm was no less intense than the first, washing through her relentlessly. This time he didn’t stop thrusting, pounding through her orgasm with long, deep strokes that utilized the entire length of his considerable penis. Pyrrha howled into the bed, muscles bunched as he fucked her straight into a third, smaller climax that caused her entire body to shake uncontrollably.

“That’s it,” Jaune whispered, voice strained as her tender, hyper-sensitive pussy strangled his length. “Oh, yeaaah – that’s it, Pyrrha. I’m gonna cum.”

Elation filled her – and then his hot, boiling cum was blasting deep into her womb as he sealed his pelvis against her shapely butt, rocking firmly as he deposited his seed as deeply as possible. It was no ordinary ejaculation; it was pure breeding, plain and simple.

She was being bred.

His thick cum pooled in her uterus, a burning heat that was threatening as much as comforting. When the flexing of his cock finished, he slowly pulled out and Pyrrha whined, clutching at his retreating length. When he popped free, a gush of cum spilled out before her hole closed up tight. He settled his dick between her asscheeks, leaning down to kiss the back of her neck, her shoulders.

Her insides ached from his brutal fucking; it was a beautiful ache, satisfying in a way that reminded her of training as a young girl, honing her body into a weapon. When he pulled away from her body, she turned onto her side, watching as he backed off from the bed and left the room, cock swaying between his legs.

Where was he going?

He returned shortly, two bottles of water in hand from the mini fridge. Pyrrha giggled and exhaled sharply when he pressed the ice cold plastic to her thigh, quickly snatching it away from him.

She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he unscrewed his bottle and chugged back half of it, a few droplets escaping his lips and running down over his chin, and then down his neck and over his chest. He looked like a conqueror, chiseled from stone but with a vitality that only a living man could have, that stone could never replicate. He had fucked her with that body, smothered her, controlled her – fucking her to three mind blowing orgasms before he burst inside her, hot and heavy.

Her boyfriend – he was her boyfriend.

Giddy, she drank greedily from her bottle, spilling some of it across her chest. She saw his eyes take her in and saw that his cock was still full, long and large, sticking out from his pelvis arrogantly.

“Mmm, Jaune,” she squirmed, crossing her arms along her stomach and pressing her boobs together. “We still have a few more hours until we arrive.”

Her intentions were clear.

They fucked, and fucked, and fucked until their bodies couldn’t take anymore. Jaune took her in every way they could think of; against the wall, across the table in the main room, in the bath. He packed her with so much semen that Pyrrha was worried that the morning after pill would be overwhelmed.

This was the best day of her life.

Nothing could ruin her mood now.

When they arrived in Argus, they moved through the terminal and collected their luggage before checking in with customs. They did all of this arm-in-arm, uncaring of any prying eyes. Let them look, let them talk – Pyrrha didn’t care.

Jaune was hers.

And if they noticed her limping – well, she could always just claim it was from overworking herself in the training ring.

“Oh – honey, over here!” a familiar voice called as they finally reached the main concourse, surrounded by other passengers. Pyrrha felt a pang of longing, quickly looking around for her mother. “Pyrrha – this way!”

And there she was.

She was much shorter than her but with the same vibrant red hair and green eyes, a pair of glasses perched on her nose. Releasing Jaune’s arm, she rushed forward – only to stumble to halt, breath caught in a greeting as she noticed that her mother wasn’t alone.

“Hello Pyrrha,” Weiss Schnee greeted with a shrewd smile. Icy eyes moved between the pair of them and saw more than anyone else. “I do hope you enjoyed your flight. Mine was rather uneventful.”

How was this possible?

“Weiss,” Jaune exclaimed. “What – how?”

Her smile became more of a smirk. “Private airships are much smaller and travel much faster. I thought I would spend my holidays here in Argus – my family has a holiday home here, and knowing that you two would also be here – well, I wanted to spend more time with my friends. I bumped into your mother and there was no mistaking her. I see you inherited your beauty from her.”

Much to Pyrrha’s horror, her mother smiled at Weiss and linked arms with her.

“She is such a sweetheart, honey,” she directed to her, her smile beyond happy. “I’m glad you’ve made such wonderful friends.”

If anyone could hear her thoughts right this minute, all they would hear was screaming.



I can just imagine how Remnant's social media is going right now. "Pyrrha Nikos was on my flight with a guy and they just had a six hour fuck fest in the private cabins." With both her and Weiss developing Alpha/#1 Wife mentalities, I could imagine them continuing the escalation by bringing in other girls.


Damn, Pyrrha really wanted to join the Mile High Club. I wonder, now that Weiss made it to her hometown will a threesome finally happen? Also what would Pyrrha’s mother reaction be and Sapphron and Terra's too?