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Jaune saw the way her shoulders immediately tensed at the sound of his voice.

Another fast tempo song had begun, the speakers thumping as something with a deeper bassline pounded throughout the room. Students began cheering, the couple dancing giving way to a small rave as they crowded around the small stage where the DJ hit the decks. At first, Jaune thought she was going to ignore him outright – but then to his surprise, she turned to face him.

Her eyes swept across his body, taking him in – and then those haunting crystal blue eyes met his gaze, guarded; wary. It pained him that just approaching her caused such a reaction but he had no one to blame but himself.

“Jaune,” her voice was sharp, cracking like a whip.

“Weiss,” he nodded, gifting her with a smile, one she did not return.

“What do you want?”

That was the question of the moment, wasn’t it?

Weiss could be prickly at the best of times but it was obvious that something was bothering her. A lot, if the way the skin around her eyes tightened ever so slightly, and the rigid line of her lips as she stared at him, awaiting his answer.

Instead he pulled out a chair and sat.

“Sit with me,” he said.

Her brow furrowed. “What?”

Jaune patted the chair next to him. “Sit with me.”

He saw the defiance in her eyes flare to life, her mouth curling as if to spit some nasty retort at him. Jaune was expecting it but he would much rather an angry, pissed off heiress than the sad girl he’d seen only moments before. He could take it.

“Why should I?” she snapped.

He shrugged. “I dunno – I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” he looked away from her, out at the jumping teenagers that were going wild. Red, blue, yellow, violet – the flashing lights cast streaks of color across the joyous crowd, each person shaking their heads and throwing up their arms without a care in the world. “I just thought you might want a little company.”

“Are you mocking me?”

Her face was twisted in fury, her fists curled by her side. Such a beautiful young woman should never wear such a face. She was dressed in a simple white sleeveless dress, the narrow cut highlighting her slender body. Like Ruby’s dress, the yoke was translucent mesh, giving you a teasing glance of her delicate collarbones, while the hem flared out around her knees.

She was a sight to behold, even in the midst of anger.

“Have I ever mocked you?”

She hesitated.

“And if I have, that was never my intention,” he continued, sighing hard enough for his shoulders to lift and sag. “If you haven’t noticed by now – I’m not really good with words.”

She watched him, as if she were attempting to read his thoughts – but that wasn’t her semblance, and as far as Jaune knew, no one had that ability. Jaune was glad because his mind was in chaos, attempting to figure out how to navigate his way through this conversation. Emerald said he should try to cheer her up but to Jaune, he felt that was an impossible task. If he’d been Ruby, maybe it was possible.

But he was Jaune, and Weiss Schnee only ever tolerated him at best.

If he couldn’t cheer her up, then maybe he could do something else.

Jaune firmed his resolve, taking a deep breath. “I want to apologize.”

Her eyes widened slightly. “What?”

“About how I acted,” he explained. “You know – the flirting and stuff.”

Her mouth opened but no words came out, so he took that as his cue to continue.

“Like I said, I’m not really good with words,” he chuckled weakly. “Not the best attribute for a team leader, right? And yet here I am – I have that in common with Ruby, I guess that’s why we get along so well. Sometimes when I try to say something, I end up saying something else. I get so nervous that my mouth just trips over itself and says the first thing it can get out. Sometimes it is all me, though. Talking to girls, especially pretty ones – well, it isn’t something I’m used to doing.”

Jaune felt his hands begin to shake a little so he curled his fingers into fists, placing them on the table.

“When I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen,” he admitted, feeling hot around the collar. “Normally, I wouldn’t even bother trying to speak to a girl as pretty as you are but this was a new chapter of my life, and I thought, well – why not? I overheard you speaking to Ruby and I… may have misunderstood what you’d said, but I thought I heard you call me cute. I guess it got to me a little bit.”

What a mess up that had been.

“I knew pretty quickly that that wasn’t the case,” he shook his head. “I should have stopped then but I didn’t. I just kept thinking, if she just gave me a chance, just one, I could show her that I was serious, all I needed to do was be confident… but that was just wishful thinking. I held onto that hope but that was all it was; hope,” he laughed then, astounded by his stupidity. “I was actually going to serenade you, did you know that? I was going to buy a guitar and sing a song for you, and ask you to the dance.”

“But you didn’t.”

Her voice was brittle.

“No, I didn’t,” he nodded. “I ended up asking someone else instead. Someone I’ve grown to like.”

“Emerald,” she said. “I saw you with her.”

“Yeah, Emerald.”

“You moved on quickly.”

It wasn’t quite an accusation but it held some bite to it.

“Yeah, I guess I did,” he met her eyes, unwilling to look away. “But only because I knew there was no chance. It wasn’t because what I felt wasn’t real. I refuse to believe that. I liked you for you, Weiss. I may have been attracted to your looks at first but it was the girl I got to know that tempted my heart.”

“What girl?” she said bitterly. “The one that berated you? The one that couldn’t stand to be in your presence?”

“The girl who struggled with her place within her team,” he said and she blinked, startled. “The girl who wanted to be leader so bad but found it within herself to support her partner instead. The girl who discovered a shocking secret about her teammate and forgave her the secrecy and her past, even if it took some time. That girl.”

If possible, her expression looked even more wretched. “…I…”

“And maybe I have moved on, but that doesn’t mean I am going to just ignore you when you’re clearly upset about something,” he declared, pounding the table with a fist. “At the very least, I consider you a friend – and despite how rocky our relationship has been, I hope you see me as the same.”

Those ice cold eyes melted, and they shimmered with unshed tears.

“So – will you sit with me, and tell me what’s wrong?”

She did. Pulling out a chair, she sat – and then slowly, the whole story came out. How she’d been hanging out with Neptune more and more, and how Weiss thought things were going pretty well between them, and then her decision to ask him to the dance.

