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Jaune grunted as he completed his final rep, arms and chest burning from the effort. Directing the bar back into the saddles, it clanged loudly as a few hundred pounds settled with a bang. Sitting up, he reached for his towel and began wiping off, pleased with his effort.

Another day, another work out session. A large part of being a Huntsman was staying in shape and Beacon provided all the necessary facilities to do so. Stocked with the latest equipment, the gym on campus was easily the largest in Vale and probably one of the biggest in the world. Not only was it stocked to the max but personal trainers and dietitians were available, as well as a host of other services like deep tissue massage treatments. As the future defenders of society, they spared no expense. Paid for by taxes from the city of Vale and supplemented by the income they generated from missions, it was the best of the best.

“So when are you going to take those two girls of yours for a spin? They’re pretty much gagging all over you and you still haven’t made a move. I know they’re only faunus but that is the one thing they’re good for.”

Who they let in had much room for improvement, however.

Jaune sighed.

“Cardin,” he warned.

“What?” Cardin Winchester asked, as if he hadn’t just said a horrible thing. His muscular arms bulged as he curled a pair of massive dumbbells, face pinched with effort. “I’m just saying, dude. Might as well take advantage or are you waiting for them to go into their heat? I always knew you were a bit of a freak.”

If he wasn’t careful, someone would overhear him and sock him in his dumb mouth but there never seemed to be anyone else around when he started expressing his strange views. Not that punching Cardin would do much. The one time Jaune had punched him because he’d gone too far, it hadn’t had the required result. Apparently in Cardin’s mind, striking him was equivalent to asking to become best friends. Being two of only three human’s at the academy, Jaune could see why he gravitated towards him but… did he really have to be so bigoted?

It didn’t even make sense!

He had faunus family members. Jaune was pretty sure Cardin’s grandmother was a faunus – a peacock! Jaune had seen a picture! Did he think these things about his grandmother? If he did, he was seriously messed up!

He sighed again.

“So you are waiting for their heat,” Cardin strained to complete his last curl before setting the weights on the floor. Reaching for his towel, he looped it around the back of his neck. “Damn, man – good luck to ya, you’re going to need it. When those animals get riled up, there is no stopping them.”

Humans and faunus were similar in many ways but at the end of the day, they were a separate species. There were the obvious differences like their visible animal traits and their improved night vision, and then you had those differences that stemmed from what physical differences they had. An extra set of ears meant they typically had enhanced hearing, gills allowed them to breath underwater, and wings – well, Yang could fly. That was a pretty big difference. Then there were the less obvious ones. Personality quirks that aligned with their animal aspects. Blake’s obsession with fish and her uncontrollable urge to chase after laser pointers. Nora and Li locking horns as a way to settle disputes. Ruby’s jittery, almost manic movements that only got worse when she was excited. They all tied back into the animal whose traits they shared.

And then there was their heat.

Faunus women of a certain age began to experience heat, a recurring physiological event induced by reproductive hormones urging them to breed, and it came with an increase in aggression and amorous behavior. Faunus men underwent a similar phenomenon called rut which came with an increase in testosterone, increased aggression, and increased interest in females. The length and timing of these events was different for everyone, and typically faunus had ways of dealing with it without resorting to the most obvious cure; sex.

Jaune may have been human but this was something that all people learned about. Masturbation was used to control these urges and in more extreme cases, heat could be suppressed with drugs. People did this for a variety of reasons, both medical and not. Just as human women could take contraceptives, so too could faunus women though it was rare in the current age for humans to do so, considering their small population. Any child was a blessing.

But many faunus women didn’t wish to become mothers in their teenage years, even though their bodies would love nothing better. It was also a way for the kingdoms to regulate population growth. Even though having more people was sought after, especially in their world which was crawling with Grimm, the population boom that could result from an entire kingdom fucking could quickly outstrip their ability to deal with it. The strain it could place on things like infrastructure and healthcare, and even things like the ability to feed everyone – they had to be careful. Vale was lucky in that she had fertile fields for crops and livestock but even she only had so much land to go around.

