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They had come to an agreement.

Weiss breathed out slowly, the cold morning air misting as she exhaled. Holding Myrtenaster in front of her chest, the blade vertical, she closed her eyes and envisioned the movements she wished to perform. Having done this sequence thousands of times in the past, it took her only a moment in time before she was moving. It resembled a dance, her body moving through well practiced steps as her sword flashed out in a series of strikes, her heart calm. Keeping her form impeccable, her feet floated weightlessly across the ground, body twirling as she jabbed and slashed at an imaginary foe. Finishing with a flourish, she paused, arm extended, perfectly still. Then she lowered her rapier, walking back to her starting position and beginning all over again.

“I think we both know that it is entirely up to Jaune on who he chooses to be with,” Pyrrha said seriously, Weiss’ hand cradled within her own. The infirmary was silent but for the sound of her friend's voice. “It is clear to me that you won’t stop and neither will I. But this isn’t a game – we need to respect Jaune’s choice, no matter who it is.”

Weiss wanted to argue but she didn’t have the strength – and she agreed, if only grudgingly with what Pyrrha was saying.

“So – I propose a truce,” the crimson haired girl continued. “Well, in a sense. I will not break you in half again and you will not interfere with my time with Jaune. In return, I will extend you that same courtesy and not interfere whenever you choose to spend time with him.”

Break her in half? Indignation burned in her soul. That was big talk from someone who had just taken a dust cartridge to the face.

Green eyes met pale blue.

“Jaune will decide who he wishes to be with,” Pyrrha said with finality. “You can try to influence him all you want but I know the strength of his character. You do not have a chance unless you confront the truth of the matter.”

“Which is?” Weiss asked.

“That you love Jaune,” Pyrrha struck. “As do I.”

Weiss fought the scowl that rose on her face but it was a lost cause. Concentration broken, she relaxed her stance, clucking her tongue in annoyance.

She didn’t love Jaune. She didn’t. He was handsome, certainly – and a good man, this was true. But she was only doing this because he needed someone to protect him from Pyrrha’s conniving clutches. She may have enjoyed doing those things to him but that didn’t mean it was love. Pyrrha didn’t love him, either. She was confused and – oh, who was she kidding?

Weiss stabbed her sword into the dirt viciously.

Deep down, she had known from the start. Sure, it was attraction at first and affection for the boy who had gone into bat for her, when Neptune had so carelessly turned her down with such frivolous reasons. She had truly only wanted to pay him back, to be a better friend but seeing Jaune beneath Pyrrha’s fingers had done something to her, frazzled her in a way that few things could. She’d attempted to blame Jaune at first for being a deviant, for manipulating the outstanding Pyrrha Nikos into servicing him but that had always been a stretch. When she had shifted the blame to Pyrrha, that had just been her coping. Even if Pyrrha wasn’t the type of upstanding woman she always believed, she wasn’t a bad person. They were both good people.

No – Weiss had just been jealous, as simple as that.

And jealousy made you do outlandish things.

But while her actions had been erratic and out of character, she didn’t regret them for a second. This competition that had erupted between them? She intended to win it. She’d had intimate relations with Jaune – she had taken his cock and put it in her mouth, and had sucked it raw until he blew his load onto her tongue and onto her face. She was a ruined woman now. She could never get married to anyone else.

So she would just marry Jaune instead.

Weiss felt her cheeks heat up. Pyrrha wouldn’t have wasted any time. The heiress knew that she was at a disadvantage. They shared a room and there was no telling what lengths that Pyrrha was willing to go to secure the win. She may have already seduced him with the ultimate prize. Slender fingers curled around the hilt of her sword until her knuckles popped.

They may have already had sex.

Weiss shook her head. No – she wouldn’t let her imagination get the better of her anymore. No more assumptions, no more speculation. She could only deal with what was in front of her and what she wanted to do. Pyrrha would do whatever she wished. It was unimportant.

She wanted Jaune. She wanted to touch him. She wanted him to love her like he had once before. She wanted him to touch her. That is what she wanted.

