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 Li’s strange cheeky behavior towards Nora finally had a cause, or at least one he now knew.

She was going into heat.

Of course, out of his team, he was the last one to figure it out. Pyrrha and Nora both knew what her increased aggression regarding her partner meant but since she hadn’t focused any of her attention on him, Jaune had completely dismissed the possibility.

Now? Well, it was a little hard to ignore.

Li was practically glued to his side after his bout with Blake. As if his victory had unlocked something in her brain. If she wasn’t stroking his fingers or palm, massaging his forearms or bicep, she was nuzzling her face against his arm, burying her face in his side. Whenever she did this, she would inhale deeply as if trying to fit him in her lungs, her eyes hazy as she groaned in bliss. Along with their night vision, all faunus had enhanced senses. Some were greater than others. For example, a dog faunus had a greater sense of smell than a fish faunus – but they all had a greater sense than humans. Li was a goat faunus, and goats had a great sense of smell. During heat, these things were only multiplied.

Jaune was learning that Li was a bit of a sniffer.

By now, everyone else knew what was going on. It was impossible for them not to understand why Li was draping herself all over him. Ordinarily, she was a very reserved type of person. She wasn’t above showing affection, unafraid of holding his hand or even exchanging a chaste kiss in public but that was about as far as it went.

This was something else.

If he wasn’t careful, things might escalate in a place that was very much inappropriate. Like in the middle of class!

“—so there I was, outnumbered, outgunned! Surrounded on all sides by the most vile species of Grimm imaginable! Dagger like fangs gleamed in the low light, hundreds of red eyes burning with malice! I was low on aura, low on ammunition! For a lesser man, this may have been the end – but not I! For I was a Huntsman, a slayer of monsters and I would not be denied my moment of victory!”

Professor Port’s booming voice echoed around the classroom as the rotund dog faunus paced back and forth, his long tail wagging like an excited pup. As he passed his desk, several sheets of paper, pens and pencils, and an old clock went tumbling to the floor as his excitable limb swept them from the surface.

His mustache bristled as he paused, extending a hand towards the ceiling. “I only had one chance to make my daring attack. The cave was dark, the only source of light coming from above! There, a crack! The roof was brittle, on the verge of collapse and those vile beasts were none the wiser. Using my supreme intellect, I sprung into action, firing the last of my rounds not at the Grimm themselves – but at the weakness I had spotted!”

He turned sharply and marched across the room, thumping his chest as he went.

“As stone and dirt rained down upon my foes, for one brief instant – I saw terror in their eyes! Yes, even those wicked creatures, those most horrid beasts felt fear! Fear of death at my hands! As the ceiling collapsed, I made my escape, their cries echoing in my ears. Dozens were slain that day, and my name – Peter Xavier Port was forever known to Grimm-kind~!”

He paused, eyes surveying his students.

“And so – what have we learned today?”

Jaune had learned exactly nothing – but not because Professor Port’s story was just as outlandish and exaggerated as usual, full of self aggrandizing pompous prose. No, it was because Li was currently trying to wriggle into his lap, and he was constantly having to restrain her.

“Jaune,” she mewled sweetly, butting her head against the side of his face. It didn’t hurt but those horns were getting a little close for comfort. Her hot breath blew across his neck, causing the hair on his nape to stand on end. “Mm, Jaune~”

“Not now,” he hissed quietly, using his arm to block her advance. Her uniform was becoming increasingly ruffled as they struggled against one another, her jacket falling open. He could feel her small breasts rubbing on his arm. “We’re in class!”

Port’s eyes briefly landed on them and for a moment, Jaune was hoping that he would put a stop to it. But then they continued on like every other time, as if this was a perfectly normal occurrence and he didn’t need to interfere.

Hell, maybe this was a normal occurrence. Jaune was the odd one out, so to speak – one of two humans in their entire year. But surely just because she was on heat, they wouldn’t be fine with Li mounting him right here in the classroom.


