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So this is the winner of the oneshot poll I posted earlier in the month. I left it open and noticed that Pyrrha ended up tying with Cinder by the end, coming on strong in the past week and so I've decided to write the Jaune/Pyrrha story next. 

I had so many different endings planned for this one but eventually settled on this. It might have worked better as something longer with multiple chapters but it is what it is.

{ - - - }

It was a beautiful day in the kingdom of Vale, the great blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds and the air filled with bird song, calling to those trapped indoors with tempting trills and high notes. Sunlight streamed through the open windows, casting the classroom in a halo of light as a gentle breeze wafted in, caressing their heated skin as the curtains swayed hypnotically. Professor Oobleck – Doctor, archeologist, huntsman and one of Ozpin’s men – lectured them about the Faunus Rights Revolution, his voice grating as he carried on without breath, a nonstop stream of worthless information spewing forth from his mouth. Around her, children gazed at him with glazed eyes, unable to process the knowledge he was attempting to impart, instead swallowed by disinterest.

As much as she detested sharing anything in common with these simpletons, she knew exactly how they felt.

It was official. Cinder was bored.

It was hardly surprising, really. She was a woman of great skill and intelligence, a woman of great power. She was not at Beacon to learn to become a huntress but for something much greater, a destiny reserved for her and her alone. Attending classes was expected for she was undercover, watching and waiting, learning about her enemy, about the pawns arrayed against her Queen in service to the Headmaster. As interesting and thrilling as she found the subterfuge, of hoodwinking one of the most powerful men in the world, everything else that came with it was mind numbingly dull. Necessary, but ultimately boring.

Pretending to be a student was the worst.

These people couldn’t teach her anything for they had nothing worthwhile to depart. She was here for the Fall Maiden, everything else was secondary – but she could not simply claim the power as she saw fit. She knew Amber was hidden here at the school, somewhere – but where, she did not know. It would take time to discover her whereabouts and to instigate her plan, bringing Beacon and Vale to its knees and ridding Salem of her biggest obstacle. Until then, she was forced to endure. She was forced to act the part. The Vytal Festival was close at hand.

She wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take, though. Even her considerable patience was wearing thin. Close enough to taste, but also close enough to torment.

By her side, Emerald tapped at her desk with her nails, her face a picture of supreme boredom. Chin in hand, the dark skinned girl rapped her nails against the hard surface in a grating pattern, setting Cinder’s hair on end. On her other side, Mercury scuffed the floor with his boot, knee jumping up and down in a restless tick. Gritting her teeth, Cinder fixed Emerald with an annoyed stare, a feeling of satisfaction flowing through her when the younger girl felt her gaze and straightened up, turning to face her.

“Sorry,” Emerald mumbled in apology, folding her hands to keep them still. When Cinder turned to face Mercury, his leg froze, his face twisting in a grimace.

Her satisfaction didn’t last long.

She needed something to occupy her mind. Not just during classes but outside of them. Cinder had already completed all her preparations which left her with an abundance of time. The only thing that remained was ensuring that the virus they planted in the CCT was operational and fit for purpose, but that couldn’t be tested until the tournament began. Everything and everyone else was in place, waiting for the signal. As long as Arthur had done his job right, then everything should proceed smoothly. As much as it irritated her to rely on the windbag, it could not be helped. This was his area of expertise.

So what was there to keep her occupied? All this waiting was wearing on her nerves and while she was bored, she was also stressed. One wrong move could bring the whole house of cards down around her. General Ironwood was on high alert and while this was expected, planned for, his androids important to her end game, it was also dangerous. A single mistake was all it would take and a restless mind was not a sharp one.

As galling as it was to admit, she needed to get laid.

Her options were limited.

Cinder Fall wasn’t the type of woman to settle for just anyone. She was exceedingly beautiful and knew it, and was not one to allow a man to have their way with her. No one would ever have control over her, not even in the carnal act of lovemaking. She would never return to servitude in any way. Fingers traced her neck, feeling the phantom collar constrict around her throat, the shocks of agony a distant memory.

Salem was different – because really, what could she do against a God? But no man or woman would ever lord over her, at any time. She needed to find someone attractive but pliable, easy to manipulate to meet her desires and scratch her itch, to keep her entertained. That immediately eliminated practically all of the student body. While these hormonal young men would be easy to lead on, she did not want some wannabe jock prick thinking he was top shit because she deigned to allow him some of her time.

Cinder did not mind arrogance. It was far from the worst trait a person could have. What she despised was unearned arrogance.

There was Roman Torchwick – a man of handsome bearing, that was true, but he was more likely to try eliminate her in a moment of daring. While she had him firmly under heel, there was no more vulnerable time than in the throes of passion. If there was even a chance he could wiggle his way out from under her thumb, he would take it without hesitation. She was likely to find a knife buried in her neck.

No, it would not be Roman.

Leaning back, she considered Mercury but quickly discarded the thought. She would admit that he was good looking but he was already an annoyance to keep level headed and under control, a mess of trauma and cocksure attitude. His prosthetic legs were another strike against him. Frankly, she found them disgusting. He was half a man – useful because of his skill set and not much else.

Emerald would be a viable pick – the girl was clearly smitten with her, indebted to her that ensured total obedience. Cinder had raised her up from the street, given her a purpose and a better life, even if it was one of crime. Unfortunately for her, Cinder was not attracted to women – not at all. Even then, Cinder found so few men genuinely attractive that if not for the few times she had partaken in carnal pleasure of the flesh, she would have firmly believed that she was attracted to nothing and no one.

Power was her lover.

But power couldn’t help her with this.

Peering around the classroom, her eyes settled briefly on those she considered annoyances. Ruby Rose – daughter of Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose, former pawns of Ozpin, and thorn in Roman Torchwick’s side. Yang Xiao Long – half sister to Ruby, daughter of the Raven Branwen. Weiss Schnee – heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, sister to General Ironwood’s second. Blake Belladonna – former White Fang, daughter of Kali and Ghira Belladonna, current Chieftain of Menagerie and the obsession of Adam Taurus’ deluded mind.

She paused on one in particular, her lip curling sourly.

Pyrrha Nikos – four time Mistral regional champion, greatest huntress-in-training of this generation, a peerless combatant with a semblance that, if Mercury was to be believed, could control and affect polarity.

And if her theories were correct, she was the likely candidate to receive the remnants of the Fall Maiden’s power. Arthur Watts had really come through with this one, as much as she hated that obnoxious bastard. Obtaining the specs of a particular machine able to manipulate and transfer aura – the manifestation of the soul.

What else could they be planning but this?

Cinder shifted her gaze quickly, feeling the power of magic well up deep inside, stunted and yearning for fulfillment. Indignation burned in her breast, hot and heavy.

Of all the people present, Pyrrha Nikos was the only one she recognized as a true threat. Even above and beyond those of the teachers, with the notable exception of Glynda Goodwitch and Ozpin himself. The fact that Ozpin was likely planning to pass on the fractured power of the Maiden to her only made her a bigger problem, one that needed to be eliminated in due course.

That power was hers. It belonged to no one else. Should she dare try and claim it, she would suffer for it. If you played with fire, you got burned – and Cinder would guarantee that she burned for it.

Having shifted her gaze, it had landed on another. Cinder blinked slowly, her head tilting as she considered the young man sitting next to Pyrrha Nikos.

Jaune Arc – and that was it. There was nothing noteworthy at all about him, unlike the others she had investigated and studied thoroughly. An ordinary young man by all accounts, hailing from a family of farmers in the northern region of Sanus. The only outstanding thing where he was concerned was that he was the partner of the Pyrrha Nikos.

And he had falsified his papers, gaining entrance to Beacon illegally. That was... interesting, and unexpected of such a seemingly bland do-gooder.

Admittedly, he was handsome in a cute boy-next-door way with messy blond hair and baby blue eyes. He was tall and broad of shoulder, and fit like any huntsman-in-training was expected to be. From what little she had observed while watching his more famous partner, Cinder found that he was a friendly and kind soul, the type with a smile for everyone, willing to lend a hand if you would only ask for it. He was also hopelessly taken with the Schnee heiress, though the white haired girl paid him little to no attention.