She wanted to love him.

Pyrrha said she wouldn’t stand in her way. That she trusted her partner and his strength of character. She had set the parameters of their battlefield and the first one to flinch would lose. Weiss had no intentions of flinching. She wasn’t going to back down.

Weiss wanted everything. She was a greedy girl, after all. She was a girl that both had everything and nothing. All the things she had were unimportant, truly, while all the things she desired she didn’t have. Companionship was at the top of the list. Gaining friends at Beacon, real friends – that had been the beginning. Mirror, Mirror – who was the loneliest of all? Not her. Not anymore.

But she wanted more.

If that meant that she had to share Jaune for the moment, then so be it. Perhaps the thought of that should gall her, enrage her even – but it didn’t. He wasn’t playing them both like some kind of playboy. He wasn’t doing these things because she was the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company and Pyrrha was one of the most famous athletes on the planet. They were the aggressors, not him. Pyrrha was a strong woman and so was Weiss. Strong and beautiful, alluring – was it any wonder that he couldn’t refuse them? She didn’t blame him at all that he fell into Pyrrha’s tending hands. She was his partner. She had lifted him up and had seen before any of them the type of person he was, the type of potential he held. As much as Weiss hated it, she hadn’t seen it. Not until recently. So she couldn’t even be mad that Pyrrha had beaten her to the starting line and that he caved to her provocations.

Men would be men.

She just needed to make such an impression that he would never look Pyrrha’s way again. So that is what she was going to do. That blowjob was only the beginning.

“Are you finished?” Ruby asked curiously, drawing her out from her thoughts.

They were alone in a clearing not too far from the cliffs Headmaster Ozpin had launched them from into the Emerald Forest on the day of their initiation. It was a nice place to come and train their basic fighting technique, nothing that involved dust or semblance or flashy combination moves. Just simple swordplay and fighting stances, nothing strenuous or overly disruptive – it was calming, if anything. Because of the early hour, however, it was just Weiss and Ruby – Blake and Yang were still buried beneath their blankets, dead to the world.

Weiss enjoyed her beauty sleep but sometimes, her mind just didn’t allow any rest. Thinking about Jaune only made it worse.

“I am,” Weiss answered her younger partner, knowing that there was no chance of returning now to the mindset required. “Classes will be starting soon. We should go wake up our slothful teammates.”

Ruby grinned, twirling her scythe with such ease and skill before collapsing it back into its smaller rectangular carry form.

“I’ve got a whistle with their name on it.”

Weiss felt nothing but amusement when Ruby did exactly that. When they returned to their room, her partner fetched her notorious whistle and blew it loud enough to wake the dead. Blake scrambled wildly, hissing at Ruby while Yang attempted to hit her with a pillow and missed. It thumped against the door and fell to the floor.

“Get up,” Ruby commanded, grinning like a brat. Weiss joined her. “You are going to be late to class if you don’t get up.”

Weiss nodded as the pair grumbled not so kind things under their breath as they went about getting ready. When they all arrived at the cafeteria, Team JNPR was already present. Setting their trays down, Weiss noticed at once that Jaune looked a little tired, his shoulders hunched slightly as he blinked blearily at his bowl of cereal. A quick glance showed that Pyrrha also looked tired, though she was doing a better job of hiding it.

Weiss felt her face twitch.

As expected – Pyrrha had struck again.

Weiss knew that she had resolved to focus only on herself and not what Pyrrha was doing but frustration bloomed in her heart. The red haired girl had abused her advantage. But Weiss wasn’t without her own advantages. She was the girl he had pined for, after all. That had to account for something.

“Mouffng,” Nora greeted with a mouthful of egg. After swallowing her food, she peered at Yang and Blake. “You two look like shit.”

Yang glared. “Gee, thanks. Woke up late.”

Blake shot Ruby a scathing look. “And someone decided to wake us up with a whistle.”

