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“Mr. Arc – the answer to that question was Mantle. Please pay attention,” Doctor Oobleck chided amidst the laughter of the other students. Jaune felt his neck flush hotly, doing his best to ignore the worried looks of his teammates. “We’ve covered this subject extensively. If you cannot supply the answers to such a simple question, I feel I must set you some supplementary work.”

“Yes, Professor – er, Doctor,” Jaune cringed as Oobleck’s face twitched, the laughter growing stronger.

“Meet me after class,” he said before moving on, “Now – the forces of Mantle were the first to make landfall in Vacuo, along the northern coast where dust deposits were rich. It allowed them to cut off the Vacuoan supply chain of dust as well as help supplement their own superior technology. It was a masterful move. What they did not expect, however, was how quickly Vale would move to challenge them. At the time, the vast majority of the fighting had been occurring on the eastern front of Sanus. Mistral was moving ever inland but the increase in Grimm activity halted their advance. Vacuo had not formally joined the war as of yet, but the combined forces knew it was only a matter of time when the western most kingdom turned down an invitation to join them. And so Mantle hoped to strike first. Vale anticipated such a movement, and held troops in reserve for such an occasion.”

That was about as much as Jaune heard as Oobleck continued to ramble, voice growing faster as he explained the intricacies of war. Normally, he would be paying rapt attention. While he wasn’t really a student of History, the Great War was one of Jaune’s favorite subjects. His great-great grandfather had fought in the conflict and the very sword he wielded here at Beacon had seen battle from the fields of eastern Sanus to the scorching dunes in the west. His great-great grandfather was one of his biggest inspirations for wanting to become a Huntsman, even though he had never met the man. It had been all the stories of heroism and bravery, standing stalwart against an enemy that wished to do harm – it was the type of person he wished to be.

But he couldn’t pay attention for the life of him. As much as he wanted to do so, his mind always went back to that. Even though it had happened a few days ago now, he just couldn’t help it.

The feeling of Emerald’s hot, wet mouth against his own. Her lovely body pressed against him as he loomed above her. Her beautiful mocha skin, smooth and soft – and those hands. Those amazing hands, wrapped around his cock as she pumped him to completion.

Just thinking about it had his cock swelling in his pants, but with it came a bolt of uncertainty. As amazing as it had felt, as much as he wished for it to happen again – what the hell was he doing?

Blue eyes quickly darted to the left, passing over his team and searching for one person in particular. Weiss Schnee was sitting between Blake and Ruby, the perfect student, taking notes as Oobleck continued to pace and lecture. As if feeling his eyes on her, she turned her head but he looked away before she could catch him watching her, confusion reigning supreme in his mind.

He liked Weiss. There was no denying that. And Jaune didn’t believe his feelings were at all shallow, even if they began that way. As much as her beauty captivated him, he fell in love with the person, not the ideal – flaws and all. He’d been planning to ask her to the school dance.

But… he’d kissed Emerald.

Jaune had been the one to make the first move. He wasn’t sure what he’d been thinking but having her under him, trapped, her beautiful face upturned, those exotic red eyes gazing up at him in surprise as he finally managed to catch her… the soft skin of her arms, and her smell – something warm, spicy, with a tinge of citrus that had gone right through him; orange?

He hadn’t been able to resist.

He’d thought he fucked up big time, dread pooling in his stomach moments after kissing her – but then she’d seized his head, kissed him back, and then she’d pulled his cock out and jerked him off until he spat fat streaks of his cum all across her toned, trim tummy, making one hell of a mess. He had never cum so hard in his life, had never shot so much semen – but it had felt that good.

But did he like Emerald?

Jaune leaned back in his chair, doing his best to appear invested in the class so he wasn’t called upon again.

Did he like her? Jaune thought she was amazing. She was pretty and funny, and she didn’t appear to care that he was a bit of a dork. She’d been good with his team, as well. She didn’t let Nora’s overwhelming personality get to her, she respected Pyrrha’s space and got along well with Ren, not to mention Team RWBY. Strangely, he found it really easy to speak with her. Jaune was socially awkward at the best of times, though not from a lack of desire on wanting to speak to new people. He just had a really bad habit of saying the wrong things. It manifested in the worst ways whenever he tried to speak with Weiss, but with Emerald… everything felt so easy, and went so smoothly.

She was also a very touchy person. Ruby was the same but the younger girl tended to give out hugs like greetings, at least with those people she considered friends and family. Like him, Ruby could be really awkward – but with those she trusted, she could be herself. Emerald liked to touch him with her hands, placing them on his arms or back, or on his own hands, or on his cock…

Jaune almost groaned but held it in, though it did little to stop the swelling happening in his pants.

So yeah – Emerald was totally awesome, cool, beautiful and had stroked him off. Did that mean he liked her?

...yeah, Jaune thought he did.

