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Weiss barely slept a wink that night.

She did her best to keep her appearance presentable but while she could shower and comb her hair to perfection, there was no hiding the visible bags beneath her eyes. A tasteful application of makeup helped take the edge off it but she knew her team could see that she was exhausted, though they had no idea why. She wanted to tell them; she did! Didn’t they deserve to know that such a menace existed within their midst? But to tell them was to reveal not just the perverted machinations of JNPR’s team leader but also the embarrassing, horrid situation their friend Pyrrha found herself in.

Because that was what was going on, right? Right? It had to be blackmail. Jaune Arc had something on Pyrrha Nikos, Weiss was positive. Why else would she find them the way she had, Pyrrha’s hands running up and down his legs while he moaned and groaned in clear pleasure! And then the crimson haired girl had touched his crotch. His crotch! Weiss didn’t pretend to know very much about sexual encounters but even someone as naive as her understood what that meant! She didn’t read the disgusting literature that Blake indulged in but she had pursued the odd tasteful book now and then, romance with just a hint of spice.

Pyrrha had been about to stroke his penis! Or worse; put it in her mouth! The absurdity!

A girl like Pyrrha would never willingly do something like that. Not with someone like Jaune Arc! That was why Weiss was sure she was being forced in some way, that Jaune had some dirt on her that the champion fighter feared getting out. Weiss understood those fears all too well. Reputation was everything to the heiress, and to someone as talented and well known across the globe as Pyrrha. Weiss had seen countless people brought low by a simple story in a newspaper or a segment on a talk show. That was the world she and Pyrrha inhabited where even just the hint of something untoward would bring the paparazzi sniffing, eager to ruin their betters.

So while she wanted to tell them, it wasn’t her place. The help would be appreciated but she didn’t have the right to share it, not without speaking to Pyrrha first. But she couldn’t sit idly by. She needed to stop this. She couldn’t let that beastly man get away with it any longer! He’d be lucky if he was only just expelled from Beacon when she was done with him!

A hint of unease unfurled in her belly. She wasn’t being too hasty, surely? She frowned. Weiss knew she could be unkind and unfair when it came to Jaune but clearly he was in the wrong this time, right? There was no way this was just a misunderstanding. No, surely not. She had resolved to be nicer and fix things between them but that was before discovering all this! She wasn’t overreacting! Because if it wasn’t Jaune at fault, then that meant Pyrrha was the aggressor and that wasn’t something Weiss could accept so easily.

Pyrrha was a paragon of all that was good. Talented and beautiful and smart; she had no reason to indulge in such proclivities. To touch and feel someone up, in such a public setting. Okay – perhaps it wasn’t so public and she’d only found out because she was following them but it was hardly private! Anyone could walk in! It just happened to be her!

“Weiss, are you feeling okay?” Ruby asked carefully.

Weiss blinked.

“I am perfectly well, Ruby. Why do you ask?”

“You’ve been tearing pages out of your notebook for the last few minutes and glaring at the wall like it offended you in some way,” Ruby squirmed in place, looking uncomfortable. Sweet, innocent, socially awkward Ruby, putting herself out there to ask after a friend even though her anxiety screamed at her to run and hide. “Did something happen?”

Weiss looked down at her hands and realized her partner was correct. Not only had she torn several pages out of her notebook but she had proceeded to rip those same pages into tiny little pieces and scattered them across her bed. Almost like bargain bin confetti. Thankfully the book she had targeted was brand new, the pages blank that she had yet to use in class. Otherwise she would have to redo all of her notes. That would have been vexing. Terribly vexing.

This was all Jaune Arc’s fault!

“Oh,” Weiss looked at her partner. “It seems I let my mind wander.”

“Well,” Ruby bit her lip. “Are you hungry? Should we go to breakfast? Yang is in the shower but she’ll take forever.”

Blake was shooting her looks of concern from across the room as she adjusted her bow. Weiss straightened her shoulders and set the ruined book aside, running her palms across her uniform skirt to smooth out any wrinkles. Now more than ever, she needed to project a front of calm and normality.

“Yes, I think that is a good idea,” she stood before glancing down at the pieces of paper covering her bed. “I’ll clean this up after class.”

“Right,” Ruby said, leading the way after an unsure nod.

Breakfast meant food and Weiss was famished, but it also meant Team JNPR. She had avoided dinner the night before because she’d been spooked, unwilling to come face to face with those two but now she was ready. Enough time had passed.

It was time to confront them.

But who did she go for first? She needed to speak to Pyrrha but should she just go straight for the throat and scare Jaune into submission. She had the entire might of the Schnee Dust Company behind her! If he thought he could get away with blackmail and sexual favors, he had another thing coming! If it came down to it, she would crush him underneath the might of money.