Something that he had declined.

Jaune knew that Neptune had every right to decline her if he so wished, but that still didn’t make him any less mad. He found the blue haired boy quickly, eyes landing on him as he chatted up a pair of girls Jaune had never seen before – from Shade, or Atlas, perhaps? But it didn’t matter. Seeing that only just pissed him off more.

Neptune had come alone, as far as he knew. Why turn Weiss down if he wasn’t coming with someone else?

Weiss must have seen the look on his face and figured out what he was about to do, because her hand shot out and seized his wrist.

“Don’t,” she said. “Don’t you dare.”

Jaune swallowed the anger, almost choking on it. “Weiss.”

“He didn’t have to say yes, Jaune.”

Hadn’t he just thought that? And yet it still infuriated him. Why had he flirted with her at all, then? Had he just been leading her on? If that was the case, then Jaune felt like his anger was more than justified.

“Just let me go speak to him.”


“Weiss, come on – I just want to ask him something.”


Jaune was stubborn – but Weiss Schnee was equally as bullheaded when she wished to be.

He scowled. “Why not?”

Because,” she said sharply. “I do not need someone else to speak on my behalf. I am not some wall flower for you to defend, do you understand me?”

He did. He got it. But still…

“Emerald always said he was a bit dodgy,” he muttered mulishly – and much to his surprise, Weiss laughed. Perhaps the first time he’d ever made her laugh and it was because of this.

She shook her head ruefully. “I really am a horrible judge of character.”


“Nothing,” she sighed. “It’s nothing. I just… have a lot of thinking to do.”

They sat in silence for a little bit as people continued to dance. The next song was a popular one from The Achieve Men, the girls squealing as they began swooning. As the lyrics filled the air, people began singing along. It became so loud that he almost missed Weiss’ voice.

“I accept.”

He faced her. “What?”

“I said I accept your apology,” she repeated, arching an eyebrow at him. “And I won’t be repeating myself again.”

Jaune stared at her, stunned. “Uh…”

“Close your mouth, you look ridiculous,” she chided, grinning.

“Would you like to dance?” he blurted.

She looked at him, astonished.

“Emerald said it's okay,” he quickly explained, annoyed at his awkwardness. “She actually suggested it. So – how about it?” he grinned. “Can I have one dance?”

“You really are an idiot,” she said, though there was no scorn. Instead it was said fondly, her expression complicated. “And yes – you can have a dance. More than one, if you don’t step on my feet.”

They danced to four songs before Yang found him, stealing the dance he had promised her. By the time they were done, Weiss looked like a completely different person, her cheeks flushed, her eyes bright, none of the gloom that had previously shrouded her like a cloud remaining. After Yang came Blake, the hidden cat faunus looking sheepish.

“I’m sorry,” she said, appearing contrite.

“What for?”

“For how I’ve been acting,” she said. “I have a lot of apologizing to do, to all of you. I thought I’d start here.”

Jaune laughed. “It’s fine. Let’s just dance.”

Blake was actually a very poor dancer, which was strange since she was usually so graceful and poised in her movements, be they on the battlefield or just in general life. Moving to a rhythm was beyond her, and Jaune ended up helping her through it with much laughter shared between them,

And then someone was nestled against his chest. Glancing down, Jaune was met with an eyeful of green hair. Instinctively, his arms wound their way around Emerald’s slender waist, pulling her womanly, shapely body flush against his front.

“Hey,” he greeted.

She peered up at him, her chin resting on his chest. “Hey. I see things went well.”

Weiss was currently dancing with Yang, the pair of them looking like idiots as Weiss tried to pull the taller girl around as the lead, the blonde flailing her limbs to make it as silly and difficult as possible. Their laughter was like a balm, capable of soothing the most world weary soul.

“Yeah, things went well,” he said, giving her a fond look. He loved staring into her red eyes. They were so strange, in a good way. The outer ring of her iris was a shade darker, a deeper red that made the lighter shade stand out even more prominently. “Thank you for giving me the push.”

She grinned. “Happy to push. Just let me know and I’ll shove you around anytime you want.”

Jaune snickered. “You know, I think I’ll hold you to that one.”

They rocked back and forth, simply enjoying being together. Even though the current song was fast paced, they didn’t care. They were happy to do their own thing.

“Oh,” Jaune suddenly exclaimed, spotting something. “There’s Mercury – and Cinder, was it?”

Emerald turned to have a look.

The pair were dancing together, heads close as they conversed. Jaune rarely saw Cinder around – a class here, a class there, and he had never officially met her. She was dressed in a gorgeous black gown that glittered like the starry sky, long, elegant black gloves complimenting it nicely. There was something dangerously sinful about her appearance, her amber eyes darting their way, her lips red with crimson lipstick.

“Uh – she’s coming this way.”

He felt Emerald tense in his arms before relaxing.

“Emerald,” Cinder greeted, her voice low. Jaune felt it caress his ears, sultry, smokey. For some reason, it put him on edge. “And this must be Jaune,” her eyes pierced him. She offered a hand and without thinking, he took it and leaned down, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. She blinked. “Well, well – don’t you have fine manners.”

That may have been a little much but Jaune felt like he needed to make a good impression here. Cinder didn’t appear to be the type of woman that would suffer fools.

“I am,” he swallowed his nerves, keeping his back straight. “Jaune Arc. And you are Cinder?”

She smiled but it did not fill him with warmth. It only made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, a tension he couldn’t explain building within.

“Emerald has spoken of me, then?”

Jaune fought to keep things casual, shrugging lightly. “Not much. Just a mention here and there.”

“I see. A pity,” she looked him up and down. “It seems she has picked well.”

Emerald hadn’t spoken since her teammates had approached, something that Jaune found a little odd. She hadn’t pulled away but he felt a distance between them. It wasn’t something he could explain.