People weren’t forced to practice safe sex but it was heavily encouraged.

Jaune knew that eventually, Nora and Li would enter heat if they weren’t taking suppressors. He hadn’t asked because frankly, that was none of his business. If they wanted to tell him or not, that was up to them. When and where their heat could occur, that was left entirely up to their bodies. He knew that certain faunus had pretty reliable cycles but some could come and go at random. Animal types sometimes played a role in timing. Some might only enter heat twice a year, and it was much more manageable because of it. Some might enter it every other week.

It really was impossible to tell.

There were other factors in play. Their general health played a role, as well as their mental health. Diet was important, as well.

And if they were in regular contact with a partner they found attractive.

So far, he had seen none of the signs in his girlfriends. Further still, he had seen none in any of his wider friend group. It was a little awkward knowing that at some point, a bunch of his friends would be furiously masturbating to control their sexual urges but he’d had many years to get used to this fact of life. Jaune just never expected that all of his friends would end up being women.

Thank god his sister’s didn’t need to deal with this sort of thing. There is no way he wouldn’t have been slapped with a boatload of trauma if he’d grown up around seven of his siblings having to – he crushed that thought before it could finalize, pinching the bridge of his nose.

He did not need to think about that.

At all.

“You look constipated,” Cardin pointed out. “You should be eating more fiber.”

Jaune shot him an annoyed look. “Yeah, thanks. I’ll do that.”

“Hey, man – just helping out a fellow human. We gotta stick together, bro. Look out for ourselves.”

Cardin needed a girlfriend, immediately. Just so he would leave Jaune alone. But with Cinder Fall being the only human woman on campus, it was slim pickings. Cardin would be more than happy with her, she was incredibly beautiful in a dangerous sort of way. The problem was that Cinder was way out of his league. Those smoldering eyes had reduced more than a few men to husks when their advances had been harshly and brutally rejected, and from some of the stories he had heard about the older girl… well, lets just say she did not fuck around.

If there was one person at Beacon that could give Pyrrha a real challenge, maybe it was her.

Jaune thought about trying to hook him up with a faunus girl but… that was just cruel. As much as he wished Cardin would leave him alone, Jaune would never wish to offload him to a girl he believed to be inferior, and was only good for sex. In an ideal world, she’d be able to show him that his beliefs were full of shit but what was the chance of that happening?

Great, just thinking about it was annoying him. He’d felt so good after completing his bench press as well.

Jaune moved over to the leg press, loading up the weight before settling in. Careful never to overextend and lock his knees, Jaune strained as he flexed his thighs, engaging his core as he went through three sets of ten. He then upped the weight and did a single set of ten, pushing himself to the limit.

“You’re getting stronger,” Cardin complimented when he finished. “Told ya you’d see better results if we trained together.”

Cardin wasn’t exactly wrong. Jaune found himself often pushing his limits just to work off the frustration of having to hear him speak. Jaune’s mother would be proud. She always told him to look for the silver lining.

The next half hour was spent moving around to all the different weight machines before starting on his cardio. Cardin was less interested in that and so after the larger boy finished off his weight training, he hit the showers, leaving Jaune alone. Panting harshly, Jaune upped the speed on the treadmill until he was running at a decent clip, adding a small incline to make his calves and thighs burn.

Then he lost himself in the moment, running and running and running until he felt like he was going to die. Jaune wasn’t sure how long he ran on the spot. Sweat dripped off him profusely, to the point where he needed to use his towel to wipe his brow and keep his eyes clear. His legs felt like they were on fire, his lungs threatening to burst, and yet he kept pushing himself.

Eventually his steps began getting sloppy, pounding against the belt harder and harder. Giving one final push, he maintained it for another minute before finally throwing in the towel. Grabbing the bars, he pushed up and planted his feet on the sides, deactivating the machine. For a moment he just panted, breathing in deeply before stepping off with wobbly legs.

Finding his water bottle, he popped the top and guzzled down the cold liquid, spilling some of it across his chin and chest. After a few mouthfuls, he was empty, his thirst far from quenched.