At least, Jaune hadn’t seen other students do something like that. There had been a few instances where people left class like Blake had done in Combat Class, and sometimes people left together – but to actually start acting up while a lesson was ongoing? That couldn’t be allowed…

Jaune managed to move Li back into her own seat but it wasn’t a complete victory. She seized his hand before he could retreat and pressed it down, his palm meeting impossibly soft, smooth skin. Jaune swallowed as his hand settled against her lovely thigh, fingers curling around the inside, trapped in a world of blissful warmth.

She was going to drive him insane.

By chance, his eyes met Cardin’s across the room and he was shaking his head, mouthing something to him that he couldn’t understand. He was pretty sure he caught the word ‘animal’ though. Typical Cardin.

If he thought he’d receive some help from his friends, he was sorely mistaken. Nora was completely ignoring them as if nothing was amiss, and even Pyrrha only gifted him with a wan smile whenever their eyes met. Team RWBY were a little more expressive but none of them lifted a finger to try and stop it. Ruby seemed greatly amused, though her cheeks were a little red, silver eyes peeking at them every few seconds before darting away. Yang took one look at them and a strange expression crossed her face before she refused to look again, strangely focused on Professor Port’s lesson. Blake didn’t bother looking away, outright staring at them with fascination, her ears flicking back and forth. Weiss just rolled her eyes, looking disgruntled about the whole ordeal.

If it was bothering her so much, why wasn’t she doing something about it!?

Other students kept shooting them amused glances but otherwise, it was business as usual.

Jaune was on his own.

“I’m hot,” Li whispered in his ear, and Jaune shivered, her voice worming itself inside his brain. He’d never heard her speak like this before, an octave lower than usual, a little dark, sultry. “Mm, I’m so hot.”

In more ways than one. Jaune could feel the heat radiating off the skin his hand was pressed against but she was also undeniably sexy as hell, and his body was beginning to react to it. Her scent tickled his nose, deep and rich, his cock swelling as she moved his hand higher. Gods above, her skin was so damn soft. His heart jumped in his chest when his little finger bumped against her panty-clad mound, the heat from her thigh paling in comparison to the furnace shielded by a simple strip of material.


Her legs closed around his hand, trapping it there, her soft, yielding flesh plump as it squashed his fingers.

“Mmm,” she groaned softly, her voice rumbling from deep within her chest. “Itchy.”

Li wiggled her hips, dragging his hand along with every movement. Jaune tried not to react to this, keeping his hand perfectly still. It was one of the hardest things he’d ever done. The urge to grip her inner-thigh and squeeze, to turn his hand and cup her pussy was immense. His cock continued to grow, straining against his underwear and the insides of his trousers, his confined erection beginning to ache as it ran out of room.

“Anyone?” Port looked around expectantly. “Anyone at all?”

Weiss raised her hand.

“Ms. Schnee?”

“We learned that your environment can be used to your advantage.”

Professor Port clapped. “Oho~! Right you are, Ms. Schnee – right you are! Yes, she is correct. A Huntsman is more than just their weapon, more than just their skill at arms. Your mind! Yes, your mind! It is your most important weapon against the Grimm! You must always be aware of your surroundings. It could be the difference between victory or defeat.”

He wished Li would take this lesson to heart.

She continued to rock and swivel her hips in tight little circles, trying to grind her mound against his hand but he wasn’t playing ball. Her little panting breaths were becoming frustrated whimpers, the erotic sound only making his cock pound harder in his pants. Ruby’s eyes darted their way, her face scarlet. She’d heard Li. Who was he kidding? They could all hear her.

“Touch me,” she begged, almost seizing his ear between her teeth and biting. “Mm, Jaune – scratch my itch.”

“We’re in class,” he repeated quickly. “We can’t do that here.”

Displeased with his answer, she grabbed his hand and turned it until his palm rested against her blazing pussy, his fingers curling under to cup her slit. A second felt like an eternity as he felt her plump, squishy outer labia against the length of his hand, almost like they were trying to kiss him through her panties. The material was quickly dampening, her arousal wetting his skin.

