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Commission Info

For the details of getting a commission, there will be some adjustments however rules are still going to be the same, which I’ll be doing re-adjustment for reading and understanding conveniences of the buyer.

If you’d like to compare rules and adjustments made here you can simply search it by using Tag : Old Rules.
Overall rules

0. You must have faith by commissioning Mist Cats !!!

1. For all commissions, there will be a time that it’ll be a pause between one another ( just like a cooldown ) from 3 months changes into 6 pieces period, which means you can simply hire Mist Cats after I finish “6 pieces of Full CG commissions” and this included all personal arts and commissions, so you can ask Mist Cats for commission at 7th queue.

And  Mist Cats can post every commission as if It’s my own ( Same as before ) 

2. For all commissions, I’ll set the payment “after” Mist Cats send the “preview of the finished piece” only except Bidding commissions which you’ll have to pay before.

     2.1 For those who use PayPal you can make your payment at “ PayPal : nummyhay@gmail.com

     2.2 For those who use Thai-Banking system you can just make your payment using personal choices

3. For all commissions, “you can’t ask Mist Cats for WIP progression” as it’ll pressure Mist Cats a lot except Design Commission which requires consistent communication for the constant flow of work’s progress
( From time to time Mist Cats will decide if it’s necessary to give out WIP himself )

     3.1 You’ll need to give Mist Cats the “references” which show all the important details of your choice of character.

     3.2 You’ll have to tell Mist Cats of the picture or the finished product you’ve envisioned (in detail) for the most satisfying result of the art piece.

     3.3 If Mist Cats have any questions about the character-specific details, I’ll ask about it down the line.  However, The “Product” will be resulted of the buyer’s personalities and likings. 

     3.4 After Mist Cats receive all information and details necessary for the art piece, I’ll ask again for confirmation of the commission within 72 hours, after the confirmation is made the commission may begin.

     3.5 Within 24 hours after the confirmation you may still be able to cancel the commission even you’ve already confirmed the commission’s process.

     3.6 The detailing of the pictures can’t be changed after you’ve confirmed the commission process because Mist Cats will have to “re-draw” the whole picture, so I won’t allow changes to be made after the agreement.

So please check all the details and rules before confirming the commission!

4. Canceling the commission after the “canceling process” can’t be made, so if you want to hire Mist Cats for an art piece please carefully read and consider all the rules. 

5. Mist Cats can cancel the commission anytime with or without reasons to support the choice.

     5.1 If Mist Cats choose to cancel the commission on his own after receiving the payment Mist Cats will give back all the money paid.

6. All commission will result as

    6.1 Full CG
    6.2 NSFW pictures are allowed 
    6.3 No Gore allowed
    6.4 Mist Cats can draw huge masculine character but will not draw truly hyper type of characters
    6.5 Mist Cats don’t accept Futa type of commission
    6.6 Mist Cats don’t accept any scenery or view-type art.
    6.7 I will not draw elephant, pig, hippo, ostrich, and weird animals which I’ll also inform you if I won’t draw it.
    6.8 I will not accept the commission involving sexual activities with child or female characters. abo
    6.9 I’ll not draw in the same direction as the buyer references given to me, to prevent issues about using as reference or copying.
    6.10 The highest resolution of the artwork will be reduced to 5,000 pixels.
    6.11 For some fetishes I’ll be able to draw but some in particular I won’t which I’ll also inform if I won’t draw it. 

7. Way of communications

     7.1 Official channel of announcement or commissioning at :  https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nateesilnppalingal/ 

     7.2 Unofficial channel for an emergency commission or random sketch from time to time will be at my Facebook :  https://www.facebook.com/mistcats.gal?ref=bookmarks 

8. After Mist Cats send you preview picture, you may ask for some minor adjustments in the picture before finish the piece. 

9. Mist Cats won’t take a lot of works at the same time, if Mist Cats don’t open for commission mean Mist Cats is working on another commission. 


I. Bidding commission

1.1 The auction will start without starting a minimum price

1.2 the bid rate will be at 10$ minimum per bidding.

1.3 The higher the price get the more discount you’ll get which will be 20% at max

1.4 the discount will start at 2.5% at 100$ and will stack up reaching 20% at 800$.

1.5 The Character’s position and ornament detailing will be told in commission detail ( for example which position allow wings or other kinds of stuff )

1.6 After the auction ended, Mist Cats will ask for confirmation if you don’t confirm the commission within 12 hours meaning you have waiver the chance and Mist Cats will choose the next winner instead.

1.7 If Mist Cats ban someone from the auction, for those people who disturb the auction or being annoying and disrespectful also those who are “blacklist” can’t join the auction again

1.8 the payment must be made immediately at the end of the auction.

 YCH Commission

- There will be YCH preview pictures and some information provided

 Money Bolt Commission

- No preview provided
- There can be more restrictions or detail for each specific piece such as Half body, Character with wings etc… 


II. Normal Commission 

2.1 After Mist Cats finished the commission, Mist Cats will tell you the price of the art piece. As you can pay by these rates or paying more if you’d like to tip Mist Cats
( Price rate Per 1 Character )

- Sketch Commission : 15 – 40 $
- Flat Color Commission : 25 - 60 $    
- Flat Color With Shade Commission : 35 – 90 $
- GrayScale : 55 - 160 $
- Full CG Commission : 85 – 240 $   
- Full CG with detailed background : 135 – 320 $      
- The price may vary depends on the difficulty and details of work  

OC Design Commission

- There's no official announcement if you want Mist Cats to design a character for you please contact via personal channel
- The price of this commission will be the accumulation of all artworks done in each designing process 

Locked commission 

- No official announcement
- You can’t contact Mist Cats for this commission as Mist Cats will be the one who contacts you
- This commission will be based on your wish that being present to Mist Cats
- Mist Cats will be the one who set and choose everything in this commission so you can’t choose details in specific, all you can choose is to take or not to take this commission
- You can bargain the price of this commission

Destiny Commission

- There's maybe a little set of rules or details provided about the commission
- After the announcement, an interested person must give information about what you want to have in the artwork in the comment section with references provided.
- After the announcement is made Mist Cats will set the harvest day for sending in references, then choose the chosen at the harvest day
- The price can get lower depends on your financial situation eg. Low budget, having payment issue or illness and accident issues
- Please don’t lie to Mist Cats as this may result in you getting blacklisted

Reverse Commission

- There might be YCH picture and some information given about the art piece
- When there is an official announcement, you will have to post your character reference for a chance to win
- After the announcement is made Mist Cats will set the harvest day for sending in references and choose the winner
- This type of commission will only be NSFW and Multi-version
- The products from this commission will also be available to buy on Gumroad
- The lucky chosen person will be count as “guest” and pay less for the pictures than the one that sold on Gumroad

The price of this commission won’t be higher than 20$ 



III. No Price commissions 

Prophecy Service : Card reading!

- You can ask everything: Financial, love, work, or even what’s not happened yet by using the Private chat within Patreon.
- Exclusive for Patreon subscriber.

Quiz Commission 

- When announced, those who answer the question as most “correct” will be the winner.
- You can’t set or demand any details in this commission.

Grasp the Time Project

- Special gift!
- This one will have your birthday on it along with the special message I’d like to tell you personally.
- You may get only one of these except it’s a rework.


- There will be no announcement but if you want you may use private channel to contact Mist Cats for detail.

Art Guest

- This one will also have no announcement but if you want Mist Cats to join in the artwork you are making please direct message me.


Last edited : 31 March 2021



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