Neptune thought she liked him back, as well – and maybe she did. She wouldn’t have kissed him back and jerked him off if she didn’t, right? He might not have known her very long but she didn’t strike him as the type to do those things with just anyone. She was nice but she wasn’t that nice, right? And Neptune had said it himself; apparently she wasn’t really close with people outside of her team.

Did that mean they were close now?

It was all so confusing.

He liked Weiss but he also liked Emerald. He’d known Weiss longer but it was clear that she didn’t think much of him, while he’d only known Emerald this past week and she appeared to be into him. Perhaps he was being stupid but he felt conflicted.

Could he move on from Weiss like this?

He didn’t owe her anything, just as she didn’t owe him anything either. It wasn’t like they were dating, as much as he wished it so. But it felt odd to just… move on to another girl so quickly, one that had appeared out of nowhere.

But this was the way of things, wasn’t it?

He tried to find Emerald in the sea of students, looking around as subtly as he could but she wasn’t there. While she tended to attend most classes and had even begun sitting with them, she hadn’t turned up to this one. One person he did notice was her partner – Mercury, was it? The silver haired boy was sitting at the back of the class, though he wasn’t paying attention to the lesson.

No. He was staring straight at Jaune.

Jaune tensed, surprised. Mercury met his eyes and slowly, a smirk crossed his lips. He appeared amused, giving him a slight nod in greeting. Hesitating, Jaune nodded back before turning around.

What was that about?

When class finished, Jaune collected all his books and stuffed them in his book bag before standing. He followed his team out into the hallway, expecting an ambush that never came. Rather, it came from a different source.

“Jaune,” Pyrrha grabbed his arm, causing him to stop. He glanced at her in surprise. “Are you feeling unwell?”

He blinked. “Er – no, I feel fine. Why?”

It was Ren that spoke next. “You appear… troubled.”

“Yeah,” Nora nodded quickly, hands on hips. “You’re totally out of it. For like – the last couple of days, at least. Did something happen?”

He supposed he should have expected them to notice that something was off. Jaune had never been very good at hiding how he felt. He wore his emotions on his sleeve.

“Is everything okay back home?” Pyrrha pressed.

“What? Yeah, everything is – I mean, I think it is?” Jaune stared at her. “Now you’ve got me worried.”

“No, I didn’t mean – I just thought maybe you’d received some bad news,” Pyrrha hastily corrected, panicked. “That was all. I feel like you’ve been thinking about something important.”


She wasn’t wrong. But this wasn’t exactly something he could share with them, right? Hey guys, sorry for being a little out of it – it’s just that the girl from Haven gave me a handjob after I kissed her, and now I’m doubting my feelings for Weiss, you know… just the usual.

He’d rather die than admit what was truly going on. Jaune knew they wouldn’t judge him but it was embarrassing and private. He didn’t think Emerald would appreciate him blabbing.

“It isn’t anything like that,” he smiled in reassurance but when he saw they weren’t buying it, he sighed. “Really, guys – this isn’t like what happened with Cardin or anything. You’re right, though. I’ve been thinking about some things but it isn’t something bad. Just… surprising, is all.”

Pyrrha frowned. “You’re sure it isn’t anything bad?”

He nodded firmly. “Positive – and I’m sorry for spacing out. As team leader, I should be setting a better example…” he trailed off. “Shit, I was meant to meet Oobleck after class!”

Nora gave a startled laugh as he rushed back into the classroom, almost tripping over his own feet. Doctor Oobleck was thankfully still there, though he didn’t look impressed that Jaune had walked out without a care.

“I see you’ve decided to come back.”

“I’m sorry, Doctor,” he bowed as low as he could. “I was speaking with my team.”

He remained in that position until he heard the man sigh.

“While I would never accuse you of being the most attentive student, Mr. Arc – it is rare for you to simply ignore the lesson.”

What could he say?

“Though I understand the rigors of leading a team,” Oobleck continued, considering him closely. “You mustn’t let the coming festival distract you from your school work. While the Vytal Festival is important, that does not mean that everything else loses its importance also.”

Jaune blinked. Did he think he was being overwhelmed by his duties? He wasn’t about to correct him otherwise.

“Uh – right, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Oobleck nodded. “See that you do. Now then,” reaching into his desk, he pulled out a workbook. “I want you to complete this by the time the festival begins. It will count towards your grade as extra credit.”

Jaune cringed.

“Yes, Doctor,” he said, taking the book.

Extra work – great.

Thankfully, History was the last class of the day. His team had waited for him and they made their way back to their room, Jaune informing them of his punishment. A quick glance through the pages told him that it didn’t appear too difficult. There were a bunch of multiple choice questions and some regular questions that required answering, but it wasn’t like he needed to write an essay or anything.

He’d gone easy on Jaune.

“I could help you with that, if you want,” Pyrrha offered as they set their bags down.

“Dibs on the shower~!” Nora sang before rushing into the bathroom after collecting some clothes, slamming the door behind her.

Ren shook his head, though he had a smile on his face.

“Nah, it’s fine – this is my punishment for not paying attention. I should be the one to do it.”