“Li,” he hissed. “Wait!”

“Now then,” Port bellowed. “I have a treat for everyone here.”

Walking over to a side door, he opened it and wheeled out a large crate. Jaune knew at once just what this meant. This was a common occurrence in this class, their Professor more than a little eccentric. He had a habit of going out and capturing Grimm for them to fight.

It certainly livened things up.

The crate rattled as he pushed it across the room. A loud rasping sound came from within, the sound of claws gouging wood. Whatever was inside decided to roar, enraged by its captivity and Jaune thought it sounded very familiar.

Was that an Ursa?

“Jaaaaune,” Li whined, lifting her butt and sitting on his hand. “Please~!

She rocked back and forth, riding his hand, her sodden slit leaking all over him. His cock was pure steel now, rigid, throbbing. Mouth dry, his resistance wavered.

“Now – who wants to fight this vile beast?” Port asked, eyes searching. “Anyone?”

Jaune almost raised his hand but Li pinned him with such a furious look, as if she knew exactly what he was about to do, that it stayed his hand even before it had a chance to rise beyond the line of the desk. Her pupils were blown wide, drinking him in with such lust that it made his heart skip a beat, thudding erratically in his chest.

This couldn’t continue.

“Surely there is one amongst you who wishes to test their might against this creature of darkness?”

Li leaned in and said hotly, “I want you to fuck me.”

Yang shot to her feet, hands slamming against the desk. Several people jumped in alarm, startled by the loud sound.

“I’ll fight it,” she snapped.

“Excellent!” Port gestured for her to come down to the front of the room and Yang stormed down. “Ms. Xiao Long – do you wish to claim your weapons?”

She shook her head. “Nah, I won’t need em.”

Yang looked ready to kill, her eyes narrowed as she glared at the crate as if the Grimm within had personally offended her. The feathers threaded through her luscious blonde hair bristled, flaring out.

“Extra marks if you utilize your environment for victory,” Port said, though Jaune wasn’t really sure how she could use a classroom to her advantage. Grabbing his blunderaxe off his desk, Blowhard, Port flipped it around until he grasped the barrel of the gun like a handle before swinging, bringing it down on the lock that contained the beast.

The axe passed through the lock effortlessly, shearing the metal loop and then the Ursa was out, slamming aside the now unlocked panel, roaring in challenge. Malicious crimson eyes zeroed in on Yang, white fangs gleaming as it frothed at the mouth.

Yeah – it was beyond pissed.

“Begin~!” Port called needlessly as the Grimm charged with a bellow.

Yang met it without fear, her uniform skirt fluttering as she dashed forward, fist reared back with violent intent. She ducked beneath its swiping lunge and with a crack, her uppercut rocked its head back viciously. As it stumbled backwards, she spun, utilizing her legs as she chambered a rare kick. The Ursa was blasted back as she kicked it right in the chest, and Jaune witnessed a flash of yellow.

Huh. So Yang liked to wear underwear that matched her hair.

As she continued to engage the Grimm in combat, Li became more and more restless, dragging her pussy up his wrist and humping his forearm. Yang removed her jacket, freeing her wings, stretching them out as she danced back to avoid the snapping jaws of her opponent. The combination of Li dragging her needy twat all over his hand and witnessing Yang take care of business, her fists blurring as she executed a familiar combo she’d trained with him on the pads… it was too much.

He was being overwhelmed.

The next time she grinded, Jaune curled his fingers. Li stiffened, a surprised moan escaping her lips. While everyone else was watching Yang, Blake was still staring at them and caught the sound, her eyes fluttering. Cupping her pussy, Jaune squeezed her engorged lips, one of his fingers slotting perfectly between her pump labia and settling in her molten slit.

Jaune broke.

He stood, wrenching his hand out from under Li’s body. She looked up at him in a mixture of confusion and desire, her lovely face flushed, her beautiful eyes shimmering. Jaune caught a whiff of her musky scent, and saw the film of her arousal coating his hand.

