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Emerald stepped out of the shower, her body glistening as she approached the basin. Reaching for a towel, she swiped a hand across the misted mirror before drying off, her body feeling oddly sensitive. Her stomach flipped and flopped, a sick feeling twisting her insides and with annoyance, it was a feeling she hadn’t been able to shake for the entire day. It was not a feeling she was accustomed to, at least not in recent times.

The nerves were almost crippling her.

The Beacon Dance approached – and she was beginning to believe she had lost her mind.

Nearby, a dress hung neatly upon the towel rack – a deep green halterneck knee length dress with a wide black sash around the waist. A pair of glossy black heels completed the look, resting on the floor below, waiting for her feet to fill them. On the counter was a simple jade stone bracelet, something she had picked up in Vale at a five fingered discount to compliment her chosen outfit.

Tonight was the night. In a couple of hours, Cinder would infect the entire communications network with her virus, giving them total control of the CCT and anything it touched, including the military hardware of Atlas, and even the computer system aboard Amity Colosseum, allowing them to rig match ups and control the narrative. Once that was done, the attack from Mountain Glenn could commence when the final shipments of dust were delivered, a train delivered like a spear into the heart of a kingdom.

But none of this was on her mind right now. It should be. It was one of the most important nights of her life, a night that would kick start a series of events that would change her life forever. Being nervous about that wasn’t unusual. It could even be expected – but that wasn’t the reason her stomach was doing its best to turn itself inside out.

Emerald glared at her reflection, damp hair falling around her face. Jaune asking her to the dance wasn’t an unexpected event. If he hadn’t asked her, she’d been planning on asking him anyway, so the fact that he popped the question first hadn’t bothered her. In fact, it only helped with their plans to be center stage and craft alibis for themselves.

Cinder was pleased, which meant Emerald was pleased.

But she felt like she was a little too pleased.

Emerald was starting to realize that maybe she was in too deep. That at some point, Jaune’s actions regarding her were beginning to stick and that wasn’t a good thing. In a month's time, there was a good chance that Jaune could be dead. Now wasn’t the time to develop feelings of all things.

So what if her heart skipped a beat when he asked her to the dance? So what if she often thought about what it felt like to kiss those lips, to feel his body against her own, to stroke and suck his cock to completion? So what if she had developed a bad habit of looking over the many pictures he had sent her, her loins aflame with passion?

It was just lust. This wasn’t love. She was attracted to him. That was all. Emerald knew this already, had known it for a while. Just as he was attracted to her. This didn’t mean anything. These feelings were shallow, built upon physical compatibility. She’d just gotten carried away, that’s all, sharing things about herself that she shouldn’t have.

It wouldn’t matter soon, anyway. If he died – when he died – her foolish words would go with him. Any vulnerabilities she had exposed would vanish, along with his life.

“Get a grip,” she muttered, gritting her teeth. “This doesn’t mean anything.”

She was just playing a part, and he was falling for that facade. Emerald was lucky that revealing her unsavory side hadn’t driven him away but that was a testament to the ground work she’d laid with him. Jaune was mesmerized by her fleeting touches, soft lips and – in his words – awesome tits.

It wasn’t anything more. No matter what he believed. No matter how much her stupid brain was trying to convince her otherwise.

After drying off, Emerald pulled on a pair of lacy black panties. Since her dress was backless, she wasn’t going to be wearing a bra. Slipping into her dress, she checked herself out in the mirror, pleased with the result. Blow drying her hair, she applied a light coating of hairspray, combing it through before starting on her makeup. The golden eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner made her eyes pop, a light brushing of rouge across her cheeks giving them depth. Instead of lipstick, she went with lip gloss – nothing overtly colorful, just something to give them a nice shine, enhancing their plumpness.

A dash of perfume around the neck, on her wrists and arms, and even a swipe along her lower back. The bracelet went on her left wrist, the jade stone contrasting nicely with her caramel skin. Pulling on her heels, she took one last look in the mirror.

She was ready.

When she stepped out into the bedroom, Mercury whistled. He was already dressed in his tuxedo, the golden bow tie matching the gold lining on his black jacket. The gray vest was a shade darker than his hair with a crisp white shirt underneath.

“Someone has plans tonight,” he mocked.

She ignored him, turning to Cinder. “Ma’am.”

Amber eyes gave her a once over. “You look marvelous. He won’t be able to take his eyes off you.”

Even Cinder was teasing her. “That’s the plan.”