All while his own partner pined for him in return. Looking in from the outside, it was clear as day.

She could work with that.

If nothing else, it would please her greatly to see the heartbreak on Nikos’ face when she found out. Perhaps it was petty and mean spirited without reason, but Cinder didn’t care. She would take her amusement where she could get it. They would all be dead soon enough, if she had her way.

Cinder smiled to herself. Yes, this should do nicely.

He must have felt her eyes because he looked up, straight at her. Cinder maintained eye contact, not shying away. Jaune held an expression of surprise, startled – and then he smiled, giving her a small wave.

She returned it with a wink. His mouth dropped open, his smile turning quizzical.

Emerald spotted the interaction immediately and shot her a questioning look, one she ignored. She did not need to explain her every action. Her business was her own.

She didn’t have to endure that dreadful class much longer. When the bell rang signaling the end of the current period, Cinder packed her things and stood. Emerald and Mercury hastily followed, trailing after her as she ascended the stairs. When they exited the classroom, she paused, waiting for them to catch up.

“Go on with your day,” she spoke before they could. “I will be busy for the remainder of the afternoon.”

Mercury shrugged and continued on, unconcerned even though curiosity burned in his eyes. Emerald was harder to shake, remaining by her side.

“Cinder?” she questioned.

Amber eyes narrowed.

“Go,” she said, harsher.

Emerald stiffened before nodding, hurrying after her partner.

Alone, she waited by the door. Ruby Rose appeared first alongside her partner, the Schnee. They ignored her, walking on ahead as Blake Belladonna and Pyrrha Nikos appeared next, followed by Yang Xiao Long.

Lie Ren – orphan, skilled close-quarters combatant – and Nora Valkyrie – orphan, Lie Ren’s childhood friend and dangerous, lightning-based semblance user – walked alongside Jaune Arc, the last of their friend group. He was talking with Nora when he spotted her, coming to a sudden halt. His friends followed suit, surprised.

“Hey,” he greeted. “Um – Cinder, right?”

So he knew her name, did he? She wasn’t expecting that.

“That’s right – Cinder Fall,” she offered her hand, eyes hooded as she smirked. Since he already knew who she was, she didn’t mind revealing her own knowledge. “And I believe you are Jaune, correct? Jaune Arc?”

“Yeah,” he said happily, shaking her hand. His grip was surprisingly firm, his palm warm. “I’m surprised you know who I am.”

Her voice lowered, her hair gracefully flowing across her shoulders as she tilted her head. “Oh, believe me – you tend to stand out.”

He didn’t – not at all, but he didn’t need to know that. Men were all about ego and she knew how to stroke their pride. It was as easy as breathing; a compliment here, a compliment there, and they were putty in your hands, ripe for you to mold however you saw fit.

Jaune straightened up even taller, grinning.

“This guy?” Nora scoffed, butting in. “I guess he is pretty tall – and okay, you’ve probably seen his muscles? He is packing some serious guns,” the ginger haired girl rubbed her chin in thought. “Hm – and he can be pretty funny, and he is a really good leader. Jaune! You really do stand out! I’m sorry I doubted you.”

“Nora,” Jaune groaned, sagging. “Please, stop.”

Cinder looked between them, bemused.

Lie Ren simply shrugged, a look of resignation on his face.

“Yes, well,” Cinder cleared her throat. “I was hoping to speak with your leader about something.”

Nora beamed. “Sure!”

They stared at one another. Ren buried his face in his hands, overcome with embarrassment. Cinder was starting to believe that the girl was slow in the head.

“Alone,” Cinder added, which should have gone without saying.

Nora’s mouth formed an O before giving Jaune a sly look.

Riiiiight, sorry, let’s just get out of the way,” Nora hooked an arm around Ren and pulled him away, shouting over her shoulder, “Ren is a little socially awkward and fails to notice social cues sometimes. Please forgive him.”

Jaune shook his head, watching Nora manhandle her partner down the hall and around a corner, vanishing from sight. A few seconds later, a ginger head of hair peeked around that very same corner in an attempt at being subtle and sneaky.

Cinder was dealing with a bunch of idiots.

“Sorry about that,” he said. “Nora can be a little... Nora sometimes.”

She had no idea what that meant – but at the same time she also had a pretty damn good idea. Tyrian could be a little Tyrian sometimes, so she understood completely. An agent of chaos, if you will. Perhaps Cinder needed to keep a closer eye on that girl in the future. An unpredictable element was not a welcome one.

“So,” he turned to face her, giving her his undivided attention. “You wanted to speak with me?”

“I did,” she confirmed, folding her arms behind her back. The Haven Academy uniform was far from flattering, hiding her alluring form but Cinder didn’t need to flaunt her perfectly proportioned breasts or highlight her slender waist. Her beautiful face would be more than enough for this one. “I find myself looking for someone to show me around. I am not from around here, as you know.”

Jaune laughed. “Yeah, you could say that.”

Cinder smiled in return, showing a hint of her blindingly white teeth. Carefully tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she peered up at him through her eyelashes.

“I thought that maybe you could take me around Vale and show me what this town has to offer,” she continued, lowering her voice. It made her already husky voice even deeper and breathy. “I have been down a few times but I feel like I’m missing out since I don’t really know the place very well. You must know all the good spots, yes?”

Jaune shrugged. “I guess – I mean, I don’t mind showing you around if that’s what you want. It sounds like fun.”

Cinder hummed, leaning in close enough that she knew he would be able to smell her perfume. It held notes of spice and citrus, earthy and woody, a warm scent that could very easily arouse the senses. It was a favorite of hers, a pleasant smell that garnered her more than a few compliments in the past.

If he noticed, he didn’t show it.

That was disappointing. She had wanted to witness him squirm.

“Shall we meet tomorrow at noon? We can travel down together.”

Jaune nodded. “Yeah – that sounds good to me. I have nothing planned.”

Triumph coursed through her veins. “Excellent.”

They exchanged numbers, Cinder making sure to stand as close as possible, their arms brushing together in the briefest of touches. Jaune gave her a shy smile and she grinned back, biting her lip. His eyes darted to her mouth.

She had him.

“Looks like I’ve made a new friend,” he said when her information was saved, tucked safely away in his scroll. She wanted to roll her eyes.

His naivety was cute. He reminded her of a puppy, easily led and impressed, and even had the urge to pat him on the head. Hm – maybe in another life, he would have made a good companion; loyal and stupid, and eager to please. When he waved goodbye, she waited until he was out of sight before her face smoothed out, any levity falling away.

That had been way too easy. That was only to be expected, of course – she was Cinder Fall, after all.

Now she had a ‘date’ to look forward to. She was curious how someone like Jaune would attempt to impress someone like her, so clearly out of his league – but it was only a passing thought. It didn’t matter. With how easy it was to get him to agree to show her around, it wouldn’t take much at all to lead him straight into the nearest hotel and show him the magnificence of her body.

She would take him to heaven and squeeze out of him every ounce of excitement – and then, when her ultimate plans came to fruition and she claimed the Fall Maiden’s full power, she would take him straight to hell.

But first – she needed to look her striking best.

What she didn’t understand was that even the best laid plans didn’t always survive contact with the enemy. It was a lesson that Cinder was about to find out.

When she returned to her room, she picked out a sensual red dress with a high slit to show off her long, elegant legs alongside a thick, black belt to draw attention to her small waistline and flaring hips. A pair of lacy black lingerie and stockings completed the simple yet alluring outfit, a set of gold earrings capping it off.

The next day couldn’t come soon enough.

“I will be away for the day,” she told her subordinates the next morning. Questions burned in their eyes as they appraised her outfit. “Continue your missions, identify any weaknesses we can exploit – Mint will also be arriving today. Make sure to inform her of our progress. She will be able to move around much easier than we, so set her on the task of finding Amber. Do not tell her what she is – do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Emerald bowed her head.

Mercury nodded, quickly looking her in the eye. He had been checking her out.

“I will message you upon my return.”

