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Professor Goodwitch was waiting for them when they arrived back at Beacon.

The bullhead touched down on the landing pad and opened up, hot gusts of air buffeting them as the engines powered down. Their combat instructor stood perfectly still as the raging winds swirled around her, her small cape fluttering, her face impassive. Disembarking, they all assembled in front of the imposing woman, lining up by team, RWBY and JNPR side-by-side.

“Excellent work,” Goodwitch complimented after a moment of tense silence. Crew members began scrambling around them to secure their airship, the pilot leaping down from the cockpit and removing his helmet. “Your mission was a resounding success.”

Ruby beamed happily, her face covered in sweat and grime. There were little tears in her combat skirt but she was otherwise unharmed. She was balanced on the balls of her feet, threatening to leap out of her boots, bobbing up and down with each flex of her calves. She looked like an overexcited chipmunk, adrenaline still coursing through her.

“Thanks teach~!” Yang smiled widely, all teeth. Her hair was a disheveled mess. “We beat the sh---ahh, we beat the tar out of those Grimm.”

Goodwitch arched an eyebrow at the blonde, a brief flash of amusement crossing her stern features before her face smoothed out.

“Quite,” she said. “I believe you have earned some rest. You are exempt from classes tomorrow--”

“Awww yeah~!” Nora pumped her fist.

“—do not abuse it,” Goodwitch finished with a glare, Nora wilting underneath such a scathing look. “You may do as you wish, so long as you do not disturb your fellow classmates.”

“Understood, ma’am,” Jaune replied respectfully, placing a hand on the back of Nora’s neck. She stiffened and became completely docile. “We won’t make a fuss.”

Professor Goodwitch nodded, satisfied.

“Very well. You are dismissed. Well done.”

They all remained perfectly still as they watched her walk away, her arms neatly folded behind her back. It wasn’t until they could no longer see her that they all sagged, the pressure released.

“It seems we have a long weekend,” Ren commented, looking exhausted. Jaune released his hold on Nora and she came back to life, wrapping an arm around Ren and hauling his body against her side.

“Come on, Renny – we need a shower, we both stink.”

Ren spluttered at the implication as she dragged him away, his eyes desperately seeking aid but finding nothing more than amused faces. Stung by their betrayal, he didn’t fight as Nora manhandled him back towards the school.

“There they go,” Blake said, laughter infused in her voice.

“Lucky schmuck,” Yang snickered. “When are those two going to pull the trigger? I swear that every time it looks like they are finally going to take that next step, they take a step backwards and start all over again. I thought Nora would be more decisive.”

Pyrrha understood all too well Nora’s feelings on the matter. It wasn’t easy to take that final step, to cross that fine line of friendship into something else, into something more. Ren and Nora had been friends for years, since they were children. While Pyrrha didn’t know the details, what she did know is that their childhood hadn’t been easy. They were both orphans and for many years, only had each other to rely on. They had a bond that was undeniably strong but it was also something neither wished to risk.

Ren was everything to Nora.

And even though Ren was reserved and rarely showed emotion, Pyrrha knew that Nora meant everything to him.

She turned to face Jaune. Yes, she understood completely.

But unlike Nora, she was at the end of her rope. All that fighting had her blood up, her heart still pounding, her hands shaking as the adrenaline coursing through her veins slowed. Standing so close to him, she could practically taste his musk. Deep and manly, she inhaled until her eyes fluttered shut in bliss. It was stronger than usual, stronger than after they trained together, mixed with dirt and grass and the faint scent of pine. It made her fingers twitch and her core throb, tightening deliciously as she imagined burying her nose in the crook of his neck.

How would his skin taste if she were to lick it?

Pyrrha bit her lip hard enough to almost break skin, the pain only adding to the heady arousal that was beginning to build. Watching him fight against the Grimm had turned her on like nothing else and now smelling him, almost tasting his scent on her tongue was the final straw.

She had waited long enough. It was time.

It was time.

Pyrrha reached for his hand.

“You fought well today,” Weiss turned, peering up at Jaune with hooded eyes. Pyrrha froze, her face twisting into a scowl. Even after hours of fighting, Weiss Schnee looked like she had stepped out of a picture book, ever the princess. Not a single strand of hair had slipped free of her sidetail. How was that possible? “I was impressed by your leadership. I know I have already said this but you have come a long way.”