“I don’t mind.”

“I know – but even so, thanks for offering,” Jaune smiled at her, and Pyrrha smiled back. “But I should do this. We’ve only got half a day tomorrow, right?”

“We’ve got Professor Peach in the afternoon and that’s it,” Ren confirmed. “I believe many of the teachers will be busy, showing foreign dignitaries around the school grounds.”

“Amity Colosseum is also due to arrive in the morning,” Pyrrha reminded them. “I’ve heard many things about it. I’ve seen it on tv, of course – but I’ve never had the chance to fight in it.” She looked excited by the idea of it.

It was a stadium that floated in the sky. As terrified as Jaune was of fighting in front of a worldwide audience, even he was excited by it. He just hoped he didn’t make an ass of himself in front of hundreds of thousands of people, including his family. His sisters wouldn’t let him live it down if he did.

Jaune contemplated the workbook he’d been given. There was no better time than the present, right? But just as he was about to go sit down at their shared desk and get to work, his scroll vibrated in his pocket.

For a brief moment, he thought it might be Emerald, a wave of excitement rushing through him. It wasn’t her.

It was Yang.

Yang Xiao Long: Yo, since we have the morning off, I thought we could go hang tonight. You owe me a dance. Ready to get schooled?

Jaune stared at the message, dumbfounded. He hadn’t been expecting that.

Before he could reply, she messaged again.

Yang Xiao Long: I already shot a text Emerald’s way and she’s game. Ask Pyrrha if she wants to join us.

Emerald was going.

He was going clubbing – with Emerald.

There was no way he was going to miss that.

“Uh, hey – Pyrrha?”


“Yang wants to know if you want to go out clubbing tonight.”

She appeared startled by the question, looking at him in surprise. “It’s a Thursday.”

“Yeah but since we don’t have any classes in the morning…” Jaune trailed off. “No good?”

“Uh – no, it isn’t that – I just, I mean,” she stammered, a little flustered. “It was just unexpected.”

“What about you, Ren?” Jaune asked, giving her some time to think about it. “Want to come?”

“No, thank you,” he said. “That isn’t really my scene.”

“Fair enough.”

“I’ll come,” Pyrrha finally managed to get out. “I’ve never gone to a nightclub before, though…”

Jaune shrugged. “Me neither – but I’m sure we’ll be fine. Yang will be with us. Apparently she knows all the good spots. Oh, and Emerald is coming as well.”

When Nora was finished showering, he asked if she wanted to join them but she also declined, though only after learning that Ren was staying at Beacon. Jaune smiled. He knew his friends weren’t dating but he honestly thought it was just a matter of time. Nora didn’t exactly hide how she felt about her childhood friend and any chance for some genuine alone time with him was to be cherished.

He shot Yang a quick text back, letting her know what was happening. She replied instantly.

Yang Xiao Long: Great~! I asked Weiss but she started lecturing me about wasting valuable time. That girl, I swear…

Jaune would have normally felt sad that Weiss wouldn’t be joining them but instead, he only felt relief. Having her there with Emerald would only make things doubly confusing for him and that wasn’t something he was ready to deal with right now.

Plans set, he spent the rest of the afternoon working on his supplementary work before having a shower, and getting ready for their night out on the town.

He rifled through his things and found a nice pair of pants, a light beige that paired well with the tight shirt Emerald had helped him pick out. He didn’t really have the shoes for the occasion, so he just went with his school shoes. All the while, he sent subtle glances Ren’s way as Pyrrha entered the bathroom and showered, wordlessly asking for his advice.

Ren was his fashion councilor, after all.

“You look fine,” Ren assured him as Jaune shrugged on a jacket, this one black with wide bands of white around the cuffs.

Nora nodded in agreement, giving him a thumbs up. “Delicious!”

Jaune snorted. “Are you calling me a snack?”

“Yup~! You’re totally killing it, Jaune-Jaune.”

He could always trust Nora to help inflate his ego. When Pyrrha exited the bathroom, Jaune was momentarily stunned as he looked her over. She wasn’t wearing anything flashy; a red strapless top that showed off her defined shoulders and a pair of tight jeans with a fancy metal belt that looked like several golden chain links bound together, and simple dark heeled shoes – but even so, she looked magnificent. Instead of her usual ponytail, her hair was free to hang around her shoulders and down her back, a river of crimson that matched her top, while she had applied a deeper shade of dark green eyeshadow, making her emerald eyes pop. Atop her brow, she maintained her circlet and clasped in her hands was a leather jacket, the one they’d purchased that matched Emerald’s.

Nora whistled.

Pyrrha’s cheeks flushed. “Nora,” she warned.

“You look amazing,” Jaune said involuntarily and she flushed even darker. “You always do but…”

The look she gave him was difficult to decipher.