As usual, when they arrived, Team JNPR was already present. Even with the turmoil she was undergoing, Weiss couldn’t help but admire their punctuality. She knew how much Nora liked to sleep and even Ren struggled to get her functional in the morning, yet Jaune had his team whipped into shape. What other dark, dastardly information did he hold? Was Nora also trapped under his thumb, a mere plaything for his lust? Perhaps the problem was larger than she thought. How long has this been going on? And right under their noses, the entire time!

He must be stopped, she thought seriously, glaring at his stupid blond head. When he noticed her ire, he smiled nervously and waved. Weiss continued to glare but Ruby skipped ahead happily.

“Hey Jaune~!” she chirped. “Pyrrha, Ren, Nora.”

“Ruby,” Pyrrha greeted with a smile. “Blake – Weiss, is everything okay?”

“Everything is fine, Pyrrha,” Weiss turned to face the crimson haired girl, frown fading into a gentle look of compassion. “I hope you are well this morning? That you are in good health and of clear mind?”

Emerald eyes blinked. “Uh – yes, I am feeling rather well. Thank you for asking.”

“You are sure?” Weiss pressed.

Pyrrha shared a look with her team. “I am sure.”

Pyrrha’s gaze lingered on Jaune a touch longer than necessary and Weiss frowned, disliking it. Had he scared her so much that she couldn’t even answer without his permission? What a disgusting, monstrous man he was. To exert such control over his partner was preposterous. How hadn’t she noticed this sooner? It was clear to her now; she needed to save Pyrrha sooner rather than later.

Walking around the table, she stood between Jaune and Ren. “May I have this seat?”

Ren looked up at her in surprise. “You want to sit here?”

“I do,” she confirmed.

Nora suddenly gained an expression of delight. “Oh~! Oh~! I know what this is! Ren, Ren – move, hurry up.”


“Come on, get out of the way,” the ginger grabbed her partner by the arm and hauled him out of his chair, moving him to her other side. “There you go, Weiss~!”

Weiss curtsied. “Thank you, Nora. I appreciate it.”

Jaune glanced at her, unsure as she neatly tucked her skirt behind her thighs before claiming Ren’s vacated chair. What better place to keep an eye on him than right next to him? If he tried anything funny with Pyrrha, then she would notice immediately.

“You haven’t ordered your food yet,” Blake pointed out with an amused smirk.

“I’ll have avocado and tomato on toast, thank you for volunteering,” Weiss replied, wiping the smirk off her face.

“Wait,” Blake tried but Ruby grinned at the hidden faunus.

“Cereal for me, thanks,” the younger girl placed her order. “Almond crunch – oh, and a banana!”

Blake shot them a disgruntled look but could do nothing against Ruby’s innocent, upturned eyes. Sighing, Blake stormed off and Nora giggled while Pyrrha muffled her own laughter behind her hand.

“Where’s Yang?” Jaune asked, noticing that they were one short.

“Shower,” Ruby said, rolling her eyes. “We couldn’t wait. She takes forever with her hair.”

Weiss watched carefully as Jaune spoke with her partner, observing how close he sat to Pyrrha. From this angle, she could see that their thighs were nearly touching, the pair closer than propriety demanded. Shuffling closer, she watched Jaune tense in surprise and turn to face her.


“How are you this morning?” she asked, peering at him sternly. “Nothing unusual?”

“Er – no?”


He was unsettled by her closeness. As well he should. She couldn’t question him in front of everyone else but she could ensure that he knew she was close at hand, watching his every move. That she would not be intimidated. That he had nothing on her.

“You fought well yesterday,” she continued, narrowing her eyes. “I am impressed by your improvement.”

Jaune leaned away slightly. “Um – thanks?”

“You have clearly worked very hard to achieve this,” she added, staring him in the eye. “I just wanted to make you aware that I have noticed. Sky may not be the greatest combatant but he is far from unskilled. The way you utilized your shield to defeat him showcased your ability to use your weapons to their fullest potential. A shield is not just for defending, after all.”

Everyone at the table was shooting her looks of surprise. There! She had finally done it! She’d finally told him! All of her words had been true. It was just a shame that it was now tainted by his actions behind closed doors.

Jaune simply looked astonished. “Uh – wow, Weiss. Thanks. That means a lot, coming from you.”

“You’re welcome. I wished to convey this yesterday but I could not find you after class,” Weiss watched him carefully and didn’t miss the way his face tensed up. “I felt it prudent to share my thoughts and encourage your growing combat prowess but you were nowhere to be found.”

She wanted to see him squirm but unfortunately, his partner chimed in.

“We decided to get some training in,” Pyrrha spoke up for him, all smiles. “Those were some very kind words, Weiss.”