Nora smirked as she met his eyes for the first time, finally acknowledging what was happening and nodded, once.

Jaune grabbed Li’s arm and pulled her up. She yelped, stumbling into him and then he was leading her out of the classroom, not even asking for leave. If Port saw them leaving, he didn’t say anything, letting them go.

“Jaune?” she asked, voice cracking. “Where are we going?”

Spinning around to face her, he loomed over her. She stared up at him, trembling, her mouth falling open – a mouth he claimed in a searing, passionate kiss. Li moaned into his mouth as he claimed her lips, his tongue lunging into her mouth to taste her. Her tongue met him just as enthusiastically, her small body pressing into him as they devoured one another in a frenzy. When he sucked on her lower lip, her hips rolled, her belly rubbing his confined erection. When she bit his tongue, he thrust against her, driving his cock along her front.

Reaching down, he palmed her ass through her skirt, squeezing. She gasped, then gasped again as he picked her up with one hand effortlessly, her legs hastily wrapping around his waist. Feeling her scorching twat against his straining, trapped length almost ended him right then and there.

He felt light headed, out of control.

Jaune had no idea what he was doing. Before this, they’d shared a few innocent kisses and nothing more. Now they were consuming each other, mouths hungrily moving together wetly, bodies trying to occupy the same space. Her back thumped against a wall as he forced her back, his hands mauling her plush butt cheeks, fingers digging in and gripping her as if she was in danger of escaping.

They kissed, and kissed and kissed until Jaune felt his chest burn, his jaw ache and his tongue slow, sluggishly plundering her mouth. When they finally pulled part, Li heaved desperately for breath, her lips swollen and red, slick with their mixed saliva.

“Look what you do to me,” he groaned, forcing his pelvis against her. Li shuddered. “Is this what you wanted?”

She nodded quickly, “Please. I want it. Please, please~!”

The Grimm Studies classroom was a bit of a walk to their dorm but they made the trip, rushing together hand in hand, stumbling in their haste. The door to their room banged against the wall as they threw it open, and then Li was the one manhandling him, a sudden surge of strength pulling him by the lapels of his jacket.

Jaune made a sound of surprise as she threw him towards his bed, Li quickly kicking their door shut before lunging after him. They fell in a tangle of limbs, her mouth all over his face, his neck, teeth sinking in as she turned ravenous, clawing at his clothes with frantic fingers. His jacket was stripped from him forcefully, followed by his vest, and then his shirt was ripped open, buttons flying.

Magenta eyes fell upon his muscled chest and abs, drinking him in, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. A shot of desire pooled in her underwear, leaking from her cramping pussy, her uterus throbbing maddeningly. She had experienced heat before. Many, many times but it had never felt quite like this, quite so potent. As if her very soul was aflame, her heart jackhammering in her chest, her tender crotch melting without provocation.

Just seeing Jaune these past few days had been playing havoc with her body. Her skin constantly itched, her nipples ached from being constantly hard, her clitoris pounded and no amount of vigorous, furious masturbation had been able to alleviate her longing. It had been especially bad since his training bout with Blake. Watching him take her down, pin her to the floor and dominate the cat faunus had spoken to her deeply, touching a piece of her that she didn’t even know existed. She didn’t know how she’d been able to resist as long as she had but a part of her, that sensible voice that usually controlled her actions warned her constantly, told her to wait, to allow Jaune to get used to it, to want her.

She’d felt his cock through his pants. If that wasn’t want, what was?

Li wrestled with his belt but her shaking hands couldn’t unlatch it, quickly becoming enraged when it wouldn’t budge. She pulled, threatening to tear the loops off his pants.

“Wait, wait,” Jaune tried to help. “Li, slow down.”

Somehow he managed to get his fingers between his belt and her hands, pulling the leather through the buckle and unlatching it before she seized it, pulling it free and tossing it across the room angrily. Grabbing the waistband of his pants, she pulled them roughly down to his knees. His boxer-briefs tented obscenely and Li was hit with a musky scent, her sensitive nose awash with it.