“Thanks,” he said. “I think I’m definitely the one that is winning out here, though.”

Mercury was also remaining silent, leaving the two of them to fill the space between them. Awkward was too tame of a word to describe the feeling. Why did it feel like a test?

Cinder was about to speak again when Jaune felt a hand on his back, and then a flash of crimson settled beside him. A sudden lifeline in the form of his incredible partner.

“Hello,” Pyrrha greeted, a placid smile on her face. “We’ve never met. I’m Pyrrha. Pyrrha Nikos.”

His partner extended a hand and Jaune saw hesitation on Cinder’s face, for a brief second. It was gone as quick as it appeared, and he wondered if he saw it at all.

“A name I know well,” Cinder finally said, reaching out to shake Pyrrha’s hand. “Cinder Fall. A pleasure.”

They exchanged a few words, the conversation amicable but short. The tension was almost palpable for reasons Jaune couldn’t place, and then Cinder and Mercury retreated.

“Uh, that was weird,” Jaune said blankly.

“She is very intense,” Pyrrha replied lightly. “I’ve met many fighters like her on the fighting circuit. She was sizing you up.”

“I guess she is protective of her team.”

Pyrrha hummed. “Maybe.”

Jaune glanced her way and took in her long crimson red halterneck dress. It flowed all the way to the floor, lapping at her glossy black heels. Her toned arms and shoulders were bared, a pair of emerald earrings that matched her eyes drawing his attention.

She looked magnificent.

“Thanks for the save,” he joked.

She grinned. “Anytime,” her eyes darted between Jaune and Emerald. “I’ll leave you two alone. I just wanted to come say hi.”

As quickly as she appeared, she vanished until it was just the two of them. Normally he wouldn’t have let her go so easily but...

“Emerald?” he asked.


He frowned.

A change had overcome her and the reason was clear, but the why eluded him. Her team leader approaching them had changed the whole vibe.

He settled his hands on her back, caressing her soft skin, feeling the tense muscles locked tight. She jumped when his fingers stroked her spine, a shudder passing through her body.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m… fine.”

She didn’t sound fine. Not at all. He’d already cheered one girl up tonight, so now he was going for the double. A weight in his inner pocket called to him, a certain small box awaiting its moment. It had been burning a hole through him all night, waiting for the right time.

That time was now.

“Come with me,” he said, and he led her outside onto one of the balconies that overlooked the surrounding campus. It was a little chilly outside so he removed his jacket, swinging it around her shoulders. Emerald peered up at him, surprised. When his hands pulled away, a small rectangular box was clasped firmly in hand.

“I have something for you,” he said, his throat threatening to close up. “A gift.”

“A gift,” she repeated, brow furrowing. “For me?”

“I wanted to do something nice for you,” he explained, holding up the box. “Something that showed how much I cared. I hope you like it.”

Emerald stared at the box for a moment before reaching out and taking it. Jaune felt like his heart was going to leap out of his mouth as her fingers toyed with the seam before pulling it open, the moment of truth.

She froze.

Emerald wasn’t sure what she had been expecting but it certainly wasn’t this.

As soon as her eyes fell upon the familiar pendant, she felt utterly disarmed. Her eyes traced over every piece of it from the slender gold chain to the twin bluebells, their vibrant violet-blue, and those small, delicate white-gold stamen. It was a sight she hadn’t seen in over a decade, something she never believed she would ever see again. It was the remnants of a lost family, one she never knew, a life she’d never had and could never claim again.

A what if.


“Apparently these were a part of a series,” Jaune said softly, his voice filled with emotion. “There were other flowers, and their designs were done by a well known artist from back then. There were twelve in total – one for each month in the year. This was done for April.”

Her birthday was in April.

Why had he done this…?

“I knew this was important to you. It was the only piece of your family you had, and it was lost… so I wanted to get it back,” he smiled gently. “I know it isn’t the same thing. The one your mother gave you is lost forever. But I thought that maybe… this could be a close second, you know? A reminder.”

Emerald felt her heart hurt, swelling in her chest. Each breath was a struggle, her eyes stinging as much to her horror, tears began to gather, welling in her eyes. She watched as he reached out and gently lifted the necklace from the box, carefully unlatching the chain.

“May I?” he asked – and she nodded, unable to speak.

All the air rushed from her lungs as he moved behind her and she felt the cool metal of the chain settle around her neck, and the familiar weight of the twin flowers rested on her collar. Even all these years later, she remembered how it felt to wear it, to have it close.

When it was in place, his strong hands settled on her shoulders, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into her skin. And then Jaune was in front of her, admiring his gift.

“It looks amazing on you.”

Something inside of her burst.

A shuddering sob escaped her and then she was upon him, her mouth hungry, desperate, his jacket sliding off her frame and pooling on the ground. Jaune made a sound of surprise, stumbling back before regaining his footing, hands grabbing at her waist as she lifted herself up by his neck, winding her arms around it as she kissed him with every ounce of passion in her body.

There was nothing controlled about it.

Her lips stung as she kissed him furiously, their teeth clacking together painfully. Emerald’s tongue invaded his mouth, lapping at him, and Jaune met her with equal enthusiasm, his hands moving up her back. Emerald felt her lungs ache from a lack of air as she did her level best to devour him, this idiot who had effortlessly pierced her heart with his reckless, heartfelt act.

When Jaune bit her lip, she mewled. Panting roughly, she bit him back, soothing his lip with her rolling tongue. He tasted of fruit punch, and something unique to him. One of his strong hands cupped the back of her neck, squeezing, and Emerald felt her belly quake, her nipples tightening painfully, chafing against the inside of her dress.