They met Yang out in the hallway after saying their goodbyes and she was dressed to impress. Black leather pants clung to her legs like a second skin, stretching over her voluptuous hips and cupping her pert rear, leaving nothing to the imagination. Her midriff was exposed which wasn’t anything unusual, her trim stomach and narrow waist leading up to a yellow spaghetti strap crop top that accentuated her already impressive bust. Violet eyeshadow had been applied, bringing out the vibrant color of her lilac eyes, a deep score of eyeliner making them pop even more aggressively. Her golden tresses looked as beautiful and well looked after as always, tumbling down her back in waves. Instead of her gauntlets, her wrists were adorned with a number of bracelets and bangles; black, gold, silver, and even one that was multicolored like a rainbow. Like Pyrrha, folded over her arms was a familiar leather jacket.

“Oho, I like that look,” Yang smirked as she caught his glance of admiration. She struck a pose, thrusting out her chest. “So? What do you think~?”

Jaune coughed. “You look great.”

“Don’t I?” she chirped, giving a little bounce. “What do you think, Pyrrha? Do I look hot or do I look hot?”

Pyrrha smiled. “Sizzling.”

Yang laughed.

“C’mon, Emerald is going to meet us by the airship terminal.”

They garnered their fair share of looks as they made their way across campus. Whispers followed them and Yang preened, nudging him in the side with a cheeky smile stretching her lips.

“What do you think they’re thinking?” she asked coyly. “Which one of those hot mamas is VB getting lucky with? Or is it both?”

Jaune nudged her back with a scoff. “As if.”

“I suppose you’re right,” she nodded. “Your crush on Weiss isn’t exactly a secret.”

If only she knew the turmoil going on within his mind about that very thing.

Emerald was waiting on the bench where they first met and when she stood to greet them, he wasn’t mentally prepared. Dressed in a dark green backless top that revealed the long, smooth plains of her toned back, she also wore a pair of low riding jeans that left an alluring strip of skin exposed between top and bottoms. Golden eyeshadow followed the curve of her exotic eyes, mascara deepening her eyelashes. Folded over her arms was the leather jacket he’d suggested she buy. Jaune drank her in as Yang hurried over to dap her up, staring at the thin straps that secured her top around her waist and across her shoulder blades.

She wasn’t wearing a bra.

Jaune swallowed.

Then his eyes fell lower. Neptune hadn’t been kidding. She had an ass. The way her jeans cupped her behind only enhanced its shape, compressing her thighs and lifting her pert rear even higher. It looked so tight and firm, he could bounce a coin off of it.

“Hello,” Pyrrha greeted, giving Emerald a small wave.

“Hey,” Emerald returned before shooting Jaune a look. “Hey Jaune.”

He cleared his throat. “Uh – hey. Ready to party?”

Yang snorted. “Ready to wallow in defeat? You talked a big game but you can’t back out now.”

Her challenging tone helped to settle Jaune’s nerves. “I hope your ego won’t be bruised too much when I take you down.”

“Ohoho – that’s the spirit~!”

Vale looked completely different at night. A sea of lights like a glittering carpet unfurled below them as they took to the air. His stomach roiled but his nausea didn’t feel as bad as usual, the cool air filtering into the airship helping.

A hand settled on his arm and he turned, finding Emerald grinning at him.

“Feel alright?” she asked.

He nodded numbly, hyper aware. That was the hand that had gripped his cock and pumped it until he shot all over her body. That mouth was the mouth he’d kissed, those moist lips were the lips he’d tasted and that tongue…

“I’m fine,” he tried, voice a little high. He could smell that same scent from her, spicy with a hint of citrus that remained prominent in his memories. “All good here. Haha hah…”

Emerald smirked, giving him a small wink.

Even though it was night, the city was still as busy as ever. Less children but more teenagers, the stores and malls packed to the brim, the streets overflowing. They didn’t bother walking this time, Yang hailing down a taxi to ferry them across town to where all the nightclubs were situated. As they approached, he could already hear the pounding music.

“This place is pretty good, they usually have the best DJ’s in the city performing,” Yang said as she helped Pyrrha out of the car. Jaune held out his hand without thinking and Emerald took it, pulling herself up. “Their drinks are a little pricier than the norm, though.”

There was a line outside; a long line. They were about to take their place at the back of the queue when Pyrrha stopped them, instead making a beeline for the bouncers.

“What is she…” Yang trailed off before figuring out what was going on. “Oh!”

It was unusual for Pyrrha to leverage her fame in any way, often shying away from the privilege it could grant her. The bouncers noticed her approach, recognized her in short order after a few words of exchange and opened the way. Turning, Pyrrha waved them forward and they hurried to follow, the people at the front of the line complaining at first until they realized who she was.

“Oh my god, is that Pyrrha Nikos?” a girl whispered, pulling out her scroll to take a picture.

“It is~!” her friend bounced up and down, excited. “Oh~! I’ve never seen her in person before.”

Any ill feelings evaporated as people clamored for a better angle, taking snapshots as they were ushered inside. Pyrrha grinned at him awkwardly as Yang high-fived her.

