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They’d kissed.

They had kissed.

It was strange. Pyrrha knew that Weiss had already sucked his cock before. The heiress had sent her a picture, after all. A calculated if risky move to unsettle her, to try and get her to back off so she could claim Jaune as her own. Weiss had taken his long, hard shaft into her mouth and pleasured it with her tongue until he burst, hot and sticky across her lips and face. They’d been intimate, there was no denying it. She had seen it.

And yet when Ruby had spilled the beans on what she’d seen in the Emerald Forest, Pyrrha felt off kilter in a way that Weiss’ snapshot never accomplished. That time, anger had consumed her soul. This just made her feel off.

It was only a kiss – but was a kiss ever really truly just a kiss? It was weird but while kissing another person was usually the first thing a couple engaged in, it held a special place in Pyrrha’s heart. Sex stuff was sex stuff. As much as she liked siphoning Jaune’s boiling hot semen from his balls, as much as it turned her on to feel how thick his release was as it went down her throat and the salty tangy aftertaste that lingered for hours afterwards, the thought of kissing him just hit different.

And Weiss had gotten there first. Pyrrha may have claimed his cock with her lips first but Weiss had stolen the first kiss, and it infuriated her like nothing else.

She was a white devil – a demon, sent to test her on every front. One of those ice witches from the ancient tales in Mistral, claiming men with their icy embrace. She had given her consent to compete but to think that Weiss would go straight for the jugular, in such a sweet, pure form of showing affection... was there any wonder that Weiss Schnee was her rival in love?

Worse still – now everyone believed they were dating! The nerve!

Pyrrha scowled.

“I can’t believe you finally won her over, dude,” Yang looked extraordinarily happy. Pyrrha wasn’t sure why. What did the blonde care if Weiss ever returned Jaune’s feelings? Seeing how happy Yang was pissing her off. “I’ve been rooting for you since the beginning but – ahaha, well, it didn’t look like you were ever gonna get there, ya know? But I suppose you were able to melt that cold block of ice she calls a heart after all.”

It was a testament to Weiss’ euphoria that she didn’t react negatively at all to her teammate's comment, instead flushing to the roots of her hair. It wasn’t a cute look. She looked stupid and gross. Weiss wasn’t a pretty blusher.

Pyrrha wasn’t being biased. She wasn’t. Her pale skin looked horrible when feverish. That was simply the truth of it.

She couldn’t even convince herself of the lie.

Blake wasn’t talking but Pyrrha could see that the raven haired beauty agreed with her partner. She practically had stars in her eyes as she gazed at the pair, her smile a little deranged.

“Did you really have to tell everyone, Ruby?” Jaune whined, looking uncomfortable but with a stupid dorky smile. Even if he was uncomfortable at being caught making out with his former-current crush, it must have been pleasing to know that so many of your friends approved of the match. That their relationship was accepted within the friend group.

She didn’t approve!

Pick me, damnit, Pyrrha thought furiously. Kiss me!

She’d had so many opportunities! Every day, after training, she could have simply leaned in and pecked him on the cheek. As the days went by, she could have escalated things, slowly moving a little closer to his mouth until finally claiming his lips, kissing him passionately like she’d dreamed of doing almost since the very beginning. He had such kissable lips, a soft pink in color, the lower lip a little on the plump side. They’d be soft and warm, and his tongue would be strong like the rest of him, dominating her own, making her submit but she wouldn’t go down without a fight! Instead, she’d gone about it all wrong.

Well, not all wrong. Rubbing her hands all over those wonderful muscles of his was great and deepthroating his impressive dick was magnificent. Hearing his labored breathing and muffled groans as he gushed thickly into her mouth, filling it up was almost enough to send her into rapture. But she wanted her kiss! They would never be a couple if they didn’t kiss!

“W-We aren’t dating,” Weiss finally said, still looking half-tomato. “It just – ah, sort of happened?”