She waited until noon exactly to make her appearance at the airship terminals. As she approached, she noticed quite a few people loitering around – familiar people. Cinder frowned.

Jaune spotted her and waved to her excitedly, “Hey – over here!”

He wasn’t alone.

Ruby Rose beamed at her happily, a ball of nervous, excitable childish energy. She bounced up and down on her toes, fingers fiddling as she said, “Hi~! I’m Ruby! You’re on Emerald’s team, right?”

Cinder remembered that night, earlier in the year – the night this little waif of a girl had thwarted Roman Torchwick. Little Red would have died that night if not for the intervention of Glynda Goodwitch.

Next to her, Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company gave her a polite smile, even dropping into a small informal curtsy. “Greetings. My name is Weiss -- Weiss Schnee. Pleased to meet you, Cinder.”

She even offered her hand.

Mind numb, Cinder took her hand and shook it.

What was going on here?

Cinder looked at Jaune, arching an eyebrow in question but someone stepped between them, a girl with long blonde hair and lilac eyes.

“The name’s Yang,” the boisterous girl took her hand after Weiss, giving it a vigorous shake. “Jaune said you wanted someone to show you around Vale – well, you’re in good hands! I know all the sweetest spots, we’re gonna have a blast.”

“Blake,” the last member of Team RWBY greeted her, nodding.

He had invited his friends. The numbskull had invited his friends.

Cinder was in such disbelief that she almost missed the three others waiting in the wings.

“I’m Nora and this is Ren,” the ginger-haired girl said. Interestingly, Cinder noticed the look of pity she shot her. “You sorta met us yesterday but yeah – Jaune invited us all along, he wanted to make it this big thing. Don’t think too badly of him,” she whispered that last part, leaning in. “He is just a little dense. Like a brick – anyway, this is Pyrrha – you might have heard of her?”

“Hello,” Pyrrha Nikos waved at her.

She already knew who all these people were.

“She is Jaune’s partner,” Nora continued. “And, like – famous and stuff. Whatever, right? Anyway – I think the airship is about to leave so we better board.”

This wasn’t happening – there was no way this was happening, right? Cinder stared daggers at the back of Jaune’s head as they approached the airship, her annoyance growing. Had she not been clear enough? Surely he wasn’t such an idiot that he had missed all the signs. Cinder thought back to their conversation – okay, she had been purposely vague but she had been positive that he had understood her completely.

Apparently not. Their ‘date’ had turned into a gathering of friends to show the new girl around town.

Cinder somehow doubted she was getting laid today.

She missed the shrewd look Jaune graced her with when she wasn’t looking. It would have stood out since it was a very unusual expression for him to make.

What did teenagers do to amuse themselves in this day and age, anyway? She had no personal reference. She had grown up a slave and her teenage years had been spent surviving, until she had fallen into the service of Salem. Then it was survival of a different kind, a much more dangerous existence – but it was worth it.

She was about to be subjected to something stupid, she just knew it.

Each person wanted to show her something and by virtue of being Team RWBY’s leader, Ruby was first. The arcade they arrived at was an explosion of light and sound, deafening and chaotic. Children and teenagers gathered around various gaming booths, feeding money into machines for little more than a couple minutes of entertainment. It was a business with the sole duty of taking as much money from idiots as humanly possible, the type of establishment that Cinder could grudgingly respect.

That didn’t mean she wanted to visit one.

“Oh, you have to try this one,” Ruby sped over to a large machine with a massive screen, two wired handguns and a pair of pedals. “This is totally the best game here. If anyone disagrees, I will fight them.”

“Twenty lien says I beat you,” Yang boasted.

Ruby grinned with a few too many teeth. “You’re on~!”

Weiss massaged the bridge of her nose. “How do people keep their sanity in a place such as this? I can hardly hear my own thoughts.”

A series of bells sounded as someone nearby hit the jackpot, their machine spewing out a long line of tickets. Weiss flinched at the piercing sound and Cinder felt that she had found a kindred spirit in that moment.

“It can be a little intense,” Jaune agreed. “How about we go over there?”

He pointed further in and Cinder followed him reluctantly. The range of games available to swindle people was truly impressive, she thought. There weren’t just videogames to bedazzle the weak minded, easily swayed masses. There were also booths that required a different skill set such as shooting basketballs through hoops, an air hockey table and even tests of strength. Cinder peered at the punch machine curiously, spotting the ‘no huntsman/huntresses allowed’ sign haphazardly stuck to the side.

“Aww,” Nora whined. “I wanted to try it. Discrimination!”

“You’d put the machine through the wall,” Blake commented blandly.

“So?” Nora shrugged without a care. “They should make it for everyone. Oh~! Whack-a-mole – what, no huntsmen allowed either? This place is rigged.”

“That is probably for the best. Nora wielding a padded mallet in a place like this just sounds unsafe,” Weiss reasoned. “Jaune – what is this contraption? It is filled with stuffed animals.”

Weiss peered through the glass interestedly and Cinder glanced over before looking away. Then she looked back, frowning. Attempting to seem disinterested, she took a step closer.

“That’s a claw machine. You have to try to pick up something with the claw and drop it in the chute – if you do, you can keep the prize.”

There were a wide range of different animals; fluffy white bunny rabbits, golden lions with scruffy manes, plump rounded birds of various color and even a cute looking crocodile with glasses. Cinder leaned in before noticing that she was standing right up against the machine, Weiss adopting a similar pose next to her.

She quickly stepped back.

She was not interested in some stupid stuffed dolls.

“I may give this a try,” Weiss said slowly, reaching into her purse and producing a card. “How does this work?”

Jaune laughed. “Uh – you have to buy tokens up at the counter. You can’t put your credit card in there.”

“I see,” Weiss straightened up. “I will return shortly.”

When she did, she returned with enough tokens for everyone several times over.

“Here you go,” she handed one overflowing cup to Pyrrha, tokens spilling out onto the floor. “This should keep Nora entertained.”

Pyrrha blinked. “Uh – thank you, Weiss.”

“Blake – hold this,” Weiss thrust the other cup into the black haired girl’s hands, spilling even more tokens. “We are going to free these adorable little animals from captivity. I’m sure you understand and are willing to help?”

Blake shrugged. “I want the penguin.”


Cinder stared at the cup of tokens. Perhaps one try wouldn’t hurt? She was meant to be alleviating her boredom and while this wasn’t exactly the way she had planned to do so, it was better than nothing. Even if it was degrading for one such as her to be playing a stupid game of chance.

Plucking a couple of coins out of the pile, she approached another machine. This one had an assortment of different plushies. Cinder blinked – before letting out a startled laugh, quickly covering her mouth. Jaune joined her and looked down, his eyes widening a fraction at the sight.

Grimm. It was a sea of soft little plush Grimm.

Someone had turned humanity’s greatest enemy, the bane of their species into a children’s toy.

“If only the Grimm were really this cute,” Jaune joked. “The world would be a much better place.”

Cinder eyed a particularly cute Beowolf perched precariously by the front. It was a little fat and its eyes were big and round, looking harmless with a dopey snarl.

“How do I work this machine?” she asked, shooting him a sharp look. “This is my first time. Show me.”

If Jaune took offense to the fact that she had demanded it of him rather than ask, he didn’t show it.

“So you put the token in here,” he slid one of the tokens into a slot and it fell into the machine with a clink, a small screen flashing to life with the number one. “That means you have one turn available. Now you use these sticks here to control the claws position – the left moves it back and forwards, the right moves it side-to-side. When you have it in position, you hit the big yellow button and the claw will lower and attempt to pick something up. It can be quite difficult and take several tries.”

Weiss was also listening to his explanation, though she was acting discreet. The sheltered heiress had no doubt never tried such a game before.

Cinder scoffed. “How hard could it be?”

Very hard, she discovered.

On her first attempt, she missed the stuffed toy entirely. The glass warped your depth perception, making it easy to misjudge the distance and positioning. Annoyed but quickly figuring out what adjustments she needed to make, she tried again. This time she was closer, the claw closing around the plump body but when it went to rise, the metal prongs snapped together uselessly. The plushie had not budged even an inch.