In opposition to Emerald and Mercury, Cinder was not dressed for the festivities but for infiltration. A black sleeveless vest with matching long gloves, tight black pants and a pair of stiletto heeled boots. Cradled in her hands was a mask fashioned from black glass, perfectly molded to fit her face using her semblance. Strapped around her waist was a utility belt with several pouches containing dust, and what the eyes couldn’t see were the subtle lines scribed across her outfit, infused with dust, ready for her use should the need arise.

“Good,” Cinder said. “The more people looking at you, the better. Both of you,” she stressed, shooting Mercury a look. He straightened up. Cinder handed Mercury an ear piece. “I will be in communication with you throughout. You will be my eyes and ears. Keep track of Ozpin and his right hand woman, and General Ironwood if he so attends.”

“Right,” he nodded, slipping the clear earbud into his ear. “Got it.”

Cinder gave them one last look over. “Now go. Do what you have to do.”

Emerald was meeting Jaune at his dorm room. The hallway was filled with excited teenagers as girls in lavish dresses gossiped, giggles erupting all around them. The guys were trying to act cool but Emerald could see their nerves, many of them flying solo on account of lacking a date. Eyes followed her as she made her way towards Team JNPR’s room and she only realized she wasn’t alone when the door was in sight.

“Stop following me,” she hissed from the corner of her mouth. Mercury snorted.

“Fat chance of that. I want to meet this guy properly,” he smirked at her furious glare. “The guy that conquered your cold, frigid loins – maybe I could learn a thing or two.”

“You’re a fucking idiot, you know that?”

Mercury laughed. “Hey, he must be quite a guy if he can get you to dress up in some thigh-highs. I’m curious.”

“Take your curiosity and shove it,” she snapped – but he wasn’t leaving, simply arching an eyebrow at her, as if to ask, ‘what are you going to do now?’.

She would just have to deal with his stupid presence.

Before she could walk over and knock on the door, it opened. Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie stepped out, almost running into them as the ginger haired girl hauled her partner as if she were wrangling an unruly child.

“Come on, Renny~! We want to be early and get into the punch before someone spikes it~!” Nora had to slam on the brakes, almost stumbling as she spotted Emerald at the very last second. “Oh~! Emerald? What are you doing here?”

Ren’s eyes widened slightly, as if something had just occurred to him.

Emerald cleared her throat. “I am here for Jaune.”

Nora blinked, her mouth forming a perfect circle.

“Ooooh~! You’re his date?” she squealed. Emerald nodded. “Oh my gosh~! He was being all secretive and everything, and yet it was so obvious~! Ahh, I feel so dumb! Ren, why didn’t you figure it out?”

Ren shrugged, still staring at Emerald in surprise. “Jaune was very secretive.”

“What good are you?”

“You didn’t work it out, either.”

“Shut up – you’re meant to be the brains, and I’m the brawn, remember?”

“You guys are certainly lively,” Mercury said, sticking his nose where it didn’t belong. “I can see why Em hangs out with you.”

Nora perked up. “Oh, oh~! Who are you? Wait, let me guess – her partner?”

Mercury smirked. “Right in one. Mercury Black,” he offered a hand, a hand that Nora grasped and shook vigorously, almost pulling his arm out of socket. Emerald grinned as he grimaced.

“Your fight with Pyrrha was impressive,” Ren complimented, offering his hand. When Nora let go, they shook.

“Thanks. Your teammate is quite the monster in the ring. She was more than I could handle,” Emerald wanted to roll her eyes at his humble act but refrained, but it was a close thing. “So – looking forward to the dance?”

“Am I ever~!” Nora bounced up and down, her strapless pink and white dress doing its best to contain her bosom. “It isn’t as exciting as smashing some Grimm into the dirt but I’ll take it. We are going to par-tay~!

“Who are you guys talking…” a familiar voice began, only to trail off as they stepped through their door.

Emerald felt her breath catch as Jaune appeared. For once, his hair was styled neatly, combed over from left to right with a part on the side. He’d had a haircut since she last saw him with a close shave around the sides and back, the top slightly shorter. He was dressed in a sleek black tuxedo, the cut of the suit highlighting his broad shoulders and narrow waist, the bow tie a deep green that matched her dress, as was the vest.

He’d dressed to match her.

He saw her eyes lingering on his tie and smiled. “I took an educated guess. I’m glad it paid off.”

Jaune cleaned up really well.

He looked handsome.

“So – this is the guy that has my partner wrapped around his thumb,” Mercury said obnoxiously, shattering the moment. Emerald’s hand twitched. “I finally get to meet him. Emerald’s been keeping you all to herself.”