Pyrrha twitched as Weiss leaned his way, her shoulder brushing against his arm. While Weiss’ hair was in immaculate condition, she was still covered in sweat and grime, though it only seemed to make her pale skin glow. She didn’t even get dirty like the rest of them! Instead of looking tired and icky, she looked vibrant and alive, healthy; fertile.

Pyrrha almost stepped between them. It would have been rude but the shocked look on Weiss’ face would have been oh so sweet. But she didn’t. She settled for curling her fists and glaring hotly.

“Thanks,” Jaune replied, looking happy and so handsome. Like Weiss, exertion suited him. His messy hair was slicked back by sweat, showing off his attractive face. Without his fringe obscuring his eyes, they looked much more intense. “You were amazing, as well. That semblance of yours is unreal. Ahh – I wish I knew what mine was.”

Weiss touched his hand gently. “You will discover it; I know it. Don’t be in a rush. It’ll come when you most need it.”

Pyrrha had had enough.

Seizing his other hand, she stepped forward until the heat of his body was a brand along her front. Swallowing thickly, she did her best to smile at the heiress, hoping that it didn’t come across as a grimace.

“I think Nora had the right idea,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “We should get washed up.”

Ice blue met emerald green, and while Pyrrha saw no change in her expression, she could see the irritation in Weiss’ eyes, clear as day. They stared at one another, neither girl willing to back down. Tightening her hold on Jaune’s hand, she shuffled closer until his arm was pressed neatly between her breasts.

“Yes,” Weiss said blandly, face blank. “I agree. We should not remain in such an unsightly manner.”

The jab was clear. Pyrrha felt her lips twitch, stretching wider. Weiss’ brow furrowed into an almost glare and Pyrrha growled internally as she saw the heiress stroke Jaune’s fingers.

“Uh, right,” Jaune said, no doubt picking up on the hostility but not understanding it. “Yeah, a shower sounds amazing. We should head back into the school.”

“Yeah, you aren’t wrong,” Yang lifted one of her arms and gave a sniff, recoiling. “Woah – yeah, okay. Damn. I smell like a fucking yeti.”

“Yang!” Ruby snapped, looking mortified.

“What?” the elder sister asked. “It’s true. I stink. So do you, little sister. Phwoar, Ruby, you little stinky.”

“Shut up,” Ruby yelped as Yang grabbed her and mashed their bodies together. “Ack, g-get off! Yang! You reek! You’re covered in sweat! Ahh, yuck, yuck, yuck!”

“Didn’t I say that?” Yang mused as Ruby struggled like a flailing cat. “This is the stench of a hard working woman.”

Weiss rolled her eyes. “Yes, okay – enough of that, please.”

“Blake smells like an alley cat,” Yang randomly fired off.

“Excuse me?” Blake shouted, firing up at once. “I do not! And I am not a cat!”

“My team,” Weiss deadpanned. “My wonderful team.”

Pyrrha felt her ire bleed away, replaced by amusement.

“Yes,” Pyrrha said. “They are wonderful.”

The locker room was deserted when they arrived, the other students in class. The absence of Ren and Nora meant that they had chosen to use their dorm bathroom, taking turns – or not. They had the entire place to themselves and took full advantage. While the showers were not restricted by gender, Jaune took a stall on the far side after gathering his things, well away from them to preserve their modesty as they gathered towels and spare clean clothes from their lockers. Pyrrha wanted to follow after him, her lust still burning hot but she couldn’t get away. Surrounded by Team RWBY, she resigned herself to simply washing off.

For now.

She knew it was inappropriate to look but she couldn’t help it, her curiosity getting the better of her. Pyrrha watched with sly glances as Yang pulled off her jacket and then peeled her yellow tube top over her head, freeing her large breasts. Even with the heavy support of her bra, they bounced impressively, only the briefest amount of sag as she removed it. Glancing down at her own chest, Pyrrha grinned. While she wasn’t quite as large as the blonde haired girl, she was no pushover in that department.

Blake shimmied out of her shorts, quickly rolling her panties down her legs. Her thighs were slender and well muscled, her butt thick and round, plump with youth. Reaching back, Pyrrha touched her own butt, giving it a squeeze. It was high and pert, and had no trouble competing with her friend’s posterior.

Undressing, Pyrrha peered at Ruby, admiring her petite build and rosy skin. The younger girl was more self conscious than her teammates, quickly covering her body with a towel and Pyrrha shifted her eyes, not wanting to make her young friend uncomfortable. When she did, her gaze landed on Weiss.