It smelt like Jaune – but more. Stronger, more potent.

Jaune helped her remove his shoes, his pants falling away and then she loomed over him, hair disheveled, eyes wide, her own uniform rumpled. She looked a little crazy and yet the sight of cool, calm, collected Li Ren looking this way only made his dick flex as it tensed.

She was a vision.

Li panted softly as she stared at his confined erection. Reaching out, she cupped it through the material, relishing the heat it radiated. Tracing it with her fingers, lightly raking her nails down the length of it, she felt her insides coil and throb.

It was big. She knew that much. But when she peeled his underwear away and his cock sprung free, her heart skipped a beat as she discovered just how big.

A thick, burly shaft greeted her eyes capped with a fatter crown, the ridge of his glans standing out prominently. The underside of his cock was taut with a thick root that ran from his heavy, healthy balls to the underside of his head, the shaft curving upwards as it smacked against his belly. Veins knotted along the shaft, his length flexing up off his belly as it throbbed, a pearly bead of pre-cum oozing from the tip.

“Li?” Jaune asked, those endlessly blue eyes looking up at her.

It wasn’t just big. This was a cock built solely for breeding. A cock built to ravage a girl deep and deposit its load directly into a womb, ensuring a successful insemination. Not just thick but long – ten inches? At the very least.

She fell forward, burying her nose against the base of his shaft. Jaune groaned in surprise as she inhaled deeply, taking his musky scent into her lungs and holding it there, filled with him. Her lips puckered and kissed his scrotum, feeling his balls tighten and retreat.

“You smell so good,” she hissed. Li felt drunk, desperate. Trembling fingers ripped at her skirt, discarding it. She shrugged out of her jacket, tore open her shirt, ruining it much like his own. She gasped for breath, inhaling more of his scent. “Jaune~!” she whimpered.

Li’s silky hair tickled his thighs as she continued to sniff him, her hot, gusting breath flowing over his balls. When she finally sat up, her face was slack with desire, her small breasts cupped by a simple black bra, the edges embroidered with pink flowers. Her panties were similar, black cotton with pink flowers along the waistband. Her skin was pale as moonlight, dotted here and there with small black dots. There was one on her ribcage, and then another just below her bellybutton, and a third on her left leg, high up her inner-thigh.

She was lithe, slender, her body toned with wonderful muscle. Stomach tight, her waist was tiny, narrow, enhancing the feminine swell of her hips. He could see the crest of her pelvic bone, stretching her skin and pulling everything deliciously taut. While her tits were small, they were shapely, proportional to her build. When she reached back and unhooked her bra, they gave a cute little bounce as they were freed.

Without the support of her bra, they retained their perk, though they pulled away from each other slightly, capped with puffy, dark nipples that pointed proudly. The areola couldn’t be more than an inch across, protruding from the main breast like a fleshy cap, the pointed tips thick and hard. Jaune felt his cock tighten even more, pre-cum pulsing from the tip.

She was magnificent.

Watching Jaune devour her body with greedy eyes only inflamed her passions more. She could feel her thoughts becoming sluggish, pure animal instinct warring with the woman within. Li felt like she was on fire, her skin prickling, her core twitching in anticipation. Panting, she hastily pulled her panties down, hissing as the wet material clung to her sensitive lips. Thick strings of her arousal stretched between her pussy and the crotch of her underwear, rumpled around her knees.

“Oh my god,” Jaune groaned, his balls tightening as he caught his first look at her beautiful slit.

Her mons curved out from her body, covered in a strip of well maintained hair, leading down to her tiny pussy. Her outer labia were plump, juicy, closed tightly, the hood of her clitoris firm at the apex. When Li reached down with her fingers, she pried her lips apart, her cute inner labia unfurling from within like a flower petal, small and wet, glistening a vibrant pink.