Wet smacks filled the air as their lips molded together, some of the lustful fervor cooling. Emerald raked her nails through his hair, Jaune groaning into her mouth at the pleasurable sensation tingling across his scalp. Emerald moaned as he captured her tongue and sucked on it, the feeling going straight to her rapidly moistening cunt.

A final, messy kiss – and then Jaune pulled back, letting her breathe. Blue eyes almost completely darkened with arousal stared down at her, meeting her glazed red. Their lips were slightly ruddy, swollen, slick with saliva and her lipgloss, a small strand stretching between them before it snapped. Emerald could feel the tension in his body, the hard lines of his tense muscles – and then she felt it, the unmistakable press of his growing erection, swelling in his pants. She rubbed her belly against it, a deep throb running through her body, her uterus clenching. Emerald gasped, the feeling rendering her momentarily senseless.

Her body wanted it.

She wanted it.

Jaune groaned when she cupped him, her small hand squeezing his bulge. “Emerald.”

“Let’s go somewhere private,” she whispered hotly, licking her lips. Releasing her hold on him, she knelt to pick up his jacket, slinging it around her shoulders. “Come on.”

Neither of them noticed the group of girls nearby, giving them wide eyed stares as Emerald grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind her. They quickly left the ballroom behind, their hearts racing in anticipation, searching for somewhere to hide away.

The dorm was too far away. They could barely control themselves, hands pawing at each other's bodies, groping and squeezing. Jaune’s hand found its way to her bubble butt, gripping it firmly, causing her to squeak.

They ended up inside a classroom, the door slamming shut behind them as the lights flickered on. Countless desks spread out before them, and with a bolt of recognition, they realized they had entered the Grimm Studies classroom.

Emerald leapt into his arms once again, kissing him and Jaune carried her down the stairs, his jacket once again falling away. He carried her over to Professor Port’s desk and let her down, seating her on the side as he framed her jaw with his hands, kissing her passionately. His tongue was large and strong, dominating her, and she could do nothing as he swirled it around in her mouth, licking her everywhere. Her hands hastily unbuttoned his vest, removing it from his body before starting on his shirt.

“You’re wearing too – mm~! -- many clothes,” she hissed between kisses, her mouth beginning to go numb. She shuddered when he kissed across her check and then down her neck, suckling just below her ear. “Ahn~!”

Jaune had never heard Emerald make a sound like that before, his cock stiffening. All of their encounters, she had been the one to do things to him. It had been her hand on his cock, her lips wrapped around his shaft, jerking and sucking him to completion. He hadn’t had his chance to repay the favor but now he had the opportunity.

Now he could do all the things he had ever wanted to do to her. The things he had fantasized about when stroking himself to pictures of her amazing breasts, drinking in her wide, dusky nipples and wondering how they would taste, how soft her tits would feel against his palms.

“Ahh~! Jaune~!” Emerald whimpered as he nipped at her, one of his hands falling to palm her breasts. He squeezed them gently, rolling his thumb and a bolt of pleasure rushed through her, making her dizzy. Her crotch spasmed in delight. “Haaah~! Mmnnhg – oh~!”

His shirt fell open as her fumbling fingers managed to unloop the final button, his rugged abs and chest revealed. Not that she could see him, her head tossed back as he devoured her neck, sucking and biting hard enough to bruise, to mark her as his.

When Jaune finally pulled away, he admired his handy work – the red and purple of a freshly made love bite, causing her dark skin to darken further. As he leaned back, Emerald stared hungrily at his bared chest and stomach, fingers reaching for him, caressing his pale skin. The contrast between their complexions was oddly alluring, filling Emerald with excitement.

What a strange thing to be excited by.

“I want to see your tits,” he said, voice rough with desire.

Emerald wanted to say something witty but her brain was dulled by her pleasure, by her roaring lust. Reaching back, she grabbed the material looped around the back of her neck and lifted, pulling it over her head. The front of her dress dropped down and Jaune made a sound of delight as her plump, shapely breasts were revealed to him for the first time in person.

And nestled just above them was the necklace, the cool metal of the bluebells making Emerald shiver.

Her breasts were large and weighty, a natural, youthful sag pulling them slightly apart, giving them a swooping appearance. Her nipples were wide and dark, dusky, the areola slightly puffy, the tips large and hard.

Jaune’s mouth tingled and he removed his shirt completely, tossing it aside without a care. The way his muscles bunched and coiled drove Emerald wild, her insides pulsing, and then he was pushing her back, arching as the cold wood of the table touched her bare back.

He loomed over her between her spread legs, wide and tall, and her voice escaped her lips in a shuddering gasp as he leaned down and sucked her left nipple into his mouth.

“Haaaahhhh~!” she hissed as his lips pursed around the tip, a deep suck sending a bolt of pleasure down her body, pooling messily in her crotch. She could feel her panties being ruined by her arousal, sodden and wet as she oozed for him, her hands scrambling for his head. She cradled him against her as his tongue lashed her nipple, flicking it up and down as he sucked, her panting mewls growing more intense. “Mmnh~! Oh~! Yesss~! Fuck, that feels so good~!

When he bit down lightly, she almost flew right off the desk, her entire body jerking. Her blood thrummed hotly beneath her skin, rushing through her, a powerful heat building low in her tummy. She wanted to rub her thighs together, try and quench the building fire in her loins but his body was in the way, trapping her. When he tugged on her nipple with his teeth, she cried out in bliss.

“Fuck, I love your tits,” he groaned between his feasting, opening his mouth wider and sucking more of her breast into his mouth. The suction was exquisite, the sensation being felt in her cramping pussy. “You’re so beautiful, Emerald. I can’t stop touching you.”

Her heart pounded in her ears, each swirl of his tongue tearing embarrassing sounds from her throat. Giving her left breast one final, powerful suck, he switched to the right. Her neglected nipple tightened so hard it ached, her tits feeling heavy, sore in the most wonderful way. Emerald squirmed as he lashed it before tracing the outside of her areola, teasing.