Jaune laughed awkwardly. “I suppose she has,” he held out his hand. “Jaune Arc. You’re Mercury, right? Emerald has told me a little about you.”

“All good things, I hope?” Mercury smirked, shaking Jaune’s hand firmly. “Em here likes to exaggerate, so don’t take anything she says too seriously. Dramatic, you know?”

He was dead. The next time they were alone, Emerald was going to take a knife and shove it through his neck. She was going to stick it in and twist it, and make it hurt as much as possible.

“Where is Pyrrha?” Emerald asked, trying to regain control of the situation.

“She’s still getting ready,” Jaune replied. “She told us to go on ahead of her.”

That was their cue.

Emerald offered her hand and Jaune smiled, presenting his arm. She slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow, moving to his side and standing as close as possible. They no doubt looked like the perfect couple.

It was fake.

But perhaps just for one night, it could be real.

“Oh~!” Nora suddenly exclaimed, startling them all. She whipped out her scroll. “Pictures~!”

They spent the next few minutes taking photos. Jaune and Emerald together, and then Ren and Nora, and then Nora and Emerald, and then the guys, all three of them. Nora snapped a selfie with Jaune, beaming happily as she hung off him like an overeager younger sister, and then they were moving.

The ballroom was the natural place to hold a dance and it had been completely transformed. Balloons and streamers hung from the rafters and balconies, from bannisters and handrails ascending up the staircase, with chairs placed along the outside of the room every couple of paces. Small round tables had been set up, capable of seating groups of six comfortably, and waiting for them at the entrance was a certain bombastic blonde.

“Yo~!” Yang waved.

Like Emerald, she had gone for a halterneck dress – this one was white with a light gray hem, and was just a touch shorter, showing off a little more of her legs that were only enhanced by the white heels she was wearing, her toned calves defined by the heel lift. Even so, it did little to distract you from her most impressive feature, her prominent bust stretching the chest of her dress tightly.

“Hey Yang,” Jaune greeted.

Lilac eyes darted between him and Emerald, her mouth falling open slightly. “What’s this? Are you two here together?”

“Yup,” Emerald popped the P like she’s heard the blonde do on occasion.

Yang blinked.

“Duuude,” she leaned forward and slapped Jaune on the back hard enough to rock him forward. “What the hell? I was wondering why I never heard anything from Ice Queen. I was waiting for her to start bitching about you but it never happened. Damn – now I know why,” she looked him up and down, smiling. “Hey, you clean up nicely,” she complimented before checking out Emerald. “You two look great together.”

“Don’t they?” Nora gushed.

Emerald heard Mercury make a sound in his throat, one of laughter, and wanted to hit him.

“Thanks,” Jaune beamed. “So – you on door duty, huh?”

“Yeah, well – I set all this up, so it’s my responsibility,” she rolled her eyes. “I won’t be here all night, though. Just for the first hour. You better save me a dance, alright? Now that I know you can shake that thang, I am going to take full advantage.”

Jaune shared a look with Emerald. “Well – it’s up to her,” he jerked a thumb in her direction. “She’s my date, after all.”

Emerald smirked. “I dunno… I don’t think I feel like sharing.”

“Aw, come on~! Just one?”

“Well – maybe just one,” she drawled.

“And after that, how about you save me a dance, hot stuff?” Mercury butt, shooting Yang an unmistakable look. “What do you say?”

Yang arched an eyebrow. “Who are you again?”

Emerald snickered. “This is my stupid partner – Mercury.”

“Oooh, that’s right, the guy that Pyrrha kneed in the chest,” she nodded as he sagged slightly. “I remember now. Sure, I don’t mind giving you a dance,” she then looked around. “Where’s Pyrrha?”

“Still getting ready,” Ren supplied. “She should be here soon.”

Yang ushered them inside.

Even though they were early, there were plenty of people already here. Many of the tables were occupied, and a group had gathered over by the punch bowl. Arranged on either side were trays of small appetizers, everything from cocktail wieners to crackers smeared with smoked salmon, avocado and blue cheese sauce. Nora skipped over and plucked one of the wieners off a tray and popped it into her mouth.

“Mmm,” she hummed happily, cupping her cheek. “These are good.”

“I guess Yang never got her fog machine,” Jaune commented, glancing around. A few couples were already dancing, the DJ for the evening starting with a calmer song to get people warmed up. “Want something to drink?”

Emerald nodded. “Yeah. Thanks.”

While Jaune poured a couple of glasses, Mercury nudged her in the ribs.

“I’m going to check the place out a little, have fun with Straight Lace,” he laughed at his own stupid joke.