“Hey – think fast,” a voice suddenly said. Jaune turned and almost received a plastic bottle to the face, managing to catch it at the very last second.

“Woah,” he said, blinking. Yang Xiao Long smirked at him, hands on hips. “Yang, jeez – a little better warning next time.”

“Pssh – you caught it, didn’t ya?”

“Not the point.”

Giving a small laugh, she looked him up and down. “Damn, man. You’re drenched. What’s up?”

“Oh, you know,” he shrugged. “Cardin.”

Yang pulled a face. “Urgh. Why you put up with that jerk, I’ll never know.”

Jaune made sure to keep his eyes trained on Yang’s, a much harder prospect than it should have been. Dressed in a pair of tiny spandex shorts and a tight crop top, it was either stare at plains of toned, beautiful pale skin or at her full, voluptuous hips or breasts. He was a taken man, so to speak, so he shouldn’t be ogling other girls – but Yang certainly made it difficult. He busied himself with opening his new bottle of water and taking several long pulls.

“I punched him in the mouth and he decided we were besties,” Jaune shrugged again. “Not sure what I can do at this point.”

She giggled, her great majestic wings stretching out from her back. Now that was something he couldn’t keep his eyes off, watching as they extended to their maximum wingspan, each feather perfectly groomed. The feathers closest to the wing limb were a darker brown while the underside of the longer, larger primary feathers were lighter, almost gray and white. He could see them unfurl from each other as she stretched out, showing off each individual feather in all their glory.

It was a beautiful sight.

“You know it’s not nice to stare at a girl’s wings,” she teased and Jaune hastily looked away.

That had been a bit rude, huh? “Uh, sorry.”

Yang gave her wings a little flap, the air rushing over his superheated skin and helping to cool him down. Jaune made a sound of surprise.

“I’m only joking, you can look all you want,” she must have noticed his relieved expression and kept flapping her wings, generating more wind. “Feel good?”

Jaune rubbed his sweaty neck. “Yeah – that actually feels really nice.”

Yang grinned. “I used to do this for Ruby when she was younger, after training. She always said that it felt awesome.”

It did. It made him feel refreshed.

That was a handy little trick she could do. He missed the way her eyes darkened as they raked up and down his body as he stood there, sweaty tank top stuck to his skin and hiding little of the hard lines of his rugged muscles, head tilted back as she cooled him off.

“Is Ruby here with you?”

“Nah, she is lounging around reading comic books,” lilac eyes rolled good naturedly. “You know her. Blake was with me but that sneaky cat slunk away at the first opportunity. Completely domesticated, that one. Doesn’t want to do anything if it isn’t lazing around. No idea where Weissy is, she’s been gone all day. Now I have no one to hold the pads.”

“I could, if you want,” Jaune offered. “Hold the pads, I mean.”

Her wings paused. “You’d do that?”

“Sure, why wouldn’t I?” he asked.

“Oh,” she stared at him for a moment, clearly taken aback by his offer. “I just thought you might be a little worn out, that’s all. Don’t you want to hit the showers?”

He was worn out and a shower sounded amazing but he wasn’t about to turn his back on a friend. Sure, it wasn’t like this was a super important big deal or anything but the small things counted too. If he could help out, even in little ways, then he would.

“Just a little,” he said, chuckling. “But I have enough energy to hold some pads for you.”

Yang beamed at him. “Man, you’re the best. Nora and Li really lucked out big time, I’m a little jealous.”

He wasn’t sure about that but he’d take the compliment.

“Well, thanks,” he said with false arrogance. She laughed.

“Since you’re not at a hundred percent, I’ll make sure to go easy on ya,” Yang winked. She gave a few more flaps of her wings before they folded back in behind her back neatly. Jaune already missed the feeling. “Ready?”


He followed Yang as she led him over to a wide open area that was used for grappling training, boxing, yoga, and other fitness pursuits that didn’t require much equipment. She must have already set up before spotting him, a pile of pads and gloves haphazardly thrown on the floor. Other than a couple of second year girls practicing their wrestling technique several feet away, they were alone.

