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Pain. Glorious pain.

Jaune felt his entire body tense as Pyrrha dug her thumbs into his thighs, working them between the seams of his muscles and running them up from the tops of his knee to the middle of his quad. His hands tightened around the sides of the table as his leg spasmed and he watched as the muscles twitched as she worked even higher. It felt like fire racing up his leg and when she found a knot, buried deep inside, his world tilted as he let out a groan of discomfort.

“Uh~! Fuck!” he swore. He wasn’t typically one to curse but these times were an exception. He knew his mother wouldn’t hold it against him. “Ah – wow, Pyrrha, that – hnng!”

Emerald eyes peered up at him in amusement as she attempted to loosen the knot before releasing his leg, allowing him a moment of respite. His tense muscles relaxed only to lock up again as her lotion covered hands gripped his thigh firmly and retraced her previous track, the fire igniting one again.

“Feel that?” she asked calmly.

“A little hard not too,” he got out between clenched teeth, tilting his head back as the pain grew. “Ahhgn – oh, shit.”

He felt a little light headed when she released her hold, giving the sore muscle a comforting rub.

“You are very tense,” his partner commented as her fingers trailed over his knee and began moving up a different seam, pressing up the middle. Jaune looked down and saw the different sections of his quad standing out starkly, and how her firm, powerful digits separated them as she dug deep to root out any problems. “You said you’ve been a little stiff around the hips?”

Jaune nodded, unable to speak more than gibberish as she wiggled further up. When her hands stretched open and grabbed the side of his thigh, he jerked and almost flew off the table, grunting in pain.

“W-What was that!” he exclaimed, having felt that in his knee as well as his hip.

“The IT band,” she explained, gripping it again until he flailed in protest. “This might be the issue. These muscles here and here,” Jaune flinched whenever she pushed down. “They are rather tight. If we can release the pressure here, it should relieve any discomfort you’ve been experiencing.”

When Pyrrha had taken charge of training him, she had warned that she would teach him her way or no way at all. She wasn’t a teacher and only knew what she herself had experienced, which meant that he would be receiving the same type of training that she had gone through, under the tutelage of some of the best Anima had to offer. Jaune had been reluctant to accept her help at first because of his own ego but after everything that had happened with Cardin, he had accepted that he couldn’t do this alone. He needed help and Pyrrha was the best.

Who better to learn from?

But learning from the best was hard. She pushed him and pushed him, and then when he reached his breaking point, she pushed him above and beyond it. If Jaune didn’t truly desire above all else to be a huntsman, he would have folded long ago. Pyrrha was a harsh taskmaster but not to an unnecessary degree. Everything she put him through, she did alongside him. Every weight session, every lap around the school, every swordsmanship drill. Having her with him at every step helped and through the experience, he had discovered that he was quite the stubborn person.

He did not want to fail.

He did not want to let his partner down.

Training so hard was stressful on the body, however. His sessions had ramped up so quickly that he was covering things that others had taken years to build up to. This inevitably led to strains and other lesser injuries. It was something Pyrrha herself had experienced but she had access to the best care available.

Her mother.

Her mother was a physiotherapist and a masseuse. Luckily for Jaune, that knowledge had trickled down to her daughter. While she wasn’t licensed and certified like her mother, she had been taught how to look after her own body and how to look after others.

But did it really have to hurt so damn much?

When Jaune thought of massages, he thought of relaxing back and shoulder rubs that nearly put you to sleep. The types he could recall his mother giving his father after a hard day out on the farm. While those were nice and helpful for relaxation, they wouldn’t fix the issues that ailed you. And as much as it hurt, as painful as it was, it did work. Despite all the pain and misery, he always left these sessions feeling limber and better than ever.

He just wished Pyrrha didn’t delight so much in torturing him so. His partner was lovely. One of the sweetest girls he had ever had the fortune of meeting. But she clearly had some repressed sadistic tendencies. Or maybe she was just enjoying the fact that she got to be on the other end for a change. Her mother must have rung her through the wringer for years on end. Perhaps his agony was therapeutic to her?

When she found a particularly tender point at the apex of his thigh, his knee almost jerked up and hit her in the chin. It would have if not for her other hand pressing down on his leg powerfully, keeping it extended and at her mercy. Jaune squirmed and held his breath as pain radiated through his leg, only for sweet relief to flow through him as she pulled back.