Even Ren couldn’t hide his smile. “You aren’t the only two having a rough morning.”

Jaune looked up, “Oh – hey guys. Hey Weiss.”

She beamed at him. “Good morning, Jaune.”

Ruby plopped down into her spot with her toast, reaching for the butter. “Did you guys have a late night?”

Jaune shot a brief glance Pyrrha’s way. “Uh – just didn’t sleep well.”

Weiss saw Pyrrha smirk, even if no one else did.

“I bet,” Weiss deadpanned.

She took solace in the fact that Pyrrha looked far from her best, eyes heavy with bags while Weiss looked her resplendent self. Holding her head high, she ate her breakfast. Pyrrha may have had a head start but she wasn’t about to let her extend her lead. Running over her options, she consulted their schedule. Their first class was Grimm Studies but after that, they had Survival Training with Professor Peach.

They typically had that outdoors, performing various tasks. That is when she would make her move.

Professor Port was as painfully dull as always. His outlandish stories did nothing more than put his class to sleep and for Blake, Yang, Pyrrha and Jaune, all of whom were already struggling, it was pure, weaponized hypnotism. Five minutes in, they were out. Weiss didn’t blame them. She had rested well and even then, she was constantly fighting the call to lay down her head and snooze.

She let them sleep.

Port didn’t notice a thing.

When it was time for their next class, they all looked a little more energetic. Jaune in particular looked revived, standing straighter. A little Grimm Studies was just what the doctor ordered.

“Welcome, students,” Professor Peach greeted as they gathered outside in one of the many courtyards. Weiss loved the gardens here at Beacon – they were just so colorful and full of life. “How are we this morning? Well, I hope?” there was a murmur of assent. “Oh dear – you just had Grimm Studies, didn’t you? I really must speak to Professor Port. Whenever you come from there, you look half asleep. Just what is that man doing?”

She shook her head, her long brown tresses flowing across slender shoulders. “No matter. Today we will be going into the surrounding forest in pairs, though not too far, and not all together. We will be entering on the north, east and south sides of the school, and we will be looking for particular edible plants and fungi. You won’t always have a Schneebucks on hand, will you? And rations don’t last forever. You must be prepared to scavenge and hunt.”

Weiss crept closer to Jaune.

“Now then,” Peach clapped her hands. “Find a partner and---”

Weiss latched onto Jaune’s hand before anyone else had moved, lacing their fingers tightly. Jaune glanced down at her in surprise and Weiss noticed Pyrrha’s disgruntled look. She’d had a similar idea but Weiss had gotten the jump on her. If Weiss had been a little more childish, a little more like Ruby, she would have poked out her tongue. Instead, she just settled for arching her eyebrow in question.

Pyrrha scowled at her in return.

“---these information cards. They will help you identify which are poisonous and which are safe to eat, and how to prepare them if they require further preparation. Bring back samples of anything you find.”

By a stroke of luck, Pyrrha and her new partner, Blake, were sent to the north side while Weiss and Jaune were entering on the eastern side. If both groups had been in the same area, Weiss had no doubt in her mind that Pyrrha would have simply followed them around like an unwanted insect. She wouldn’t have interfered directly, holding to her promise – but just her presence would have been enough to be distracting. Without her around, Weiss was free to do as she pleased.

So she would.

Ruby and Ren were also assigned their area, and so the four of them entered the forest together. Typically, Grimm never traveled this close to the school and so they were as safe as could be, though they could always call their rocket lockers if need be. Weiss and Ruby had made sure to stash their weapons away before breakfast, so they were ready to go should such an event take place.

“According to this card, this type of mushroom likes to grow primarily on the ground and can be identified by their smooth orange and gold caps, their funnel shape and meaty texture” Ren read aloud. “They are called chanterelles and they supposedly smell and taste a little like fresh apricots, though some have a mild peppery taste.”

Ruby perked up. “I like apricots.”