Cinder scowled.

Her third and forth tries were similar, her fifth slightly better – lifting the toy briefly before it tumbled back down into the pile of other soft, cuddly Grimm. The new position it landed in was slightly easier to grasp but she could never get it much further than an inch or so before the claw would give way, dropping her prize. Her hands tightened on the joysticks, threatening to snap them.

She was beyond annoyed now.

“This is rigged,” she declared. The glass, the weakness of the claw – this was simply another extortion tactic. “You can’t win.”

“Yes~!” Weiss cheered uncharacteristically, pumping her fist as the stuffed crocodile with glasses tumbled into the chute. Excitedly, she bent down and retrieved her prize, hugging it to her chest. It was a ridiculous sight.

“I want the penguin,” Blake demanded when Weiss was finished embracing her new toy.

Cinder’s eye twitched.

It took Weiss three more attempts to land the penguin Blake desired, and then the pair moved on. Cinder glared at the Beowolf with true hatred as her claw failed to grasp the prize again and again, her hand slamming tokens into the machine so hard that it was audible across the room.

Jaune continued to watch her fail spectacularly and a hot flush of rage rose up her neck, suffocating. Her cheeks and ears burned, her skin blotchy and red. She would not be defeated by a stupid claw machine. She wouldn’t. She was Cinder Fall, right hand woman of the goddess Salem – Queen of the Grimm. She was destined to be the Fall Maiden, to wield magic incomprehensible. There was nothing she couldn’t do!

The large cup of tokens was nearly depleted by the time the Beowolf tipped over onto the edge of the chute. It balanced precariously, unsure which way to fall – and for a moment, the briefest second, Cinder thought it was going to roll back into the machine and she was going to put her fist through the glass, appearances be damned, and then she would burn down the entire arcade – but that didn’t happen. Finally, it tumbled down into the prize box.

The game was won.

Cinder exhaled shakily, fingers slowly uncurling from around the joysticks. Her muscles felt tight and unresponsive and it took her a moment to relax, her body sagging as all the annoyance and irritation bled away. She’d done it – she’d done it!

“Good work,” Jaune praised, bending down to retrieve the stuffed Grimm. Holding it out to her, he gave it a shake. “You earned it.”

She snatched it away and stared at the stupid little creature, feeling an almost overwhelming urge to choke it. Restraining her baser instincts, she instead cradled it against her chest.

“We better go see what the others are doing. Come on.”

Cinder followed without a word, not trusting her voice at the moment. She hadn’t cried in many years and she wasn’t about to start now. Not over a silly arcade machine. When she enacted her plan to attack Vale and Beacon, she would make sure that this place was hit first. She would not allow it to stand. It had tried to embarrass her, so it would pay the price.

When they rejoined the group, Ruby was seething as Yang relentlessly teased her.

“What’s going on?” Jaune asked.

Yang laughed, jerking a thumb at her little sister. “Sore loser – she choked on the final boss and I got a better score. Maybe I should have Crescent Rose instead since I’m the better shot.”

“You are not!” Ruby growled. “You got lucky!”

“Ah, ah, ah – that had nothing to do with luck, sis. That was pure skill gap.”

Ruby glared at her sister.

“Hey – where is Pyrrha?” Blake asked, looking around.

They found her soon enough, her neck encircled by ribbons of tickets. One of the arcade staff members looked stressed as she proceeded to cash them all in, pointing at a massive teddy bear on the shelf. It was almost half the size of a person and cost over three thousand tickets. How Pyrrha had earned that many in such a short amount of time was a mystery, but when they were all counted out, she was the proud new owner of the biggest stuffed bear any of them had ever seen.

Cinder glanced down at her Beowolf and then at the massive bear, her stomach twisting in knots.

When they stepped out onto the street, they garnered some odd looks. Pyrrha hauled her prize over her shoulder, a comical sight.

“So, who’s hungry?” Yang asked. “I know the best burger joint in Vale. Cinder – you’re about to have your taste buds rocked.”

She somehow doubted that but smiled, even if it was a brittle thing. She still hadn’t recovered from her humiliation. Thankfully, Jaune had been the only witness to her failing and hadn’t mentioned it. A point in his favor; he knew when to keep his mouth shut.

Food was a touchy subject for her. Growing up the way she did meant that for many years, she ate nothing but scraps and leftovers at the Glass Unicorn. While the quality of the food was high when delivered to the customers, it resembled little more than a miss match of goop when it arrived on her plate. She was always given just enough to keep her from becoming ill but hunger was her only friend for many years. Now that she was Cinder Fall and no longer that wretched creature, she made a point of eating only the best. Never again would sub par meals touch her tongue. She had a particular liking for seafood, prepared in the ways of Mistral.

Burgers were beneath her refined palate.

Yang led them to a small burger shack wedged between a bookstore and a gym. Cinder’s first impression was that this place needed to be shut down, immediately. There was no way it passed healthy and safety regulations. The glass was murky, the walls covered in grime and the tiled floors were cracked, stained and outdated. An old woman manned the counter, her face carrying as many wrinkles as there were cracks in the floor, a cigarette dangling from her lips. Dull green eyes peered at them with difficulty from behind a pair of thick, grubby glasses.

Cinder wasn’t alone in her apprehension.

“What is this place?” Weiss demanded. “Yang – we aren’t trying to poison our competition, though I commend your efforts to ensure our victory.”

“I’m telling ya – this place is the bomb. Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

“I think this cover is peeling off,” Blake deadpanned.

Yang rolled her eyes. “Look – just trust me, alright? And then you can all apologize to me afterwards.”

The menu was straightforward – burgers, fries and drinks, that was about the extent of it. They had milkshakes on offer, and there were more types of burgers than Cinder knew existed but they were the very definition of ‘stay in your lane’.

“Do you like chicken?” Yang turned her way.

“I suppose,” Cinder replied slowly.

“I recommend the garlic aioli and avocado fried chicken sandwich with the special sauce if you like spice. You’ll never be the same.”

Cinder did like spice.

“Fine,” she agreed while they moved forward to order.

The old woman was about as polite as she looked, barking their orders back to the kitchen without pause. Cinder caught sight of a humongous man bent over a stove, his long hair tied back in a greasy bun – he had to be at least as tall as Junior, the information broker that Roman recommended but twice as wide.

This was a mistake.

“If I get sick, there will be hell to pay,” Weiss promised.

“Aww, don’t you know the food rule, Weiss?” Nora dismissed her complaining with a flippant wave. “The worse a place looks, the better the food tastes?”

“There is no such rule!”

“It’s practically science,” Nora pressed.

“Fake science,” Weiss snapped back.

Cinder had to agree with the Schnee heiress. She was already thinking up increasingly more vicious scenarios where she took revenge on Yang Xiao Long for making her violently ill. When she claimed her ultimate power, the blonde would be the first one to suffer her wrath if she hadn’t already fallen to the Grimm.

Much to her surprise, Jaune must have noticed the uneasy expression on her face. Cinder thought she’d been doing a good job of hiding it. “Don’t worry. If Yang says the food is good, I believe her.”

He was more observant than he looked, wasn’t he? Cinder returned his encouraging look with one of doubt. He looked completely unconcerned, though. Either he was a fool or he was correct, and she was worried for nothing.

“The walls are oozing grease,” she pointed out dryly.

“I mean, yeah,”

“The floor is filthy.”

He looked down. “Yeah, it could do with a clean.”

“That woman is smoking.”

“Mm – that isn’t great, sure – but the food will be really tasty. I trust Yang.”

Cinder didn’t.

Admittedly, when the food arrived, Cinder felt her mouth begin to water. It smelled delicious. The fries were golden and unable to halt her curiosity, she plucked one from the cardboard cup they came in and tried it. It crunched beautifully, the hard exterior seasoned with the perfect amount of salt and mixed herbs. The inside was fluffy and hot, and Cinder felt her stomach rejoice.

Yang had been right – at least, so far. Jaune grinned at her.