This was the price he had to pay to become a huntsman. Aura would heal the body of most things; bruises, cuts and even breaks, if given enough time. It could reduce fatigue and help the muscles recover from tears. But it wasn’t full proof. It could cover aches and pains until you didn’t even notice they were there, but once that aura went away, you certainly felt it. And he was definitely feeling it.

She continued to work on his leg in silence with that small little smirk on her face and Jaune took the opportunity to admire his partner. How he had ever managed to attract her attention, he would never know. Just after one meeting, this incredible, talented and beautiful young woman had decided to make him her partner and it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. When he thought about that conversation in the locker room, he just couldn’t figure it out. He had spent the entire time trying to get Weiss to consider being on his team, before they knew about Headmaster Ozpin’s wacky way of forming partnerships, and had mostly ignored the crimson haired girl. Yet whatever it was that was said, it had been enough for her to seek him out specifically. No one else would have been able to hit that throw. Her accuracy with her javelin was astounding, skewering him through his hoodie like she had. The rest was, as they say, history.

And god, she really was incredible, wasn’t she? When Weiss had listed her accomplishments, he knew at the time that they had sounded impressive and important, but it hadn’t been until later on when Jaune had done a little research of his own that he understood the true scope of how amazing Pyrrha Nikos really was. Sanctum was one of the premier huntress preparatory schools in the entire world. As it was built in Argus, a city formed by two kingdoms, it received funding not only from Mistral – but from the Kingdom of Atlas, as well. Digging into its history, Jaune discovered that some of the greatest huntsman and huntresses of the modern era did their schooling there. Graduating at the top of your class practically guaranteed a successful career and it was no small feat at all to accomplish since it attracted the best and brightest students. Jaune was surprised that Weiss herself had not attended such a school, seeing as it was considered one of the best of the best, though perhaps its distance from Atlas was the cause. He didn’t know too much about her situation but from the small pieces he had been able to glean from conversations with Ruby, it was incredibly complicated.

If that was the only thing Pyrrha had to her name, it would have been enough but it wasn’t. The Mistral Regional Tournament wasn’t as prestigious as the Vytal Festival but he’d been shocked to learn that it was open to all comers. It wasn’t just for students; fully fledged and licensed huntsmen could take part, and they often did. The fact that Pyrrha had not only won this tournament before but had done it four consecutive times was simply mind blowing. Jaune had been able to find recordings of her championship fights and while Pyrrha had been a mere teenager still in the cusp of puberty, her opponents had been adults with years of huntsmen experience behind them.

Pyrrha was just that good. It was unreal how much better she was than others her age. It almost felt silly that she was attending Beacon at all but as great as she was, she wasn’t perfect. While her fighting prowess was unmatched, Jaune had seen her struggle in history alongside the rest of them. Pyrrha wasn’t dumb. She was an intelligent girl – but he knew there were gaps in her knowledge, simply because she had dedicated so much of her time and effort into crafting herself into the ultimate Grimm slaying machine. It was a reminder that no matter how good she was, she was still just one of their peers. That she still had more to learn.

Even so, was it ever any wonder that she was on the front of Pumpkin Pete’s cereal boxes? It may have been unhealthy as sin but what better role model was there? He couldn’t think of any. Then again, he might be a little biased; just a little bit.

And this was the young woman that had decided that he deserved to be her partner, that he deserved her help in becoming a better huntsman.

He was the luckiest man alive.

He focused on the way her beautiful red hair made her gorgeous emerald eyes pop like gems shrouded in flame. Pyrrha was a fighter at her core yet her skin was smooth and pale, free of marks or blemishes. Her shoulders were well muscled and broad for a girl, though not in a way he would claim as masculine. Toned arms flexed as she kneaded his thigh, forearms rippling powerfully as her hands gripped him with strength. Jaune tried not to peek but it was fruitless to resist, eyes tracing her collarbone and then lower to the healthy swells of her impressive breasts. She wasn’t quite as blessed in size as Nora or Yang, but her chest was plump and well balanced, her top clinging to her bust attractively. It wasn’t what you would call low collared but it dipped enough that a hint of her cleavage was readily in view.