Weiss also liked apricots. Fruits were a luxury in Solitas where the climate was poor for growing fruit. Technology allowed them to produce them but most of the fruit that ended up in Atlas and Mantle came from abroad. Compared to fish and other seafood, fruit could be quite expensive. For someone like her, that had never been an issue and Weiss had grown up eating all manner of different fruit. Like Ruby, she also had a particular liking for strawberries though she wasn’t a fan of melon.

“They have a toxic cousin,” Ren continued. “To the untrained eye, they can be mistaken for the edible chanterelles but in reality, are quite easy to identify and avoid. These tend to grow on decaying stumps, on buried roots or at the base of hardwood trees.”

“When I used to go camping with my family, my dad would sometimes take me out and show me the different mushrooms you could pick,” Jaune shared. “So I have some experience with this type of thing.”

Ren nodded solemnly. “I also have some experience with this.”

There was an awkward pause as if Ren was debating something. They waited patiently, interested in what he had to say. It wasn’t often that Ren shared anything about himself. He was even more private than Blake and she had been actively trying to bury her relation to the White Fang. Even though Nora was a loudmouth and loved to talk, she rarely divulged things about her life before Beacon. As they understood it, it wasn’t an easy time for the pair of them even though they didn’t know the specifics.

“Nora and I are orphans,” he finally said. “We moved around a lot, always on the move. We didn’t always have food to eat so we had to find it ourselves, in any way we could. Sometimes that was... asking people to spare some. Other times, we scavenged for it in the forest. We didn’t really know how to hunt back then so mushrooms literally saved our lives.”

He stared at the card in his hand blankly. Weiss felt a pang of sympathy and wanted to say something but she didn’t know what. Would it even be appreciated, coming from someone who had grown up amongst such opulent wealth? But then Jaune stepped forward and clapped Ren on the shoulder, startling him from his contemplative mood.

“Well then,” Jaune shot his teammate a smile, squeezing his shoulder. “We better take this seriously, then, shouldn’t we? This could save our lives someday. Your knowledge is probably better than mine, so do you want to lead the way?”

Ren stared at him in surprise – and then he smiled, his eyes falling shut briefly before he nodded. Weiss had seen the gratefulness in Ren’s expression before he did his best to hide it, and her affection for Jaune swelled in her chest like a balloon. God, she’d been such an idiot once – but not anymore. She knew better now.

“Mushrooms are totally bleh,” Ruby chimed in, her face scrunching cutely. “But I want to try the apricot ones.”

And so they spent the next half an hour going over the cards, and then tracking down each one. Ruby giggled at some of the names, particularly chicken of the woods while Weiss focused on plants. There were a wide variety of wild flowers that were edible and types of berries, though those also shared not so nice cousins. The cards that Professor Peach had provided for them, however, held everything they needed to recognize the differences.

Footsteps approached her from behind as she crouched in front of a bush laden with blue berries, consulting her card. Glancing over her shoulder, she was greeted by Jaune. Gracing him with a smile, she went back to comparing the berries and finally decided that these were the real deal. Plucking one from the bush, she held it up and rolled it between her fingers.

“All good?” Jaune asked. Peering back at him, Weiss noticed that they were alone.

“Yes, I believe so.”

Standing, she offered him the berry and he took it. Inspecting it closely, he shot her a quick glance before popping it in his mouth.

“Jaune!” Weiss said, shocked. “You shouldn’t do that! What if I was wrong?”

He shrugged as he chewed briefly before swallowing. “I trust you.”

Weiss scowled – but really, it was more of a pout. How could he say that so effortlessly?

“It tastes like a blueberry,” he mused. “That is a good sign, right?

“Where did Ren and Ruby go?”

“Ruby wanted to see if they could find chicken of the wood,” Jaune chuckled. “She was very adamant about it. I think she is trying to cheer Ren up. Ruby is... well, she’s a great friend, isn’t she?”

Weiss beamed. “She is – and so are you.”

Jaune grinned, cheeks growing a little rosy.