“Damn, sometimes I forget that you’re like – a big shot,” Yang laughed. “I need to bring you with me more often. I know some of the guys that work the doors around town but this place is pretty selective.”

They were in a long, wide hallway illuminated with small blue lights every couple of feet. The walls shook from the throbbing beat of some electronic song and when they entered the club proper, they were hit with a wave of sound. The dance floor was front and center, surrounded by booths and tables on three sides. The bar was on the final side, and above the bar was the DJ on an elevated platform, multi hued lights flashing wildly as he danced back and forth, arms pumping as he worked the crowd. Next to the bar was a staircase that took you to the second floor, a series of walkways and balconies overlooking the dance floor ringing the room.

Mist poured from a fog machine, giving the whole room an ethereal glow as the flashing lights lit it up in a multitude of colors. People writhed on the dance floor, bodies coming together, gyrating to the rhythm blasting from the massive speakers positioned around the room to maximize coverage. As one song finished and another seamlessly began, confetti rained from the ceiling amidst a shower of bubbles.

It looked like a pretty wild place.

“You guys want anything to drink?” Yang shouted, pointing to the bar.

He exchanged looks with Pyrrha and Emerald, unsure – before he just nodded, shrugging his shoulders.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Get me whatever,” he yelled back. He wasn’t really a drinker. Other than a few beers with his dad, he was a complete novice.

“Same,” Pyrrha cupped her hands around her mouth, amplifying her voice.

Emerald just shrugged.

Yang rolled her eyes. “Fine. Don’t bitch and moan if you don’t like it! Find us a table or something!”

Easier said than done.

The place was packed. Jaune took the lead, Emerald and Pyrrha following behind him as he shouldered his way around the dance floor, looking for a spare spot for them to sit. All the tables were taken but as luck would have it, a single booth was unoccupied. The leather seats were plush and comfortable, Jaune sliding in closest to the wall. Emerald slipped in after him, taking advantage of Pyrrha’s minor hesitation.

His partner slid in opposite them, pouting.

Yang found them shortly after, her arms laden with drinks. Jaune stared as she set a tall glass down in front of him, the liquid a rich amber color filled with ice, with a frosting of something around the rim. Pyrrha’s drink was in a wide margarita glass, the liquid a vibrant red on top, leaching into orange below. Emerald’s was a bright green with what looked like sugar dusted around the rim.

Yang’s was in a short glass, bright orange below with yellow on top, no ice with a small umbrella tilting over the edge.

“Enjoy~!” she said happily, sitting next to Pyrrha and wasting little time, taking a sip of her drink. “Mmm~! Best strawberry sunrise in town.”

Jaune sipped his drink, expecting something bitter but was surprised to find otherwise. Instead it held a hint of spice, and the strong burn of the alcohol was dulled by the sweetness of the frosting around the lip of the glass.

“What is this?” he asked.

Yang shrugged her shoulders. “Dunno. I just asked for whatever,” at Jaune’s unimpressed look, she laughed. “That’s what you asked for. All I know is that it has rum in it. I think the frosting is some sort of sugar syrup whipped with something else.”

Jaune wasn’t sure how he felt about drinking something that even Yang didn’t know the name of but it tasted pretty good. Emerald peered at her drink as if she was studying its contents before slowly bringing it to her lips.

Her expression twisted slightly as she had a taste.

“Sour,” she said, pursing her lips. “The sugar helps a little bit.”

On the other hand, Pyrrha took one sip of her drink and then another, and another, her face filled with delight.

“This is really yummy,” she beamed happily, and it wasn’t long until her glass was almost empty. Even Yang looked a little startled. “It’s very fruity. I think I can taste mango!”

“How much do we owe you?” Jaune asked but Yang waved him off.

“Don’t worry about it, you can buy the next round.”

“I’m getting another one,” Pyrrha announced, climbing over Yang and making a beeline for the bar before they could react, empty glass in hand.

“Uh… guess she really liked that drink.”

Yang snorted. “I guess so. Man, I really need to get one of these fog machines for the school dance. It’ll really set things off, don’tcha think?

It was hard to have a conversation when every word needed to be yelled, so they sat together listening to the music and watching the people on the dance floor. Pyrrha returned with another drink, managing to get the same one Yang had ordered for her, and then when everyone else was finished, Jaune went to the bar to order four more. The bartender knew at once what he wanted, just by sighting their empty glasses and whipped up another batch as he paid.

When they finished their next drinks, Yang issued her challenge.

“So – Vomit Boy, are you ready to eat your words or what?”

He felt a little flushed around the collar and he shrugged off his jacket, the alcohol already getting to him.

“You’re on.”

Pyrrha clapped as they got up and made their way over to the dance floor, Emerald’s hand lingering on his arm as she whispered in his ear, “Good luck.”

He felt even more warm now.

This new song was slightly slower in tempo, the melody high with female vocals over the top. Jaune could feel it building to something as people began swaying, and he took his place next to Yang.

“Don’t cry when you lose, ‘kay?” she mocked lightly.