Jaune bent down and picked up the large body shield. It resembled a vest with thick padding around the front and sides, capable of withstanding body shots. After a moment of hesitation, he pulled off his drenched tank top and began vigorously toweling down, not wanting to get his sweat all over the equipment.

Fuck,” Yang whispered under her breath, too low for him to make out completely.

“What’s up?” he asked.

Yang cleared her throat. “Nothing.”

Dried off as well as he could be, he slipped into the vest and tightened it up, connecting the velcro straps to secure it in place. Picking up the focus pads, he slipped them onto his hands. They were like big padded mitts, swallowing his hands and rendering them practically useless. Yang helped to secure them, pulling the straps around his wrists, her fingers lingering briefly on his forearms.

When she was done with him, she wrapped her hands in tape before pulling on a set of grappling gloves. Not only were they easier to put on and take off but due to Yang’s sharp, talon-like nails, they were just much more comfortable and practical than traditional boxing gloves. They offered much better range of motion, as well, the padding only extending across her knuckles and allowing her hands to grab if need be. They were also the closest equivalent to her weapon, Ember Celica, a pair of mecha-shifting shotgun gauntlets.

Yang pounded her fists together, the crisp leather giving off a loud smacking sound.

“Ready?” she asked, giving her hair a little shake.

Jaune nodded. “Yeah, ready.”

“Right, so – I’m going to practice my combination punching,” she explained. “I want you to keep your right mitt high, around shoulder height – that’s it! And the left, a little lower – right, you got it. Now just extend your arms a little further away from your body,” Jaune did as he was told. Yang beamed. “Spot on! You ever hold pads before?”

“I’ve done it for Pyrrha a few times.”

Yang clucked her tongue. “I suppose I should have expected that. She isn’t the best for no reason,” she shot him a pouting look. “I really was hoping I’d be your first, though.”

The way she batted her eyelashes at him was a little distracting but he wasn’t going to fold to her teasing. Jaune knew it was only in jest. “I guess you’ll have to make due with being second, huh?”

Yang’s lovely lips curled into a smirk. “Something you should know about me, big guy – I don’t like to lose.”

The air between them changed, her eyes narrowing as she lifted her fists. Jaune tensed, setting his feet as he braced himself for her coming assault. Yang didn’t disappoint, keeping her body tight as she stepped forward and unleashed. Executing a perfect jab with her left, she followed it up with a second before throwing a powerful overhand right that cracked against his mitt with power. Even through the padding, Jaune felt her strength but had little time to contemplate it before she darted in, bobbing under an imaginary counter attack before ripping him to the body, left, right, left before finishing it off with a rising angled hookshot that blasted his hand.

The force of her punches knocked him back a step, Jaune allowing himself to move to bleed off some of the force. Resetting his feet, Yang nodded and moved forward, beginning with another double jab before striking him right down the middle with her right, her fist slamming into his stomach. She followed this up with a looping left hook to the body, changing her angle of attack by shifting her feet dramatically to his right side before finishing with a digging shot with her right hand, hooking around and hitting him dead center from her new position.

Beyond just her crisp punches and overwhelming strength, her footwork was impeccable, the snap of her hips helping to generate tremendous force. Yang continued to duck and weave, stringing four, five, six punches together before resetting. Jaune focused his attention on her eyes which were intense, filled with a drive to improve, and not on her bouncing breasts or clenching abdomen – no, he very much wasn’t looking there.

Well, maybe he did just a little. He was only a guy, after all. So much for being a taken man, huh?

He made sure not to ogle too much, though. He’d have to make it up to Nora and Li later.

The longer they went, the more ferocious Yang’s punches became. Even through the padding, Jaune could feel his aura taking the brunt of the punishment as she turned it up a gear. It wasn’t a surprise, really. He’d seen Yang punch clean through a Grimm before, bone and all. He started throwing swings of his own instead of Yang relying on just her mind. She would strike twice and then he would swing at her head, then she would unleash three more before he swung with his other hand, Yang finishing the sequence off with a flurry that would have pulverized his ribcage in a real bout.