Her usual elegance was nowhere to be seen. Why was she denying her true feelings? Weiss really had trouble being honest with herself, didn’t she? Pyrrha shook her head. The silly girl was throwing away her best chance at laying a claim on Jaune’s time. That would cost her dearly. If she just told them all that they were dating, would Jaune even contradict her?

“How sweet,” Pyrrha crooned, and Weiss briefly overcame her embarrassment to glare at her. Jaune grinned awkwardly.

Pyrrha wondered if anything else had happened? Ruby never mentioned anything beyond kissing but what if they had been going further and their younger friend hadn’t caught it? Pyrrha did remember that after that class, Weiss had been strangely absent and when she had returned, she was wearing a brand new uniform. Most people wouldn’t have noticed the change but Pyrrha wasn’t an elite tournament fighter for nothing. She’d adorned a new clean skirt, jacket and even changed her socks.

Jaune had also changed his trousers.

Pyrrha hummed. They’d definitely done something else but she didn’t know what. Something messy, perhaps? Pyrrha knew what was messy. Didn’t Weiss know that you were meant to suck it all out and not waste a drop? Honestly.

Nora was shooting her concerned looks. Her teammate knew about her feelings, so it was expected. Pyrrha eased her worry with a smile but it didn’t seem to work. Nora simply looked even more stressed.

Was there something wrong with her smile?

If there was one person who looked happier than Yang and Blake, it was Ruby. The younger girl was practically vibrating in her chair, the biggest smile in the world adorning her cute face. She was a blinding ray of positivity, staring at her partner and best boy friend with wide, childlike wonder.

“I told you that Jaune is great,” Ruby informed her partner. “I’m so happy that my best friends are getting along! Ahh – this is the best thing ever.”

They were more than ‘getting along’ at this point.

Pyrrha needed to make a move and soon. If Weiss got over her reluctance to be honest and decided to kiss him more and ask him out for real, then it was over. There was always a chance that Jaune turned her down but that wasn’t something she was willing to rely on. Pyrrha would claim those kissable lips for herself.

She would take it right back to the beginning. She had a plan.

By the time classes finished for the day, her patience had worn thin. It felt like the school day would never end. Why was it that time seemed to crawl whenever you were waiting for something? It didn’t help that Grimm Studies was the last class of the day, either. Professor Port made everything slow down and what should have been an hour and a half session felt like it took three hours. Now that it was over, though, she could make her move.

Weiss was slyly making her way over to Jaune but Pyrrha was closer, and made it to his side before the white haired girl was noticed. Students moved around them as they poured from the classroom, excited by their freedom.

“Jaune,” she greeted warmly.

“Pyrrha,” he returned, smiling.

Weiss had a scowl on her face as she stopped in the middle of the hall, something that thrilled Pyrrha to no end. Ruby was saying something to her but the heiress wasn’t listening, instead pinning Pyrrha with intense blue eyes. She was clearly not pleased.

Pyrrha wasn’t breaking her vow not to interfere. This was simply her time, that was all. Weiss would just have to accept it.

“Are you ready for a little training?” she inquired. “I would like to focus on your footwork today.”

Jaune nodded. “Sure.”

That was the easy part. They trained most days together so this was just another day. Pyrrha made sure to walk extra close to him, though, as they made their way to the locker rooms. Their hands brushed every so often and Pyrrha felt giddy, grinning at him when he looked her way. After fetching their weapons from their rocket lockers and changing into their combat attire, they ventured out onto the vast Beacon campus.

There were many places to train at Beacon. Sometimes they trained on the roof of their dorm, when all they were doing was focusing on sword forms and footwork. Sometimes they used the amphitheater where Combat Class was held. It was open to all students whenever they wished to use it. And then sometimes they simply found a nice, open spot around the school and trained there, where they were completely alone and could be a little rougher and not worry about damaging school property. They’d already gotten in trouble once for chipping the stones on the roof of their dorm with their swords and didn’t wish to repeat it.