Holy shit, he was about to have sex.

The thought rattled around in his brain as she removed her panties all the way, pooling around her feet. She was still wearing her shoes and knee-high socks but Li was beyond her limit, pouncing on him with urgency. Jaune grunted as she landed on his stomach, dragging her molten quim across his abs as she sealed her lips with his.

They kissed furiously, Li rolling her body and humping her melting snatch up and down his stomach. Her skin was so soft and smooth, his large hands cupping her wonderful ass and squeezing. Li moaned deeply in his mouth, battling his tongue for supremacy.

Her feet curled around the insides of his thighs and tensed, raising her body up. Soft, warm hands gripped his member as they continued to kiss, pumping his cock firmly. Feeling her hands on him was amazing, pleasure pooling in his balls but she wasn’t messing around, she wasn’t taking her time. There was going to be no foreplay. Completely consumed now by her heat, there was only one thought on her mind, only one desire.

To breed.

Jaune felt her heated core rest against the tip of his dick, his adrenaline spiking. His fingers sunk into her fleshy butt, gripping her ass tightly as she lined him up, her lips spreading around his glans and embracing him in liquid warmth. Li gasped as she pulled her mouth from his, modest chest heaving as she peered down at him with dark eyes – and then with a simple drop of her hips, her abs tensing, she sheathed his cock all the way to the base in one swift thrust.

Jaune tensed as his cock was swallowed in a narrow tunnel of pleasure, her insides coiling as she forced his length inside her. Li cried out, her body bowing backwards, her cute tits thrust at the ceiling. Something firm and hot rested against the tip of his crown, and it took Jaune’s pleasure filled mind a few seconds to realize that it was her cervix.

He was touching her womb.

Blue eyes darted down, drinking in the sight of her small quim stretched widely around the base of his cock. Having such a small, slender girl take him all the way was one of the sexiest things he could think of and yet it got even better. The way she was bowed backwards highlighted a very significant bulge, the outline of his cock stretching her stomach all the way to her bellybutton.

Was that normal?

Li trashed atop him, her insides clenching tightly. Her mind was a sea of bliss, the pain of losing her virginity only a spark that was quickly engulfed by the tidal wave of ecstasy. She struggled to breathe, his massive dick spearing her deeply. It felt like he was crushing her lungs, her body tightening every time she inhaled, rippling along his shaft.

She needed to fuck. She needed his cum.

Jaune grunted as her hands slammed down on his chest, her body hunching forward. Feet still curled over his legs, she flexed and rose up, whimpering as she dragged his burly length from her depths, rising up inch after inch until only the head remained within, her pussy feeling empty. Without hesitation, she clapped back down with a loud, wet slap, her ass rippling as she swallowed him to the base, banging him against her womb. A shock of pleasure and pain spiked up her spine, her entire body jerking as she sobbed – and then she did it again, and again, and again, and again.

Jaune was powerless to stop her, the pleasure overwhelming as she rode him with reckless, mindless abandon, her face twisted in rapture, fucking his cock deep into her sweltering snatch. Every time she pulled up, her internal muscles squeezed him like a vice, a well oiled fist stroking him off only to compress as she hilted him, balls deep. She was so incredibly tight, so fucking wet, the sounds of their fucking filling the air as she churned her insides up with his length.

This wasn’t making love. This wasn’t even fucking. This was pure breeding, her heat entirely in control.

Jaune squeezed her ass before letting his hands wander, stroking her hips, her waist, cupping her ribs as they flexed and rolled, before cupping her small tits. Jaune lifted them, rolling his wrists as he massaged her breasts, Li throwing her head back, her hips moving faster, harder.

Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.

This wasn’t how Jaune envisioned his first time going but he could already feel the end approaching, her cunt milking him furiously. His balls jolted every time she thumped down, threatening the sanctity of her womb, drool leaking from her mouth as her eyes rolled, tears spilling down her cheeks. Her sweet whimpers soon turned to deep, groaning moans, her cunt tightening even more.