“I spoke only the truth,” she replied, keeping her eyes locked on Jaune. “Your tutelage has been very effective. Your superb discipline and skill has clearly done wonders for him.”

“You give me too much credit,” Pyrrha deflected modestly. “Jaune always had the potential; a diamond in the rough, you could say. All he needed was someone to take him in hand and polish him, that’s all.”

“I see,” Weiss finally removed her intense stare and focused on Pyrrha. “He has not been a troublesome student, I hope?”

“Not at all. Jaune is very eager to learn and has met every goal I have set for him without exception. I have never met a harder worker in all my time training to become a huntress.”

Jaune rubbed his neck, ducking his head in embarrassment.

“That is some serious praise,” Weiss said after a moment.

“All well deserved.”

Pyrrha seemed completely genuine in her assessment. It was worse than she feared. What did they call this? Stockholm syndrome? Weiss had given her several openings to reveal his depravity and she had taken none of them. A simple admission veiled by well chosen words would have been enough. Only Weiss would have seen the truth, their other friends unaware. Instead, she praised Jaune; praised his work ethic and drive, and his potential to grow even more. Weiss was curious; she couldn’t help but wonder what Jaune had on her to so thoroughly control someone as amazing as Pyrrha.

Weiss ignored the twinge of doubt that gnawed at her. She could not falter.

When Blake returned with their food, it was alongside Yang. The blonde shot her team an annoyed look, thumping her tray down on the table as she took a seat opposite Weiss.

“You guys could have waited,” she grumbled irritably.

Ruby rolled her eyes, accepting her bowl of cereal gratefully. “You take too long. We were hungry.”

“I don’t take that long!”

Ruby scoffed. “You would drain half of Lake Vytal just by washing your hair.”

Yang ran her fingers through her freshly washed locks, jostling the mane of gold to highlight its impressive volume. “Looking this good takes effort, sis. You could learn a thing or two.”

Silver eyes narrowed as the sisters glared at each other. A sibling confrontation was afoot.

“Oooh,” Nora leaned forward in her chair, a piece of bacon hanging from her mouth. “Fight, fight, fight, fight~”

Ren sighed.

“I don’t need to learn anything,” Ruby countered. “If it takes you that long, then maybe that says something about the base product.”

Blake shuffled away awkwardly as Yang thumped the table with her fist.

“Oh yeah, milk girl?” Yang challenged, shooting a pointed look at Ruby’s chest.

“Should we do something?” Pyrrha queried, unsure as the sisters began taking shots at each other in earnest.

“These sorts of things just need to run their course,” Jaune answered sagely. “You should never get involved in an argument between sisters. Things can get messy.”

Pyrrha’s smile was wistful. “I wouldn’t know, I’m afraid.”

The girl from Argus was an only child.

Weiss remembered having such arguments with her sister, Winter, when they were both much younger. As much as she admired her older sister and loved her to death, there were plenty of times in their youth where they clashed. Normally, it was over something silly. As Winter got older and things within their family deteriorated, their squabbles became a thing of the past. As horrible as it was, the more their family fell apart, the closer they grew.

If only the same could be said for the relationship between her and her younger brother, Whitley. They did nothing but argue.

Weiss peered at Jaune. “You have sisters, then?”

Jaune laughed. “You could say that.”

Weiss hadn’t known that. That wasn’t such a surprise, though, was it? She didn’t know much about anything when it came to Jaune. Another thing she hadn’t known was how well built he was until she had seen for herself.

She tried to clamp down on those thoughts but they wormed their way to the forefront of her mind, slick and oily. Weiss felt her cheeks flare hotly as she remembered the way his abs clenched as he lifted himself onto the table, the way his arms flexed and coiled with strength. She’d done her best not to look but when Pyrrha had touched his crotch, Weiss had been unable to avoid it any longer. The bulge of his underwear had been healthy; very healthy. Covered as it was, Weiss could tell that he was particularly endowed. Girls liked that, right? A man with size? She’d overheard talk from others at Beacon, girls with experience in these matters.

A large penis was pleasing for a woman. Jaune had a big penis. A big penis he could use for sex. Did he use that big penis on Pyrrha? Weiss swallowed. His partner had grabbed it so calmly, as if she’d done it many times before. It had shocked her so thoroughly that she’d almost done nothing, breath caught in her throat as Pyrrha whispered something to Jaune that she couldn’t hear. The next thing she knew, she’d slammed her palm against the wall as hard as she could, aura flaring from how much force she’d put into it before she’d turned tail and fled. She couldn’t let such things continue.

But a part of her, buried deep inside in the dark places of her soul had been curious. That piece of her had urged her to not do anything, to sit and watch and learn.

A voice she never listened to and she wouldn’t start now.