She may have been a Golden Eagle faunus but she fought like a spitfire of a dragon, her eyes glinting dangerously as she skipped across the mat, floating effortlessly from side to side. Despite the punishment he was taking, Jaune was having a lot of fun. He always did, training with his friends. Seeing their skill and passion for their craft on display never failed to bring a smile to his face.

His smile only seemed to infuriate her, though.

She glared at him, her cheeks puffing slightly as she pouted. It was a look so familiar to him though on the wrong face. It was moments like these that reminded him that yes, Ruby and Yang really were sisters despite all their differences.

“Why are you smiling?”

“I’m having fun.”

Yang arched an eyebrow. “You’re having fun? Dude, every training partner I’ve had always complains that I’m going too hard. Why do you think Blake took off?”

Jaune chuckled. “I dunno. I mean, yeah, you punch really damn hard, even after you said you’d go easy on me,” Yang chuckled sheepishly. “I can feel it through the pads. But watching you work is inspiring, you know? You’re really good at this.”

Yang stared at him.

When she didn’t say anything for several, drawn out seconds, Jaune began to feel a little self conscious. “Uh – did I say something wrong?”

She shook her head slowly. “No, it’s just… no one has ever called me inspiring before.”

If he wasn’t mistaken, her cheeks looked a little red though maybe that was just from exertion. She had been pounding away at him for the better part of half an hour now.

“How could I not be?” he asked, giving her a serious look. “You move so well and your technique is flawless. You generate so much power through your legs and hips, the snap of your punches are unreal. We all train in unarmed combat but you specialize in it and it shows. I wish I could be as half good as you are.”

Yang looked down, her ears turning red. “Uh – I’m not the only one. Li fights with her hands.”

“She does. She also uses a lot of kicks,” Jaune nodded. “But her style is more about fluid movement and redirecting force, and using her aura to inflict damage. But you? You are force. It doesn’t just come from pure strength, either. Like I said, your technique is incredible. Sure, it could be a little intimidating but I prefer to be impressed rather than scared.”

Yang suddenly turned away, shielding herself with her wings. “Uh, Yang?”

“Sorry, I just need a moment.”

“Oh, okay. Um – take your time.”

Maybe he’d laid it on a little too thick? He didn’t mean to, it wasn’t like he was just blowing smoke to stroke her ego; he meant every word he said. Jaune knew he was a pretty strong dude and could throw a decent punch, even though Cardin’s chin liked to think otherwise, but he didn’t have that disciplined, drilled skill that Yang had.

Jaune had focused primarily on his sword and shield work, something he was very proud of. Yang should feel proud of her skill too.

“You aren’t very fair, are you?” she said and Jaune jumped when she slapped her cheeks loudly.


“You play dirty and don’t even know it,” Yang faced him, her lilac eyes bright. “If you aren’t careful, you’re going to be in a world of trouble… though I think it’s a little late for that. You’ve already caught a bunch in your web.”

Uh, what did she mean by that?

She shook her head ruefully. “You’re a great guy, you know that?”

“Oh – um, thanks?”

Coming from Yang, that was quite the compliment.

She laughed. “Oh man. Damn. You are such a goner and you don’t even know it.”

“What do you mean?”

She lifted her hands and Jaune hastily prepared himself. “Don’t you worry about it. You’ll figure it out someday. I just hope you’re prepared for it… but I think you’ll be able to handle it, champ. I believe in you.”

Okay, now he was just completely lost but he didn’t have any time to contemplate her words. With a feral grin, Yang dashed in and if he wasn’t mistaken, her punches felt even harder this time.


The Doc K

you know, I rarely feel bad for a harem protagonist, but I'm getting this ominous "doom" feeling hanging over Jaune. other than that I loved it! the banter was great to read, and I loved Jaune telling Yang how he's pretty much stuck with Cardin.


Amazing chapter! Love how this is shaping up for Jaune