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Satisfied that none of your beans are out of place, you stash them away in the safety of your boots once again.  For good.

You suppose it’s time you finally wobbled your way to the end of this important-seeming hallway.





Val Salia

Arright I gotta say this much longer-format style is really making for some great opportunities to really get into the minutiae of this whole transformationey storytelling. I mean short sequences are great, but they don't often allow us to experiences and reactions of the character involved outside the basic "OH CRAP WHAT AM I" element of the situation. And Grayson is a great protag for this situation, with the old-timey gentleman aspect, and the inbuilt old-timey perceptions of lady-ness. You are doing god's work, Rush


Dick 'the Penis' Grayson


It's a thing I don't think gets explored often enough! I think I'm doing this now because I completely exhausted the one off gag version of a transformation comic

Val Salia

Haha, well it shows that you've definitely had a lot more in mind on this sorta subject than you could fully express via the shorter-format works! Seriously, my favorite part of these might actually be the writeups of what Grayson's thoughts and feelings are underneath the pics. Looking forward to seeing what else you got cooking!


Windmill your arms as you charge into the darkness


Some proper SFX, there. shooonk!

Darren Forest

Tread slowly to the doorway, some cad may have set up some sort of trap involving cloth-eating gelatinous slimes, or worse: Rust Monsters! Protect your cool new magic sword! And also your dignity, BUT YOUR SWORD THOUGH


Im not gonna lie, that door doesnt seem to be a problem but the lack of light is. Maybe toss the torch ahead of you to gather intel before you press on.


Walk towards the light slowly, practicing walking in the heels, mastering my new footwear so i can swordfight elegantly.