Jaune hissed as her nails raked down his sides before grabbing at his belt. Emerald fumbled with it several times, her hands useless as they attempted to unbuckle it. Her brain was slow, her lungs filled with his musk and cologne, dimming her senses. Equally, Jaune couldn’t get enough of her scent, filling himself up with her soft, delicate fragrance. Spice and warmth and citrus, making his cock pound harder in his pants, desperate for release.

She finally managed to unhook his belt – and then it was flying across the room as she tore it free and tossed it away. Jaune laughed breathlessly, her nipple still between his lips as she hastily pulled his pants down, underwear and all. His erection caught on it, pulled down.

“Easy,” he said, releasing her tit. “My dick is caught.”

Emerald grunted, tugging harder, and then his cock sprung free, whipping up and bouncing aggressively between their bodies. Emerald caught sight of it between her heaving cleavage, looking down between them.

“Fuck,” she groaned, the already damp tip setting her body alight. She reached for it before much to her surprise, he backed away until he was standing beside the desk. “What are you--?”

“It’s my turn to make you feel good,” he said.

Emerald trembled as his hands grabbed her slender legs, removing her heels gently. Fingers tickled the soles of her feet and she twitched, trying to escape.

“Don’t,” she warned, though it was more of a whine. She felt so weak. “I’m ticklish.”

His grin was dark, filled with promise.

Those strong hands traced up her legs, squeezing and massaging her muscles. Jaune couldn’t get enough of how smooth and soft her skin was, and the sight of her caramel complexion was doing things to him he never thought possible. Reaching under her dress, he pushed the material up around her waist as he grabbed her thighs firmly, spreading her legs wider.

“Jaune~!” Emerald felt a thrill run through her as her wet panties were revealed to his eyes, the black lace darkened further with her sticky arousal. She saw his cock bounce and flex as he caught sight of her crotch, the material molded to her vulva, leaving nothing to the imagination. A wet, sticky camel toe.

He wanted more.

It wasn’t just her feet that were ticklish. As his fingers caressed her soft thighs, Emerald squirmed, her panting breath becoming deeper. His fingers curled around the waistband of her panties and a brief feeling of embarrassment rushed through her. No one had ever seen her like this before, seen her there – and then he was tugging her underwear down, the material pulling away from her messy vulva.

His cock throbbed as her pussy was revealed to him, swollen with arousal, wet and leaking. Her puffy outer labia were pump, creating a tight slit that shielded what was within, the skin a beautiful soft caramel that was flushed red. Discarding her panties, he devoured her with his eyes, her mound smooth but for a small patch of downy green hair, so fine he almost missed it. Damp with her lust, he lightly traced her mons with his finger tips, stroking the hair, feeling how squishy her aroused flesh felt.

This was her most intimate place.

“J-Jaune,” she shivered as his palms rested on her inner thighs, framing her vagina. “Ah~! No~~”

Her legs spread without resistance as he pushed, opening her up wide. Her tight slit opened slightly, a hint of gooey pink revealed to him. His cock flexed happily, wanting nothing more to bury itself inside it and shoot its load, but Jaune wanted more.

Emerald had jerked him off and sucked him, so he was going to pay her back in kind.

Her body tensed as he got down on his knees, pulling her butt until it partially overhung the side of the desk. When Jaune’s hot breath gusted over her molten snatch, she swallowed thickly, a small moan escaping her.

“W-What are…” she began, only to gasp brokenly as he placed a wet kiss on the seam where her pelvis met her thigh. Jaune nuzzled her vulva with his nose, inhaling deeply, her thick, womanly musk rendering him almost senseless. “Jaune~!

Fingers creeping in, he parted her puffy labia, stretching her open. The prettiest shade of pink he had ever seen greeted him, her inner labia thin and moist from her arousal, stretching from the hood of her little clitoris and framing her urethra and vaginal entrance. Her hole visibly twitched as his hot breath gusted across her drenched quim, his eyes drinking all of it in.

Her clit was shy, peeking only the very tip out from its hooded prison. Using a single finger, he pulled back the hood, her sensitive bundle of nerves stretching as he pulled back its protection. Emerald moaned unabashedly as pleasure trickled through her belly, a simple caress setting her aflame. Never in her life did she believe she would have a man between her legs, his face inches from her cunt.

It was too much. He hadn’t even properly touched her yet and it felt like her belly was going to melt, her womb throbbing as her heart pounded rapidly in her chest. This man who treated her like a woman to be cherished, gifting her a necklace thought lost to time, a precious keepsake of her deceased parents…

How had she ended up here?

Wetting his fingers with her natural lubrication, he gently stroked her labia, relishing the slick, smooth feeling of her impossibly soft skin. When his fingers were sufficiently moist, he began to slowly rub her clit with the lightest of touches, side to side, starting at the hood. Pleasure pooled hotly in her stomach, Emerald’s thighs trembling as pure desire erupted inside her.

She’d masturbated before. Of course she had. But this felt much more intense. Even though he was barely touching her, her clitoris ignited as he lightly rubbed her, body feeling flighty, a deep itch begging to be scratched.

Jaune had never done anything like this before. Just as Emerald had been new to sucking cock, Jaune had never eaten a girl out before, or even fingered one. But he’d had years of imagining what it would be like, fantasized about what he would do when he finally got the chance, and he had watched enough porn to know the basics.

He wanted her to feel as good as she’d made him feel.

He wanted to make her cum.

When the pad of his finger directly stroked her clit, her hips nearly leapt up off the desk. A keening cry sounded throughout the classroom, followed by another as he pet it up and down, using a little more pressure. Leaning in, delirious with her thick scent, he placed a chaste kiss on her twitching entrance, his tongue swiping out to lap at her. She tasted of woman, a new experience for him, and yet he knew. Emerald inhaled sharply as she felt his hot, wet tongue lick at her, biting her lip hard enough to bruise when he swirled it around, tasting more of her.