She felt her heart jump, her breath catching in her throat. He really was very handsome, wasn’t he? Before she knew what she was doing, her fingers were playing with the lapels of his uniform jacket, smoothing them out as she adjusted them. Jaune blinked at her, surprised – and then he shivered as one of her hands slipped inside and rested on his chest, over his heart.

“Weiss?” he asked softly.

She peered up at him through her long eyelashes. “Did she put her mouth on you again?”

Jaune froze, his chest throwing tense beneath her fingers. She stroked the material of his vest soothingly, keeping her face even. That was answer enough for her.

“I thought she might have,” Weiss licked her lips. “Did it feel good?”

He stared at her as if she had sprouted another head.

“What?” he asked incredulously.

“Did it feel good?” she repeated, stepping a little closer. “Her mouth on your – on your cock,” Weiss exhaled strongly, her stomach squirming. “Was it better than me?”

He opened his mouth but no words escaped.

“Hm?” her fingers trailed down his chest and across his stomach, settling on his belt. “Did you go further? Did you – have sex?”

Blood pounded in her ears as she asked the question, waiting with baited breath. Weiss felt a little dizzy, as if she wasn’t getting enough air, and so she rested her head against his chest, breathing in his scent, the sharp tang of his cologne, hints of spice and wood, and his own natural musk. It mixed with the damp, rich smell of the soil beneath their feet and the clean aroma of the forest, pine and oak and dew. It was intoxicating.

“We – no, we haven’t – we didn’t,” he stumbled over his words.

Good, she thought. Good.

Heat bloomed between her legs as she continued to breathe him in, her nipples becoming taut. Lifting her head, she tugged him along as she walked backwards, leading him further away, putting distance between wherever Ren and Ruby had wandered off to. His blues eyes watched her, pupil expanding as he devoured her and she bit her lip, loving the way he looked at her.

When she found a sufficiently secluded spot, she pushed him against the thick trunk of a tree. Maintaining eye contact, she reached under her skirt and peeled her underwear away, her wetness already beginning to gather. Jaune let out a sound as he briefly sighted her creamy white thighs.

Her baby blue panties in hand, she showed him the damp crotch before slipping them into his pocket.

“I want you to touch me,” she breathed, pressing their bodies together. “Will you touch me while I touch you?”

Turning, she lifted the back of her skirt and pressed her plump, shapely butt against his crotch. Jaune sighed in her ear, arms encircling her petite body as she rolled her hips, grinding on him. She felt his growing erection at once, her skin erupting in goosebumps. It slotted neatly between her cheeks as it grew, thick and hard and Weiss remembered how it felt between her lips, how it tasted on her tongue.

“Touch me,” she whispered desperately, shaking her hips side to side. “Mm – Jaune, I want you to touch me. Please.”

Weiss muffled a cry when one of his hands fell to her thigh, squeezing and sliding over her soft skin, while the other palmed one of her small tits through her vest. His fingers felt like fire on her leg, teasing up and down as he brushed lightly. Shivering, she rocked her hips harder, loving the small little pants that gusted against the shell of her ear.

“H-Higher,” she mewled, squirming in his hold. “Oh~!” she cried out when he found her nipple, even through her clothing. When he tweaked it, something hot and slick slipped loose inside her, running down the inside of her thigh. “Mm – please, I want you to touch my – my pussy. C-Can you touch my pussy, Jaune?”

The lewd word made her tongue feel heavy and clumsy, Weiss tilting her head back until she saw nothing but the beautiful canopy above. His hand slowly made its way up her thigh, tickling the seam where her leg met with her pelvis, before rising higher still and caressing her hip bone. For some reason, that made her jump, strangely sensitive there.

When his fingers curled around her hip bone and pressed firmly, Weiss hissed between clenched teeth.

“Does this feel good?” he asked roughly, beginning to press his cock against her. He matched her rocking motion, pressing forward when she rolled back, creating the most delicious pressure. She could feel his turgid cock throbbing. “F-Fuck, Weiss – your body feels so good. You’re so beautiful. I – shit.”