“Ahhnn~! Oooooouhnnnngg~! Mmmnnhhggg~! Nn~! Haaaaaah~! Nnnnggg~! Nnngggg~!”

Li grinded his tip against her cervix several times in quick succession, suddenly changing from deep, gut wrenching shots to rocking back and forth on his waist. Her brain was mush, no thought in it, just pure instinct, chasing her end, that wonderful tightening in her lower belly, a knot of fire threatening to snap.

“Fuck,” Jaune groaned, his cock flexing and touching something different. Li grunted, his glans catching on her folds. “Li, I’m going to cum!”

Three, four, five, six, her hips bucked and writhed until with a scream of pleasure, her body tensed, her pussy locking up. There was a brief moment of stillness, and then she was shuddering as her pussy exploded with ecstasy. Her uterus throbbed wildly as her pussy began spasming, contracting in powerful, milking pulses that coaxed Jaune’s load from his balls.

Jaune’s body grew taut as his cock stiffened, swelling to its full size – and then with a rush of pleasure that left him breathless, his dick began spewing fat, sticky shots directly into Li’s womb. She gasped brokenly as each volley thudded into her with mind bending force, thick heaves of semen rapidly filling her up as he cum harder than he had ever cum in his life.

On and on it went, his balls cramping as they desperately unloaded inside her. His cock felt like it was going to burst with how hard it flexed, but finally his orgasm began to wane, a few final pulses petering out. Jaune panted, feeling hot, skin covered in sweat as Li continued to tremble atop him, vagina still twitching and spasming in the aftershocks of her climax.

“Holy shit,” Jaune uttered.

He’d just had sex with Li.

...though perhaps it was more accurate to say that Li just fucked the shit out of him.

Jaune felt something hard bump against his jaw and realized she was nuzzling his chest and neck, her horns shifting side to side. He felt something hot and wet run across his skin.

Li was licking his sweat.

“Cum,” she muttered. “Mm, your cum. Hnnn – your cum feels so good. Mm, more cum? I want more cum.”

Jaune frowned. “Li?”

Teeth nipped at him, biting hard.

“Cum~!” she groaned louder, wriggling her hips. “Cum, cum, cum, cum.”


Li pushed herself up.

Her face was a mess of tears and snot and drool, her cool, classic beauty completely erased by a fuck drunk expression on her regal features. Her silky hair was disheveled, her skin blotchy, pupils blown wide.

She looked completely unhinged.

Jaune’s cock twitched.

“More,” she moaned. “I need mmnnn~! I need more. Mmnm, fuck me more. Give me more cum~!”

His first time turned into several times, the pair of them breeding like a pair of starved animals, their only sustenance each other. She rode him two more times before Jaune managed to get the upper hand, regaining his strength and forcing her down, railing her from behind until she wailed and wrung the semen from his balls.

Then they went again, and again, until Li wasn’t the only one that no longer thought, until both of them were nothing but a pair of bodies crashing together, souls alight with rapture. He filled her up several times until her womb was bloated and aching, overfilled, his semen spilling out around his pistoning shaft.

They fucked until they passed out, curled together, covered in sweat, saliva and semen, and that was how Nora and Pyrrha found them.


A Bad Rose

I admire the restraint. 7 chapters in and Jaune only now pins his first girl to the ground and rails her. Also, love R63 Ren, gotta be one of my favorites


RIP Jaune. I love that Blake isn't even hiding that she is interested in seeing every second like one of her books. Yang seems upset but gonna have to shelve that one for later. The imagery of Port going about his speech and Jaune trying to not get mounted in class had me laughing out loud.


Ren being a R63 reference of someone else makes this a full circle twist. Everyone on JNPR is a reference to someone who disguised themselves as the opposite sex. Lie Ren is Mulan, who disguised herself to join the army. Nora is Thor, who disguised himself as Freya. Pyrrha is Achilles, who was hidden in the guise of a princess. Jaune is Joan of Arc.