That was her favorite. Beacon was huge and being outside, amongst the trees and flowers and breathing in the clean, fresh air with her partner was the best. Since this was a footwork day, they could have just gone to the roof but she wanted a little more privacy.

She didn’t want those jerks from CRDL hearing what she was about to do to him.

“Okay,” she stopped them in an area lush with green grass and wildflowers, a stone bench positioned beneath a great oak. It cast a long shadow over them as the sun began its descent so late in the day. “This looks like a nice spot.”

It was different from the last location, where Weiss had found them before their mission. While Pyrrha was confident that Weiss would stick to the rules and not get in the way, she didn’t want her spying on them either. This was their time. It belonged to just the two of them.

“So, what are we doing, teach?” he teased, unsheathing his sword and giving it a few practice swings.

“Just some light drills today,” she spun her blade expertly, showing off a little. It was something she learned to do to rile up the crowds who attended her matches, a little bit of showmanship to get them ready for the main event. With Jaune, she just loved the way he gazed at her in awe whenever she displayed any of her martial prowess. She added a little twirl just to be extra, beaming at him. “We must never forget the fundamentals.”

Jaune nodded before raising his sword, grasping the hilt in both hands. Keeping his sword angled at 45-degrees, he adopted a classic long point stance, one of his feet stepping forward as he extended Crocea Mors out in front of his body, his other leg behind him. The tip was perfectly still as he pointed it at her chest, his breathing controlled and deep as he watched her with alert, focused eyes.

Crocea Mors was what was commonly known as a bastard sword. Longer than an arming sword but shorter than a traditional longsword, it could be wielded with a two-handed grip or with one hand, depending on the situation. Since he typically used his shield alongside his sword, he usually only used the blade one-handed but that didn’t mean he shouldn’t know how to wield his sword in every way he could. Using both hands afforded him much more power in his strikes, though it obviously reduced his defensive capabilities without a shield.

Pyrrha beamed.

“Very good,” she said. She raised her own sword, gliding the edge up and down along the flat of his blade, creating a loud rasp as steel slid against steel. “Now then – defend!”

She struck quickly, pressing forward. Crocea Mors met Miló with a clang as Jaune parried her once, twice, thrice. Giving him a nod, she circled to his left. He followed her carefully, his feet never crossing as he strafed to the right, keeping his blade pointed at her.

This time when she attacked, she changed how she came at him, striking at ever changing angles. Pyrrha moved from left to right and back again, prodding at his defenses as her own feet nimbly skipped across the ground. Jaune met each slash and thrust with the perfect counter, backing off and keeping her at blade length. That was the strength of this stance, especially as her xiphos was much shorter than his sword.

Along with his taller build and longer arms, it afforded him the clear reach advantage.

“Excellent,” she praised. “Now – attack!”

He moved swiftly, stabbing at her with light jabs. Pyrrha moved around his blade expertly, slapping it away and attempting to counter attack. Jaune darted back, his feet quick to reset as he parried her sweeping strikes. Planting his feet and narrowing his stance, he transitioned into a side guard, Crocea Mors held low, lined up with his back leg. Then he struck with a powerful rising strike, stepping forward and forcing Pyrrha to disengage to create space.

As good as she was, that was not the type of sword strike you wanted to try and block.

“Well done!” she felt her cheeks ache from how widely she was smiling. His movement had been smooth and decisive, a result of countless hours practicing. She had no critique to give. He had even seamlessly returned to the long point stance. “Shall we continue?”

For the next hour, she drilled him relentlessly. Not once did he let any of her sword strokes pass his guard, an iron wall of calm determination. His feet never missed a beat, carefully stepping from stance to stance without issue, his form impeccable. Perhaps due to his skill at dancing, he had never struggled much with his footwork. It had always been keeping his steps clean while maintaining his sword positioning. Once he learned how to maneuver his sword in the correct way, things fell into place.