“He has a very big family,” Pyrrha smirked.


“Saphron is the eldest,” Jaune began, holding up a finger. “She lives in Argus with her wife and son. She was a bit of a troublemaker when she was younger but she has mellowed out, though she likes to tease and can sometimes go a little overboard,” he then added a second finger, and Weiss realized that he was counting. “Sapphire is after her. She is a bit of a tomboy. Like Saphron, she was always getting into trouble but in different ways. She’d often come home, covered in mud and bruises after roughhousing it with the boys in her class. She liked to mother us younger ones, though. She was always looking after us when our parents were busy and I guess she really enjoyed it because she became a teacher.

“Next are the twins; Aquamarine and Turquoise,” he paused for a moment, and Weiss blinked. Four sisters? Alongside Jaune, that made five siblings. Pyrrha wasn’t kidding. He really did have a big family. By now, everyone else at the table was listening in. “Now that I think about it, they were always getting into trouble as well... heh, I don’t know how my parents didn’t lose their minds. Those two... well, you could call them jokesters. They don’t take things seriously at the best of times. They were always coming up with some scheme or the other, and it usually involved us. One time – uh, they thought it would be funny to put their colors in with Sapphire’s whites. You can imagine what happened. Sapphire was grounded for a month because she gave Turquoise a black eye and Aquamarine a split lip. Mom was not impressed – but they never targeted her again.”

Yang snorted. “Damn. Your house sounds like a circus.”

Jaune looked resigned. “You have no idea. After the twins is Lavender. She’s a bit of a nerd.”

“Wait,” Blake gave him a wide-eyed stare. “How many siblings do you have?”

Jaune grinned. “Er – I have seven sisters. I’m the only boy.”

Weiss stared, dumbfounded. Seven. Seven sisters.

How was that even possible?

“What?” Yang spluttered. Nora let loose with a pearl of laughter.

“Did you guys not know?” she looked around at the table. “Didn’t you ever wonder why Jaune could dance like that and wear a dress while doing it?”

“Har har,” Jaune deadpanned.

Weiss had always believed that her own family was quite large. All the other families she had grown up around in Atlas had been single child or had two children at the most. A cynical part of her mind rationalized this instantly. Those families were wealthy and required an heir, nothing more. When a girl was born first, they typically had a second to secure a boy. Someone that would inherit the wealth and name. Her family was a little different in that her father took on her mother’s name instead, but now she couldn’t help but wonder if the only reason the Schnee family had three children was because her father wished for a boy.

Was her position as heiress at risk?

Weiss shook her head.

Those were thoughts for another time. Something much more important had just occurred to her.

“Amber and Amethyst are the two youngest girls, and then me,” Jaune continued as everyone processed the information. “They are both in university in Mistral. Amber wants to become a doctor while Amethyst is – well, she doesn’t really know what she wants to do, but she is really into fashion and photography, so I think she’ll end up doing something along those lines.”

“Your mother is something else,” Yang looked in awe before shooting him a lecherous grin. “And your dad – he must be a stud.”

Jaune grimaced. “Urgh – please, we do our best not to think about it. We don’t need that kind of psychic damage.”

Weiss stared at Jaune as her friends talked around her. Jaune’s appetite for womanly flesh might be greater than she first feared. Glancing at Pyrrha and then back to Jaune, she wondered if this was his ultimate plan. His partner was in the prime of her child bearing life and in peak physical form. She was beautiful, tall, strong, talented and smart, not to mention rich. Not Schnee rich – but rich. Was that it? It wasn’t just random lust? It wasn’t just opportunistic?

He wished to breed.

And he had found the perfect mother for his children.

Weiss felt goosebumps erupt up and down her arms. Pyrrha hadn’t been his first choice, had she? No – she had been. Weiss had been. Jaune had a good eye for women and he had targeted the best of the best, right from the beginning. Women of great beauty and talent, fitness and health, at the height of their fertility. But when she had rebuffed him and he had nothing on her to force compliance, he had moved onto the next best thing.


Weiss gripped the table until her nails dug deep furrows in the wood. Pyrrha was only a target now because Weiss had removed herself from his sights. It was up to her to save her. There was no one else. She owed the girl that much.

She ruthlessly crushed the voice in her head telling her she was overreacting, that she was being unfair, as usual.

Weiss had no time for doubts.


Morrigan Newhart

Conspiracy Paranoid Weiss is great, can't wait for more of this! Going to be great seeing how Pyrrha and Jaune deal with it all.


You know it's going to be worth it, but waiting was never my strong suite.


It's going to be great seeing Perv Weiss and Perv Pyrrha fight over their himbo.

First Last

Goddamn do I love mentally ill hoes.


I loved this! Can’t wait for things to start heating up