She felt like she was going to die, and he had only just begun.

His other hand joined in on the fun, prodding at her entrance curiously. She was very tight, his finger finding resistance as he pressed inside her, wiggling around. Emerald cooed as she felt her tunnel stretch slightly, his long, strong digit sinking further and further. Panting harshly, her insides coiled around his finger firmly, throbbing as he touched her pleated, bumpy folds.

“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he groaned, taking her inner labia between his lips and sucking. Emerald arched her back as he strummed her clit harder. “Mmm, damn it, Emerald. You look so fucking sexy down here.”

“Ah~!” she squealed as his nose brushed over her clitoris, and then his lips, giving her pearl a soft kiss. “Oh~! Mm – oouh~!”

Soon one finger became two, stretching her out further, pumping into her wet snatch. When his tongue lashed out and licked her clit, she sobbed in bliss, lightning arcing up her spine. Waves of pleasure rolled through her, her tummy tightening, her abs rock hard as her womb throbbed, threatening to melt. Emerald knew her climax was already approaching, her pussy on a hair trigger, and she barreled towards her end gladly.

Jaune felt her wet folds spasm as he sucked on her clitoris, so he did it again. His fingers pistoned into her now, her pussy opening up to him even as it tightened, shlick, slick, slick, the sound of her wetness as he finger blasted her causing his cock to tremble with desire. His balls felt tight, and pre-cum oozed from the tip, dangling from the end as he tried to reach deeper inside her, wiggling his fingers before turning his hand, palm up.

When he curled his fingers, Emerald cried out.

Jaune~!” she seethed, her hips rocking. “Fuck, hmmm~! Nhhhg~! Right there~!

The flesh was slightly rougher here, swollen, growing. Jaune stroked it back and forth, digging his fingers in and she sang, body jerking, her mound pressing up against his mouth as he sucked and flicked her clit. With a feeling of pride, he knew he’d found her g-spot and attacked it relentlessly until she couldn’t take it any more.

I’m cumming,” she gasped, eyes rolling up into her head as her toes spread, feet arching as her legs kicked out. “Ahhnmmmngghhhh~! I’mcuuumm—iiiing~!”

Even if she hadn’t announced her end for him to hear, he would have known as her walls collapsed around his thrusting fingers, clenching down hard as her body locked up. Her sounds of ecstasy only made his cock harder, pure steel throbbing between his legs as she shattered beautifully, her soul wrenching gasps only egging him on. Jaune continued making out with her pounding clit, her mound rolling across his lips and face as he jabbed at her g-spot repeatedly – four, five, six times before his fingers were forced out of her spasming pussy, a gush of liquid striking him on the chin.

He’d made her squirt.

Emerald sobbed brokenly as she felt the pressure in her tummy release, flowing out of her as her muscles tensed and relaxed in mind numbing contractions. His mouth on her clitoris mid-orgasm was pure torture, the pleasure threatening to turn into pain. Jaune feasted on hungrily, hands grappling with her thighs as she shook wildly until she begged him to stop.

With one final broad sweep of his tongue, he released her.

Emerald stared at the ceiling, chest heaving as she desperately fought for air. Her body was wracked by tremors, a feeling of euphoria making her giddy and dazed. One of her hands cupped her belly, right above her melting womb, the other covering her face as she attempted to recover some semblance of dignity.

She had never cum so hard in her entire life.

Emerald heard Jaune moving around and when she peeked through her fingers, she saw him untangling his pants and underwear from around his ankles, kicking off his shoes until he was completely nude. His long, fat cock jutted out from his pelvis lewdly, dripping pre-ejaculate, the head flushed a deep red along with part of his burly shaft.

Fingers digging around in his pockets, Emerald saw a metallic square clasped in his hand. An unmistakable shape, her sensitive, post-orgasm pussy clenching at the sight.

A condom.

Jaune had come prepared.

She whimpered as she forced herself to sit up, an aftershock rolling through her cramping tummy. Her skin felt itchy all over, and where her sweat slick back peeled away from the hardwood of the desk felt even more sensitive, a shivery sensation passing through her. Her eyes were locked on his cock, pointing at her with that aggressive curve, those thick veins protruding from the shaft.

She wanted it.

Jaune knew he wouldn’t last long, not at all. With her taste lingering in his mouth, her orgasmic sounds fresh in his mind, he was already on the edge. When Emerald slipped to the floor in an awkward heap, he realized what was about to happen. He groaned when her soft hand reached out and gripped him around the base, her fingers encircling him tightly. Widening his stance, he thrust his pelvis out as she pumped him up and down, one hand becoming two. Even with both of her hands working him, a good portion of his length was still exposed, hovering above her upturned face.

She was going to suck him off again.

“Fuck,” he swore, his length flexing in her grip. “Put it in your mouth.”

Her soft, glossy lips parted over the end of him and then his glans were seated in molten heat. Emerald moaned as she pursed her lips, tightening the seal of her mouth as she sunk down on his meat until it tickled the back of her throat, his taste dominating her taste buds. That deep musk of a man, salty and a little bitter, but a taste she had been craving ever since their night at the club.

Both of her hands began moving, twisting in opposite directions as she slurped up and down on his dick, tongue swirling around his swelling crown. More pre-cum oozed into her mouth, her suction exquisite, his balls tightening every time she inhaled, her cheeks caving in. Emerald set a fast tempo, nothing delicate or controlled about her movements at all, trying to siphon the boiling semen from his balls as quickly as possible.