While it was fairly light by their usual training standards, they still worked up a sweat. Under her encouragement, he removed his armor and hoodie, leaving him in nothing but a thin, sleeveless undershirt. The white material clung to his defined chest, leaving very little to the imagination. The corded muscle of his arms flexed as he swung his sword, skin flushed and damp with sweat. His forearms rippled as his hands deftly redirected the force of her blows, the backs of his hands heavy with vascular veins.

Her crotch was instantly aflame with desire.

“I think that is enough,” she called a halt to their session, stepping back and swiping at her forehead. “You did well, Jaune.”

His smile did things to her heart, and much, much lower.

“Of course I did,” he tried to be haughty but just came off sounding goofy. “I have the most amazing teacher. You might know her. Apparently she is a big shot in Mistral; a four time champion.”

Pyrrha rolled her eyes playfully. “She does sound pretty amazing.”

“Doesn’t she? She was even on the front of a cereal box. You can’t beat that.” Jaune sheathed his sword. “One of the most amazing people I know. I don’t deserve her.”

She didn’t deserve him.

“Well, how about this champion help you unwind,” she said, wiggling her fingers. “Fancy a massage?”

Jaune’s face twitched. “Ah – um, I’m feeling pretty good. No pain!”

Pyrrha giggled. “Not that type of massage. Just a regular one to help soothe any tension you might have, to make you relax. I promise I won’t be rough with you.”

He eyed her, unsure. “Well – that would be pretty nice, I think.”

She smirked in return. “Don’t be such a baby. Come on.”

Pyrrha directed him over the bench and sat him down before moving around the back. The way he tensed up as she approached was cute and she couldn’t help but giggle again, the laughter high and loud. She removed her gloves and set them aside, flexing her fingers in anticipation.

“Shut up,” Jaune groaned, doing his best to relax his shoulders. When she touched him, he jumped beneath her palms. “I really appreciate those other massages but they hurt like hell!”

“Well,” Pyrrha rubbed the juncture of his neck soothingly, relishing the damp heat of his perspiring skin. “I promise this won't hurt a bit.”

She started slowly, gently working her fingers in a rolling motion on his traps. Lightly digging in her thumbs, she moved them in circles as her other fingers contracted and released the muscle. Any tension he may have held quickly bled away, a content hum sounding as she caressed him lovingly.

“How does that feel?”

“Good,” he muttered. His head tilted forward a little, stretching the nape of his neck. The little hairs there were damp and pressed against his skin, and she had the wild urge to lean down and lick it. “I like it.”

His scent was strong after working out. Not as powerful as when they’d gone on their mission to exterminate the Grimm in the Emerald Forest but still enough to completely dull her senses, to invade every part of her being. Every breath she took, she inhaled him; that wonderful musk, the remnants of his cologne, and that part that was uniquely him.

Pyrrha spent some time just rubbing his shoulders, getting caught up in the feeling of his powerful body. Running her nails lightly across his skin, Jaune shivered and pressed back into her palms, urging her on. Instead of moving down, she moved to the sides, rubbing down his arms and kneading his triceps. They were well defined and strong, and Pyrrha strengthened her hold; not enough to cause pain, but enough to dig in a little deeper and feel the lines each muscle took.

“I like your arms,” she admitted, her voice coming out breathless. “Mm – you have such strong arms, Jaune. They’re big but they aren’t bulky, and I love the way your muscles shift whenever you do even simple tasks.”


“Especially your forearms,” she continued, knowing that she was talking a lot but she couldn’t stop. She continued her journey down and grabbed his elbows, pulling them up so they rested on the back of the bench, giving her access to his lower arms. “Sometimes when you wear a shirt around our room and you are doing your homework, I’ll just stare at your forearms as you write. The way they flex when you roll your wrist or reach for something, closing those big hands around it – mm, I wish you would get rid of that hoodie so I can see them more often.”