Pyrrha tried not to stare overly much but it was a lost cause, a flare of envy burning in her heart. While Weiss was only gifted a modest chest, it was perfectly proportioned with small, tight, upturned nipples and perky, full weight, looking larger than they actually were on her slender body. And what a body it was, trim and fit with graceful muscle, stomach flat, her ivory skin lush and healthy. Her hips were neither narrow nor wide, flaring into a magnificently sculpted ass, perfected by years of dance. When she unbound her hair, it flowed down her back in a river of quicksilver, so long that it tickled the backs of her calves. Despite her small stature, her legs seemed endlessly long, shapely and muscled.

She looked otherworldly – like a fairy from a folktale, inhuman, with a beauty sung about in songs.

No wonder Jaune was so captivated by her, she thought, slamming her locker shut with a little more force than was needed.

Pyrrha was not insecure about her looks. She knew she was beautiful, that her body was attractive and fit, and that men watched her with lustful eyes when she fought in the arenas of Mistral, even when she was young enough for it to be wholly inappropriate. At the risk of sounding conceited, she knew that her appearance matched her fighting prowess; she was at the top.

She was at the pinnacle.

And yet...

Looking at Weiss was like looking at the sun; dazzling in its intensity, blinding. She was something else.

As expected of her rival in love.

Glaring at her locker, she couldn’t resist sneaking another glance. Only this time, she came face-to-face with pale blue eyes, a pair of icy gems that pierced right through her. Pyrrha tensed, heart rate spiking as Weiss stared at her – and then her lips twitched, curling into such a self satisfied smirk that only Weiss Schnee could achieve, haughty and mocking.

At that moment, Pyrrha wanted to punch her right in her perfect nose. That was the second time she’d had such an urge.

A pair of arms wrapped around her waist and Pyrrha yelped, startled as Yang pressed into her from behind, her considerable tits squashed between them. Naked flesh to naked flesh, Pyrrha was simply too shocked to act.

“Damn, Pyrrha,” Yang whistled, running her hands across her abs, mapping them out with touch alone. “You trying to make us look bad or what? How do you have all this muscle and not look manly?”

Yang was no slouch herself – her stomach was flat, though there was a softness about her that was feminine, her abdominals not quite as pronounced. She was also broad of shoulder, though Pyrrha was broader still with shapely, well muscled arms. They each had the bodies of warriors, though she knew she had pushed her own beyond the limit.

“Yang,” Ruby rolled her eyes, looking embarrassed by the skin ship her sister was showing with Pyrrha. “You are making her uncomfortable.”

“Aww, my bad,” Yang released her hold. “I just couldn’t help myself. Pyrrha is seriously hot.”

Pyrrha cleared her throat. “Thank you.”

“We’re all hot,” Yang continued, strutting towards the showers. “Ridiculously hot – almost feels unfair that we are all on the same team.”

“Pyrrha isn’t on our team,” Blake reminded her dryly as they all followed after the blonde.

“Psh – we are basically on the same team,” Yang waved her hand in dismissal. “Nora, too. We really are too hot to handle.”

“Can your ego get any bigger, Xiao Long?” Weiss questioned pompously. “I think your head is growing.”

“Whatever – all I’m saying is that we are seriously top shelf, ya know? What’s wrong with admitting it? If we all went clubbing together, we’d have all the guys eating out of our hands.”

As they stepped into the showers, they could hear that Jaune had already started washing off, the sound of running water carrying from his end of the room. Steam wafted from his stall and Pyrrha couldn’t help but imagine what he must look like at that very moment, completely bare, his skin shimmering wetly as soap suds followed the contours of his muscles, trailing down his body. Her nipples tightened instantly and she flushed hotly, hoping that no one noticed.

“Well – what about Ren and Jaune?” Blake asked, hanging up her towel. They all followed her example, placing their towels on the provided hooks. “We don’t just have girls on our ‘team’, remember?”

“I mean Ren is a total pretty boy,” Yang instantly replied. “For real – if Nora wasn’t around, I bet he’d have heaps of attention from our classmates. She just keeps them all at bay because – well, she’s Nora. No one wants to mess with that. No one wants that sort of fire.”

The shower room consisted of open showers and enclosed ones for those that wished for a little more privacy. Seeing as they were alone and everyone else was in class, they opted for the open showers so they could continue their conversation. Pyrrha groaned as hot water sprayed across her body and she stepped fully under the showerhead, quickly rinsing her hair and rubbing her face. The tension in her muscles bled away as the heat passed through her skin and deep into her body, soothing her battle weary limbs. The room was quickly filled with steam as they all stood beneath the falling water, simply letting the sweat and grime run from their skin down the drain.