They made their way out of the store and this time Ren led them to a nearby spot, a park nestled away with towering trees and well maintained lawns and gardens. Finding a free picnic table, they all sat down and Cinder unwrapped her burger. The scent assaulted her nose at once and only stimulated her hunger more. She inspected it thoroughly, searching for anything out of place – a stray hair, mold, anything. The bun was lightly toasted and glossy, melted cheese, aioli and spicy sauce oozing out over the crunchy shell of the fried chicken. Carefully maneuvering it into the best position, Cinder tentatively raised it to her mouth and gave a bite. Much like the fries, the chicken crunched as her teeth applied pressure, the interior juicy and hot. The combination of sauces and cheese, the sharp tang of onion, the mellow profile of the avocado and acidity of the tomato blended together seamlessly.

It was fantastic.

Cinder scowled as she took another bite – and then another, and another, alongside handfuls of fries. All too soon, her food was gone, leaving behind greasy fingers and a tongue yearning for more. She washed it down with a bottle of water.

“Didn’t I tell ya?” Yang boasted smugly.

Weiss shot her a frustrated look. “Fine – I will admit that the food was delicious. But! Could they not take a little pride in their store? Is that so much to ask? How does operating in squalor help them, exactly?”

“Science,” Nora said sagely.

Weiss looked like she was about to have a fit, especially when her partner began laughing at her.

As much as it galled her, Cinder would have to return to that little dingy shop at least one more time before she reduced it to rubble.

The rest of the day was spent moving from place to place, each person showing her a new thing. Blake led them to a dessert stand down by the water, their ice cream creamy and smooth. They watched the seagulls harass careless tourists as they consumed their treats. After that, Nora took them to a small alley tucked between towering buildings, the path lined with cobblestones and lined by cafes. Amateur musicians played instruments for lien while some even performed minor magic acts like making small objects disappear, though it was all just slight of hand. The coffees here were exquisite and Cinder added another place to return to while she could.

They must have covered at least half the city by the time the sun began its descent. Finally, Pyrrha led them all to a small tower by the river that fed into the sea. It gifted them the most magnificent view of the ocean, the flat waters glowing orange as the sun settled upon the horizon, the sky a mixture of blues, purples and reds.

The day had been a success. Cinder was no longer bored – and while her original goal had been thwarted, that was all she really cared about. Even though getting her itch scratched would have been way more enjoyable.

Vale was nice. It was almost a shame that she was going to reduce it to a steaming pile of ruin in the coming month.

They were getting ready to return to Beacon when Jaune unexpectedly informed them that he had some business to take care of, and that they should return without him. His partner was a little hesitant to leave him but he assured them that he would return soon, that he would be on the next flight up. The airships didn’t stop running until midnight so he was in no danger of missing out.

Cinder almost missed it.

Blue eyes glanced her way, motioning for her to follow.

When he was gone, she invented her own excuse.

“I’m meeting my team tonight for dinner,” she lied smoothly, giving them a shallow bow. “Thank you for the tour. It was... lovely.”

She wasn’t even lying about that last part. Cinder had enjoyed it.

“No problem,” Yang beamed. “If you ever wanna hang again, just hit us up.”

She hadn’t enjoyed it that much.

Cinder watched them board the airship and waited until it was lifting into the air before turning, and walking in the direction she had seen Jaune go. Quickly messaging Emerald to inform her that she and Mercury need to remain scarce for the rest of the night so her lie wasn’t discovered, she walked until she felt someone fall into step with her.

Cinder arched an eyebrow at him, tilting her head to the side to watch him. “So – what is this all about, hmm?”

Jaune shrugged. “You invited me out, right? I wanted to know why.”

Cinder blinked, slightly taken aback by his bluntness.

“I thought that at first, you just wanted to get close to Pyrrha,” he admitted when she didn’t say anything. “That happens more often than you’d think – Pyrrha is really famous, after all, and you are from Haven. Some of the other guys from your school have been sniffing around. Sometimes it’s because they want to meet Weiss. Her family is a big deal. Since all the students have arrived for the Vytal Festival, it has only gotten worse. I guess they see me as an easy in.”

Cinder remained silent as they walked. She had always known he was tall but now that they were alone, walking together as twilight blanketed the city above, it became more apparent. The beginnings of a sharp jaw were appearing as he shed the last of his youthful softness, and Cinder knew that it wouldn’t be long at all until he graduated from boy next door cute to truly handsome.

If he survived the coming storm.

From what she had seen of his combat record, it was unlikely.

“But we spent half the day together and you barely said two words to either of them,” he continued. “You didn’t talk much at all. You mostly stuck by my side. Maybe I’m wrong but you don’t strike me as the shy type, Cinder.”

It was cute, though – how he did all this to protect his friends. He was certainly loyal, wasn’t he? Cinder valued loyalty. Emerald could be annoying sometimes with how she followed her around like a lost little puppy but it was satisfying to hold such sway over her, and comforting to have someone that would never turn against her. The same couldn’t be said for Mercury. He followed her purely out of fear and self preservation. Jaune would be of a similar mold to Emerald, she knew. If she gained his affection and undying loyalty, he would go to the ends of the earth for her.

It was a shame that he was already so entrenched with others but perhaps she could test the waters. Men could be dumb, lustful creatures – especially young men. It wasn’t unusual for a woman to take complete control of such weak willed men with nothing but their feminine wiles. Sex could be a weapon most valuable.

“Well – I did invite you, after all,” she said, keeping her voice low. It made her already husky tone sound breathless and alluring. “I simply wished to share your company.”


He really was dense, though – thick as a brick.

Cinder pinned him with a smoldering look. “Why do you think? You are a handsome young man and I am a beautiful young woman. What do two such people do together?”

Jaune stared at her.

“Would you like to find out?” she asked, lips quirking into a seductive tilt.

She extended a hand and felt a flash of triumph as he met her halfway, their fingers lacing together. As if there was any doubt.

“Come,” she beckoned.

He followed without a word.

The hotel was top of the line, a five star resort on the water overlooking the vast bay that protected the kingdom from Grimm as much as it provided valuable trade routes and fishing stock. Checking in, she had them send a bottle of their finest rosé to their room in advance before leading him to the elevator. He followed obediently, his face curiously blank. Was he in shock?

She rubbed his arm, “You feel tense. Are you nervous?”

He looked at her. “More like surprised.”

Cinder smirked. “Are you a virgin?”

She expected him to squirm, to deny it, to act flustered at the sudden question. Instead, he just nodded. The trip to the upper floors was long but when they arrived, their room awaited. It was large with a beautiful view, furnished lavishly. A ring of black leather couches faced a massive television, mounted on the wall opposite the floor to ceiling windows. To the right was a bar, the counter top marble, the shelves fully stocked with various liquors, comfortable stools lined up in front. The floor was black tile, the space around the living area carpeted. Further in, the bedroom was open with the same amazing view, the double bed set against a large mirror. Only several paces away from the bed was the bathroom, completely open with a large spa bath.

Jaune whistled.

“I assume that you like it?”

He nodded. “It’s very nice.”

On the bar, the bottle of rosé she had ordered was sitting in a bucket of ice, two flutes prepared for them. Cinder made sure to add a little extra sway to her hips as she approached, glancing over her shoulder to gauge his reaction. His gaze traced down her figure, settling on the swell of her ass before darting up to meet her eyes.

“Like what you see?” she asked.

“You could say that.”

Cinder hid her frown while she set aside her plush toy and cracked open the bottle, pouring them both a drink.

There was something about him that was off, though she couldn’t place her finger on what. More than once, he had acted contrary to what she expected. He wasn’t confident, exactly – but unconcerned. He was alone with a beautiful woman and while she had established that he was dense, he wasn’t that stupid. She’d asked him if he was a virgin. There was no mistaking what was about to take place.

Yet when she handed him the flute of wine, he simply smiled at her and took a sip.

“Mm,” he hummed in delight. “This is good.”

Cinder tasted it and agreed. It more than earned its price.

They finished their drinks in silence, enjoying the view. The sun was now long set and the broken moon was beginning its ascent. Placing down her empty glass, she unzipped her dress. The sound was magnified by the silence of the room and Jaune turned to face her, eyes settling on the exposed creamy skin of her back.