She leaned forward, reaching for his wrists and encircling them with her hands. Pyrrha moaned as the back of his head rested against her all too sensitive breasts, and she took a moment to rub against him before drawing her hands back up his arms, squeezing and rubbing on the way. When she returned to his shoulders, she dipped her hands down the front and slipped beneath his top.

He had such a wide, strong chest.

When Pyrrha pressed against his pectorals, there was very little give. She quickly found his nipples and teased them with light touches, circling them and scratching at the rough skin with her nails. They crinkled instantly and stiffened, two twin points that poked aggressively into her palms as she rubbed his chest vigorously.

“Do you like this?” she asked, feeling heat gathering in her loins. Her clit was beginning to throb with arousal and wetness gathered inside her pussy, leaking out as her core clenched. “Do you like it when I play with your nipples?”

Jaune nodded, humming in agreement. She pinched one of them sharply, causing him to groan in surprise. Rolling the pebbled flesh between her fingers, an all consuming lust washed over her. Even though she was touching him and not the other way around, it was almost like she could feel his fingers on her nipple, tweaking it, pulling it, teasing it until it pulsed in time to her racing heart. When she pinched his other nipple, it was Pyrrha who arched her back, her breasts feeling heavy, aching.

Why was she so turned on?

“Pyrrha,” he uttered, and the sound of his voice rough with desire sent her spiraling.

She needed more. She wanted more.

Jaune made a sound of confusion when she pulled her hands away but he wasn’t left hanging for long. Pyrrha marched around the front of the bench. She could feel the blush in her cheeks radiating heat and when he caught sight of her, his eyes darkened instantly, pupils dilating with want.

Pyrrha shuddered, slickness soiling her panties. She hastily removed her leg armor, the bronze greaves clattering in the dirt as she mounted him, facing him as she sat in his lap. Pyrrha felt him instantly, his hardness aggressively pressing against her sodden core. She bit her lip and moaned gently, shaking her hips side to side. Jaune stared up at her in wonder, those strong hands wrapping around her trim waist and she almost lost control right then and there, his fingers burning where he touched her.

“Kiss me,” she demanded.

He tilted his head and Pyrrha swooped in immediately, their lips coming between seamlessly. Pyrrha felt her heart stop, a brief moment suspended in time – and then it hammered against her ribcage, pounding relentlessly as she kissed him with every fiber of her being. His mouth opened up quickly and she mimicked him, shaking when his tongue darted out and ran across her lips before gliding into her mouth. He tasted like nothing she had ever sampled before, a taste that sent lightning shocks straight to her throbbing clitoris, and decided that this taste was labeled ‘Jaune’ and had no comparison.

It was her first kiss.

Jaune sucked on her tongue, Pyrrha’s toes curling in her boots. She began to rock against him, lightheaded as his turgid member slotted perfectly between her covered, plump labia, spreading her lips apart beneath the sodden material of her ruined panties. She rutted on his clothed cock forcefully, her hips snapping against him as white hot sensation gathered between her thighs.

They’d barely done anything and she was going to cum.

She pulled her lips away from his, gasping desperately for breath. Her lungs burned, her lips tingled, wet and swollen just like her pussy. Jaune’s lips were slightly reddened from their kiss and he helped direct her rocking movements with his hands, one of them leaving her waist to slip down under her mini-skirt and grip her ass in a punishing hold. Pyrrha moaned deeply as his fingers sunk into her plump flesh, pulling her against his cock fiercely.

“Jaune,” she whispered, and then kissed him again. This time she sucked on his tongue, biting his lips and soothing them with wet sucks. When his hips lifted up off the bench, she sobbed into his mouth, the action squashing his length along her clit.

“I need,” he muttered, the hand on her ass leaving and slipping between their bodies. “I need – I can’t – mmm, fuck, Pyrrha,” his knuckles brushed her needy pussy and she inhaled sharply, shivering. She heard his zipper being pulled down and her stomach twisted, jumping when his scorching hot length sprung free and slapped against her thigh, hidden by her skirt. It burned her like a brand, pre-cum oozing onto her skin. “Ahh – that’s better.”