Jaune looked up briefly to make sure she hadn’t caught him looking. She hadn’t, completely on task. He grimaced uncomfortably as she took her forearm and began flattening out his quad, using her arm like a rolling pin. With the way she was now bent over, he could see the shapely swell of her ass contained in those ludicrously tight shorts of hers. It left very little to the imagination and while he understood that they were comfortable for training in, they were much more than that.

Pyrrha had a killer ass.

Equipped with a pair of wide hips and the flattest, most trim stomach and waist imaginable, it made her ass stand out all the more. Thick and pert, Jaune wondered how it would feel to squeeze. It looked so soft and round; perfect for a good spanking.

Jaune looked at the ceiling, feeling a slither of disappointment in himself. Here she was, his amazing partner helping him train and improve, helping to keep his body in tip top shape and he was fantasizing about her, about touching her. Perhaps he was being hard on himself but Pyrrha didn’t deserve that sort of objectification. Not from him.

Jaune grunted as her thumbs pressed on either side of his knee, running up the length of his thigh. The hand upon his inner-leg rose ever higher and her knuckles were a hair's breadth away from tapping the underside of his balls before she pulled away, and he was thankful that his thoughts had not given him an erection. It would have been noticeable immediately. For as beautiful as Pyrrha no doubt was, it was pretty hard to pop wood when you were in excruciating pain. Necessary pain, yes – but pain nonetheless.

He was most certainly not a masochist.

Jaune attempted to shift his thoughts away from his beautiful partner but what could distract him? What had equal allure to the gorgeous four time champion? Beacon was filled with extremely attractive women but few could hold a candle to the Invincible Girl.

Glossy snow white hair invaded his thoughts alongside an impossibly beautiful, doll-like face. Even the sight of the faded scar that marred her perfect face could not diminish her beauty, only enhance it. Ice blue eyes observed him within his mind, glinting with scorn and confidence. A slender, fit body sculpted by years of training in fight, dance and gymnastics, equally muscled and soft with gentle swells and elegance unmatched. There was one girl he would place by Pyrrha’s side but that way led to madness. The girl that effortlessly stole his heart without trying, without any desire to lay claim to it, who had only ever seen him as a pest.

Weiss was the polar opposite to Pyrrha in many ways. Whereas Pyrrha carried herself with humility, Weiss carried herself with almost arrogant grace. Where Pyrrha was gentle and inviting, Weiss was harsh and stand-offish. His partner was open while Weiss Schnee was a locked door, at times unyielding but... not impossible to breach. At first, it had been nothing but her otherworldly looks that had attracted him to her but the better he got to know her, the stronger those feelings became. She may shroud her heart in ice and lash out at those she deemed unworthy with a barbed tongue but underneath it all, she was warm and caring. He had witnessed this before, though never directed at him. But it existed.

And her voice... like Pyrrha, he had done a little digging after finding out just who Weiss Schnee was. The name had been familiar, unlike the red haired girl, but he never could have imagined her true station. Heiress to the largest dust company on the planet, she was beyond wealthy; stinking, filthy rich was one way to put it. Not only that, but she liked to sing.

After hearing one song, he’d been a goner.

But any relationship between them was never meant to be. She thought little of him and made sure to let him know that whenever he attempted to woo her. He couldn’t exactly blame her. Perhaps she was the only one that had truly known he didn’t belong, right from the start. Or maybe he was just shooting much too high. No, there was no maybe about it. Weiss was the type of girl that was out of every guy's reach. All you could do was hope that she showed interest first.

Neptune was one lucky son-of-a-bitch. If he was feeling unkind, Jaune would say Neptune didn’t deserve one iota of her attention. While he considered Neptune a friend and a cool enough dude, he was a bit of a flake when it came to girls. He’d been more concerned with his own reputation than Weiss’ feelings. It wouldn’t have bothered Jaune so much if it wasn’t for the fact that Neptune had clearly been trying to impress and gain the interest of the Schnee heiress leading up to her asking him out to the Beacon dance, only to reject her.

Furious didn’t even begin to describe what he’d felt.