“Come,” she commanded.

Jaune placed his glass down and followed her to the bedroom.

“Undress me.”

Her voice brooked no argument. His hands settled on her shoulders, brushing against her skin as he peeled the material away. His palms were slightly rough and warm, his fingers dragging against her as he revealed her bra-clad breasts. She was neither large nor small, a healthy size with youthful perkiness. Giving her hips a little shake, the belt around her waist followed her dress, sliding down over her hips and pooling around her feet. Black lacy underwear cupped her pert bottom, enhancing its shape.

Turning to face him, Cinder smirked. His blue eyes were dark, tracing the lines of her fit, beautiful body. His hands tried to settle on her hips but she stepped away, an amused expression crossing her face. This was about what she wanted – she was in control.

“You’ll do as I say,” she ordered. “Understand?”

There was a brief moment where she thought he was about to refuse. Impossible. No man would ever turn his back on her divine form, her modesty shielded by two simple pieces of thin cloth. And yet the way he looked at her...

But then he nodded, an easy smile crossing his lips.


Calmly, he unbuttoned his shirt. Too calmly, but she was distracted by the defined muscles of his broad chest and chiseled abdominals. He wasn’t overly buff, his body sculpted like a warrior and athlete as opposed to a body builder. And he was sculpted, ripped in a very aesthetically pleasing way. His arms flexed and rolled as he began undoing his belt and she couldn’t take her eyes off the way his obliques rippled across his ribs.

She had chosen well.

Cinder wondered if his little friends knew how he looked undressed. Pyrrha Nikos knew, surely. No wonder the girl was down for her partner so bad. They trained together almost every day, Mercury had observed. His reports had been solely about Nikos but it was expected to learn a little about her partner in the process. He was a useless fighter but he had the body of someone much more capable. Swordplay would come in time if he wasn’t a complete incompetent.

An ember of desire flickered deep in her belly as he kicked off his shoes and toed off his socks, before unzipping his jeans and pulling them down his strong, built legs. When he straightened up, she noticed the bulge of his cock through his underwear. Her state of undress had aroused him.

When he hooked his thumbs inside the waistband of his boxer-briefs, Cinder licked her lips. His half-hard erection popped free as he pulled down his underwear, her belly clenching as she observed his length. It wasn’t even at full mast and yet it was already impressive, larger than any of her previous lovers. This was what she needed – it was the perfect tool to relieve her stress. Now she just needed to coach him on how to use it.

She would rule his body.

When he was completely nude, she stepped forward and seized her prize. Jaune hummed as her hand closed around him, stroking his quickly stiffening cock. He kept his pubic hair well trimmed and maintained, a small golden halo encircling the base and little more. His balls were heavy and full, hanging freely beneath. Feeling a man reach his peak hardness was a powerful experience, his cock throbbing against her palm as it stretched and grew. It curved upwards, straining as she caressed it gently, the glans thick and flushed. The shaft was wide and covered in veins, and her fingers couldn’t touch as she squeezed him.

“This is mine tonight,” she informed him. “I will do with it whatever I wish.”


“I am in control,” she continued. “If you overstep, you will not like the consequences.”


Her thumb teased the very tip, feeling the first droplet of pre-cum ooze out. Jaune stared at her with lustful eyes, completely at ease with the situation. Again, she felt a slither of unease but she squashed it ruthlessly. She was Cinder Fall. What did she have to feel uneasy about? He was a nobody, a convenient toy and nothing more. A kind, handsome boy whose world she was about to rock in exchange for a service only he could provide her. A service she would like to repeat if things went well, until such a time she tore down the life he built and claimed her destiny.

Jaune Arc would keep her occupied until the time came. She would make sure his death would be quick if he pleased her.

“On the bed,” she released his member and watched him crawl across the mattress, his head falling back on the pillows. That way his muscles bunched and moved made her insides coil in appreciation, his cock flopping against his belly stoking the flames further. On the bedside cabinet, a collection of small square packages sat – the wine hadn’t been the only thing she had ordered from room service.

Grabbing one of the packages, she tore it open. The round condom fell into her palm.

Men usually expected a little foreplay, for her to put her mouth on their cock. She would never participate in such a demeaning act. Cinder knew that it had its uses but she didn’t require it. Her splendor was more than enough. Was his hard cock not proof of that?

Crawling across the bed, she seated herself on his thighs. Pulling his length upright, she placed the condom against his fat crown and pinched the latex tip. Jaune flexed his hips as she rolled it down his burly shaft. The condom strained and only covered three-quarters of his cock, looking stuffed to the limit. Cinder frowned.

It would have to be enough.

Reaching behind her back, she unhooked her bra and freed her breasts. Jaune groaned as they were revealed to his eyes and Cinder grinned, her nipples hardening in the cool air. They were small and an attractive bright pink, almost red as the tips crinkled. Slightly upturned, their natural sag was minimal. His cock flexed eagerly.

“Are you impressed?” she asked haughtily.

Jaune nodded. “Very.”

Next she peeled off her underwear, hissing as the material clung to her vulva. Much to her surprise, she was very wet, her essence pooling in the crotch. It stretched between her pussy and underwear, thick and musky. Above her slit, a well maintained strip of dark hair traversed the curvature of her mons. Panties ruined, she tossed them aside before settling her crotch on the underside of his cock, her stocking clad knees bracketing his hips.

“Mm,” she hummed, rolling her hips expertly. The underside of his length held a prominent ridge from balls to head, the hard flesh stimulating her clit every time she tilted her waist. Stroking his cock with her dripping heat, she slapped his hands away as they attempted to grasp at her hips.

“I am in control,” she reminded him, eyes narrowing in threat. “You just lay there like a good little boy.”

His hands settled back by his side and she nodded, swiveling her hips side-to-side. Her plump vulva were spread either side of his thickness, giving his cock a messy, sticky hot hug. Placing one hand on his firm chest, the other raked nails down his abs. Cinder reveled in the feel of his body, tracing the dips and curves as her hips moved faster. Pleasure burned in her stomach, her clit throbbing at it brushed against his covered flesh again and again.

“Mm, you’re so beautiful, Cinder,” Jaune said – and a bolt of satisfaction and desire raced up her spine. Flattery was always nice. She wasn’t above admitting that. “I want to touch you so badly.”

Of course he did. Who wouldn’t? But it would be on her terms and her terms alone.

The sound of her wetness was loud and obscene, her panting breaths filling the air. Tossing her head back, Cinder bit her lip. She was ready now. She was ready for his cock.

Cinder paused her hips, her thighs quivering as propped herself up. Grabbing the base of his now drenched dick, she pointed it up at her puffy cunt. The crown split her labia and rested against her tight entrance, prodding at her hole. A flare of apprehension bloomed in her gut. This was the biggest cock she had ever had and not only that, it had been a long time since she had laid with a man. Look how wet she had gotten and they hadn’t even engaged in any significant foreplay. But then it was gone and she pressed down, hissing as the glans popped inside.

It stretched her open as she continued to lower herself. There was a sharp pinch as her flesh gave way, a mild discomfort as she worked it in with little rocking motions. He really was big and thick, and long – it just kept going, and Cinder clenched her jaw when his crown swiped across her g-spot.

“Shit, Cinder – you’re so tight, baby.”

She focused on that spot, rubbing his tip against her sweet spot. Moans built up in her throat but she refused to release them, face twisting at the effort to keep silent. Again and again, her waist rolled and her hips shook, lightly bouncing in shallow, quick thrusts. Her walls throbbed and clenched every time his cock pressed on her g-spot, her eyes rolling up. Her nipples ached to be touched and so she pinched them, breathing shaky as her fingers plucked at them until they were raw with sensation. His chest stretched and flexed as he tucked his hands behind his head, and he looked so handsome and fuckable that she sped up.

That’s it, she thought. Just lay there and take it.

Her essence dripped down her thighs and his cock, coating his pelvis with her sticky syrup. Sinking down a little further, Cinder could no longer muffle her moans. Voice deep with pleasure, her husky cries grew in intensity as she took even more of his length. When it pressed as far as it could go, she groaned, hips jerking and grinding his condom covered tip against the entrance to her womb.