“Ren is very handsome, I agree,” Weiss finally said, nodding, and Pyrrha swung around to stare at her in surprise. She looked even more ethereal with her skin flushed from the heat of the water, her white hair shining. “His looks are very refined and he takes incredible care of his hair.”

“Right!” Yang clapped her hands together. “I thought I was the only one that noticed! I need to ask him what he uses because I’ve never seen a guy with such glossy hair. He could give you a run for your money, kitty cat.”

Blake huffed, looking less irritated at the nickname and more resigned.

It wasn’t often that they all got together and just had simple girl talk like they were having now. It was something that was new to Pyrrha because growing up, she hadn’t had many friends she could open up around. Being who she was, it was all too common for other girls to pretend to be nice just so they could get close, so they could claim to know her for clout.

That wasn’t the case with the members of Team RWBY. They didn’t care about her accomplishments – at least, not in that way. They were impressed by them, surely, but as fellow warriors and huntresses-in-training. Her fame meant nothing. She felt comfortable with them in a way she had never experienced with other people.

So comfortable that she could stand around with them, shower naked as the day she was born and not feel even a hint of shyness about the situation.

She liked it. She liked that they could talk about stupid things like boys, even if it was a rare occurrence; though they’d never talked about her teammates before. She wondered what Ren would think if he knew that the girls on Team RWBY thought he was hot. She wondered what Nora would think and had to stifle a chuckle.

But then Ruby asked that inevitable question, and Pyrrha’s mirth shriveled up and died a cruel death.

“What about Jaune?” the younger girl asked. It was a completely innocent question but one that made Pyrrha’s heart jump.

A part of Pyrrha wanted to know what her friends thought of the young man she desired, but yet another part was afraid to hear it. Especially from one person in particular. Keeping her expression blank, she watched as Yang and Blake shared a look.

“Well, I mean...” Yang shrugged. “At first, I just thought he was a bit of a dweeb.”

Pyrrha didn’t scowl but it was close, her cheeks twitching. Ruby had no such compunctions about hiding what she thought, though.

“Hey, woah – hold on,” Yang continued, noticing Ruby’s displeased look. “That was at first! He threw up on my boots, remember? What was I supposed to think? And yeah, I guess I thought he was a little cute? But, like... have you guys noticed that lately he is kinda really fucking hot?”

Pyrrha blinked.

“What?” she said aloud, unintentionally.

Yang shrugged, her ample chest swaying.

“I don’t know what kind of training that you’ve been putting him through, Pyrrha, but damn,” Yang whistled. “I saw him at the gym a couple of weeks ago – I didn’t even recognize him at first. He was benching some serious weight and I have to say – dude has arms. He wears that hoodie and that armor most of the time, or our uniform – you can’t see shit, but that day he was in a tank top. Mm, I was pleasantly surprised.”

He did have amazing arms. That was true. Pyrrha really couldn’t fault Yang for noticing. Strong, firm arms – steady and faithful, powerful but tender.

“I saw him dressing for Combat Class last week,” Blake chimed in with her two lien, flushing lightly when everyone turned her way. The cute little cat ears atop her head flicked, the fur wet. “I’d just finished my bout and he was getting ready for his turn. I didn’t mean to look but he was unbuttoning his shirt... and, uh – well, it was really, uh -- sexy.”

She was right – his abdominals were good enough to grate cheese on. It was expected that Blake would notice such a detail, right? Pyrrha stared as the cat faunus flushed an even deeper red, clearly embarrassed at admitting it.

Ruby giggled.

“You guys are dumb,” she said, shaking her head. “Jaune was always really fit.”

Now everyone was looking her way.

“What?” Ruby shrugged. “Wasn’t it obvious?”

Pyrrha had known, of course. When she had started training Jaune, she had been surprised to find out that while he was a little on the skinny side, her partner had clearly taken very good care of his body. He may not have known the finer points of being a huntsman, lacking knowledge of aura and having zero combat experience, but he had ensured that he was in as good a shape as he could possibly be before attending Beacon. It hadn’t taken much at all to build him up from that point, increasing his calorie intake and bulking and shaping his body from that of a civilian to that of a warrior.

How had Ruby known that, though?