Jaune sighed. He really shouldn’t be thinking about it, about her. He was meant to be moving on. Moved on, he had moved on. That was all in the past now and it didn’t do anyone any favors by thinking on it.

If nothing else, he was no longer focused on Pyrrha’s alluring bust line and top tier butt.

“Okay, Jaune,” Pyrrha grasped his ankle. “I want you to try and retract your leg. Bend your knee up as if you are trying to pull me forward – that’s it,” he strained against her hold but there was no give. “How does that feel?”

Jaune grinned happily. “There’s no discomfort.”

At the beginning, if he’d tried that, he would have felt a pinch in his upper-thigh near his hip and pelvis. Now there was nothing.

Pyrrha’s magic hands had worked once again.

“Flex your foot up and down,” he did as he was told, one of her hands pressing down on the top of his foot as he did so. “No pain? Good. Wiggle your toes.” That felt a little silly but he followed her instructions. “How does that feel?”

“Good,” he answered. “No pain.”

Pyrrha beamed at him. “Great. Now for the other leg~!”

Jaune glanced down at his reddened skin where Pyrrha had thoroughly worked over his muscles. The skin was inflamed, almost bruised but that was normal. Though she usually worked his shoulders and back, so he hadn’t seen the results like this before. Laying a hand on his thigh, he could feel the heat rise up into his palm.

“Okay,” he prepared himself. “Go ahead.”

Jaune lost track of time as Pyrrha started on his other leg. All of the discomfort had been on one side so it didn’t hurt quite so much but it was still an uncomfortable experience. Tilting his head back, he caught a glimpse of white in the doorway before it vanished just as quickly. Jaune blinked then grunted as Pyrrha’s thumb traced a seam between muscles all the way to its end, finding a small knot.

He wasn’t sure but he felt like he’d seen someone but it had happened so fast that he couldn’t tell who it was. He kept his head tilted back to watch and for a long moment, he thought that maybe he’d been seeing things. But then that same white appeared, peeking around the corner and he quickly looked away so they didn’t catch on that he’d seen them.

As hard as it was to fathom, Weiss Schnee was lurking outside their room. A dozen questions and more rushed through his mind, but they were all some variation of the same thing; why?

Was she spying on them? It was such an unWeiss thing to do that it left him completely baffled, so much so that he didn’t immediately alert Pyrrha to her presence. Now that he knew she was there, he could feel her gaze burning a hole in the back of his head. If Pyrrha were to look beyond him, she’d catch sight of the girl easily but she was so focused on his leg that Weiss went undetected.

Should he say something?

It was unusual behavior from the prim and proper girl, and though he wasn’t bothered by her watching him get a massage, why was she watching in the first place? No matter what angle he tried to come at it, he just couldn’t figure out why she’d be lurking out of sight like this. He didn’t want to embarrass her by revealing her presence but at the same time, she really shouldn’t be spying on them like she was.

“How does this feel?” Pyrrha interrupted his thoughts, fingers creeping up his inner-thigh. Only this time, she didn’t stop and Jaune tensed as her knuckles brushed against the bulge of his family jewels. Her hands were no longer harsh and demanding but feather soft and searching, tickling almost as they caressed his skin. Emerald eyes peered up at him in question, earnestly awaiting his answer.

Jaune was struck speechless as she continued to rub at his thigh soothingly, her hands jostling the underside of his balls. The tips of her fingers teased the seam of his briefs and a feeling of mortification arose in him as he felt his cock twitch as blood rapidly gathered. This is exactly what he had feared earlier but the pain and discomfort had kept it in check. There was nothing to stop it now, only things to encourage it.

“Does this feel good?” she asked softly. Jaune swallowed as her plush, pink lips parted to allow her tongue to peek out and run across her lower lip. She looked so unaware and innocent, eyes wide and inviting as she stared at him.

“Pyrrha,” he uttered, unsure what was happening.

He watched with bated breath as her hands moved a little higher, one of her palms opening up to cup him. Jaune felt his heart stutter in shock as she grasped him, only to jump in fright as something banged behind him. Pyrrha jerked away in alarm, face full of terror as she retreated across the room in an instant. Sitting up and turning, Jaune saw nothing but an empty doorway.

Weiss was nowhere to be seen.



This is great! I can’t wait to read more