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Just a heads up about what will be happening next month. Real life is about to get really busy and unfortunately it is going to cut massively into my writing time. It is really awkward timing as well because I'm about to start posting a new story in a few weeks, but I'm just going to have to roll with it.

Starting around the 7th of June until the 7th of July, the normal rotation of stories will go on hold much like what happened over Christmas last year. This means Heat Culture and the yet unposted A Semblance of Emotion will be on hold for four weeks. But just like before, that doesn't mean there will be nothing to read.

Starting from the 7th, I'll be posting chapters from some commissioned works I've done, as well as some other things I've been working on to tide everyone over until my return.


Alexander Pires

Absolutely tragic but understandable, hopefully everything is OK! Excited for the new stories!


Thank you for being considerate despite IRL stuff getting in the way! Looking forward to chapters to come and the commissions!


Take your time and hope everything's going well irl.


Thanks for the heads up, and it's understandable your current position. Hope everything goes well for ya

Jorge Mirafuentes

Thanks for everthing You made and fantasy writing thanks You

The Doc K

I can wait for perfection, real life has a bad habit of throwing curveballs and I'm perfectly fine with you focusing on your situation first and foremost.