“How do you know that?” Weiss was the one to ask, eyebrows arched.

“Yeah – how do you know that, sis?” Yang asked shrewdly. “What have you two been getting up to without my knowledge?”

Ruby scoffed. “Remember the food fight?”

Everyone nodded. How could they ever forget? It was part of Beacon legend.

“He removed his uniform jacket and shirt afterwards – some frosting from a cake got down his collar,” She grinned, eyes crinkled. “He had a really nice chest.”

Yang leaned back dramatically. “Oh – my little sister is growing up so fast.”

“Shut up,” Ruby poked out her tongue. “This was during the first semester!”

“What about you, Weiss?” Blake asked, peering down the line at the heiress. “What do you think of Jaune?”

Yang snorted.

“I think we all know the answer to that one,” the blonde joked, tilting her head back under the spray. Her luscious hair straightened out and smoothed as it soaked up water. “She must have shot him down a dozen times. It’s pretty obvious what she thinks, right?”

If someone had asked Weiss this question a month ago, Pyrrha was positive that whatever answer she gave, it would be negative about her partner. Yang was right, though she was exaggerating a little. Jaune had only ever asked Weiss out a few times, but he had tried to speak with her often. He had been rebuffed every single time without fail. There was little chance that Weiss thought favorably about him in any way.

But this wasn’t a month ago.

This was now.

Pyrrha busied herself with squirting shampoo into her hands before lathering it through her hair, working up a thick foam. Staring at the tiled wall, she did her best to appear completely uninterested even though her heart started to beat rapidly, drumming in her ears.

“If you really must know,” Weiss rolled her eyes, cupping her hands beneath the water. “I have always thought that Jaune was good looking. He has very good features, he is tall – and as you’ve all explained, he has only gotten more handsome as the year has progressed.”

Pyrrha wasn’t sure but she thought Weiss’ voice sounded different than usual; softer, perhaps. Affectionate?

She didn’t like it.

“If you always thought he was attractive, then why did you keep shooting the poor guy down? You could have thrown him a bone or something – taken him out on a date. It might have been fun, you know? You were always so cold, though.”

Pyrrha glanced at Weiss from the corner of her eye and caught her shaking her head.

“You know why I turned him down,” Weiss replied to Yang, harshly. “Didn’t I tell you? I did not believe he was being genuine. My... previous experiences with suitors lead me to believe something unkind about him, something that I now regret. I am not so shallow to dismiss someone purely on their looks alone. I am not that kind of woman.”

Yang shrugged. “It’s not really being shallow, is it? We are attracted to what we are attracted to. If someone falls outside that range, it isn’t anyone's fault. It doesn’t make you a bad person.”

Weiss hummed. “Well, in any case – Jaune’s looks were never a problem. And I, like the rest of you, have noticed his growth – not just in his fighting prowess, but in other areas, as well. He is maturing into a fine man. Any girl would be lucky to have his attention.”

It was exactly as she had feared.

“I’m just glad you two are closer now,” Ruby said happily, scrubbing down her arms. Suds clung to her as she spread lavender body wash across her pale skin. “My two best friends are now better friends!”

Pyrrha knew that Weiss didn’t just want to be friends, though. There wasn’t any doubt about it, not anymore. Turning to face her fully, she met her face-to-face. Weiss tilted her head, considering her and Pyrrha saw it for the challenge it was. Rinsing the shampoo from her fiery crimson locks, she knew that she needed to secure her victory – now, before Weiss could take the first step.

She could wait no longer.

They all washed down but Pyrrha lingered, letting the others leave first. When she was left alone, she punched the wall in a sudden fit of anger, aura protecting her knuckles from harm but doing little to blunt the pain. The tile cracked and she felt a sliver of remorse for letting her emotions get the better of her. She never allowed her emotions to rule her on the battlefield and here, it should be no different.

Breathing in deeply, she calmed her racing heart and cut off the water. Stepping out of the shower, she reached for her towel before realizing something.

She wasn’t alone.

Not everyone had left.

Further down, the sounds of Jaune’s shower continued to run. Pyrrha gazed across the room, watching the steam pour forth from his private section. Quietly, she walked towards it, a decision made.


Samuel Chesser

love how ruby is the most observant of the lot and love how both snow white and the warrioress can see a challenge in each other


She's going for it. What are the odds Weiss had the same idea?


I really hope Pyrrha gets her happy ending here. Cannon certainly has never turned out in her favor.