Looking down her flushed and sweaty body, she saw that she had taken most of his cock but not all of it. An inch or so remained outside, splitting her pussy lewdly. Her clit poked out from beneath its hood, red and moist, visibly erect. Releasing one of her nipples, she traced down her belly and circled her yearning bundle of nerves, sighing sweetly.

When was the last time that sex had felt this good?

He wasn’t even doing anything. Cinder was doing all the work, which was exactly what she wanted but his cock was hitting all of her buttons. The shape of it, the thickness and length – it was extraordinarily hard, and blazing hot, seated against her core. Clenching around his length, she shuddered when it flexed inside her, swelling slightly as it bumped against her cervix. Who would have thought that Jaune Arc would have such a delightful, delectable, perfect cock?

And it was hers for as long as she wanted it. If she were a kind woman, she would have felt sorry for Pyrrha Nikos – but if she were a kind woman, she wouldn’t be here at all.

A tight knot formed just beneath her bellybutton as she fucked herself on his fat cock, no longer even trying to stifle her moans. Her fingers moved frantically, pinching and rolling her stiff clit until it was on the verge of too much, the pleasure almost painful in its intensity. Her breasts heaved as she moved desperately, grinding him deeply until her toes curled and flexed. She felt almost delirious with the pleasure, her back arching and pointing her chest at the ceiling, her hands falling back to catch her weight. The new position pressed him harshly against the top of her vagina, raking his glans over her g-spot firmly as she bucked against him.

“Mmm – that’s it,” she groaned in ecstasy. “That’s it – ahh~! Mmmhhh – yeees, right there, r-right there~!”

Her climax built quickly. Cinder never considered herself easy to please. It often took her much too long to finish, even when she knew every little spot and trick to coax her arousal but this time, she didn’t have to work for it. It came to her, gladly.

Her fingers bunched the blanket as her hips stuttered and jumped, her tits shaking wildly as she rode her way to orgasm. Her insides coiled and collapsed around Jaune’s cock, throbbing and contracting as the knot in her belly burst. Something dark and hot spilled through her, and Cinder covered her mouth as she sobbed, gushing around his member as she cum.

Vaguely, she heard Jaune groan as she milked his length but she was far too gone, her body tensing and relaxing every time her core twisted and throbbed with pleasure. Her skin tingled from her flexing toes to her quivering breasts, her mouth thick with saliva. Unable to support her weight any long, her arms gave way and she fell back. His cock tugged roughly at her insides as it sprung free, her pussy briefly gaped before it clenched, expelling even more of her wetness. Cinder squirmed against the bed, biting her lip as aftershocks rolled through her.

She had never cum so hard in her life.

All she could hear for the next minute was her pounding heart and panting breath, her body lethargic as she recovered from such a mind blowing climax. She felt the bed shift as Jaune moved but ignored it, completely consumed by how her body felt. Squeezing her thighs together, she moaned softly, leaking over her butt.

This was just what she needed. She didn’t care that she looked undignified at this moment – all she cared about was how good she felt.

She jumped when hands caressed her ass, squeezing her butt and pulling it apart. Cinder was about to reprimand him for touching her without her permission when he buried his face between her cheeks, his tongue lapping at her wet, juicy cunt. She jerked, a startled moan wrenched from her throat as he started licking her sensitive clit.

“W-Wait,” she struggled to get up, legs shaking as he devoured her with loud, sloppy sucks. “S-Stop this a-at once!”

His fingers latched onto her hips and held her pelvis steady, his lips sealing around her clit and giving it a harsh suck. Cinder almost blacked out, her eyes rolling as her body spasmed. Then his mouth was gone, replaced by the head of his cock. It swiped up and down her leaking hole before he slapped it against her ass, her butt rippling from the impact.

Indignation burned in her breast, fueling her strength. She pulled away from him – or tried, his hold absolute. Magic pooled under her skin, her eyes bleeding fire as the power of the Fall Maiden answered her call, only for it to sputter and die when he reared back and spanked her ass, as hard as he could.

Cinder yelped. It was hardly the worst pain she had ever experienced but the surprise, the sheer gall of him to spank her like an unruly child completely blanked her mind.

“Fuck, look at this fat ass,” Jaune praised. “Sorry, Cinder – I can’t just sit back anymore. It was fun and all, but this body needs to get plowed.”

His voice was different. Deeper, darker – looking over her shoulder, the expression on his face wasn’t one she had seen him wear before. He looked hungry. He looked like a predator.

His burly length rested against her butt, pointing at the ceiling and it took her a few seconds to realize that it was no longer sheathed in a condom. Pre-cum oozed from the tip and dripped down the shaft and onto her skin, marking her.

Jaune had removed the condom.

Fire filled her but before she could release it, he grabbed his cock, lined it up with her plump lips and speared her with one brutal thrust. His cock cleaved through her and rammed into her cervix in a single strike, driving the air from her lungs as she choked. He remained seated inside her for a few seconds, relishing the heat of her molten snatch and the feel of her sticky folds against his raw cock before he pulled out slowly.

“S-Stop,” she moaned weakly, struggling. His fingers tightened, his grip bruising as he pulled out until his glans peeked out of her snug cavern before he plunged back in, banging deep. Cinder cried out in pleasure, squeezing around his cock. “Y-You bastard~!”

“Ah, that feels so much better,” Jaune groaned, repeating his slow withdrawal before pounding deep, striking her womb. “It really isn’t sex with a condom, is it? This is how it is meant to feel.”

Cinder tried to pry his hands free but it was useless, his strength overwhelming. Humiliation and anger mixed together, blazing hot. Her heart jack hammered with rage and pleasure, a confusing blend, her face flushed and eyes watering. Every time she attempted to call upon the magic she had torn from Amber, it fizzled away as he fucked her deeply.

Jaune established a slow, brutal rhythm, using the full length of his cock. Cinder moaned and shuddered with every bone rattling thrust, squealing as his balls slapped against her stinging clit. Her pussy gushed around his length, squirting whenever he bottomed out, her tummy clenching and milking his cock with single minded focus.

“Y-You’ll pay for this,” she threatened, sobbing in bliss. That previously loosened knot was twisting and tightening once more, throbbing darkly in her uterus. Whenever he pressed against it, it hardened, building. “Y-You have no – aahn~! – idea who you are m-messing with!”

She didn’t want it – she didn’t – and yet her body shook with ecstasy every time he drove into her, every time his cock flexed inside her. When he changed up his glide, jabbing into her with quick, shallow thrusts, she cried out in delight.

Cinder had promised herself that she would never let another person take advantage of her ever again, that she would never be below another person as long as she lived. Yet here she was, helpless – half Fall Maiden, a member of Salem’s inner-circle, getting her brains fucked out against her will. She should be riding him dry. Cinder had chosen Jaune because he was weak and easily led, handsome but unthreatening. He was a nobody; ordinary.

She now realized that she had made a mistake.

He was a monster.

Clap, clap, clap – her ass rippled as he fucked her, his pelvis slapping against her ass loudly, wet with her arousal. One of his hands released her hip and pressed down on her spine, forcing her chest against the bed. In this position with her back arched as it was, and her ass spread and in the air, he had to the perfect angle. He plunged against her womb relentlessly, Cinder seething with bliss as he ravaged her insides.

“Ah, fuck,” Jaune lengthened his thrusts once again, though now he was moving fast, fucking her without restraint. Releasing her hips entirely, he placed both hands on her back, leveraging all of his weight as he fucked her powerfully. “Ahhh – this feels so good, baby. Mmm – do you like getting fucked like this?”

Cinder moaned in reply, her voice muffled by the mattress. Her teeth bit down on the blanket, threatening to tear it as he drove into her, mating her like she was nothing more than a stupid bitch in heat. Now that his cock was uncovered, her folds caught on the ridge of his crown every time he pulled out, her insides getting tugged and stretched. Her thighs shook, her lungs burned, and Cinder screamed as her second climax slammed into her without warning.