The hand on her hip slid inwards, his large palm settling above her uterus. Cupping her lower belly, he helped pull her back against him, adding even more force to their grinding. Weiss whimpered, the heat of his hand passing through her skin. She imagined that she could feel it, deep in her womb, and another hot, slick trail oozed down her thighs.

“L-Lower,” she begged, pleaded, demanded. “Please, lower. Lower, lower, lower.”

When his palm passed over her mons, she shuddered and then hissed as his fingers touched upon her slick folds. He cupped her gently, spreading her petals and revealing her hot, feverish flesh to the air. Jaune jerked against her butt harder as he carefully stroked her labia, around her hooded clit and then down again. Pleasure spiked through her body like a sudden chill and Weiss sobbed deliriously.

“Here?” he asked, his voice deep with desire. He pinched her hooded clit lightly, rolling it between the pads of his moist fingers and she almost fell, her legs suddenly weak. He held her up, continuing to dry hump against her boneless body. “Do you like it when I touch you here?”

She nodded, feeling drunk. No one had ever touched her like this before and her own fumbling attempts had been few. Her belly quaked and threatened to spill, her sweet moans spilling forth between panting breaths.

“I-It feels so gooood,” she whined. “I – I need to feel you. I want – your skin,” her hand reached back, blindly grasping for his belt. Slender fingers shook as she unlaced the buckle and pulled it open, desperately pulling at the button of his trousers. Then it popped free, she yanked down the zipper and grasped his cock firmly, squeezing it hard. “Oh, you’re so hard for me – mmhhn, ah~! I – I want to feel it.”

From her position, it was awkward to force his underwear down but she managed it. His length sprung free and slapped against her tight butt, a bar of hot steel against her skin. Weiss moaned and pressed him between her cheeks, rutting her ass up and down the underside of his cock, embracing his member with her pert derriere.

“Oh,” she exclaimed, “It’s so hot. Hmm.”

They writhed together, practically a single mass. Sweat gathered on their skin, the heat building between their fit, youthful bodies. Jaune slipped his fingers down from her throbbing pearl and tickled her twitching, gooey entrance and Weiss nodded hurriedly.

“Yesss,” she jerked back against him. As good as it felt for him to play with her aching clitoris, she wanted something else. “Inside. Please, inside.”

His fingers were longer and thicker than her own, and when the first one pressed against her puckering, eager hole, Weiss squealed. She was tight but stood no chance at keeping him out, his finger pressed into her molten snatch. Every time she rocked her hips, his palm pressed down on her clit, the dual sensations destroying any stability that remained. Her entire weight rested on him, legs useless as he began to finger her – slowly, at first, stretching out her virgin pussy, then faster, finger fucking her deeper.

“Ahhn~! Mmmnh, uuuhn~!” Weiss cried out. When he reached in as far as he could and raked the pad of his finger against the upper wall of her vagina as he retreated, her hips buckled and jerked. Stars exploded in front of her eyes as he touched upon her most sensitive place, her g-spot throbbing. “R-Right there, right – uuahn~! Right there~!

His hand began to pick up speed, the wet, obscene sounds squelching from her clutching cunt loud enough for them to hear. When he eased a second finger inside, stretching out her tight pussy even more, she keened with desire. The hand playing with her little breasts slipped down her body and pressed over her belly, keeping her steady as they rolled together.

Weiss arched her back, her tongue feeling heavy as she moaned blissfully to the heavens. She was so hot, everywhere – her skin was flushed, her nipples tight, her tunnel spasming every time he attacked her g-spot. She was gushing over his hand, leaking thickly, her musky wetness dulling her mind. Deep in her tummy, her womb throbbed and yearned for something unknowable, pleading with her for something she didn’t understand but knew instinctively.

It wanted his cock. Her womb was a little cock hungry slut.

Weiss grinded harder, faster. Jaune buried his face in her hair and inhaled, his heated breaths gusting over her skin. His palm was now clapping against her as he finger fucked her with everything he had, and dimly, Weiss felt his cock flex and harden between her buttocks.