He was so close. Every swipe of her tongue sent pleasure rocketing up his spine, a knot of pressure forming in the base of his shaft. The sensation of her hands wringing him out, the roof of her mouth dragging across his tip, and the teasing euphoria of her tight throat just out of reach was overwhelming him.

Jaune groaned loudly, Emerald speeding up even more. Saliva spilled from her tight lips, her twisting hands becoming slick. Just below, he saw her awesome tits jiggling from her vigorous movements and had an idea.

“Use your tits,” he said breathlessly. “Fuck me with your chest.”

Red eyes peered up at him through lashes, almost sending him right then and there. Her eyeliner was beginning to run a little, her eyes watery, giving Emerald such a broken appearance that it made his cock stiffen even further. With one last suck, she pulled off him with a sharp pop, his dick throbbing furiously as she considered him.

“Like this?” she asked, straightening her legs and leaning up, cupping his heated, slick shaft in her cleavage. It was a little awkward, Emerald having never done something like this before, and it took her a few attempts to get it right, using her hands to squash her pillowy breasts around him. She didn’t even question the fact that he’d ordered her and she just simply obeyed, placing a cute little kiss on the tip as it protruded towards her face. “Is this what you want?”

“Fuck yes,” he hissed. “Stroke me with them and suck me off.”

Emerald had to use her whole body, moving up and down, tightening her hold to keep him cocooned between her breasts. He was so long that even with her impressive bust, he poked out the top by a good length, perfect for her mouth to abuse. Craning her neck, she slurped him back between her lips and began bobbing her head to her body’s movement, slurping lewdly as she gave her very first titty fuck.

Having her soft, pillowy tits wrapped around his shaft as she sucked him off felt like heaven, the contrasting sensations out of this world. As she got more comfortable, Emerald began moving more aggressively, allowing his cock to slip from her mouth and swallowing it up with her tits, stimulating his crown with her sweaty, plump cleavage before thrusting down and inhaling him back into her mouth.

Already close to release, that was the final straw. He tried to hold on, to extend his pleasure but the night's events had been too erotic and pleasing. The next time her breasts enveloped his glans, he felt that tight knot tremble and snap, his balls jumping in victory.

“Fuck, gonna cum,” she groaned deeply at hearing this, just as she took him back into her mouth. Semen rocketed up his shaft, his body tensing as his cock swelled – and then several fat, boiling hot blasts lanced across her tongue, filling her mouth in a matter of seconds.

Emerald nearly choked as the first two shots thudded into the back of her throat, the next two hitting the roof of her mouth. She sucked furiously as Jaune grabbed her head, fingers threading through her hair as he held her stable, venting all of his pent up lust inside her mouth.

Jaune shook as she kept sucking, swallowing his massive load and questing for more. Face twisting in pleasure, he lasted as long as he could until the pleasure became too much, his post-orgasm sensitivity rendering him senseless. Pulling free of her enthusiastic mouth, Jaune sighed in relief, his still hard cock throbbing in memory of his climax.

That had felt ridiculously good. Better than the last time.

But even though he had just busted the fattest nut of his life, he wasn’t close to being satisfied. His cock was still rock hard, ready to go and as Emerald gazed up at him with glazed eyes, he couldn’t wait another second.

He’d dropped the condom at some point but a quick search later, he found it amongst his discarded clothes on the floor. Kneeling to pick it up, he paused when Emerald touched his hand.

“It’s a safe day,” she whispered, the implication clear.

She wanted him to fuck her raw.

That only excited him even more, his length flexing in eager anticipation. Emerald wobbled as she stood, feeling weak kneed, her crumpled dress falling over her hips and down her legs, pooling on the floor before sitting on the edge of the desk. Shuffling back, she opened her thighs, her drenched pussy leaving a sticky trail across the hardwood as she spread her vulva open with her fingers.

“I want you to put it here,” she whined.

Jaune didn’t waste any time, mounting her, her thighs thrown wide around his hips as he loomed over her, a hand placed by her head. His steel hard shaft thumped against her belly, showing him just how deep he was going to penetrate her. Emerald glanced down, shivering as his hot dick throbbed against her.

He was going to fuck her. She was going to have sex.

Leaning back a little, Jaune took himself in hand and swiped his glans across her wet folds. Emerald moaned as he teased her clit, slapping it with the underside of his meat, the shockwaves of pleasure sharp, sudden, rushing through her. Sucking his cock had made her post-orgasm pussy even more tender, and when he found her entrance and pushed, her tight entrance yielded without much resistance.

Oh~!” she squealed, Jaune wiggling his cock until the crown popped inside her. His girth stretched her widely, so much more than his fingers, sinking into her as he rocked his hips gently. An inch, two, three – his curve grinded him up against her g-spot, and she saw stars, her insides coiling around him in a snug embrace.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” he hissed, ass tensing as she pulsed around him. Thrusting further, he groaned in bliss, her bumpy texture stimulating him in the most wonderful fashion. If he hadn’t already blown his load already, he would have been done but Emerald had taken the edge off, and so Jaune sheathed himself to the hilt, burying his huge cock inside her virgin pussy to the base.

Uggnn~!” Emerald grunted in a mixture of pain and pleasure, feeling full in a way she had never experienced before. As the last inch of his ridiculously long cock slipped inside her, she felt it pressure her womb, a soft cry escaping her as he bumped into her cervix. She gasped for breath, her tunnel flexing around him whenever she inhaled, stroking him, and Jaune relished the feeling of her newly deflowered snatch.

His cock felt like it was melting, her insides molten hot. Shifting his hips, he pressed in a little deeper and she crooned, hands hastily grabbing at his hips and pinching with her nails.

Too deep~!” she whimpered, face twisting. His broad tip grinded over her cervix, the sensation too much. “Oh fu-uuck~! You’re so deep~! Mnnng – your dick is too big.