“Good. Leave,” Emerald grunted, watching him as he began making his way around the room.

“We’d Mercury go?” Jaune asked, handing her one of the glasses.

“He’s gone to make friends,” Emerald deadpanned, sipping at the punch. It held a strong fruity flavor and was very sweet, though not quite overpowering. She licked her lips and took another sip. “This will make my blood sugar go up.”

Jaune tasted it and pulled a face. “Wow. Who made this?”

“Yang did,” a high voice replied, and they turned to see Ruby approaching with a disgruntled expression on her face. Every step looked like a struggle, the younger girl almost rolling her ankle several times. “She said it’s better to make it sweet to mask the alcohol.”

Emerald frowned, looking at her glass.

“Wait, they’ve already spiked it?” Jaune asked, surprised.

“Not yet,” Ruby assured them. “Once Yang gets off the door, though…” the implication was clear. “She wants me to distract Goodwitch when it’s time.”

Jaune laughed.

Silver eyes peered at them curiously. “Are you here together?”

Jaune nodded. “Yeah. I – uh, asked Emerald and she said yes.”

Strangely, Ruby looked a little sad. “Oh. That’s great.”

“Ruby?” Jaune questioned. “What is it?”

“Nothing,” she waved it away. “Don’t worry about it.”

Emerald tilted her head. “Did no one ask you?”

“What?” Ruby blinked. “Oh, no – but I didn’t want to come with anyone, anyway. These things are dumb,” she declared, fingers picking at her lovely red dress. It suited her very well, the narrow waist only accentuating her growing hips, and to Emerald’s surprise, the bodice was splint down the middle between her breasts, loosely laced together but still showing her budding cleavage. The yoke was also a black transparent mesh, doing little to hide the delicate line of her collarbone. “This dress is icky. It makes me feel vulnerable. Give me a combat skirt anyway.”

“Ah – Yang picked it, huh?” Jaune guessed.

“Yup, got it in one,” Ruby pouted. “And these heels suck. How does anyone wear these things? I feel like I’m going to break my leg every time I walk. How the hell does Pyrrha fight in things like these?”

“Practice,” Emerald teased.

Her pout only grew larger.

“Did Blake come?” Jaune glanced around the room quickly. Emerald looked but couldn’t see her.

Ruby shrugged. “Yang spoke with her but – I dunno, she was pretty hopeful about it but you know how Blake is,” she sighed. “I’d just be happy if she got some good sleep.”

They made small talk for a while, more people arriving in droves. Soon the place was almost filled to capacity, the music becoming faster paced, the lights dimming as colorful LED’s began flashing in accompaniment to the beat. Emerald saw Mercury lurking around every so often, disappearing into the crowd as quickly as he appeared. She took particular note of Ozpin who arrived with Goodwitch on his arm, and not far behind him was General Ironwood.

“Oh~!” Ruby exclaimed, suddenly looking excited. “Penny~! Um – I’ll be right back~!” she rushed out quickly before practically exploding in a cascade of rose petals. Several people shouted as a blur of red shunted them aside as she dashed across the room.

“Penny?” Emerald questioned, eyes widening in recognition. She saw Ruby barrel into a girl with short ginger hair with enough force to knock a grown Huntsman over, and yet the petite slip of a girl didn’t even budge, a brick wall that Ruby slammed into, nearly dazing herself.

Penny Polendina – a girl who wasn’t a girl at all.

It was Emerald’s first time seeing her in person. She’d only ever seen pictures of her on Cinder’s tablet. An artificial lifeform with an aura of its own. Another pawn in the game of chess Cinder was playing, a valuable piece to take.

Ruby was friends with it.

“And there she goes,” Jaune snorted. Emerald suddenly became aware that they were now alone, Nora and Ren having slipped away at some point. Jaune’s hand brushed against her bare arm and Emerald felt her skin prickle, goosebumps rising as he caressed her skin softly. “Would you like to dance?”

It took her a moment to unstick her tongue from the roof of her mouth.

“I’d love that,” she said, setting her empty glass on the table. “Please.”

His hand was so large compared to her own, fingers long, his grip firm. Emerald allowed him to pull her out onto the dance floor, his smile of delight infectious. A smile of her own stretched her lips, and then they were moving back and forth, swinging their arms together as the building tempo of the song grew faster still. It was more of a clubbing track rather than a romantic tune but Emerald didn’t care, a pearl of laughter escaping her as he twirled her by the hand before reeling her back in.