Her climax rose like a growing wave, rolling through her body and gaining speed. Heart thudding rapidly in her chest, skin tingling and toes curling in her shoes, that wave crested and dashed against the rocks violently, suddenly, with nothing held back. There was a brief moment where her mind cleared and the pleasure peaked before it exploded through her in an instant, her pussy contracting violently. Squeezing his knuckle-deep fingers like a vice, she unraveled.

“Uhhhn~!” she screamed, body tense as her muscles locked up. “Jaaaaun-mmmmng~!”

The hand on her belly clapped over her mouth, doing its best to silence her as she howled. Her pussy throbbed and twisted, pulsing and squeezing countless times as she cum, attempting to coax out semen that didn’t exist. Her mons rocked against his cupped palm, her hypersensitive clit burning as it mashed against his hand again and again, and again.

“Oh fuck,” Jaune groaned out. “Oh, Weiss, you feel so good when you cum – oh, I’m gonna – aaugh.”

Weiss nearly fell as he separated their bodies enough for him to grasp his bursting cock and point it directly at her ass. Mouth free of his hand, Weiss sung sweetly as her orgasm began to wane. Jaune swiped the tip of his glans over her bubble butt, rubbing it back and forth rapidly as it swelled and prepared to fire.

“Shit, here it comes,” he managed to get out before Weiss felt it. Hot, powerful gushes lanced against her ass and up the back of her waist, volley after volley of his virile cum splashing onto her. Weiss felt her eyes cross at the feeling of his messy load upon her skin mixed with the dampening aftershocks of her orgasming pussy, his cum burning it's comforting heat into her and branding her body as his.

He had marked her – again. First her face, now her ass.

It just kept going, coating her in endless streams and when he shifted his cock and pressed it directly between her thighs, she saw it fire a powerful shot out in front of her, landing hopelessly in the dirt. The sight of his cock sticking out beneath her wet, lewd quim, his fingers still buried inside almost made her peak again.

If he had cum inside her like that... if he had fired into her womb with such power and intensity, how good would that feel? His fingers had been almost too much. How would that long, thick, fat cock feel as it spewed its molten load deep in her snatch, deep into her womb, flooding her deepest place?

If she wasn’t already dizzy, she was now.

They panted harshly as they attempted to recover, leaning on one another. When his fingers slipped out of her engorged flesh, Weiss moaned and turned into him, embracing Jaune against her front. His cock was trapped under her skirt, leaking on her already sodden thighs. When she peered up at him, his face was flushed, his hair damp with sweat. It was plastered to his forehead and it made him look roguish and attractive, his blue eyes bright.

She couldn’t resist.

She seized his lips, kissing him deeply – her very first kiss. She was doing everything wrong. She’d sucked his cock and he had fingered her needy snatch already, and this was their first kiss? The old Weiss would be appalled at her behavior. The current Weiss slipped her tongue into his mouth. He met her eagerly, devouring her mouth passionately.

“Weiss? Jaune?” the voice of Ruby called out, pulling them apart. “Where are – oh~!”

Weiss wrenched her mouth off Jaune and spun around, eyes wide as Ruby stared at them in horror. Opening her mouth, she tried to say something, anything – but there was nothing she could say. They’d been caught red handed.

“Shit,” Jaune said.

“Shit,” Weiss agreed.



A new challenger approaches??? No but for real I just realized this is the first kiss on the story that we’ve got so far. I imagine that Ruby will become Weiss' number one supporter right? If so Nora will step up her support for Pyrrha


Lmao, get out while you can Ruby. Only a matter of time before Weiss and Pyrrha drag you down to their level. Well, actually, that might be that bad for you. XD


One last spurt from Jaune as they got caught, nailing Ruby in the face. Shit says Ruby.


I hope Ruby tries to support Weiss instead of trying to get in on this.


Should be interesting to see them try and explain this, awesome chapter as always!