“Oh,” she moaned when he directed it straight under her pussy, his hand wrenching her panties aside. The sticky material tugged on her engorged vulva and for a brief moment, Pyrrha thought he was going to slide his fat cock deep into her cunt and fuck her stupid, recklessly shredding her virginity without a care.

If he did, she didn’t care. She wanted that cock deep inside.

Instead, he pulled her down on him, trapping his member between them. Her lower lips spread wide around his girth in a messy wet hug, and without missing a beat, she started rolling her hips, grinding her soaked quim up and down the underside of his steel hard shaft. Now that he was no longer shielded by his pants and underwear, Pyrrha could feel all the little bumps and ridges, could feel it flex and throb more powerfully against her. The underside had a thick, burly stem that ran from base to tip, and it felt wonderful as she grinded on it, her hips tilting more and more until her clit would brush his crown.

“You’re so wet,” Jaune whispered. “Mmm – Pyrrha, you’re so wet.”

She was soaking his pelvis in her juices, thick streams of girl cum that just wouldn’t stop. The insides of her thighs were a mess, the crotch of his jeans ruined by her leaking. Her musk was strong, heady. Trapped between their bodies, whenever she moved, a strong gust of her scent would waft up and engulf them. Pyrrha whimpered, kissing him again, tongue uncoordinated. Jaune met her enthusiasm with his own, stroking her mouth with his tongue. Their passionate wet kissing soon became uncontrolled, saliva seeping out between their hurried lips and staining their mouths.

Pyrrya felt it deep inside, an ever growing flame. Low in her belly, it flickered and twisted, carrying her arousal to ever greater heights. Her womb pulsed with a desire to be filled, her swollen tunnel clenching to grasp something that wasn’t there. It wanted to milk his cock so badly, and she cooed in frustration when all it clutched as air.

They needed to fuck.

She was at the end of her rope. It took monumental effort to pause her hips, her pelvis quivering with a repressed need to gyrate and drive her onwards to orgasm. Jaune made a sound of confusion at the stoppage, pulling his lips away from her but that confusion soon turned to understanding when she reached down between them and grasped his sticky shaft and squeezed it firmly. Pulling it upright, Pyrrha stared down the length of their bodies and shuddered, staring at the flushed tip of his glans with lust. It oozed a thick bead of pre-cum across her knuckles, swollen and red.

“I need it inside,” she said urgently, lifting her body on trembling legs. She rubbed his tip against her twitching entrance, biting her lip as she pressed down on it gently, testing the waters. Her flesh stretched to accommodate him, his fat head slipping inside.

Pyrrha tensed, “Oooouh, mm – your dick is so fat.”

Jaune wasn’t idle, reaching up off her ass and pulling at the strings of her corset, loosening the garment. Her suffocated breasts felt the release immediately, rejoicing as her corset fell away, leaving only her cream strapless bra. He tugged it down roughly, completely exposing her tits to his eyes. Her dusky nipples were already tight and pointed, the surrounding areola plump with blood. When he leaned in, his hot breath gusting across her sweaty cleavage, Pyrrha thought her heart would leap into her throat.

It did when his saliva slick lips sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.

She shouted in surprise, a startled cry – and any strength in her legs fled her, her hips giving out. Pyrrha crooned in a mixture of pleasure and discomfort as Jaune’s mighty cock cleaved apart her virgin pussy, spreading her wide around the girth of his cock. Jaune hissed around her nipple, cock flexing as she sunk down on his member, filling her in a way she didn’t believe possible.

He was inside her. Jaune was inside her.

She tightened around him viciously, a wet vice molding to the shape of his dick. He wasn’t all the way in but he was still deep, pressing on a spot her fingers could never reach. When Pyrrha tried to rise up, his thick glans rubbed a particularly sensitive spot and she saw stars.