Just like at the club, Jaune’s movements were self assured and smooth. His confidence was endearing and Emerald found herself really getting into it, her feet moving swiftly as he continued to twirl her around, his own steps even faster.

The next song was more of the same, everyone throwing their hands in the air. Emerald saw a flash of gold and suddenly Yang was with them, her white dress flaring as she spun around. Students from all four schools converged on the dance floor, and when the third song started, it was slower – a more traditional song.

Jaune’s hands easily found her waist. Without thinking, Emerald looped her arms around the back of his neck, pulling herself close until her breasts pressed against his solid chest.

“I think I like this better,” he said, rocking side to side, his thumb massaging the rise of her hip bone. Emerald shivered.

“I think I do too,” she murmured back, peering up at him through her lashes.

It was at times like these that she truly understood just how broad and tall he was. His personality made him seem much smaller but he was growing into a fine man with an even finer body. The power she felt in his hands as he spun them around, directing her body effortlessly – it made her feel queer, a ripple of sensation beginning in her lower belly and causing her knees to feel weak, useless. When one of his hands slipped around her back and flattened against the small of her back, she almost sighed.

It was like they were in their own little world. A place where Grimm didn’t exist, and people helped rather than harmed others, a world where Emerald wasn’t weeks away from tearing down a kingdom. A place of warmth, nestled against his chest, where she could pretend that she was a good person – that she was even loved.

A place that she liked.

A sudden commotion drew their attention, a pair of loud voices piercing through the already rowdy crowd.

“Yo, what’s up, man?” the unmistakable voice of Neptune sounded, and they quickly spotted him clapping hands with Sun. To their surprise, Blake was with them in a pretty black dress, looking more alert than Emerald had ever seen her.

“Oh, you know – cat sitting,” Sun joked, causing Blake’s face to sour as she stomped on his foot. “Ouch~! Haha – I was just kidding, Blake. Lighten up!”

“Looks like Blake made it, after all,” Emerald commented but when she looked at Jaune, his face was troubled. His eyes scanned the surroundings for something but seemingly couldn’t find it. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he said – but whatever it was, it was certainly not nothing.

For their entire next dance, he appeared distracted. Emerald felt a speck of annoyance.

When she pinched the back of his neck, he jolted. “Hey, ow – what was that for?”

Okay, maybe it was a little more than a speck. Emerald wasn’t accustomed to not having Jaune’s full attention at moments like these.

“What’s wrong?” she pressed. “And don’t say nothing,” she quickly said before he could offer another lame one-word deflection. “Something is clearly bothering you.”

He hesitated.

“It’s just that… I expected to see Weiss with Neptune.”

Emerald blinked, taking another look. Sun, Blake and Neptune were still talking, only Yang had also joined them after her brief stint on the dance floor. Emerald hadn’t really been thinking about it but she hadn’t seen Weiss all evening.

“Maybe he didn’t ask her?” she offered, though that was a surprise. While Neptune could be a massive flake, he’d been perfectly fine with taking girls out on dates at Haven. “It looks like he came alone.”

“I thought for sure that they’d come together,” Jaune said.

A couple more songs and they took their first break, moving back over towards the punch bowl. This time they could definitely taste the alcohol. Yang had made her move.

Emerald smacked her lips, grimacing a little. “How much did she put in here?”

“Enough for a couple of glasses to get anyone blasted,” Jaune eyed his drink, considering. “Maybe this should be our last one.”

It was by pure chance that she spotted her. A flash of white in the corner of her eye, and when Emerald turned her head, she spotted Weiss. She was alone, standing by one of the tables. It was immediately apparent that she wasn’t having a very good time, her shoulders slumped slightly, her face downturned as she attempted to fix one of the flower arrangements without much success.

“Do you…” Jaune began only to trail off, following her gaze.

There was a moment of silence.

“Go talk to her,” Emerald said.


“She looks pretty down and needs cheering up.”

Jaune eyed her uncertainly. “Are you sure?”

“You want to speak to her, right?”

His mouth opened and then closed, expression tight. He was struggling to find the words. “I do – but I’m here with you. I shouldn’t.”

“Why not?” Emerald grinned. “Is it because you had a crush on her?”

Jaune appeared shocked. “...you knew about that?”

She laughed. “Of course I did. It wasn’t exactly a secret.”

“...and you’re okay with me going over to speak with her, even when you know that?”

She was.

“She’s your friend, right?” Emerald touched his arm. “So go cheer her up. Ask her to dance.”

He blinked. “I don’t think that would cheer her up, at all.”

“Hey – you won't know unless you try, right?”



I'm Starving give me morrrreeeeee!