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Hey so just wanna give a text update to y'all on stuff and the art coming out.

For the past 5 weeks I had to suddenly find a new place to live and that ate a LOT of my time in recent. The good news is I finally secured a new appartment to live but sorting it out will probably take another week or two.

I will still be drawing in this time but it is not to the usual output level I am comfortable with, I've said it before but thank you all for the support because without the financial backing from here i would have been in a VERY dangerous situation so i can't thank you all enough.

But yeah June I will be going HARD on the art grind but for now here's a lil' preview of me giving Melinoë a fat ass. Hope to have more SOON!!




I’m sorry you’ve had to go through that sorta thing Zephyr, but I’m glad you found a new place to live. Take all the time you need to get settled in and don’t worry about your art output rn. Btw that’s a nice ASS animation dude! Can’t wait to see the final version! 🙏


Hoping this new living situation works out the best for you! Take all the time you need, and don’t burn yourself out!! 🫂