“Same to you,” Jaune shot back. “No one likes it when a girl's makeup runs.”

“Ahaha – I like this bold side of you,” Yang grinned with a few too many teeth. “Let's see if you can back up those words.”

He could – and more.

As the melody hit its peak and the baseline came pounding through, he started moving. It wasn’t difficult to get a feel for the rhythm, and once that was established in his mind, the rest was a piece of cake. His body moved effortlessly, hips gyrating as his arms pumped back and forth. The floor was a little sticky from spilt drinks, and the mass of bodies around him heaved as they began writhing to the beat, Jaune following along smoothly. A quick glance to his left showed Yang’s surprise, her eyes widened slightly before she began moving herself.

For Jaune, this was as easy as breathing. The countless hours spent with his sisters, learning all manner of dances. Everything from classical ballroom set to the backdrop of timeless piano scores and violin solos to upbeat jigs danced to the strumming of a banjo, he’d done them all. Every shift in the beat was accounted for, every sweeping roll of the uplifting melody, every change in pitch from the vocalist conveying her emotion. He’d never heard this particular song before, the electronic beat thumping through him as he danced. It was building again to a peak and Jaune followed it, moving faster, harder and then it crested.

The drop was hard. Jaune threw it down even harder. It was a journey, one that Jaune completed easily and when the song began to blend into another, he continued going. Yang moved by his side, skilled and experienced but he could sense the surprise bleeding off her in waves, her face filled with joy. They began moving together, nothing provocative but in perfect sync, Yang’s hair flying around as she threw her head back and forth.

Several songs came and went, and while he had worked up a nice sweat, he wasn’t ready to bow out yet. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d let loose like this; not since coming to Beacon, and many years even before that. As another song came to an end, Yang tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

Her cheeks were flushed scarlet, her lilac eyes bright as she shouted, “I’ll send one of the other ones out.”

“So?” he asked haughtily. “How was I?”

She scoffed. “Yeah, okay – you were right. You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?”

Jaune danced another song before he was joined by Emerald. He felt his already racing heart pound harder as those exotic red eyes fell on him, as if she could read everything that was going on within his mind with but a glance.

“Where’s Pyrrha?” he asked.

“Drinking,” she shouted back, laughing. “I think she’s had a few too many. She was being a little handsy.”

Jaune felt a sliver of worry. “Is she okay?”

Emerald nodded. “She’s fine. Yang is getting her some water. She’s in good hands.”

A part of him wanted to go check on her but when he sighted her through the crowd, talking with Yang while gesturing wildly with a wide smile on her face, he knew that she would be alright. Though maybe in the future, they should keep her away from alcohol – but getting out and letting her hair down appears to have done some good.

“She can be pretty funny when she doesn’t hold back,” Emerald moved closer so she didn’t have to shout quite so loudly. “I think I like it when she speaks her mind.”

“What did she say?”

“Oh, you know – just some things,” she replied, evasive. “So – want to dance?”

He did.

The next song was very energetic, setting a fast pace. Jaune grinned as he began to move and Emerald matched him effortlessly, dancing together as it built up, the beautiful voice of the vocalist blasting across the club.

Starting now, it’s a private daaaay~! And life's too short to feel regret~!

It must have been a popular track because people began cheering louder, the mass of humanity shifting, condensing as people threw their hands up.

And when you feeee—eeeel it’ll never chaaange~! I’ll be there to turn the paaage~!

She grabbed his hand, pulling him closer and he went willingly, their bodies moving in sync. Emerald spun around until her back was against his front, and he felt that wonderful ass brush against him, enticing. It was such a small thing and yet he felt his blood sing, rushing hot through his veins.

Faaa-aall into the floor~! I’ll pick you back up~! You know I won’t let you fa-aall~! So dry your eyes once more~! Never give uuuuup~! My starlight guuides you hoome~!”

The energy built slowly, rising higher, the bass beginning to pound. Emerald moved back into him and Jaune accepted her gladly, their bodies flush together. He could feel every movement of her amazing body, her bare back rolling, the muscles shifting as she gyrated. Jaune matched her movements, rolling his hips, and when the beat crested, the energy shifted, becoming faster, throbbing, the club erupting as everyone began jumping.

Every time she thrust her ass back, Jaune felt the urge to just grab her hips and grind as hard as he could against her. His cock was quickly beginning to swell in his pants, easily roused, and when Emerald grabbed one of his hands and placed it on her belly, he no longer resisted his instincts.

There was no doubt that she could feel his growing erection as he rutted against her, the vocals starting over. Tilting her head to the side, she peered back at him with a saucy smile. Her body was all lean muscle and soft, feminine curves, and his desire was quickly getting out of hand. His confused feelings were washed away, leaving behind only certainty.

Emerald’s eyes widened as he spun her around quickly, fingers sinking into her waist, touching her bared skin. Jaune loomed over her, hypnotized by her strange eyes. Her plump, healthy breasts pressed against his chest as he pulled her closer, until they were almost nose to nose, no hesitation in his movements. He saw her eyes quickly dart down to his lips.