“I’ll go slow,” he promised, though he wasn’t sure if that was a promise he would be able to keep. As he pulled out, he felt her tight quim clench, grasping at him, as if refusing to release him. Jaune felt every pleat and fold tug at his glans, the ridge of his crown catching on each one. Emerald cooed as his length retreated, before thumping back into her, driving the breath from her lungs.

Her back arched, thrusting her tits against his chest as he hilted himself once again, balls deep.

Oh my god~!” she thrashed, choking. Her womb burned as the tip kissed her cervix. “Oh~! Haaaaah~! Haaaah~! Mmmm – Jaune, you’re so deep inside me.

Jaune tried his best. He really did. Body taut with effort, he thrust slowly, pulling out until only the head remained before slowly, slowly, slowly working his way back inside. His movements were stilted and awkward at first, unused to it, the pleasure coaxing him to move faster, harder, but he held on. Emerald moaned unabashedly whenever he thrust inside her, her sweet pussy tightening every time he bottomed out. Soon his thrusting became a little more sure, establishing a smooth glide, her wetness gushing around his shaft.

The pace was maddening, though. He wanted nothing more than to grab her hips and pound into her with everything he had, to fuck her until she screamed, and it wasn’t helped by the way her face would twist in pleasure, her mouth falling open as the sweetest, most erotic moans filled the air.

He couldn’t hold on any more.

Emerald cried out in rapture as he straightened up, seizing her hips. Lifting her butt off the desk, he thrust into her, the angle different, forcing his cock even harder against the upper wall of her vagina. Her feet kicked out as he struck deep, raking across her g-spot before punching into her cervix.

Pleasure lanced up her spine and she bowed, her hands finding his wrists. They clamped around his arms like iron shackles, her plump breasts rolling from the impact, a nice, wet clap.

Just when he thought she was going to pry him off, she gasped, “M-More~!

The last of his restraint withered and died, and he pulled out, slamming back into her with force. Emerald cried out, her voice bouncing off the walls and high ceiling, her chest bouncing. Tightening his hold on her hips, fingers sinking in hard enough to bruise, he began fucking her, clapping into her with a building intensity.

Emerald couldn’t even think as he pounded into her sweltered snatch, repeatedly jabbing at her womb with his fat dick. Already she could feel the end approaching, her easy pussy yielding to his length and girth. Every time he slid out, it felt like he was going to tug her inside out, her folds coiled around him tightly, only for him to return, knocking on the entrance to her womb. It felt like she couldn’t breathe, her clitoris burning furiously as a tight ball of pressure rapidly built in her tummy, waiting to burst.

Jaune groaned as she tightened even further, eyes devouring her taut, toned body as it bowed back even further, her wonderful tits rolling with each thrust. His heavy balls slapped against her thick ass, sticking to her sweaty skin before peeling away, jostling his eager sperm. Her pussy looked incredible stretched around his shaft, her lips stretching as he thrust harder, faster. A white froth developed around the base of his dick, churned up fuck butter as her wetness never ceased.

She tried to tell him but no words escaped her, only higher moans and squeals. That familiar feeling of orgasm threatened to tip over the edge, only more powerful than ever before. Two rapid jabs to her cervix set her off, and with a ragged groan of bliss, that ball of tension ruptured. Heat flushed through her entire body, toes curling as her climax blasted through her like a freight train. Emerald screamed as he continued to piston into her body as she cum, her pussy contracting wildly, milking his cock with powerful spasms.

Jaune hissed, thrusting even harder as she jerked and thrashed, collapsing around him again and again. He was close, the feel of her orgasming pussy too much.

Leaning down, he smothered her jerking body with his own and rutted against her, pounding deep.

“Fuck you feel so good, you’re going to make me cum again,” he hissed in her ear, nipping at it as she howled. He licked her neck, tasting her sweat before biting her. “God, Emerald – fuck, I love you, hnng – I love you.”

She felt her heart stop cold for a brief second, his words piercing her deeply. With a sob, she felt his cock swell inside her as he lavished her with beautiful words, praising how beautiful she was, how incredible, how smart and funny and fuck, he loved her so much, could they date properly? There was so much passion and care in his voice, even in the midst of his soul rending thrusts, fucking her so deep that she couldn’t tell where their bodies began and ended that it caused something to snap within her.

No one had ever told her they loved her before.

Liquid heat rushed into her, scorching. Jaune groaned, body tense as he forced his hips against her, pressing his cock as deep as he could as he unloaded directly into her womb. With every pulse of his ejaculation, he said, “I love you,”, packing her womb full of his young, virile seed.

Emerald felt like her heart was going to burst.

Over and over, he shot into her, long, fat streaks of cum jetting into her deepest place until she was full, and his balls ran dry. Jaune panted, continuing to whisper his love into her ear and Emerald…

...she broke.

The pleasure, the confession – it was too much. Tears gathered in her eyes and with a sob, she began crying, body heaving as she gasped, shuddering, choking. Jaune peeled their sweaty bodies apart, a look of panic crossing his face and she cried harder, nothing pretty about it. Gut wrenching sobs tore through her.

“H-Hey, wait – no, Emerald, I’m sorry, I don’t,” he scrambled desperately, still seated deep inside her body. A feeling of dread descended upon him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. Please don’t cry.”

His worry and care for her only made her cry harder, his hands cupping her cheeks, stroking her hair. She cried until she couldn’t any more, completely drained, and then she hugged him, dragging his larger frame against her own until his weight was crushing her against the desk. Rather than uncomfortable, it made her feel safe.

“Emerald, what’s wrong?” he implored and when she saw those beautiful blue eyes of his filled with such concern – and love – she knew what she had to do. The thought of him dead shattered her.

She told him.




"I can fix her." ~ Jaune arc


Didn’t even fap…how are you such a good writer?