“Oh~!!” she almost collapsed against him, boneless. He suckled on her tit, the dual attack leaving her gasping for breath. “Ahhn~! J-Jaune, mmm – my pussy~~!”

What was she saying? Her mouth wasn’t working properly, gibberish passing for language spilling forth as she weakly rolled her hips. Her stomach felt heavy, pressured in a way that was unique. Every time he rubbed that spot, her body refused to cooperate, shaking and spasming uselessly. It was her g-spot. When his teeth bit down on her nipple and tugged at it, she sobbed, embracing his head and smothering him against her chest.

“Uuh, you’re so thick – I can’t – Oouuh, I can’t,” she cried, limbs locking up as she sunk a little further on his length. Her mouth fell open, “Hnnngg – gods, Jaune~!”

That flame in her belly was now a blast furnace, moments from rupturing. She’d barely moved and she was about to shatter, and Pyrrha could do nothing about it.

Then it was over.

When Jaune grasped her other breast and squeezed her flesh deliciously, and shifted his hips for a better angle to begin thrusting, pleasure surged through her body. Pyrrha choked on her tongue, a strangled keen lodged in her throat as liquid heat gushed through her belly, her womb throbbing in ecstasy. Her walls contracted once, twice – and then throbbed wildly in orgasm, uncontrolled and rapid. Emerald eyes rolled back in bliss as she fell, sheathing his cock all the way to the hilt. When it banged against her cervix, she howled.

“Shit, Pyrrha,” Jaune groaned, feeling her body pulse and throb. “You’re so tight, squeezing me so good.”

Her needy pussy desperately milked his length from root to tip, thirsty for his cum. Jaune began gently thrusting into her molten depths, fucking her through her orgasm and straight into another one. Pyrrha gasped for breath, body alight with pleasure. If possible, his cock swelled further and she knew from experience, from having it between her lips that he wasn’t long for it.

He was about to cum.

He was about to fill her up.

Pyrrha did her best, forcing her hips down as he thrust against her. Soft, wet slaps sounded between them, her pussy tensing in anticipation. When her second orgasm peaked, her vision blurred as she arched her back, Jaune forced her down and pressed against her womb with a punishing thrust.

“Pyrrha, gonna cum,” he said between clenched teeth.

Perfectly aligned with her cervix, the tip docked with her entrance, his cock swelled with one last pulse – and then it was firing into her, thick and hot, in long streams that gushed heavily into her womb. Pyrrha clenched furiously, inhaling sharply with each volley, tears escaping her eyes as he painted her uterus with his thick seed. It kept coming, an endless deluge of cum, flooding her until she thought her womb would burst.

Breeding sex. He’d just fucked his load into her and impregnated her, there was no doubt. She wasn’t on any birth control, and hadn't ever believed she would have sex at Beacon. Friendship – that was all she had ever wanted. Now Jaune had just blasted her insides with a tremendous amount of cum. She knew how big his loads were from when she sucked it directly from his pulsating balls. She could feel how much he’d deposited inside her unsafe, formally virginal pussy.

Pyrrha needed to make a trip to Vale. As much as she would love to have Jaune’s children, now wasn’t the time.

But she could think about that later. She just wished the sex hadn’t been over so soon. Her slutty, wanton body had given in much too quickly, cumming her brains out twice in quick succession. Her vagina felt tender and sore, and when he shifted his weight, Pyrrha whimpered. She was too easy.

Next time... next time...



Ah, Pyr. Just couldn't settle for a kiss.


All the sex and such is fun and all but this is just Jaune being a scumbag now.


imagine reading tens of thousands of words of smut where every single sexual encounter is explicitly initiated by the women - including one where the man is nonconsensually molested awake - and coming to the conclusion the man is somehow at fault. couldn’t be me.

First Last

Yeah this is what we call a “smoking crack take,” in that you have to be smoking crack in order to think any of what you just said makes sense.