Did she want him to kiss her?

But then the next song was on, faster still and they were dancing, grinding, practically dry humping as hands wandered. Inhibitions loosened by alcohol, by the atmosphere, by the moment itself, Jaune grabbed a handful of her thick ass and squeezed. Emerald arched her back, one arm looping around the back of his neck, lifting herself up. She was as close to him as possible, nothing between them, her scent drowning him in her alluring fragrance.

“I guess Pyrrha isn’t the only handsy one,” she whispered hotly in his ear, and it went straight to his cock, turning him into pure steel.

“Fuck,” he pressed his cock against her belly aggressively and she shivered. “Emerald – this is what you do to me.”

Her smile was coy, full of promise.

“I better take responsibility then, shouldn’t I?”

Before he knew it, she was dragging him off the dance floor. At first, he thought she was taking him to the bathrooms and a thrill ran through him, his heart leaping into his throat but instead she led him over the staircase that took them to the second floor. There was a couple coming down, heavily inebriated and Emerald bumped into them.

“Sorry,” she giggled as the pair stumbled, placing a hand on the girl's waist to keep her from falling. The guy grabbed onto his partner, his jacket falling open. It was quick and the lightning wasn’t the greatest, but Jaune saw something clasped in Emerald’s hand as it came away; a card of some sort.

“It’s fine,” the other girl said, slurring a little, completely unaware that Emerald had taken something from them. The man thanked them and they continued on as if nothing had happened.


Emerald shushed him with a finger over his lips. “Just securing us some privacy.”

The second floor was much more than just balconies and walkways. On the left side were a series of rooms with tinted glass, and when Emerald checked the card in her hand, it had a bold number five printed on the surface. When they found the corresponding door, she swiped it across the lock and it opened with a click.

She pulled him inside and slammed the door shut.

The room was well furnished with a long, comfortable looking couch and matching armchairs, a hardwood coffee table arranged in the middle. The tinted glass was clear on this side, giving them a perfect overview of the club below and Jaune spotted Yang and Pyrrha, still at their booth, unaware that Emerald and Jaune had vanished. The sound from the club was muted, though Jaune saw a number of speakers positioned in all four corners if music was desired. On the right was a fully stocked bar, countless bottles of liquor on display with three taps positioned on the counter with three different beers advertised, and a rack of clean glasses. Noticeably, there were two dirty glasses left on the counter from the room's previous occupants, and a half-empty bottle of scotch.

It was some type of VIP room.

“How’d you know about this place?”

Emerald smirked. “I heard some other people talking about it while you were dancing with Yang,” she arched an eyebrow. “Were you trying to make me jealous? You two looked very comfortable out there.”

Jaune blinked. “What? No, of course not. Yang and I aren’t like that… wait,” Jaune caught the slip. “Were you jealous?”

Emerald rolled her eyes. “No! I just thought maybe you were playing games.”

“I’d never do anything like that.”


“And we aren’t… you know…”

She appeared amused. “Did you think I’d just give a handjob to just anybody? I didn’t think you thought of me so lowly.”

“No, I didn’t – that isn’t,” he paused when she started laughing. “Please, don’t tease me.”

“Hmm,” she eyed him up and down, specifically staring at his crotch. “I don’t know. I feel like teasing you a little.”

Her hands found his chest, caressing his firm pectorals before removing his jacket, the garment falling to the floor. Jaune watched her as she raked her nails over his belly, down towards his belt, his cock twitching in his pants when she grabbed it aggressively, giving it a tug.

“I said I would take responsibility, didn’t I?”

Mouth dry, Jaune did nothing as she removed his belt, tossing it aside before pushing him backwards until the backs of his knees hit the couch. Unbuttoning his pants, she pulled them open, cupping his straining cock.

Oooh,” she cooed sweetly, those exotic eyes burning. “It’s so big and hard. Have you been hoping for a repeat, stud?”

Jaune swallowed. She had no idea.

His skin prickled as she peeled his pants down, and then his underwear, her nails scraping the bare skin of his thighs, causing his ass to tense. His cock got caught on his boxer-briefs, pulled down before springing free. Emerald bit her lip as she looked at his dick, an odd expression etched on her face; a mixture of intrigue with a dash of apprehension.


“Fuck, it looks even bigger like this,” she hissed, grabbing his shaft. He jumped as she squeezed him hard. “What do you feed this thing, huh?”

“I – what?”

“And these,” one hand reached lower and grabbed his balls, rolling them. “A big dick and a matching set of big, fat balls. This thing is a danger to women everywhere so I’m going to take care of it, okay?”

Suddenly he was falling, his stomach swooping as she pushed him. He landed on the couch, his cock standing straight up against his belly as she kneeled between his legs. Emerald nudged his knees apart, his feet trapped by his pants and underwear, ankles locked together as she peered up at him with those mesmerizing eyes.