Her entire body locked up, attempting to straighten out but Jaune’s superior strength and weight kept her in position. He groaned as her pussy spasmed and clenched rapidly around his pistoning cock, attempting to coax out his seed. He was going to breed her like she was some stupid love sick girl, fill her to the brim with his idiot semen.

She couldn’t allow that to happen.

“N-No,” she choked through her teeth, thrashing. Her insides coiled tight like a vice yet he continued to thrust into her heat, relentless. When her orgasm trailed off into a series of weak, tired convulsions, he pulled out, letting her body collapse to the side.

Had he come inside her?

Cinder peered back over her shoulder with watery eyes, glimpsing his still hard cock. It was flushed red and covered in her wetness, twitching as it hung arrogantly in the air. When he noticed her look, he smiled. It wasn’t the usual kind smile she had come to expect from him. This one was filled with lust, an almost smug tilt to it.

“We aren’t finished yet,” he informed her.

Regaining some semblance of strength, she lashed out with a kick. But she was not recovered, body slow and unresponsive. He caught her ankle easily and pulled her to the edge of the bed, flipping her over onto her back. She threw a fist at his face and missed by a hair, Jaune laughing as he gripped her wrists and pinned them above her head. He was seated between her thighs, his cock resting against her belly. It was a promise of things to come.

She tried to twist away when his other hand grabbed her throat – and she froze, a spike of terror paralyzing her. It wasn’t the flesh of his hand she could feel but the cold, emotionless steel of her collar. When Jaune tightened his hand to hold her in place, she instead felt the electric shocks of punishment. Cinder’s body tensed up before going slack, only to tense again when his cock nudged her labia apart.

“I like missionary,” Jaune said, loosening his hold on her throat. Cinder blinked up at him. It was then that she realized that he hadn’t been choking her, simply holding her still. “As much as I love your ass, I want to see your face.”

When he slipped back inside her, she crooned and arched her back, face twisting with pleasure. He didn’t bother taking it slow this time, drilling her from the beginning, pounding deep. Cinder cried out passionately, her body drawing taut as he drove her to the heights of pleasure. She stopped struggling, instead rocking her hips in time to each penetration, grinding her cervix against the tip of his dick whenever he hilted.

“Oh,” she grunted when he leaned down and bit her nipple, savaging it before soothing the hurt with his hot lips. He released her wrists and palmed her other breast, squeezing it roughly.

Cinder buried her fingers in his hair, digging her nails into his scalp in retaliation. Jaune hissed and bit her again, this time marking the swell of her tit. Her anger was now her pleasure, mind numb as he drove into her without pause. Locking her stockinged legs around his waist, she shook wildly as he plundered her.

He would pay. As soon as she could, she was going to make him suffer.

When her third climax arrived, she was incoherent. Moans tumbled from her mouth as she contracted around his cock and this time, it swelled inside her. Jaune bit and sucked at her neck as his member flexed, his balls tightened and volley after volley of hot, sticky cum flooded into her womb. Cinder panted as his heat filled her, attempting to impregnate her – the degenerate. Again and again, he shot his load into her, his hips jerking with each ejaculation until finally, he finished.

Cinder’s legs fell open, allowing him to pull away. Rolling over, she trembled as his hot, velvet cum flowed out of her abused hole and trickled over the curve of her ass. She felt sore, stretched and used – used like she had tried to use him. Cinder scowled, hand bunching the blankets as her rage began to build.

He was doing something behind her, rifling through his jeans. She needed to act docile, as much as it infuriated her. His rough fucking had rendered her pitiful and uncoordinated, her muscles twitching as her body continued to sing from his careless attentions. Then when the first opportunity presented itself, she was going to tear his fucking throat out.

No one abused Cinder Fall – not anymore.

Amber eyes blinked in confusion as something encircled her ankle, locking into place. Before she could check to see what it was, her body lost all strength. She flopped, boneless – and with alarm, Cinder realized that she couldn’t feel anything. She couldn’t feel the bed on which she rested, she couldn’t feel the residual aches and pleasure from their coupling, and she couldn’t feel her aura.

She couldn’t even feel the Fall Maiden’s power.

Her mouth opened and she tried to speak but only unintelligible gibberish came out, as if her tongue could not form the correct words. Fear spiked through her.

What had he done to her!?

Suddenly, she was being turned over. It felt surreal, her world tilting. His hands were on her body but she couldn’t feel it – and then she was face-to-face with him, his blue eyes filling her vision.

“Sorry about this,” he apologized, though he didn’t sound particularly sorry – not at all. “I was told that this thing would immobilize you and you wouldn’t be able to move or feel anything, but you would be still awake. Blink if you can hear me.”

Cinder tried to glare at him but her face struggled to move, twitching awkwardly. When she tried to speak, it was more gibberish. Her eyelids fluttered and he nodded, brushing her hair away from her face.

“Right – uh, this probably isn’t how you thought tonight would go, huh?” he scratched his cheek, looking sheepish. This was much more like the Jaune she expected, as if he was a completely different person to the one that just fucked her senseless. “Sorry about being so rough – it’s just that I knew I had to throw you off so you wouldn’t stop me from slipping this thing onto you.”

He lifted her leg up and Cinder spotted the band of metal around her ankle, a little green light blinking on the surface. The fact that she felt nothing as he dropped her leg was very off putting.

“The Headmaster said you were a very dangerous woman,” he continued, and Cinder felt a cold hand squeeze her heart. “I don’t think he meant for me to – uh, sleep with you to get it done but I was seriously outgunned here. I couldn’t exactly fight you and force you to wear it that way. Sometimes I think he wants me to fail. I’m pretty sure he is still mad that I was able to trick my way into his school.”

Jaune shook his head.

“Anyway, that is Atlas tech – courtesy of General Ironwood. Apparently you attacked some poor girl and they are pretty steamed about it,” Jaune gave her a disappointed look. “I don’t really know what all this is about but they stressed that you were working with a really bad person. If I wanted to stay at Beacon, I had to help them capture you while they dealt with your team. I’ve been doing little odds and ends for the Headmaster since the start of the year. They thought I’d be the best bet since you wouldn’t expect it. You found their listening devices in your room, so they knew you were really paranoid. I think they bugged all the rooms of the incoming students, probably trying to find out who you were – but it wasn’t until Pyrrha told me about your partner and his metal legs that something seemed to click for them. Oh – ah, her semblance let her know about it. I’m glad I told them. Anyway, when you invited me out, it really was a stroke of good luck.”

Cinder desperately scrambled for her power but there was nothing, just a vast emptiness. This couldn’t be the end – it just couldn’t! She was Cinder Fall, it was her destiny to become the Fall Maiden. She wouldn’t be defeated this way – not by this pathetic, weak nobody from some backwater village!

Defeated by his cock, of all things.

“The sex was great, by the way,” he then said, as if he could read her mind and wanted to rub salt into the wound. “I – uh, I’m not a virgin. Sorry about lying, I just thought it would make me seem less threatening. You’re really beautiful, though and I had a lot of fun. Maybe if you tell them what they want to know, they’ll let you go.”

They would never let her go. This was the end for her. She had failed. Spectacularly.

The bed shifted as he stood.

“Um – I’ll have to ring them now,” Jaune fetched his scroll, waving it so she could see. “But – yeah, I think we better wash up first. Even if you’re a baddie, I can’t just hand you over looking like this. How does a bath sound?”

Kill her – just kill her now. She would rather die than suffer anymore of his presence.

When Ozpin’s dog, Qrow Branwen arrived, she was freshly washed and clothed. Jaune had taken his time with her, making sure she was looking her best. A small comfort when she spotted the smug expression on Qrow’s face.

One look at the bed told him everything he needed to know.


Morrigan Newhart

Lovely unexpected turn around, definitely could have seen this gun in a longer format but liked it a lot nonetheless. Excited for the Pyrrha one too!


I kinda want there to be a sequel to this where Jaune meets Cinder in prison for conjugal visits, this is part of devilish scheme of manipulation on Cinder's part to try and escape and not at all because she likes Jaune or wants his dick or anything. B-Baka.


I mean the Pyrrha one could easily be connected to this one.