“Has anyone done this for you before?” she asked, grabbing his member and giving it a shake. A thick bead of pre-cum oozed from the tip and she smeared it around his glans with a finger, tickling his urethra. “Or am I your first?”

“You’re my first,” he gasped when she stroked him, her hands looking impossibly small on his length. “I’ve never – not with anyone.”

“Good,” she leaned in, her lips tantalizingly close to his cock. “I’ve never done this for anyone else either.”

Jaune groaned as her hot breath gusted over his shaft, and then her soft, moist lips pressed against his glans in a chaste kiss that made his balls tighten and his length tense. She giggled breathlessly as his cock flexed and then she was kissing him again, and again, peppering his crown with soft, gentle kisses, making her way down his shaft and lightly pecking the bulging veins, the undercarriage, even nuzzling his balls. She hadn’t even really done anything yet and he already felt like he wanted to burst, he was that turned on.

But he didn’t want to be a quick shot. He wanted to experience this bliss for as long as he could.

When her tongue flicked out and licked him, his head tilted back, almost boneless. Emerald panted as she licked her way around the base, coating him in saliva before working her way up, pumping him with her hands as she did. When she reached the top, she lashed the tip with her tongue, the pleasure pooling in his balls, sharp and sudden.

“Emerald,” he sighed, leaking more pre-cum. She lapped it up before leaning over him, her lips parting as his cock head slipped into her mouth. Jaune groaned as the wet heat of her mouth embraced him. “Fuck.”

She didn’t move much, only a slight bobbing of her head as her tongue twirled awkwardly. Emerald had said this was her first time and he could tell, her unfamiliarity with the movements involved clear as day. But that didn’t make it feel any less great. Whenever she sunk down a little, her lips would tighten around him, applying beautiful pressure. When she pulled up, she would suck powerfully, making his hips want to jump up off the seat, ecstasy sparking up his spine like lightning. Even the awkward swirling of her tongue rendered him speechless, each time it swiped across the tip stealing his breath.

Jaune’s abs tensed as she palmed his balls, squeezing them firmly. Slowly but surely, her movements became a little smoother, taking more of him into her mouth. The way her lips stretched around his girth was burned into his brain, and when her eyes turned up to meet his own, he felt a dark pulse rush through his lower body.

Despite his best wishes, he wasn’t going to last much longer.

She continued to squeeze his balls as they lifted, framing the base of his cock, getting ready to shoot. Emerald focused her attention around the underside of his glans, the tip of her tongue lashing it aggressively. It was a very sensitive spot; almost too sensitive. His cock stiffened as he groaned, hands reaching for her head. His fingers threaded through her silky tresses, helping to guide her.

“That’s it,” he said roughly. “Fuck, Emerald – that feels so good. God, if you keep sucking me like that, you’re going to make me cum.”

That only seemed to egg her on, sinking a little further down his staff. The curve of his cock forced him against the roof of her mouth, the rough texture causing tingles of pleasure to shiver down his length. A little more sure of herself, she moved faster, stronger, audibly slurping as saliva spilled past her lips.

“God, fuck – suck it harder,” he commanded and she obeyed, slurping obscenely. She pulled up until she popped off him with a loud pop, her lips swollen as his cock throbbed at the loss of her mouth.

“I want you to cum for me,” she said, jerking him furiously. “Just like you did the other day.”

“I will,” he promised as she sucked him back into her mouth, becoming aggressive, her teeth lightly scraping along his shaft. Instead of feeling painful, the new sensation only added to the building pleasure. “Fuck, I will.”

She pumped what she couldn’t fit in her mouth with her hand, the other still playing with his tender balls. Jaune’s climax built quickly, his end approaching and when she bobbed her head a little deeper than usual, threatening her throat, she coughed – he was finished.

Rapture rushed through him, his cock swelling between her plush lips. Semen rocketed up his shaft and with a strangled groan, he began firing vigorously into her mouth; five, six, seven fat heaves of molten, silky cum. Emerald flinched as they lanced over her tongue and struck her in the back of her throat, almost choking her. She pulled off him mid-orgasm, gasping and coughing, a rope of cum blasting across the bridge of her nose, another striking her in the chin as she hastily retreated.

Jaune watched with lustful eyes as Emerald struggled to swallow his load, his cock still flexing and shooting the last of his climax across his belly.

Teary eyed, Emerald coughed, her makeup running, her brown skin marked with running mascara and his pearly load. When she finally managed to clear her throat, she peered up at him with such a ruined expression that his satisfied dick jerked, standing upright before slapping back down on his stomach.

“It’s so thick,” she complained, tongue running over her lips. “Fuck, you nearly choked me.”

...there was no confusion any more.

He was a goner.



Great Chapter!


Someone really likes belly cum shots.

Jokester Jack

Yeah I don't think I was able to wait patiently for these chapters to release on the normal sites I love this chapter especially Jaune's inner turmoil about love, it's a very complex emotion